Paul McCain said...
I realize it is essential for the continuing existence of the WELS to continue to put distance between itself and The LCMS, but slander is now way to do that.
This statement:
[i] A conservative Concordia Seminary professor recently affirmed that no one he knows at the seminary still teaches that all of the Bible is God’s inspired and inerrant word.[/i]
Is absolutely and completely false and slander.
WELS folks need to be extremely careful not to permit the right-wing newspaper Christian News shape their opinions of The LCMS.
It is disgraceful that you would spread such slander and lies on your web site.
August 3, 2008 6:41 PM
GJ - Who sought out and leaked to Herman Otten when he was campaign manager for Al Barry? Paul McCain! Who sent materials to Otten secretly, so Christian News could publish them promptly while denying they were leaked by Barry? Paul McCain!
Who denied working with Otten? Paul McCain! Who bragged to me that he did this? Paul McCain!
Who confirmed to me that Otten and McCain worked together? Herman Otten!
Once McCain got what he wanted from Otten, he told me the news that he was the assistant to Barry (after three years parish experience). He said, "Don't tell Otten."
I ended up seeing Otten soon after. He told me all about their work together and that McCain was Barry's assistant. I told him I knew. Otten said, "How did you know?" I told him what McCain said.
Otten also denied working with McCain - in print, no less.
Bailing Water gave me a good laugh today.
Anonymous on Bailing Water said...
"The people in the Missouri Synod have big enough messes in their own synod to deal with before they start worrying about what's going on in the WELS."
Ain't that the truth. Here's a perfect example: "Non Lutheran Female Pastor Featured at LCMS Youth Retreat" (www.ichabodthegloryhasdeparted.
And the WELS is supposed to take advice on church and ministry from the LCMS?!? I don't think so.
August 4, 2008 5:11 PM
GJ - I also find it amusing that McCain's attitude toward Missouri is the same as Wisconsin's pastors toward their own sect. How dare anyone say Holy Mother Synod is less than perfect!
I have my own little anecdote about seminary professors. One of the St. Louis professors said to me, "When Karl Barth was the president, we had to be so careful about what we taught. Now under Johnson we can teach anything we want."
When I asked this seminary professor about the supposed shortage of pastors, he said, "I don't know and I don't care." Later in the conversation, he said, "So, you are that Greg Jackson?" He took some copies of CLP from me.
We can judge the tree by the fruits. Missouri produces Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox priests and WELS produces ELCA, Pentecostal, and Baptist ministers - both while teaching Church Growth doctrine and denying they have departed from their oh-so-strict doctrinal standards. Not one Lutheran sect today teaches justification by faith in harmony with the Book of Concord (the ruled norm) and the Scriptures (the ruling norm). They stand around the statues of their dead synodical leaders and bow to them.