Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Institutional Idolatry Is Still Idolatry":
Faithful pastors spend time in visitation, making that a priority, instead of fobbing their pastoral work onto the laity in the name of "everyone a minister."
When I was a kid, several times a year our pastor would come to our house and just visit with the family. These visits were instigated by the pastor, not invitations to dinner by my folks. He simply wanted to be in touch with everyone, hold a family devotion, and become a friend as well as pastor. We looked forward to his visits. Now that I'm a senior citizen, I think back and compare that to my current pastor. I've been a member of his church in minnesota for over five years and to my knowledge, he doesn't even know where I live, let alone make a home visit.
GJ - I had a WELS transfer member from Minnesota. He never had a home visit in years. There is great truth in this - "A home-going pastor has a church-going congregation." This story saddens me. Pastoral visits build up a congregation, but the Shrinkers want the laity to do it for them. The lazy-bone fake pastors are destroying the next generations, who will neither know nor love the Scriptures/Confessions.
One famous WELS Shrinker, known all over the synod, was phoned to help in a jet crash where many were dying and wounded. I am not sure if he had members on that jet or not. But he said, "No, it's my bedtime."