Thursday, May 7, 2009

Watch the Lutherans Let the Pope Usurp the Reformation Festival of 2017

"That's nothing. Church and Change is going back to the Schwaermer."

Reformation Jubilee in 2017 Must Have Clear Ecumenical Dimension

Hanover Bishop Kässmann: Bible Is Reformation Focal Point

AUGSBURG/GENEVA, 27 March 2009 (LWI) - The bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover Dr. Margot Kässmann has issued a strong plea to "give the jubilee of the Reformation a clear ecumenical dimension."

On 26 March in one of the main presentations at the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) consultation "Theology in the Life of Lutheran Churches: Transformative Perspectives and Practices Today," the bishop insisted that, despite their disagreements and their specific identities, the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches have more things in common than things that separate them.

"In a secular society, a common witness of Christians is of eminent importance," Kässmann told consultation participants. The closer the church is in its presentations to the public, the theologian asserted, the better it is listened to as a church.

With regard to the 2017 Reformation jubilee, Kässmann feels it is extremely important that the event is used as an opportunity for critical reflection. "I am convinced [that] the churches of the Reformation in Germany, as well as Lutheran churches worldwide, are strong enough not to blind out the dark sides of their great founder," Kässmann explained.

"The Bible is the focal point of reference for the Reformation," the theologian insisted. For this reason, she hoped that during preparations for the Reformation jubilee fresh orientation from the Bible will be sought out. She also hoped that Christians, in Europe especially, will once again find a common language. (254 words)

More than 120 theologians from across the globe are taking part in the consultation "Theology in the Life of Lutheran Churches: Transformative Perspectives and Practices Today" in Augsburg, Germany, from 25 to 31 March under the auspices of the LWF Department for Theology and Studies, in collaboration with the Institute of Protestant Theology of the University of Augsburg.

More information on the consultation is available at

Fundies In Their Undies

About 30 years ago, I needed to buy basic church supplies in a small town, so I went to the nearest Bible book and gift store. They always had prominently displayed such recent Evangelical best-sellers as Fascinating Woman (if that was the title). One book caught on, perhaps by that name.

We called the genre - Fundies In Their Undies.

They bowdlerized such current classics as Everything You Wanted To Know about Sex But Were Afraid To Ask, which would have been deemed NSFW - Not Safe For WELS.

Fireproof is simply a new version of the old genre, and another neat way to get the congregation into Babtist theology.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fundies In Their Undies":

Am I missing something? How does this book grow my faith? Does fireproofing my marriage prepare me for the next life?


GJ - The Book of Concord will fireproof your soul for the next life.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fundies In Their Undies":

"The Book of Concord will fireproof your soul for the next life."

You do mean Scripture, of course. It's nice to see you placing man's writing over God's.


GJ - I wrote it that way to elicit another dollop of sanctimony. Nothing in my statement put the Book of Concord above the Scriptures. Anyone who appreciates the Confessions can grasp that. The Pietists jump at every opportunity to scorn anything that might get in the way of their ecumenical Enthusiasm.


Kenneth Schmidt has left a new comment on your post "Fundies In Their Undies":

I saw that awful "Fireproof" movie in an LCMS church I later left. "Fireproof" shows the concept of female headship in the home that is a cornerstone of American Evangelicalism. A Christian husband's sole duty is to follow all the orders and instructions of his wife at all times. If he violates this precept he is a manifest and impenetent sinner headed to hell.

Will WELS-LCMS-ELS Denounce This?
And Keep Working with ELCA?


Lutheran Seminarians Support Task Force Recommendation

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- In an open letter to the 65 synod bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Lutheran seminarians expressed their support for a recommendation that would allow Lutherans in committed same-gender relationships to be included on professional church rosters.

On Feb. 19 the Task Force for ELCA Studies on Sexuality released a report and recommendation for a process to consider changes to ministry policies that could make it possible for Lutherans who are in "publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gendered relationships" to serve as ELCA associates in ministry, deaconesses, diaconal ministers and ordained ministers. The task force also released that day a proposed social statement for the church -- "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust."

The 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly -- the highest legislative authority of the 4.7 million-member church -- will consider both documents Aug. 17-23 in Minneapolis.

To date more than 160 members of the ELCA studying at Lutheran and non-Lutheran seminaries have signed on to "An Open Letter from Lutheran Seminarians to the Bishops of the ELCA." Four members of the ELCA attending Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, wrote the letter.

"We applaud the ELCA's commitment to the dialogue on sexuality and its affirmation of sexuality as a gift and trust from God," the letter stated. "After careful consideration of the issue at hand and its influence on the life of the church, we stand in solidarity, affirming the recommendation for structured flexibility within the rostering requirements of the ELCA."

In the letter seminarians asked synod bishops to "represent our voice faithfully in your involvement in the deliberation process leading" to the churchwide assembly. "Joining with you as people invested in the life, health and ministry of the ELCA, we appeal to your commitment to the gospel and the mission of the church."

In preparation for ministry, "we both see and experience the harm of the current policy and its denial of the gifts present in the whole Body of Christ. Because of the current policy, gay and lesbian persons ignore calls to ministry, candidates feel compelled to lie about their sexuality, mentors are forced out of the church, and candidates leave the ELCA for more inclusive denominations. The tragedy of these events is weakening the integrity of the church," the letter stated.

The Lutheran seminarians said it is in the "best interest" of the ELCA to affirm the recommendation of the task force at the assembly. "The life of the church depends upon the full recognition and inclusion of ministerial gifts engendered by the Spirit." - - -

"An Open Letter from Lutheran Seminarians to the Bishops of the ELCA" is available at on the Internet.


ELCA Seminarians:

While we acknowledge and respect the bound consciences of those who disagree, we have faith and hope that resting in God we can respond with love to the contemporary challenges facing the church and society. We therefore stand firm in our belief that it is in the best interest of the ELCA’s ministry to affirm the recommendations of the Task Force at the 2009 Churchwide Assembly.

Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are

Pastor Tim Glende, from the church website

From the church bulletin, at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Freedom, Wisconsin:


Pastor Tim will be gone from Monday – Wednesday, May 4-6th. If an emergency arises, please contact Pastor Christenson @ 733-7225 or his cell 585-6998.

Absent is any mention of Drive 09. An innocent reader would think the "pastor conference" was Wisconsin Synod.

From the Twittering of Glende, Ski, Buske and Katy, we know that all four were in Atlanta at the Drive 09 Babtist conference with Andy Stanley, that they are such buds with the Babtist staff that the four invited Carlos Whittaker out to lunch even before they got there.

We also know from Katie that a total of seven WELS pastors (see below) were there in Atlanta, including four WELS pastors never mentioned in the Tweets of the A-town Musketeers-plus-Buske. Ichabod readers, I warned you more WELS workers were there. The blabbering Tweets came from the cubs, who know they are protected by the stealthy senior wolves of Church and Change.

The recently retired pastor of St. Peter in Freedom, Ron Ash, has been chairman of Church and Change, the folks who ran the synod into the ground before Gurgel beat a hasty exit to a secure and undisclosed location.

Tim Glende grew up at St. Paul, German Village (Columbus, Ohio), where Floyd Luther Stolzenburg introduced the loathsome Church Growth Movement. Pastors Mike Nitz and Robert Schumann both promoted CG at St. Paul. Needless to say, the congregation shrank from the work of the Church Shrinkers. Schumann is openly allergic to religion these days, like many CG burn-outs.

As Wayne Mueller claimed in FIC The Northwestern Lutheran, the Church Growth Movement never existed in WELS. But no one was allowed to question the Church Growth Movement in WELS, especially in Columbus. VP Kuske worked closely with Stolzenburg and promoted Floyd for a church job after Floyd and Roger Zehms wore out their welcome as leaders of the "first Church Growth agency in WELS." Of course, The Love Shack was first Church Growth agency of WELS, with predictable results.

Dishonesty breeds even more dishonesty, stealth, sneaking around, dissembling. I do not blame the young cubbies of Church and Change as much as the senior wolves who have abused them with bad training in the WELS school system, horrible examples at so-called evangelism days at MLC, and easy money from synod subsidies, grants, and Thrivent bail-outs.

Katie Tweeted: "Grateful for the last 3 days I spent with 7 kingdom minded WELS pastors. Love their hearts for lost ppl." But Ski spoke to the alleged evangelism conference for the Anything Goes District (Northern Wisconsin) this year and last. The delight of Katie seems to contrast the Babtist WELS pastors, "who have hearts for lost people," with the traditional WELS pastors who implicitly rely on the efficacious Gospel in the Means of Grace.

Where does the Church and Change leadership reside? St. Marcus, Milwaukee, promoted on the website. Four Church and Change board members have been associated with St. Marcus, plus Katy, who volunteered there for six years.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

Finally someone is pointing out the duplicity that is done in the name of God. Man devises and promotes such dishonesty -- not God.

Why should these people be deemed trustworthy when it comes to your soul?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

We have not heard much from the Wolf Pack today.


GJ - I think they are waking up or sobering up. See below.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

The Ichabod zombies are hilarious. Brett the scorned layperson, Worms from A-town, Kreuter the former St. Marcus member, and Jackson the zombie leader have all had their hands slapped by the man and now are seeking revenge. GJ wants so bad to connect the Church and Change dots that he dreams up stuff and the zombies fall for it. I don't think GJ could connect the dots if his life depended on it.


GJ - Dreaming up must mean quoting their websites and Tweets.


JR has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

My father didn't give me enough attention. I wasn't breast-fed. My pastor doesn't return my calls. I was passed over for a promotion at work. My ex-girlfriend is getting married. Obama is stealing my tax dollars.

OK, there. Now will you actually answer the allegations instead of resorting to petty attacks that do nothing to reinforce your position? Or is this what amounts to "strategery" among the C&C crowd these days?

I'll ask as simply as I know how:

1) Is there any question that Ski and others were at this Drive conference?
2) How is the attendance of WELS pastors at a pastoral conference attended and organized by others with whom we clearly are not in fellowship okay?
3) If you agree that going to the Drive conference was okay, why was it hidden from the congregation under the guise of a "pastoral conference" that would give the members the impression that it was a WELS event?


JR has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

I'm confused then. You seem to be advocating two viewpoints in conflict. Pastor Glende said he was at a "pastoral conference," yet the conference was "not about fellowship." Either Pastor Glende is lying to us or you are lying to yourself.

"I am not going to change your opinion and you will not change mine." There's another classic C&C talking point at work-- it's all adiaphora, isn't it? That's classic Parlow.

I'd be interested in hearing what Ski and the others learned at this Drive conference that was so markedly different from the last Drive conference that justifies the expense incurred in light of these tough economic times. Couldn't that money have been better spent giving it to World Missions or some other synod need?


JR has left a new comment on your post "Lo, How Honest the Church and Change Pastors Are":

You said, "I know that it [attending Drive '09] is not about fellowship." (emphasis mine)

I'm curious to know how you "know" this. Are you one of the attendees? Were you at the conference?

Obviously, I was not at the conference. But when I hear the phrase "pastoral conference," I can't help but think of fellowship.

You have a different perspective. If this conference wasn't about fellowship, what was it about?


GJ - Judging from Ski's gushing remarks about Drive 08, and Tweets from various participants, this was definitely a worship conference where all the participants joined in ecumenical worship. Ski said he worshiped with the Babtists last year, and I believe him. Why would 2009 be different?

WELS Drive 09 Veterans Reflect Upon Their Experiences with the Babtists

Baby Bee, Mascot of Church and Change

Bishop Katie Tweets

Finally headed home to a-town. Grateful for the last 3 days I spent with 7 kingdom minded WELS pastors. Love their hearts for lost ppl.
28 minutes ago from Tweetie RT @loswhit DRIVE HANGOVER. // I feel ya on that. All worth it though.
about 4 hours ago from Tweetie Hangin in the airport just waitin to leave the ATL
about 4 hours ago from Tweetie RT @glende78 Driving to airport with Ski @ the wheel is an adventure. you've been warned! // driving anywhere w/ @pastorski is an adventure
about 5 hours ago from Tweetie Trying not to make a mess
about 10 hours ago from Tweetie "A word to the wise ain’t necessary, it is the stupid ones who need all the advice."- Bill Cosby (via @tommytrc)
about 12 hours ago from Tweetie "Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog."- Mark Twain (via @tommytrc)
about 12 hours ago from Tweetie RT @micahfoster "Sometimes I'm like P-Diddy." - @loswhit #drive09 //. Dude. Whatssaid in the room stays in the room. LOL (via @loswhit)
about 15 hours ago from Tweetie Last day of #drive09. So much to process. Definitely being pushed and challenged by what seem like such simple ideas.
about 18 hours ago from Tweetie Conference done for the day. Brain way overloaded. #drive09
5:13 PM May 5th from Tweetie @Tomplay looks awesome Tom! sorry I haven't gotten any pics yet. i'll try to take one tonight.
1:29 PM May 5th from TweetDeck in reply to TomplayUp and ready for day two of #drive09. First up: connecting adults into small groups.
5:29 AM May 5th from Tweetie What a night. Still trying to process @andystanley 's talk at Drive. Headed to bed and hoping I get to stay there till morning.
10:25 PM May 4th from Tweetie @Jschmidt56 one day closer to a break. Hang in there!
10:22 PM May 4th from Tweetie in reply to Jschmidt56Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. (via @tommytrc)
8:44 PM May 4th from Tweetie Hangin in the ATL with some great people. Yes they're out there. So awesome to be a part of the awesome things God is doing right now.
8:04 PM May 4th from Tweetie @toddfields one word: phenomenal! God is great!
8:03 PM May 4th from Tweetie in reply to toddfieldsJust talked with @loswhit. He's as real in person as he is on the web. That's good stuff. Love authentic people!
6:58 PM May 4th from Tweetie "it is well with my soul"!!
6:57 PM May 4th from Tweetie @tonymorganlive breakout one starts 8:30
4:07 PM May 4th from Tweetie in reply to tonymorganlive
Dinner at the Golden Corral. Got to have a salad. Probably the healthiest food I'll get for 3 days. I'm a happy girl now.
3:33 PM May 4th from Tweetie Walk in 2 register. tell the guy we r from The CORE. He (clay) says I've been praying 4 u. pulls a card from his pocket with r name on it.
2:16 PM May 4th from Tweetie Ready to take on the next three days after a nap and clean clothes. Does wonders!
1:41 PM May 4th from Tweetie @loswhit I'm there #drive09
10:10 AM May 4th from Tweetie in reply to loswhit

Ski Tweets
@Tomplay Looing (sic) gr8 Tom. Thanks again 4 being there. Can't wait 2 c it 2morrow.
about 16 hours ago from twitterrific in reply to Tomplay@Tomplay looks Awesome! Can't wait to get back to see it.
3:21 PM May 5th from twitterrific in reply to Tomplay@Tomplay wow! Looking gr8 Tom. Thanks 4 everything u r doing.
12:04 PM May 5th from twitterrific in reply to Tomplay@loswhit I'm here in the ATL 4 Drive 09
1:01 PM May 4th from twitterrific in reply to loswhit

Tim Glende Tweets

Driving to airport with Ski @ the wheel is an adventure. you've been warned!
about 7 hours ago from txt God is so good! Can't wait for tomorrow.
7:07 PM May 5th from txt Remember if you had all the answers, you would always know what to do!
9:08 AM May 5th from web The 5 Seasons is a great place to debrief at the end of a great day in Atlanta.
7:12 PM May 4th from txt Just had chili slaw dogs for lunch. If you are ever in Atlanta make sure you hit the Varsity.
8:53 AM May 4th from txt is waiting for the plane to unload. never knew 5 feet made so much of a difference!
6:23 AM May 4th from mobile web Hanging out @ Buske's in Milwaukee.

Drive Conference Tweets

DriveConference: Day Two is over. Sad to see that our time together will end tomorrow. But wait. There's always Drive 2010 @ special rate $199. #drive09