ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Ski Joins Church of Rome To Save Vital Mission of The CORE
Appleton Courier - Fox Valley's Most Serious News Outlet
WELS Pastor James Skorzewski announced his conversion to Rome at a packed voters assembly, which met at a table at the nearby Starbuck's.
"As you know, I will do anything short of sin to reach people and transform their lives,"
He continued, "We burned through a lot of cash since starting. All we have to show for it are a popcorn machine, a soda fountain, and some graphics from Groeschel. I know we can do better."
Skorzewski, who now prefers to be called The Very Reverend Ski, said, "This changes nothing, really, except I can appeal to Roman Catholics with deep pockets. I got the idea from my mentor, Mark Jeske. He told me - Join another denomination. No one will notice or care. The DPs and I will back you up."
Feeling his oats after a Vente Mocha with four extra shots, Ski began to get louder and louder. "Results do not matter. We are all about trying. If we are trying, we are doing something good. And I must be doing something good, because I am speaking all over the synod. At least all over Wisconsin. That really is the synod."
wildcard (http://wildcard.myopenid.com) has left a new comment on your post "Ski Joins Church of Rome To Save Vital Mission of ...":
Ski, some of us are wondering, did you fall so far down the rabbit hole that you will never get out again?
If the reader enjoys creepy, haunting, spooky, uncanny, unearthly, and weird, attend “The CORE,” the WELS production of “Alice in Wonderland.”
Lutheran North High School, Chicago, Ready To Close
Rogue Lutheran
Barring a fundraising miracle, Luther North High School will be closing its doors at the end of the school year, in June 2010.
Teachers are losing jobs. Education money is being slashed. Now, one Northwest side high school will be shutting its doors for good barring a fundraising miracle. CBS 2's Dana Kozlov reports that will further strain an education system already stretched to its limits.
Tom Wiemann walked the halls of Luther North High School as a student, and now walks them as its principal.
On Tuesday, he told students and parents that the 100-year-old school would be closing down in June, unless they could raise $1.8 million in four weeks.
"I'm very emotional about it," said Wiemann. "It's really difficult. But I think we can do it."
Students hope so, too, especially those with only one year left to graduation.
Junior Kente Mixon says he's been happy at Luther North. The West Side resident says it's due to the schools small class size and personal attention.
Right now, Luther North only has 210 students, compared to 1,400 students in 1970.
GJ - Few students = little money to operate. They do not need more money but more students. Ditto WELS.
In the Pope We Hope:
Lutherans for the Antichrist
Joseph Schmidt brought my attention to this slobbery article about B-16.
The author of the slobber-fest is John Stephenson, a seminary professor at St. Catherine's, eh?
Adding his three-fold Amen! to the article is LCMS Pastor W. Weedon, whose praise is constantly sounded by Concordia's book blogger, Paul McCain, MDiv.
I will provide a little background, although I am not one of those 24/7 Vatican watchers.
Pope John Paul II did nothing except cover-up the global scandal of homosexual priests. One of JP's top officials was a predator. JP II moved Cardinal Law upstairs from Boston after it was shown how many deviant priests were protected by Law. The only one who lost his priestly office was one poor fellow who said the Church of Rome was wrong.
Ratzinger, before he was B-16, made all these cases strictly secret, so it is said that personal files were moved to the Vatican, where they could no longer be ordered open by court officials.
The first exposure of priests as repeat offenders, who moved around to cover up the crimes, began in the 1980s. There were cases before that, but a series of criminal misdeeds by prelates blossomed in the newspapers around 1987.
Cardinal Law was promoted to the Vatican in 2002, at the peak of the second feeding frenzy, based on Catholics networking and media coverage. Boston was notorious, but so were Phoenix, Milwaukee, Los Angeles, et al.
There is a current round of scandals in Ireland and other countries. Ireland probably set some records for abusing children. Notice that the Vatican did nothing about this for the last 20 years. Fortunately for them, people forget quickly.
Long ago I bought a book written by the mistress and cousin of one Irish bishop, Eamon Casey. He reminds me of Luther's quip, "They worship as gods those cardinals who are satisfied with a woman." Homosexuality in the priesthood is not news.
Ironically, WELS' favorite Roman prelate, Archbishop Weakland, is serving as a source for the anti-B-16 material from the NY Times. Unlike WELS, Rome threw him under the bus, so Weakland is getting even.
Robert Preus wrote Justification and Rome because of his alarm over Lutherans sinuflecting to the Vatican. The Missouri Synod Preus faction has gone overboard to praise Iscariots like Neuhaus while calling themselves "confessional Lutherans." Perhap McCain means they will soon be hearing confessions as priests. He and his faction are among the worst.
Someone asked me why Rolf Preus, son of Robert, son of Governor Jake Preus, broke with his ex-ELS faction, aka the Church of the Defenestration, which formed after Pope John the Malefactor extended the Left Hobnailed-Boot of Fellowship to them.
No one has told me, but I suspect his coolness toward that group may stem from its association with ELDONA, the tiny group with the Big Name. ELDONA seems to be ga-ga over Eastern Orthodoxy.
Archbishop James Heiser, ELDONA, professes a great admiration for Robert Preus. In fact, that seminary seemed to generate personality cults: Preus, Marquart, Scaer, Werning. (I added Werning for chuckles. He was the only known member of that cult.) Now the seminary is known for its Romanism, somewhat buffered by Eastern Orthodoxy. As one student there wrote, "It's just a difference in polity."
And this is not even an April Fools post!