Universal Objective Confession - Joe Krohn:
According to Scripture, the message has always been to preach the Law, the need for repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Never is this more clear than in the book of Jonah. Any church that is heavily into church growth methods should do a study of the book, for it is here that we see the efficacy of the Word.
A WELS man emailed me recently concerning our situation; a caring young man. He talked in terms of the usual OJ/SJ terms. It dawned on me that in order for a universal absolution to be true, there would need to be a universal confession, right? I would appreciate someone pointing me to that verse or verses, because there are many places in the Bible that state if individuals do not believe in the Christ as the Savior in their stead...they die in their sins.
GJ - Joe, you are being overly droll tonight.