Monday, January 24, 2011

Hawks, Owls, and Rabbits

The pileated woodpecker is often heard but seldom seen. I saw ours a second time, knocking on a tree just above me.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Going Galt with Bird Feeding":

Update on feeding hawks and owls, oops, I mean squirrels and rabbits.

Sometimes we saw six or seven squirrels at one time out the back window. They weren't all eating at once, but were waiting their turn. Then we noticed a hawk, maybe an adult Cooper's Hawk since it had the white spotted underbelly and dark cap and wings, sitting on a branch in the next yard for an hour.

We never see the capture, of course, but there seems to be one or two fewer big squirrels. Suddenly they are only eating three cobs of corn per day instead of nearly four, and the smaller squirrels get much more time eating the cobs than before. In fact, glancing out once and a while at the spinner, one wonders if the smaller squirrels even survived the winter, but now they are back.

It would be lucky if we saw any capture. Last year we saw a hawk flying out of the yard two houses down, and then we witness the same events--fewer squirrels and smaller ones feeding more. The biggest squirrel was never seen again. By the end of winter there are only 4 squirrels left eating two cobs per day. By the way, our next door neighbor has a pooch they let out at all times of the day and night, and we warn them about owls and hawks.

Each year we wonder if we picked enough cobs of corn at the rate of 4 per day to last the winter, but then the hawks get us out of a bind by getting the largest squirrels. It seems they sit on a branch motionless for an hour or more scoping out the largest meal before striking. The spinner is positioned several yards from a tree and doubtless attracts attention from above, and the large squirrels hogging the cobs means they are more likely to become supper.

The spinner also attracts rabbits and owls. The squirrels leave many kernels on the ground and snow, and rabbits visit the spot each night. When snow is in the air, it creates a glow of light from street lights, and that is when rabbits can best be seen at night. Unlike the silent hawks, the owls hoot and thus one knows they are perched nearby. Perhaps they hoot to stir rodents into moving, thereby spotting them. One would be lucky to see an owl take a rabbit, but one can assume. Also, we never see rabbits during the daytime anymore. The diurnal rabbits may have all been taken by hawks.

Anyway, I love seeing and helping the hawks and hearing the owls, so PETA can come and get me :)

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley - Reconciliation - 2 Cor...":

Not just a Kokomo statement. It is a (W)ELS statement. J.P. Meyer wrote the statements that were to be used later to form the Kokomo statements which were accepted by the (W)ELS as they confirmed the removal of families from their fellowship when they denied the Kokomo statements.

David Beckman (W)ELS tried to reject the statement but while doing so dug the (W)ELS deeper:
The confusion appears to have arisen particularly over the use of the phrase “status of a saint.” “Status of a saint” is employed by Meyer in his comments on II Corinthians 5:18-21. He uses the phrase to explain all thatwas involved in God reconciling the world to himself, not charging men with their sins, but imputing to them the righteousness of Christ, who became sin for us. The word “status” is particularly important because it reflectsMeyer’s attempt at getting behind the original meaning of the Greek word for reconcile, katalla&ssw, which has to do with change. It’s not a change in man, but it’s a change in God’s attitude toward man; a change in man’s standing with God because of what Christ did. The recipients of this change in status are indeed the entire world. The Bible therefore does teach that all the sins of all mankind are completely forgiven. That means also the sins of Judas, the sins of the people destroyed in the flood, the sins of all the ungodly, and the sins of all
people who will from now to the end of time die apart from Christ and end up in hell. All people have a changed status. But that is not to say that all people are saints."
Page 8

(W)ELS' godfather of UOJ Siegbert W. Becker confirmed saints in Hell in his infamous essay:
The same criticism can be directed against the second statement. One really becomes a guilt-free saint only through faith, if we limit ourselves to the biblical usage of the word. However, since our holiness, as Augustine says, consists in sin’s remission rather than in life’s perfection, we could say that when God forgave the sins of the whole world he regarded all sinners as guilt-free, but if they are guilt-free we might also say that they are considered sinless in the sight of God. But a sinless person is a holy person, a saint. Page 14

Oh, don't limit yourself to the Biblical usage of the word!

Look at What Fell Down the Memory Hole

"Don't be upset, Brett.
In love, we did it for your immortal soul."

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Wisconsin Sect Still Trying To Plug the Leakin' L...":

I've quoted from (W)ELS Evergreen Lutheran High School Board meeting minutes where they rejected my contention against their teaching of UOJ and quoted Pastor Nathan Seiltz confession that 'one stabs the Gospel in the heart if he emphasizes Justification by faith'. They emailed me the letter which was attached to the Nov. 2008 meeting minutes that were posted on the school's website. I've referenced and linked those meeting minutes in the past. I went back last week to confirm the meeting date and they've removed the minutes from that meeting. They no longer have the posting from November.

I still have the email letter for anyone who requires the information which was a public document while it existed on their website.


GJ - Contact Brett Meyer for copies. I suggest writing me at

I will forward it to Brett.

You can also obtain the Harley files and my Justification book, all PDFs, that way. I will send those myself.

UOJ thrives on ignorance of the Scriptures, indifference about the Confessions. Change will come from the laity, not from the belly-worshipers.

Harley's Lutheran Witness

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley - On the Synergism Accus...":

Absolutely outstanding. He accurately identified the major problems with the false gospel of UOJ as they've been exposed on Ichabod, Extra Nos and Bailing Water.

Credit to him for being eloquent and concise. To continue to confess UOJ in opposition to Christ's Word is clearly to worship and trust synod and man's reason above all.


GJ - He has shown that UOJ was not the official message of the Missouri Synod. It took 100 years for the Knapp double-justification of Halle University to become normed in the 1932 Brief Statement.

Notice that the date is often given for the Brief Statement. There were statements before that one, and they did not include UOJ.

Missouri, WELS, and the ELS began to head downhill on the Enthusiasm Train after that time.

The Bronze Age Missourians point at their liberals, and WELS blames the Jungkuntz crowd, but they all share Enthusiasm, UOJ and the inevitable results thereof.

Ask for the Pastor Harley PDFs

I can send all the Pastor Harley PDFs if you email me at

LCMS Pastor Vernon Harley - UOJ Study - Introduction

Cover by Norma Boeckler

Mrs. Ichabod and I met Pastor and Mrs. Vernon Harley when we were living in New Ulm, Minnesota. He has died since then, but she still lives in Fairmont.

Pastor Harley, LCMS, wrote against UOJ for many years, and published his essay for anyone to see. No one took action against him.

I will publish his materials as time allows.

He had access to the early history of Missouri, when UOJ did not reign supreme. The Stormtroopers would love to have people imagine that UOJ was the official stance of the Syn Conference from the beginning, making it completely orthodox!

Where else do we find people teaching false doctrine as being the ancient teaching of the Church?

Answer - in Roman Catholicism, the Assumption of Mary is taught as originating in the earliest days of the Church, even though it was fashioned from the Dormition (Falling Asleep or Death) of Mary worship services and some very strange, late documents - The Travels of Mary - Transitae Mariae.

Exegetical Study of UOJ - LCMS Pastor Harley - Pages 1-5