Mammonize it: LCMS at the White House:
'via Blog this'
Transforming Church Network promised to transform the synod and it did.
The Chicago Way is ---“Pay to Play”. Adjust the particulars (of conscience/faith) and sell out the folks for Money.
Funds are denied to those that will not adjust for the right social contract.
The LCMS NID adoption agency, recipient of taxpayer funds, placed children in same sex homes, (9-15-2011)---- that item conveniently disappeared into the memory hole.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Fox Valley Jimmie Anonymously Defends Anonymous Attacks
Fox Valley Jimmy |
Fox Valley Jimmy said... Jackson writes on his blog:
"This is a bit too obvious to mention - these sob-sisters have always posted anonymously, yet they attack people by name."
So, it's cool to attack people anonymously on your blog (i.e, half the people who comment on your posts), but elsewhere it's immoral? Just like it's bad for people to get non-synodical degrees, except when you get one? Or how it's bad to slander people, except when half the stuff on your blog is a lie. Ok, I get it.
I look forward to the self-righteous and hypocritical response over at the Ichabode!
GJ - I look forward to the page-read figures when the foxes and vixens of Appleton are busy writing.
Strangers to the WELS cult need to realize that the clergy think they have a right to engage in ad hominem attacks whenever their false doctrine is questioned. The readers who post on this blog like to address the issues of false doctrine, the purpose for this little Internet effort.
No one reads Ichabod, Appletonians agree. There were 2,000 page-reads today. I write all my own comments, they claim - which I means I took time to write 15,000 comments in the last few years, many of them coming (as if by magic) from Garland, Texas (hometown, Don Patterson, a co-inky-dink) and Appleton (the rotten CORE of WELS).
The Latin Professor Comments on WELS - Yes, He Is a WELS Pastor
This pusillanimous little church body doesn’t do much at all, and what she does, she doesn’t do very well, but a couple of things she does extremely well –
a.) brainwash her teachers and pastors into thinking that she is as perfect and clean as the wind-driven snows of northern Wisconsin, and
b.) punish severely and thoroughly anyone and everyone, sooner or later, who either refuses to be brainwashed thusly, or breaks free of the WELSian mind-control, or, even worse, breaks free and then, horror of horrors, encourages others to attempt to do so!
The Appleton Fakes Reveal Their Paucity of Common Sense, Reading Comprehension, and Logic.
When Appletonians pontificate, even the babies face palm. |
Jackson is now doing his typical thing of distracting from the real issue and claiming that I was justifying impersonation on this blog when I said that the fake-Brett Meyer quote was not slander. That is not true. IMPERSONATION IS WRONG. Let me be clear about that. My point was only that it was not slander. Slander is telling lies about someone in an attempt to make them look bad. My point was merely that whoever pretended to be Brett Meyer was not engaging in slander because they were not telling lies about his positions on things. Rather they were making him look bad by telling people what he normally says. Jackson as usual is simply changing the subject in order to distract from the real issue. Also, why does he have a picture of J.I. Packer? What does the LCMS' acceptance of the ESV have to do with any of this?
GJ - Some people think that Joel Lillo is in on this. The Appleton gang are all peas in a pod, so it does not matter. WELS funded Church and Change because the leaders of Church and Change were synod officers. Oh, it is so much fun to spend other people's money.
Fox Valley was developed as an all Church and Change doctrinal slum. Steve Witte served two different congregations in the same area. How often does that happen? Ethical leaders avoid that, but ethical leaders are in short supply in these last days of an insane, old world.
The members and pastors sat on their hands, letting a brush fire turn into a forest fire. Now they are watching it burn down while their cluck their tongues.
Above is one of those self-absolving excuses that energize WELS. Impersonating someone is not just wrong - it is a crime. For some reason, that crime keeps happening with the same group of thugs. The post excuses the crime, even though the whole idea was to create a bad impression using the disguise of another person.
The pastors involved pretend not to know who is doing what, but that is typical GA double-talk. They were born forgiven, so that allows them to do whatever they want. No wonder the only doctrine they defend is their toxic UOJ opinion. Nothing gets a WELSian frothier than justification by faith. It is almost like transporting the Pharisees to the 21st century.
This is a bit too obvious to mention - these sob-sisters have always posted anonymously, yet they attack people by name. That is the template for the WELS Shrinkers. They hide behind their "WELS Grapevine" and drop stinkbombs on their fellow pastors - by name. They always use personal attacks. John Lawrenz did not like the Harold Sauer paper, so he said to me, "His parish is dead!" Meanwhile, Lawrenz was denouncing Sauer for "naming names." Of course, Sauer was naming the false teachers in WELS, the Church and Chicanery brotherhood. Sauer's paper was quite kindly, just as he was.
The WELS Grapevine said Corky criticized their precious Church Growth and amalgamation because he was "brain-damaged." The former seminary president, Schuetze, opposed closing NWC because "he was senile."
Luther Rocks: Calling All Saints.
Pietists Shun Joe Krohn
Luther Rocks: Calling All Saints:
When I started up this blog last May, my first post was a Youtube video of some goofballs at a concert on a hillside. Someone cleverly put a soundtrack to it as a primer on starting a movement. I saw some truth in that video and harnessed the idea of it to this blog as an encouragement for those struggling with the same issues in American Lutheranism. As you know for those who have followed the postings, I have chronicled my journey from experiences at Holy Word here in Austin which are not unlike many churches across America today who are incorporating the anti-gospel emergent church template into their ministries; i. e. church growth methods which come from an emphasis on works righteousness, decision theology and a need to transform the church into palatable consumption for today's society. Anyone who has bought into this program really is no different than those who support the Roman Catholic Papacy.
It all comes from the same place but from a different angle or perspective. Both are anthropocentric. Roman Catholicism displaces Christ as our mediator with Mary and the Pope. Modern day Evangelicalism displaces the Word (Christ) with programs for this and programs for that all meant to entice folks into church. They say 'people come to church for the wrong reasons and stay for the right reasons'. But what is that other than a bait and switch? Not only that, what it is really saying is 'you are all too stupid to understand His Word or realize that you are on the highway to hell and need Christ and you need us to school you'.
I posted on my FB wall a few months ago an abridged version of a saying: "Hell hath no fury as a pietist scorned." It upset a few folks and needless to say we are no longer FB friends. It wasn't like we hung out all the time anyway. But you see, that is the problem. Why did they get so angry? Because they have stolen the mission of the church and made it theirs instead of who it rightfully belongs to - Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit through the Means of Grace. So naturally they take it personally when you criticize this program or that method.
I recall vividly two instances; one at Crosswalk in early 2005 and one at Christ the Rock in spring of 2009. We were experiencing a shortage of musicians. Both pastors asked basically the same question...'so what is your plan for the ministry?' My answer was the same both times. 'I will wait until the Lord reveals His plan and go with that...until then we will make do.' The responses were similar. 'If this type of worship is going to work, we are going to need a full band.' Huh, I thought...and what about the efficacy of the Word? Pastor Harris of Trinity in Austin offered this saying in Bible class today by Robert Preus (we have been studying Genesis and the promises of God): 'How dare we presume whether the Church is winning or losing'. Wise words indeed.
The sermon in church today talked about the beatitudes...'blessed are they'. Another time in my life I would have thought it was me who would be blessed for doing these things. But try as I might, it really is too difficult to do any of them well all the time. In fact I loathe them most of the time. No, blessed am I to have a Savior who did all of these things for me already so that I can take credit for them even though I am still a sinner.
St. Iranaeus said, "The business of the Christian is nothing else than to ever be preparing for death."* St. Augustine called death "the instrument by which life is reached."** St. Luther said, "Therefore the life of a Christian, from Baptism to the grave, is nothing else than the beginning of a blessed death."***
Dear Lord, May we always be mindful to have our houses in order, so that we may give testimony for the hope that we have when given the opportunity. May we always be fully dependent upon your care of our souls and the one true Church on earth. In Jesus' name. Amen.
*Fragments, XI, ANF, I, 570 **City of God, NPNF, II, 247 ***LW, 31, 35