Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Mequon, Mankato, and Concordia Faculties Have a Lot of 'Splaining To Do

C. F. W. Walther

2138 has left a new comment on your post "Happy Hunting - Baier Walther Compend":

Part 3, Chapter 3, On faith in Christ

1. So that sinful humans may reach eternal salvation through Christ the mediator, faith in Christ is required or, it is required that they trust in Christ as mediator.

7. However at the same time it is clear, in what way the same merit of Christ, the forgiveness of sins and life eternal, acquired by Christ for all humans, are applied to the believing through faith, so that truly the sharers of those things are restored.

Part 3, Chapter 5, On justification

1. Justification, which closely follows conversion, has a legal significance and it indicates that act, by which God the judge pronounces a human guilty of sins and so also a criminal of guilt and punishment, but the ones believing in Christ, he pronounces righteous; about which it is not established from reason, but from the evangelical Scriptures.

5. And thus to this same process of justification pertains, that God, as a judge of a human accused by the law and convicted of sin, however at the same time by believing in Christ thus he recognizes a cause, so that indeed special justice catches one to be left both to death and to eternal damnation, however he judges to pertain to him or he imputes to him the merit of Christ received by faith, so that therefore he does not fully hold for the sinner, but he absolves from the accusation and obligation to punishment.

15. It is possible to define justification, that it is an act of the divine will, by which the triune God by his free grace on account of the merits of Christ apprehended by human sinners through faith, reborn or converted, forgives sins - the cause of the following eternal salvation.

The Two Martins and Their Two Birthdays

Luther was born on November 10, 1483.

Martin Chemnitz was born November 9, 1522.
Like Tyndale (the real author of the KJV), he studied
under Luther and Melanchthon.

Happy Hunting - Baier Walther Compend

Pastor Loerber heard the confessions,
but the alternative story is that many already knew.
Bishop Stephan was already in court in Dresden for his infidelities,
before they left for America.
The confessions were used as an excuse to suddenly turn on their leader.

I believe many can benefit from studying the Walther edition of the Baier compend. Learn redaction criticism the hard way - by reading.


This is in English - easy going.

When you find something, send a comment with the link. Exact quotations are appreciated. So is commentary.

 Walther's Pastoral Theology is filled with wisdom.
Missouri and WELS follow the same abusive template today.


2138 has left a new comment on your post "Happy Hunting - Baier Walther Compend":

Part 3, Chapter 3, On faith in Christ

1. So that sinful humans may reach eternal salvation through Christ the mediator, faith in Christ is required or, it is required that they trust in Christ as mediator.

7. However at the same time it is clear, in what way the same merit of Christ, the forgiveness of sins and life eternal, acquired by Christ for all humans, are applied to the believing through faith, so that truly the sharers of those things are restored.

Part 3, Chapter 5, On justification

1. Justification, which closely follows conversion, has a legal significance and it indicates that act, by which God the judge pronounces a human guilty of sins and so also a criminal of guilt and punishment, but the ones believing in Christ, he pronounces righteous; about which it is not established from reason, but from the evangelical Scriptures.

5. And thus to this same process of justification pertains, that God, as a judge of a human accused by the law and convicted of sin, however at the same time by believing in Christ thus he recognizes a cause, so that indeed special justice catches one to be left both to death and to eternal damnation, however he judges to pertain to him or he imputes to him the merit of Christ received by faith, so that therefore he does not fully hold for the sinner, but he absolves from the accusation and obligation to punishment.

15. It is possible to define justification, that it is an act of the divine will, by which the triune God by his free grace on account of the merits of Christ apprehended by human sinners through faith, reborn or converted, forgives sins - the cause of the following eternal salvation.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Happy Hunting - Baier Walther Compend":

All UOJ proponents play loose with the Words of Scripture. They determine the rules of the game, when Justification means Objective and when it means Subjective. Their penchant for wider and narrower meanings of God's concise and specific declarations in Scripture have carried them to the edge of the abyss. One word which they haven't been able to play so recklessly with is 'reconciled'. UOJ perverts God's Word and teaches that the whole unbelieving world has been reconciled to God through Christ's atonement. They point to Walther's universalistic statements to prove that's what God meant when He had the prophets write His "Do-words" (a reference to the false ichablog's disjointed diatribe).

Contrary to UOJ's blasphemy here is a clear and faithful statement that harmonizes with the Lutheran Confessions:

"24...truly the gospel points to the mediator himself, and through him the being accomplished grace of God and the forgiveness of sins. From where the law indeed prepares the human soul for the receiving faith, however the gospel kindles the same faith, by which sinners are reconciled to God."

Thoughts on Analytical Chemistry - From a Non-Chemist

I was in a special chem-physics class in high school. My lab partner earned a PhD in math. Another friend in class earned a PhD in rocket science. A third student won a full scholarship at Yale College. The class taught me that chemistry was more than filling the house with smoke from a Gilbert Chemistry set and having my parents yell down the basement steps, "What are doing down there? It smells like Hell!" That was the burning sulfur.

Much later, a tour of the Dow analytical chemistry labs in Midland, Michigan taught me that the key to identifying chemicals was getting them excited and reading how the ingredients responded. I wrote about this before, but some of you have not memorized all 7,000 posts yet.

Doctrinal polemics are quite similar. If I ask someone what he really teaches (exciting the ingredients) his response will tell me what the actual components are. Lutherans do this without shame or shyness. The Pietists loathe doctrinal discussions unless they can agree to all disbelieve together - true unity.

Chemnitz was a master polemicist and the senior Concordist.
Few Lutheran pastors know or appreciate his work.

About 20 years ago, a WELS pastor told me that he could barely organize a theology conference. No one wanted to admit that their little group was all over the place. Two more decades of neglect have only made things worse.

When Mark Schroeder was elected Synod President, replacing the fleeing ex-SP, I suggested a thorough study of the Book of Concord by all congregations. Needless to say, no one wanted to do that. The pastors are trained against the Confessions, returning the ministerium to the time when the first SP called the confessions "paper fences." Bading and Hoenecke changed that - Bading at Historic St. John's, Hoenecke at the seminary.

The fake blog is emitting panic signals, which I take to be reflective of the general state of the Changer leadership. Although they have hidden away in plain site, now they are easily identified. Their hideous doctrine is revealed and UOJ is understood as anti-Gospel rather than immutable Gospel truth. Worst of all - for the Changers - WELS members have done the research and helped put together a coherent portrait of UOJ.

Recent discussions revealed how Jay Webber was willing to quote an out-of-the-closet Pietist against Chemnitz.

The Calvinist-Pietist bloodline is UOJ, the Holy Spirit divorced from the Word and Sacrament, efficacy coming from chance or the clever methods of man.

The Biblical Lutheran bloodline is justification by faith alone, the Holy Spirit working through the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace.

Any person can ask the right questions and get the pastors, seminary professors, and synod drones to emit signals. Those signals clearly show where they belong in the universe of confessions.

I am not asking anyone to agree with me. I am not the ruling norm (the Scriptures), and not the ruled norm (Confessions). Debate means that people are awake and ware about the Confessions. That will determine where someone is. Those who loathe the Confessions and find them boring are the Pietists. They may believe now but they are on the way to Unitarianism or Pentecostalism, the two routes of Enthusiasm.

I am simply following John 16:8, where the Holy Spirit rebukes and convicts - You do not utterly trust in Jesus. How strange to have "conservative" Lutheran pastors enraged by John 16:8, by Luther, by the orthodox Lutheran writers.


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Thoughts on Analytical Chemistry - From a Non-Chem...":

Solid. These are the kind of posts that keep an orthodox Lutheran grounded; the kind that I have always appreciated...even when I was on the other side of that fence so to speak. All the Fake-O-Bodians have to offer when presented with such is ad hominem...


GJ - Joe, few of us were born with the Triglotta in one hand and the Weimar edition of Luther in the other. Doctrinal turmoil makes us hunger and thirst for the truth, and the Word fills us accordingly.

ELCA News Service - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

ELCA News Service - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America:

Kathryn M. Lohre
Married? Life Partner?
She got her honorary degree in Mishawaka, Indiana.
No jokes, please.

November 9, 2011
First ELCA member installed as National Council of Churches president

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Kathryn M. Lohre was installed as president of the National Council of Churches Nov. 9 at a service held at the Lutheran Center here. A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Lohre is the first Lutheran and ELCA member to serve as president of the council and the youngest woman to serve in that role.

While her presidency marks these two historic firsts, it will also be the first time a woman succeeds a woman as president of the council. [ GJ - Maybe no straight man wanted to helm the S. S. Titanic.]

 Lohre said her presidency also provides a unique opportunity for the ELCA. It will "visibly demonstrate (this church's) commitment to the ecumenical vision, as well as its commitment to lifelong ecumenical formation, leadership development and women's leadership," she said. [GJ- WELS has been doing that for decades, working with Babtists, Pantingcostals, Mefodists, New Agers, ELCA, and - big secret - Missouri.]

Lohre joined the ELCA churchwide staff in October as part of the ecumenical and inter-religious relations team under the leadership of the Rev. Donald McCoid, assistant to the presiding bishop, ELCA Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations.

The installation was a service of word and sacrament. McCoid was the presiding minister and ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson preached the sermon.

 Reflecting on the Book of Amos, Hanson told the assembly, "God's promise, justice and righteous will flow like refreshing waters of the highest mountain, it will flow abundantly upon you and through you and me, flowing into the life of the world just as the light of Jesus will now flow into your life through bread and wine."

The Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon, general secretary for the National Council of Churches, presided over the installation, which included the installation of other council officers for the organization. Ecumenical guests also participated in the service.

 In addition to her positions with the ELCA and the National Council of Churches, Lohre represents the ELCA as a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches.

Before joining the ELCA churchwide staff, Lohre was assistant director of the Pluralism Project at Harvard University, a research project on the changing religious landscape in the United States.

Lohre was a member of the ELCA Bishop's Communal Discernment Task Force and on the Bishop's Global, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relationships Roundtable. She served on the former ELCA Commission for Women Steering Committee and as an assistant to the 2000 ELCA Youth Gathering.

 Lohre is a summa cum laude graduate of St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn., and earned a Master of Divinity degree at Harvard Divinity School. St. Olaf is one of 26 ELCA colleges and universities.

 In May 2011, the Graduate Theological Foundation in Mishawaka, Ind., conferred an honorary Doctor of Divinity to Lohre, "in recognition of her election as president-elect of the National Council of Churches and also in recognition of her contributions to women's interfaith issues and pluralism."


Kathryn M. Lohre 

Kathryn M. Lohre, assistant director of the Pluralism Project at Harvard University and an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America representative to the World Council of Churches Central Committee, began her term as the President Elect of the National Council of Churches on January 1, 2010.

She was installed in her office on November 12, 2009, in St. Mark's Cathedral in Minneapolis. The Rev. Peg Chemberlin, current NCC President Elect, was installed as NCC President.

Chemberlin and Lohre will serve in their new offices until December 31, 2011. Constitutionally, the NCC President Elect succeeds to the Presidency.
Lohre, 32, will be 34 when it is time to succeed to the National Council of Churches Presidency in 2012. She will be the second youngest president of the Council since the Rev. Dr. M. William Howard, an American Baptist, became president in 1979 at the age of 33.

Kathryn Lohre has been assistant director of the Pluralism Project at Harvard since 2005, serving with project director Dr. Diana Eck, a member of the NCC Governing Board and chair of the NCC's Interfaith Relations Commission. Lohre has been a member of the Pluralism Project's staff since 2000.

As assistant director, Lohre supervises graduate and undergraduate student research on religious pluralism, provides leadership to the women's initiative and multi-religious women's network, convenes and plans events including colloquia, conferences, panels and public conversations, teaches workshops, prepares grant proposals and oversees fundraising.

Lohre is a summa cum laude graduate of St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., and earned the Master of Divinity degree at Harvard Divinity School.

She is a member of Faith Lutheran Church in Cambridge, Mass., and serves on the Bishop's Communal Discernment Task Force in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She is a member of the World Council of Churches U.S. Conference Board of Directors and has served on the National Council of Churches Ecumenical Young Adult Women’s Working Group.



She wants to transform the world too, just like Ski and Glende.

And I myself, in Rome, heard it said openly in the streets, “If there is a hell, then Rome is built on it.” That is, “After the devil himself, there is no worse folk than the pope and his followers.” Against the Roman Papacy, An Institution of the Devil ( Wider das Papstum zu Rom vom Teuffel Gestifft, A. D. 1545)[8] (Wiki link, Martin_Luther)

Pancake Pope, protecting the faithful against
Shrove Tuesday pancakes.
But incest is an adiaphoron.

And I myself, in Rome, heard it said openly in the streets, “If there is a hell, then Rome is built on it.” That is, “After the devil himself, there is no worse folk than the pope and his followers.” Against the Roman Papacy, An Institution of the Devil ( Wider das Papstum zu Rom vom Teuffel Gestifft, A. D. 1545)[8] (Wiki link, Martin_Luther):

"But Bernhard Müller, editor of the Catholic magazine PUR, dismissed the clerics' reaction as grossly hypocritical. He alleged that the pornography scandal at Weltbild had been going on for at least a decade with the Church's full knowledge. Mr Müller said that in 2008, a group of concerned Catholics had sent bishops a 70-page document containing irrefutable evidence that Weltbild published books that promoted pornography, Satanism and magic. They demanded that the publisher withdraw the titles.

Jerry Sandusky Rumored to Have Been 'Pimping Out Young Boys to Rich Donors,' Says Mark Madden - College Football -

Jerry Sandusky Rumored to Have Been 'Pimping Out Young Boys to Rich Donors,' Says Mark Madden - College Football -

In April, Pittsburgh radio host Mark Madden wrote a story revealing Penn State for much of the cover-up ofJerry Sandusky's alleged child rape that has been exposed in the past week. While it didn't raise many eyebrows back then, six months later it looks to be incredibly accurate.
On Thursday morning, just hours after legendary head coach Joe Paterno and university president Graham Spanier were fired by the school's board of trustees, Madden was asked on The Dennis and Callahan Show what he believes the next piece of news will be.
What he said was twice as shocking as anything that's been released thus far.
"I can give you a rumor and I can give you something I think might happen," Madden told John Dennis andGerry Callahan. "I hear there's a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation -- and hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can -- that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak."
After the news spread, Madden later explained via Twitter why he went public with the rumors.

'via Blog this'

Please Consult Your Synodical Lawyers, Tim Glende:
Too Bad You Excommunicated Your Own Attorney

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "The Rotten Apples of Appleton Continue Their Crimi...":



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If a Blogger user is impersonating you by using your real name in their profile, please let us know and we will take action as necessary. Please note that this does not include cases of parody or satire of individuals. Unfortunately, Blogger is not in a position to determine ownership of nicknames, handles, or screen names.


Sticks and Stones...

It's interesting to us how Dr. Gregory L. Jackson, PhD, claims that Real Ichabod is guilty of "criminal impersonation" and that the supposed fake post by Brett Meyer is now a "legal matter." Who's calling the kettle black? There are innumerable people who could take Dr. Jackson to court and sue him for slander and libel if they so chose; and they would probably win any court case hands down. There are enough people Dr. Jackson has slandered and libeled that they could probably file a class-action suit against this fake pastor. Dr. Jackson's site is filled with lies and untruthful innuendo. Jackson calls it satire. What it is is sin, a breaking of the Eighth Commandment. Wake up, followers of Dr. Jackson!


GJ - Tim Glende, you woke up your whole district. Pastors and laity  investigated you on their own. They found you guilty of plagiarism, lying about plagiarism, etc. The only reason you are still working is that your District President is in the pocket of the Church and Changers.

Brett Meyer does not write this blog,. Blowing smoke with unwarranted accusations against me will not absolve you of your crimes.

You keep having tantrums whenever someone threatens your false doctrine lupine behavior. Were you potty-trained at gunpoint? What is your excuse? I hope you get help before you draw more into your crimes.

The Rotten Apples of Appleton Continue Their Criminal Impersonation.
Tim Glende Refuses Brett Meyer's Request To Remove Fake Post

Tim Glende's shirt reminds everyone of his reputation in school,
which continues in the parish.
That is not his wife in this Facebook photo, which he featured.

 Brett Meyer said...
I am requesting your consideration. Please remove the comment that someone left in my name. I assure you that I didn't write the comment. I stand by everything that I've written and posted on the internet and have linked to most of it at one time or another so anyone interested can see the context in which it was written and consider my opinions and confession. Since you disagree with my opinions and confession written elsewhere there's no need to maintain a false impersonation of my statements. Just let my confession speak for itself.

Thank you,
Brett Meyer
November 9, 2011 8:22 PM
Blogger Real Ichabod said...
We won't be removing your comment, Brett, or whoever you are. How do we know you're the real Brett Meyer? Maybe the fake Brett wants us to remove the comment. No, it will stay, since the original comment is consistent with what you have written previously.


The reasoning behind the rejection of my request is revealing. Anyone can see that the slanderous comment was signed anonymousely. My request for its removal was signed with my Blogger profile name which has one of my email addresses attached. My comment here and throughout this Ichabod site uses the Blogger profile. The inability to see that or the unwillingness to allow my request is simply juvenile.

If only I had used "do-words" they would have graciously complied. I couldn't stop laughing after I heard that one!


GJ - The double-talk from Tim Glende is revealing. He answers Brett Meyer's signed request (with his profile and email) and says, "How do we know you're the real Brett Meyer?"

Tim Glende's criminal impersonation of Brett Meyer is now a legal matter. He may think his blog is anonymous, but Blogger knows better. Google Blogger is on the hook for criminal impersonation, so they are not going to tolerate the Appleton Gang's tricks.

The <s>Northern</s> Anything Goes District is known for treating its own members this way.