ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
WELS Building Early Child Center, New ULM
Same Price as Pewaukee Universalist Towers:
NEW ULM - Martin Luther College (MLC) will build a new Early Childhood Learning Center on the site of the current center in New Ulm, MLC officially announced, following an MLC Governing Board meeting over the weekend.
Dr. David Wendler, Vice President for Academics, summed up the significance of the project.
"One focus of MLC is early childhood education," said Wendler. "The construction of this new building will facilitate the instruction of young children in our community, the preparation of future early childhood teachers, and the continuing education of in-service early childhood teachers and caregivers."
The present building will be torn down June 1, and construction of the new facility will start July 1. The building is expected to be ready for occupancy Jan. 1, 2013.
During the construction phase, children currently enrolled at the center will be accommodated in classrooms on the main college campus, with access to self-contained green space and the college gymnasium.
The $2.8 million project will be funded through donations. MLC is launching a fund-raising campaign to ensure its completion.
MLC, run by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), trains early childhood, elementary and secondary teachers for service in both private and public schools. New teachers receive state certification.
Open to families with young children regardless of religious affiliation, the early childhood learning center helps meet community needs, while also as a training site for MLC's early childhood majors. The center seeks to provide quality education based on current research in the field.
Early childhood education is the fastest-growing area of service in WELS, say college leaders. The number of children enrolled in WELS preschools nationwide has doubled over the past ten years, from 6,241 to 12,327. The number of early childhood majors trained at the college has nearly doubled over just the past five years, from 62 to 112.
GJ - Anticipating another bazingo, I looked up all the teachers leaving their jobs at Wisconsin Lutheran High School (WELS, Milwaukee). According to this report, three are retiring and six more have had their positions eliminated. But the WLHS Contact full-color slick magazine is hailing their work as gonzo successful. They are "making disciples," which anyone with an IQ above room temperature can guess. And their tax-supported (voucher) student population is growing. In fact, the voucher kids seem destined to take over the entire school in time.
However - live by taxes, die by taxes. The school has noted that the money given for the vouchers has been frozen while costs go up! Although the school budget is now 40% voucher lubricated, that only means a growing cash flow problem in the future.
The formerly successful alumni basketball game has fallen on hard times. As one graduate said, "It is not my school anymore." Academic standards have fallen.
But the school was never very Lutheran, so no loss in doctrinal standards is anticipated. When a group of graduates were asked about the Book of Concord, one said, "A manual for repairing jets?"
WELS is doing what the LCA did. They are hailing their school as being oh-so evangelistic and missional.
ELCA-WELS-LCMS Joint Religious Efforts:
Worse Than People Imagine
Mark Jeske sits on the board of directors, for great justice. |
LPC has left a new comment on your post "SP Harrison's Testimony before Congress...And Luth...":
Pr. Greg,
I think the point is the hypocrisy. Seems like this point you are making is being missed.
LC-MS ministers constantly bag ELCA (see McCain on how he bags them), yet officially in the upper level, their synods are in cahoots, with LC-MS receiving Thrivent money etc.
It is like someone receiving money from abortionists while he criticises abortionists themselves.
In short, the moral high ground is really and simply - just grandstanding.
I suspect that is what Lutherans got with SP Harrison.
"Dear Friends, AAL is committed to helping Lutherans and assisting Lutheran congregations. That has long been a primary purpose of the organization, as stated in AAL's articles of incorporation. In pursuing this intention, we've often gathered information that helps us to better serve Lutherans and their institutions." Richard L. Gunderson, Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, 414-734-5721, June 30, 1993.
"To the reader: This binder contains a summary of activities and findings of the Church Membership Initiative funded by AAL. A meeting in February, 1993 at Orlando involving congregational participants and church executives was phase three. This summary focuses on the findings of phases one and two. As is the nature of such studies, emphasis is on research and statistical analysis. Such studies do provide helpful indicators. Such an approach, however, cannot directly reflect spiritual reality, which must remain with the judgment of those dispensing the means of grace. Phase four--utilization of information coming out of the first three phases--is open ended for whatever church body [ELCA, WELS, LCMS] will determine such use to be."
Rev. Wayne Borgwardt [WELS], Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. Five copies at Martin Luther College (WELS). BV 4523 .C48 1993 c.5
"In 1970 there were 500,000 more baptized members of Lutheran congregations than was the case in 1990. The Church Membership Initiative project was undertaken to understand and address this decline... Contact:
- Rev. Mary Ann Moller-Gunderson, Executive Director, Division for Congregational Ministries, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 8765 W Higgins Road, Chicago, IL, 60631, 312-380-2570;
- Rev. Lyle Muller, Executive Director, Board for Evangelism Services, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 1333 S Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO, 63122-7295, 314-965-9000;
- Rev. Wayne Borgwardt, Administrator for Worker Training, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 2929 N Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, WI, 53222, 414-256-3236;
- Mr. Douglas Olson, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919, 414-734-5721." Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993.
"The IMAGINE 2000+ A.D. symposium involved the gathering of 61 growing congregations to describe their ministry. The congregations were grouped with other congregations of similar size and ministry setting."
Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 12.
"Four people from each of 61 growing congregations gathered to share their congregational development experience, to react to the utility of toolbox items uncovered in Sections 2B and 2C above, and to exchange views with church body officials. Approximately 125 church body officials [ELCA, WELS, LCMS] and other guests observed these congregations and participated in the discussions."
Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 20.
"This does not mean that judicatory (ELCA synods, LCMS districts, WELS districts) and national expressions of the church bodies are not involved. They can play key roles in assisting congregations." Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 5.
"In-person interviews were held with ELCA, LCMS and WELS national office personnel who are responsible for evangelism, outreach, North American activities, and ministries to people of color." Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 5.
"Congregational growth, stability, and decline patterns were analyzed for all Lutheran congregations within each of three church bodies (ELCA, LCMS, WELS)."
Church Membership Initiative, Narrative Summary of Findings, 1993, Aid Association for Lutherans, 4321 N Ballard Road, Appleton, WI, 54919-0001, June 30, 1993. p. 9.
GJ - I used to publish all these examples of joint ELCA-LCMS-WELS ministries. They even had a joint worship program on the radio, called "Joy" or was it "The Joy of Sects"? I forget.
The WELS defense of the radio show was two-fold - "It's a lie!" That sounds familiar. Another defense was, "There was music on the program but no words sung."
WELS was very upset that I got the truth from ELCA on this. I even had an official denial on SP Mischke's letterhead (from a source).
After various verbatim examples published in Christian News, including the ELCA-LCMS-WELS leadership meeting at Snowbird, the blabber in the insurance magazines was suddenly stilled. It was like walking outside with locusts singing away, then becoming silent at once. Ominous.
All the while WELS and Missouri continue to look down their Pinocchio noses about the horrid sinfulness and unionism of ELCA. They praise God they are not unionistic like ELCA.
Many more projects happen on the local level too. The money goes into one pot. The three or more synods sit on local management boards and pass out the loot, some of it to themselves, of course.
Nothing has changed, although most of the unionism is hidden.
Change or Die missing. Ten Talents for Christ - missing. Ichabod effect - or server maintenance? |
Mark Jeske has third Change or Die! conference coming up, with ELCA-WELS-LCMS jointly leading their three synods in jet-ski ministry hallucinations. [GJ - Note the URL for Ten Talents for Christ - Change or Die is not working at all. Has it been Kilcreased or is it just site maintencance? Aren't you glad I preserved the agenda?]
Change or Die 2012
Stories from Lutheran Ministries that Are Growing
Thursday, February 23
The Harley Davidson Museum Conference Facility
1:00 p.m. Registration
1:30 Welcome, Introductions, Thanks, Instructions ….Rev. Mark Jeske
1:45 The Story of St. Andrew’s, Middleton and Waunakee ….Rev. Randy Hunter
2:15 Discussion
3:30 The Story of Hephatha, Milwaukee ..…..Rev. Mary Martha Kannass
3:00 Discussion
3:15 Break
3:30 The Story of Faith, Milwaukee …Revs. Richard Peterson and Richard Suerro
4:00 Discussion
4:15 The Story of Risen Savior, Milwaukee .…Rev. Ken Fisher
4:45 Discussion
5:00 Roundtable Reflections (Cocktails)
5:30 Dinner
6:30 The Story of LINC Twin Cities …..Mrs. Sue Hewitt
7:00 Discussion
7:15 The Story of Shepherd of the Hills, Pewaukee …..Rev. Tom Wink
7:45 Discussion
8:00 Wrap-Up
GJ - Hephatha, Milwaukee is ELCA. Here is one link from their ELCA partner.
Here is an ELCA news story mentioning Hephatha.
Randy Hunter is well known in WELS for the Latte Church - with the woman pastor "administering the Means of Grace."
Ken Fisher is the WELS expert on getting grant money, not that Jeske is slack on using Other People's Money.
LINC seems to be a front for ABCD, whatever that is or does.
Shepherd of the Hills is a Missouri Synod cell group congregation.
Faith, Milwaukee is another ELCA parish:
"Richard Suero student at Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, and member of our Mission partner congregation, Faith/Santa Fe Lutheran Church in Milwaukee (The pastor at Faith/Santa Fe is a “son of Augustana,*” Richard Peterson) the Grow-Hanson family ELCA missionaries in Senegal."
*Augustana is a Reconciled in Christ congregation.
The most disturbing question should be, "Why are Missouri and WELS so eager to show their unity with ELCA?"
The only answer can be - doctrinal indifference. UOJ is the perfect stance for unionistic work with any denomination, any religion.
Mama sow does not have separate spigots for each sect, so they can keep separate. Mama sow has one - because they are all working together. If it is so wonderful, why do Missouri and WELS lie about it? If ELCA is so horrible, why is this an ongoing issue?
Breaking News:
Luther Conceded He Was a Faith-ian
Compare and contrast Paul McCain, MDiv:
I have, over the years, talked to many Calvinists, in person and over the Internet. I always ask them, “Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are among God’s elect and are saved?” There are generally two reactions to that question: (1) A long and rather painful pause after which they say, “I hope I am. I do believe in Christ.” or (2) A quick, “Yes, I believe in Christ.” Now, let’s be honest here and admit that many Lutherans would answer in somewhat the same way. But here is the problem.
If our confidence that we are saved is based on our feeling that we have faith, we will flounder. The answer we must always give to the question of “Do you know you are saved?” is not, “Yes, because I have faith” but rather, “Yes, because Christ Jesus died for me” and of course, in my opinion, the very best answer of all is simply to point people to Luther’s explanation of the Creed and say, “Here, this puts it very well.”
Never look to your subjective feeling that there is faith in your heart. Always, always, always, look to Christ and what He has done for you and the whole world. Do not confuse faith in faith, with trust in Christ. There is a key difference.
We are Christians, not Faith-ians.
churchmousec (http://churchmousec.wordpress.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News: Luther Conceded He Was a Faith-ian":
And, defending the Calvinist corner ... ;)
True Calvinists know doctrinally, not emotionally, that they are saved through Christ's sacrifice on the Cross.
John MacArthur put it well in this sermon from 2003:
'Why do I feel sure of my salvation? Because I understand the work of God in Christ. It's not a matter of holding on to my assurance emotionally. I hold on to it doctrinally, it's facts revealed in Scripture, historical realities in the Bible. It's not a feeling. That is why there is such strength in that great eighth chapter of Romans. Listen to how Paul says this, Romans 8:38 ... Was he persuaded by the recollection of some emotional experience of the past? No. He was persuaded by the facts of the gospel that the love of Christ for His own was an eternal love, that sin was no longer an issue because it was completely paid for. We who know that relish assurance based upon sound doctrine. I am secure. I do believe in Christ. Therefore I enjoy my assurance for Christ has guaranteed it to me, having become the perfect substitute who paid the price for all my sins. This is just the heart and soul of our assurance.'
Sorry to read, Dr Jackson, that you have received such poor responses to your question. Perhaps you received responses from Remonstrants, who are not Calvinist in doctrine.
GJ - Dear ChurchMouse,
Paul McCain's statements are a wonder. He does not know Lutheran doctrine at all but constantly fights against it, with a Roman Catholic employee as his UOJ expert. Like his blog-buddy Jack Cascione, he has a reputation for making things up as the basis for his arguments.
Therefore, I trust that McCain knows as little about Calvinism as he does about Lutheran doctrine.
The UOJ fanatics are not a studious bunch.
The Icha-boat Is Briefly Seen in "The Bodyguard," with Whitney Houston and Kevin Cosner
As seen in "The Bodyguard," with Whitney Houston and Kevin Cosner. |
We watched the funeral of Whitney Houston, then felt obliged to watch "The Bodyguard," where she starred with Kevin Cosner.
In one scene there is a small riot. Kevin Cosner rescues her and they leave in the limousine.
I said, "Look. They are riding in the Icha-boat." I caught two glimpses of their car, and it was exactly like our model.
I did a little research and found they were using a stretch model of the Lincoln Town Car, which was in several other films.
A repairman said our model is called the limousine model, and it was reputedly the longest car made in America. We did not get the stretch version.
Another source claims the Town Car is so sturdy because the platform was designed for police cars.
Whitney Houston and Kevin Cosner |
Pixelation Applications in WELS and Missouri
They open up a can of 8th Commandment on anyone who questions their false doctrine. |
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Missing the Pixelation Message on Steadfast Luther...":
Pixelation of doctrine is not limited only to UOJ in the former Syn conference bodies. The inappropriate use of Matthew chapter 18 and the Eighth Commandment is also another stellar example of pixelation. I have even witnessed Romans chapter 13 used to rationalize unquestioning obedience to temporal powers.
Posted by rlschultz to Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed at February 23, 2012 10:00 AM
SP Harrison's Testimony before Congress...
And Lutherans
Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "The LCMS Also Celebrates Its Unity with Rome. DP B...":
Here is something for your readers to chew upon: Benke's appearance at Yankee Stadium after 9/11 demonstrates syncretism in action. Harrison's words on the HHS matter demonstrate no such similar syncretism, but show instead his testimony to truth.
GJ - Paul McCain, Harrison's campaign manager, shows amazing patience with Benke's errors, considering Paul's constant ministry of condemnation, all over the Net.
I would be impressed with Harrison's testimony before Congress if his testimony before Lutherans were, "No more ELCA." [Notice the deft use of the subjunctive, contrary-to-fact.]
Ditto, SP Schroeder and Pope John the Malefactor.
The latest "conservative" Lutheran hymnals are loaded with ELCA copyright materials, but I fail to see how the ELCA content contributes in any way.
Can anyone sing ELCA's "This Is the Feast" without severe and lasting psychic pain? I would rather hear rap, and I hate rap.
Missing the Pixelation Message on Steadfast Lutherans
Robert Preus |
I am glad to see that Steadfast Lutherans finally replaced their dreadful pixelated graphic of Robert Preus with this version, above. But I am sorry to say they missed the point about pixelation.
Ichabod readers are spoiled by an avalanche of high quality graphics. I search for them all the time and improve them whenever possible. Nothing is more fun than a large file in Photoshop. I took a bad version of Chemnitz from Cyberbrethren and removed the crease mark that ran down the middle of the scan, from the book being placed on the faceplate. Later my improved version began appearing on Cyberbrethren. I told another Photoshop fan, "Imagine him stealing what I stole. The nerve."
Anyone can find a good graphic of Robert Preus, plus quite a few inferior ones. Google Images will produce samples from Ichabod on almost any Lutheran figure or topic. Putting up a bad graphic shows a lack of experience in the field or a lack of effort. I can help. Just send an email. My photo of Moline High suffered the same crease problems, and now people are borrowing it.
This is the pixelation issue in Lutheran doctrine. When people take part of a verse, out of context, and make that their proof of UOJ, it is just like pixelation. They show us little squares of various hues, which they magnify to absurdity. But they refuse to deal with the verses in context.
They argue, as Rolf and Peter Preus recently did, that Romans 4:25 proves the entire world has been absolved of sin, without the Word, without the Means of Grace, without faith. That alone shows they do not comprehend Biblical, Lutheran doctrine. But even worse, they cannot even read the plain English of Romans without their UOJ filters on.
Here is the verse in context:
KJV Romans 4:22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. 23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; 24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Abraham is the example of justification by faith in Romans 4, the first of all justified by faith. We are justified (declared forgiven by God, which is the imputation or reckoning) if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead. God creates the faith, and faith receives the Promise.
This is confirmed by the great statement at the center of the Lutheran Reformation and all Protestant thought.
KJV Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of
The UOJ Stormtroopers want us to believe them, but they do not believe the Word of God. They want us to trust them, but they read this beautiful passage and turn it into rationalistic Pietistic mush.
In fact, they are so blind that they cannot see what Robert Preus is clearly saying in Justification and Rome. Nor will they deal with it, point by point. Instead they repeat their talking points and banish the justification by faith adherents from their smarmy, self-congratulatory "Steadfast" blog.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Missing the Pixelation Message on Steadfast Luther...":
(W)ELS' Wayne Mueller inadvertantly stabbed UOJ in the heart when he admitted that the Lutheran Synod's false gospel replaced the Chief Article of Christian faith declared in Scripture and faithfully confessed in the Lutheran Confessions:
"Appeal to the Lutheran symbols did not resolve the objective justification controversy. (Note Vernon Harley’s use of the Confessions to limit exegetical conclusions in his “Exegetical Study of Scripture Passages Generally Used to Teach ‘Objective’ or ‘Universal’ Justification” 1984, p8)
“This is basically why they contend so strongly for ‘objective’ justification and go a step further than our Lutheran Confessions insisting that Objective Justification is the Chief article of the Christian Faith, while our Confessions give that honor to justification by grace through faith”"
Page 7
GJ - Wayne Mueller heavily promoted Church Growth in WELS, only to be replaced by James Huebner, a known alumnus of Fuller Seminary.
WELS pays Grace (Huebner's congregation) $10,000 a year for his valuable services. Who gets the dough?
And who used to be pastor of Grace, yet is not even mentioned on the congregation's website?
Gausewitz! - a pastor who created a famous catechism without bothering to mention UOJ. And yet, the entire Synodical Conference respectected Gausewitz enough to vote him president.
The LCMS Also Celebrates Its Unity with Rome.
DP Benke, Paul McCain, and Roman Catholicism
Pope Paul the Unlearned is the world's largest chameleon. He assumes the doctrinal background of anyone he is with. Ancient Greeks: "A chameleon can turn any color...except white." |
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "ELCA, Catholic leaders celebrate their Christian u...":
Didn't LCMS Pastor Benke greet the Antichrist in the name of all LCMS clergy and laity calling him Holy Father?
LCMS' CPH chief editor and close friend of LCMS President Harrison, Rev. Paul McCain declared that he held a common confession of Christ as Father Richard John Neuhaus, as a clergy convert who vowed that the Antichrist is Christ on earth and that all who confess Justification by Faith alone are anathema.
"I will miss Father Neuhaus, and I join with many others in expressing my appreciation for his life and work, both for what he did that I fervently agreed with, which was much, and that which I had to disagree with, which was substantial. In both cases, he challenged me to think, to reflect, to grow and to strive for excellence in our common confession of Christ." - Rev. McCain
World's smallest chameleon. |
GJ - Neuhaus called himself a confessional Lutheran until he joined the Church of Rome as a priest - not exactly a shock to his readers.
The genius of Universal Objective Justification is the destruction of all creeds and confessions. A confession of faith becomes meaningless when someone thinks God "declared the entire world forgiven," as Rolf Preus recently repeated.
Neuhaus and McCain's father-in-law were Seminex leaders, as Richard Jungkuntz (UOJ, formerly WELS) was. They all have UOJ as their common "confession."
That also liberates DP Benke in his quest to be in communion with anything that moves, whether Rome or ELCA or Mecca.
The same UOJ makes it easy for Team Glende and the Patterson Safari Group to worship at every Schwaermer conference known to man.
These people specialize in repeating the claims of UOJ, but they are helpless when it comes to exegesis and Lutheran doctrine. Their UOJ obsession has them coming back to the same topic, so Universalism clearly defines their distant watercolor memories of seminary education.