Friday, June 8, 2012

Thoughts from Pastor Nathan Bickel

Some thoughts related to Christ’s Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus –

Those who find (short lived) “relief” while sitting in their church pews, hearing absolution pronouncements and sermons of cheap grace

As I woke from a short nap I began thinking the following:

Those who possess their stocks and bonds and, an abundance of material possessions, be it a second home, RV, yacht, etc. - these people never have to concern themselves with paying their bills and taxes on time, and making ends meet. They don't have to struggle in this world, to exist with "dignity." They have all the dignity that life could offer. [So, they think]

Their dignity is their reputation. They take pride in that reputation, because their existence is free from needing outside help. Their self abundant rich lifestyle thus insulates them from having to rely upon God for their self worth and inner strength. Hence, they feel no need to exercise personal faith in Christ. Going to church on Sundays, replaces all that, as they can join in the general prayer of confession and hear the general absolution and later (in the same church gathering) hear the pastor pronounce cheap grace in his sermon, as he repeatedly states that Christ's sacrifice (of total absolution) included them, with all of humanity.

However, those who are rich are ensnared by their own, more than comfortable existence. The Scripture says:

"But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." - 1 Timothy 6:9-10

Those who leave their trust in Christ, in exchange for their comfortable and care free living, are often unaware what has happened to them. Hence, the rich man's non compassion for poor Lazarus. But, Scripture says that they who have built their existence upon "sand" – those dwellings, are, but a house of cards existence. - Matthew 7

I think of the Scripture:

"Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, who is the LORD? Or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain" - Proverbs 30:8-9

American "Christian" churches are full of human souls, who, by global standards are relatively (financially) rich. Yet, many of these souls (I believe) unwittingly make a pretense of genuine worship toward our Triune God. True worship is replaced by their ever full pocket books. They give freely and abundantly to their church. This self satisfaction, of doing so, (I believe) is a replacement for having to place their trust in the good Lord for their daily care and keeping. It's easier to go online and check their investments and pull cash out of fattened pocket books and purses than to exercise any faith in Christ for their daily created existence.

But, be that as it may, the rich (indeed), are needy souls. But, they are often unaware of their true personal spiritual needs, unless, perhaps, God deals their health a severe blow. Their existence is very comfortable. They have no worries or concerns of paying their bills and taxes. They have no struggle. But, they come to church and join in its many faceted congregational activities, seeking acceptance and status. [They love to be regarded as "good" people]

They are pros at being sociable; yet, they lack genuine friendliness and compassion. They give of their wealth to their respectable church and "respectable" church denominational body, but would seldom lift a pecuniary finger in the direction of those lower than their comfortable status position. They end up utilizing their church status and its "holy" four walled acceptance to stroke their egos. More often than not, they inwardly and unconsciously exhibit the attitude of the Pharisee who thanked God in his prayer to himself that he was not like those sinners. - Luke 18:11 

Certainly, I see modern day parallels with Christ's Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Its reality is being lived out every day and in every age, as Luther well stated.

Nathan M. Bickel - pastor emeritus

Hebrews 12

Dawkins calls for 'Catholic' honesty - < The Irish Times. >
SynConference Prefers Walther's Pietism to Luther's Doctrine.
Child Abuse Argues Against Catholicism and
Corrupt Lutheran Synods

Prof Richard Dawkins says he was intrigued by an Irish Times poll showing 62 per cent of Catholics believe the bread and wine blessed during Mass `only represents the body and blood? of Christ Photograph: David Levenson/Getty Images
Dawkins' comments about Roman Catholics
are dead accurate about the Synodical Conference.

Dawkins calls for 'Catholic' honesty - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 06, 2012:


People who describe themselves as Catholic but do not accept the church’s key teachings should be “honest” and admit they no longer belong to the faith, atheist author and scientist Prof Richard Dawkins has told a Dublin audience.

He said he was intrigued by this week’s Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll showing almost two thirds (62 per cent) of Catholics believed the bread and wine which was blessed during Mass “only represents the body and blood” of Christ.

Just 26 per cent said they believed the bread and wine transformed into Christ’s body and blood in accordance with the doctrine of transubstantiation.

“If they don’t believe in transubstantiation then they are not Roman Catholics,” Prof Dawkins said. “If they are honest they should say they are no longer Roman Catholics.”

The survey finding “should come in for a fair degree of ridicule,” he added. “I wouldn’t hold back on the ridicule”.

Prof Dawkins was speaking at a public interview in the National Concert Hall last night as part of the Dublin Writers Festival.

He said he was encouraged by the growth of the atheist movement in Ireland, and a gradual shift towards “science and reason” at the expense of the Catholic Church.

“The number of priests is going down beautifully,” he said.

In addition, the child abuse controversy has eroded the church’s authority and the “extraordinarily ham-fisted way” the church responded “has helped”.

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A. Berean on Justification without Faith - The Dogma of the SynConference

A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Justification by Faith in the Catechisms - Docume...":

I love how Luther always ties forgiveness to the Means of Grace (as one would expect since Scripture does as well). I've had some UOJ Sem Profs tell me that Righteousness is not only secured for all men; not only offered, but even given apart from the Means of Grace. This is based on the axiom that you cannot receive what has not been previously given.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "A. Berean on Justification without Faith - The Dog...":

Get the UOJists in the Lutheran Synods to discuss their false central and chief doctrine of Universal Forgiveness before and without faith and they will scewer themselves on their own contradictions and the perverse teaching of their false gospel.

Here's Wayne Mueller (W)ELS, presenting one of UOJ's trichobezoar's.

"Appeal to the Lutheran symbols did not resolve the objective justification controversy. (Note Vernon Harley’s use of the Confessions to limit exegetical conclusions in his “Exegetical Study of Scripture Passages Generally Used to Teach ‘Objective’ or ‘Universal’ Justification” 1984, p8) “This is basically why they contend so strongly for ‘objective’ justification and go a step further than our Lutheran Confessions insisting that Objective Justification is the Chief article of the Christian Faith, while our Confessions give that honor to justification by grace through faith”"
Page 7


A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Luther's Romans Commentary - UOJ":

The defense used by those who teach UOJ is a false syllogism: "all [men] have sinned" v. 12, "(the) many were made sinners" v. 19, therefore "(the) many" equals "all [men]"

When the error of that syllogism is pointed out, they say "well, look at the tight parallel with verse 18..." THATS THE SAME FAULTY SYLLOGISM!


LPC has left a new comment on your post "A. Berean on Justification without Faith - The Dog...":

And clearly based on Andreae's statements, the object of faith that receives justification is the atonement of Jesus Christ, i.,e Christ's work and person. As we have read and seen many times, UOJ teachers even categorically state that this is not to be the object of faith, rather, it should be the justification of you which already happened 2000 years ago at the Cross or at Christ' Resurrection.

Andreae therefore clearly was not a UOJer, neither were the other colleagues of his.


EXCLUSIVE: Booker on outs with Obama after TV gaffe -
Just like WELS, LCMS, ELS -
You Are Not Cleared To Think on Your Own.
The Ice Curtain Descends

Remember this - at a "free" conference,
they control discussion and ban people.

EXCLUSIVE: Booker on outs with Obama after TV gaffe -

It’s bye-bye, Beltway for Cory Booker.

Newark’s mayor, who was gunning for a spot in President Obama’s Cabinet, lost the chance after he shot his mouth off during a blunderingly honest TV appearance last month, sources told The Post.
“He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.

Booker had been angling for the housing secretary gig in a second Obama term, according to sources in the administration and close to the mayor.

The job was certainly a possibility, given Booker’s work in New Jersey’s biggest city, according to administration and Democratic Party sources.

ON THE OUTS: The once-close relationship between President Obama and Cory Booker has turned cold after the Newark mayor angered the Obama camp by denouncing attempts to badmouth Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital.

Thinking highly of Booker, Obama’s campaign asked him to appear on “Meet the Press” on May 20 to act as a mouthpiece, but he proceeded to eviscerate one of the president’s key campaign themes.

Booker told a national TV audience the president’s attacks on Mitt Romney’s record at private-equity firm Bain Capital were “nauseating” and made him “very uncomfortable.”

“I have to just say from a very personal level, I’m not about to sit here and indict private equity,” said Booker, a rising Democratic star tapped by the president’s campaign as a “surrogate” speaker for Obama. “If you look at the totality of Bain Capital’s record, they’ve done a lot to support businesses.”

Almost immediately, top Obama aides were speed-dialing Booker, insisting he backpedal from his comments before returning to the Garden State. But the mayor wouldn’t do that.

Booker further enraged them by waiting until that night to post an online video that was neither cleared by the campaign nor acceptable to Obama strategists.

Read more:

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The Rock Is Justification by Faith -
Not Justification without Faith

"Upon this bedrock I will build My Church."
Grace comes only from the Means of Grace,
the Holy Spirit at work in the invisible Word of teaching and preaching,
the visible Word of the sacraments.

Justification by faith is the chief article of Christianity. The great opponent of Pietism, Loescher, called it "the article on which the Church stands or falls."

Unitarian-Universalism is definitely not the foundation of the Christian Church, but UOJ finds itself bloood-brothers with the UUAs, the mainline liberals, and various oddball sects that also teach the justification of the entire world.

Barth - or rather his mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum - taught UOJ. Who embraced Barth's UOJ? Carl Braaten! Youngsters do not realize that Braaten was the Child Prodigy and later the Elderly Apostate who edited the Braaten-Jenson Church Dogmatics. The BJ Church Dogmatics ridiculed all the articles of faith in the Apostles Creed. They acknowledged that the Christian Church once believed those things like the Virgin Birth and Atonement, but they did not - in this modern, scientific world. Braaten is proud to note his book is still in print (just like Knapp's theological lectures, the font of modern UOJ).

But, nota bene, Braaten had his limits too. When his radical leftist seminary in Chicago dropped "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" from the liturgy, in favor of feminist language, he refused to attend chapel, at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, from that point on. And now they dedicate compost tumblers at that same chapel. Are you laughing until tears squirt from your eyes? Oh my, I can hardly type at this point.

The solemn dedication of the compost tumbler
filled the feminist audience with awe as they meditated upon
evolution and Mother Earth.

Deep down, the Shrinkers realize they have no message in UOJ. That is why they run off for comfort from Babtists Stetzer, Stanley, and Warren. Or they cast longing eyes at Rome - as Weedon and McCain do.

The UOJ crowd has plenty of damnation for the universally forgiven and saved. They need to get justification right first, before they run at the mouth about every subject under the Son. They defame the Word of God and reject the Confessions with every scrofulous act.

Doctrine Means Teaching

The people who lecture me about academics are amusing. They might get away with teaching at their parochial schools, because a parochial education prepares someone to carry on the worship of Holy Mother Synod. These professors of parochialism are unequipped and unqualified to teach in higher education.

Doctrine means teaching. Originally, a doctorate stood for teacher - not physician. The physicians decided they needed more status, so they began calling themselves M.D. - doctor of medicine. That is not considered a doctorate. Many of the same medical schools offer a PhD as well.

Our son's godfather, a dear friend until he died, earned an M.D. and a PhD from Yale Medical School, where Mrs. Ichabod and I both worked. I was a lowly Xerox guy at the medical library. She was a researcher for a famous author. Since we were both at the medical school at various times, I often brought LI in a baby carrier, so he also wandered the narrow but impressive stacks of the library, amusing the medical students.

The three professional degrees are law, medicine, and theology. They are practical degrees. Lawyers and physicians decided to give themselves doctorates, so lawyers  are J.D. (Juris Doctor, doctor of law) instead of being a bachelor of law. Ministers upgraded their degree to MDiv. Some even paid for new diplomas to be printed.

The seminaries learned they could make big money by selling a DMin to lazy pastors - a quickie degree with no academic standards. The Church Growth frauds in WELS have their DMins from various absurd schools, from Fuller on down. But the fraudsters call this a "doctorate" rather than a scam.

Larry Olson will not answer a question in class unless he is addressed as Dr. Olson! The students should say "Dee-Min Olson..." and laugh.

The original, genuine doctorate was the Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, which meant someone was qualified to teach philosophy and theology at the university level. Luther earned one at a Catholic school - imagine that. Chemnitz was required to earn one in order to serve as a bishop.

Today, all LCMS District Popes have themselves anointed with an honorary doctorate, so everyone has to call them "Dr" Poobah, bowing in awe before them.

All pastors should be teachers. That is a requirement - apt to teach. A scholar is not someone with a degree, but someone who is studious. Scholar comes from the Greek word "leisure," meaning that a scholar does research when others are watching the Packers on their TVs.

But most ministers are too lazy to study, and congregations make them social directors of the Love Boat rather than scholars.

I hate to disappoint the Appleton bullies, but I do not teach for any denomination, any parochial school. When someone earns an MA in religion, it is the study of one aspect of religion. Uncle John Brug did not have to join the United Church of Christ to attend a seminar in Old Testament studies at Yale. Nor did he have to agree with any prevalent notions there.

The Mequon faculty members have been acquiring real degrees, thanks to the low enrollment there. One waits with eager longing for Glende to denounce the faculty at the Sausage Factory for their ecumenical graduate work.

Dave Peters, one of the WELS enforcers, studied at a Jesuit school, Marquette. He wanted to know about teaching in higher education. I pointed out that his STM from Mequon was worthless. So sad.

WELS has a habit of roaring against anyone who steps on their tender toes. And people have a habit of laughing at WELS. They laugh when they know about the felony arrests, plea bargains, embezzlements, and other more shameful acts. WELS has one lecture subject always in mind - Holy Mother WELS: submit or be damned.

My task is simply to teach Luther's doctrine - to point people to Luther and the Book of Concord, because they are faithful witnesses to God's Word. That always inflames from wolves in sheep's clothing. They want to murder and strangle the flock at a leisurely pace, unmolested while they molest.

I am a teacher of God's Word. Those who want to hear God's Word are happy to be pointed to good sources, to be warned against false teachers.

UOJ Little Boys Club

Brett Meyer wrote to me about how immature the UOJ crowd is. That conclusion is difficult to avoid, given their behavior.

Their two favorite gathering places are prime examples. They are always offended at LaughQuest and the Glende blog. The two pitiful efforts have one person in common - LCMS' Paul McCain. Neither group minds that his blog is almost completely copied from other sources. His "original" posts are prime examples of outright plagiarism (giving no credit to the author) and disguised plagiarism, where he implies at the conclusion that someone else's work was a source for his own original work. Giving the origin of plagiarism does not expunge the crime - it only makes it worse.

Both UOJ sites claim to be Lutheran, but they do not seem bothered by McCain using Roman Catholic propaganda as "his" posts. He even links his RC plagiarism on LutherQuest LaughQuest. The same Pietists who rage against everyone have no problems with this, whether they are led by Cascione or Glende. They should be in-censed, pardon the pun.

Those little boys who never grow up are bullies, bullies who operate in a gang because of their cowardice. I heard from Savoy that the congregation lost its energy because everything had to be Glende's way or else. That sounds like the pastor who excommunicated the member and fired the circuit pastor who dared to identify his sins.

I have a photo from The CORE when it was at the movie theater. "We will do anything short of sin to reach the lost." Left unsaid is the author of those words - Craig Groeschel, Methodist Evangelical Covenant. But UOJ says everyone is saved - no matter. People whispered around in awe - Ski will do anything short of sin to reach the lost. That must have been - to reach lost WELS members from local congregations.

Another part of the deception - The CORE is not a congregation but just another part of St. Peter, Freedom, Wisconsin. But Ski is not on the website as a staff member. WELS has been using smoke and mirrors for all their Church and Change congregations. The idea is to siphon off members from established churches to fund the new Emergent Church. DP Patterson is doing that in Round Rock and his disciple in Indianapolis.

That is the fundamental flaw with UOJ, because the dogma contradicts God's Word. In Christian doctrine, God's Word is perfect psychology - not the theories of Freud the coke-head fraud. UOJ hardens the heart by giving everyone--but not really--universal forgiveness and salvation. Not really because - the UOJ fraudsters are always pronouncing "Anathema sit!" on anyone in their way. That means they can lie, cheat, steal, and prey upon others while sitting in the Pharisees' judgment seat.

UOJ spa.

Pastor Nathan Bickel - Reviewing Luther's Sermon

“Sermon Homework” Review Of:

Ichabod's Posting of Luther's Sermon on "The Rich Man and Lazarus" - FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY - 1523-24 - Taken from one of the 8 Pamphlet Editions

Please note:  Luther’s words in blue


The Rich Man Does Not Possess True Religion:

The rich man in the parable told by Christ did not possess true religion. As Luther intimates, he was engrossed with himself and surrounded himself with an easy, lazy and sumptuous life. He was self absorbed - narcissistic - continually sinning against the First Commandment.

Secondly, the rich man not only sinned against God; he sinned against his neighbor. The parable makes obvious his sins of omission. The rich man failed miserably in that he did not practice genuine religion:

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."  James 1:27 - Also:  Matthew 5:8

The Rich Man's Sins Against God and His Neighbor - Sins Against the First and Second Table of the Law:

The rich man sins against the God who created him and sins against Lazarus, another priceless soul, created by God. But, (however) these sins against God's Ten Commandments, they are only a natural outgrowth of the inherited sin nature and the overt (natural) capacity to continue to sin, according to the Adamic nature. [Romans 3:23 ; Romans 5:12]

What, Essentially, Damns the Rich Man?

The rich man's damning sin, is that he did not listen when he had the opportunity to hear God's Word - as mentioned in the parable, as the Word was, "Moses and the Prophets." It was his sin of omission, not giving heed to the divine revelation which finally did this rich man's soul, eternally, in! By failing to hear and listen, the rich man was settled in unbelief. Today, is no different as people in modern day culture are too self absorbed with themselves and their own creature comforts, - not only neglecting God's due worship [from them] but so self absorbed that the love of their neighbor is virtually unseen by their blinded spiritual eyes. This is what Luther says, of such:

"....For whoever feels the goodness of God, feels also for the misfortune of his neighbor; but whoever is not conscious of the goodness of God, sympathizes not in the misfortune of his neighbor....."

Luther also illustrates in this sermon that the rich man's faith in God is nil, - else he would have had compassion upon Lazarus who was suffering (right) outside his mansion dwelling. Here, Luther makes another astute observation:

"....So we see now in the example of the rich man that it is impossible to love, where no faith exists,....Yea, here you see that there is nothing slinder and more unmerciful than unbelief. For here the dogs, the most irascible animals, are more merciful to poor Lazarus than this rich man, and they recognize the need of the poor man and lick his sores; while the obdurate, blinded hypocrite is so hard hearted that he does not wish him to have the crumbs that fell from his table....."


Luther takes for granted the faith of Lazarus. And, why shouldn't he? Lazarus ended up in heaven, but the rich man in hell because of his unbelief. Luther references Hebrews 11:6 - "For without faith it is impossible to please God." The parable does not mention Lazarus' faith. It doesn't have to. From the destination end of both souls, it is obvious that Lazarus possessed a genuine faith and the rich man was bereft of any saving faith.

Luther continues with the personification of a goddess looking favorably upon the riches of the rich man whereas God is pleased with the sores and sufferings of poor Lazarus. Luther goes on to say that in the world - even now, there are people suffering, yet the rich are blind to that reality. So the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man is played over and over in modern times.

Luther observes:

"All believers are like poor Lazarus; and every believer is a true Lazarus, for he is of the same faith, mind and will, as Lazarus. And whoever will not be a Lazarus, will surely have his portion with the rich glutton in the flames of hell."

Luther mentions that true believers, even though they may not be visited with the physical afflictions as Lazarus, these true believers have the same mind and heart as dear Lazarus. Luther states:

"So Abraham also, although he had not the poverty and affliction of Lazarus, yet he had the mind and will to bear what Lazarus did, if God had visited him thus."

Luther concludes Part 2 with the following astute observation:

"Thus is set forth the sum and meaning of the Gospel that we may see how faith everywhere saves and unbelief condemns.


Question 1 - Luther explains the "bosom of Abraham:"

.....To answer this, it is necessary to know that the soul or spirit of man has no rest or place where it may abide, except the Word of God, until he comes at the last day to the clear vision of God. Therefore we conclude that the bosom of Abraham signifies nothing else than the Word of God, where Christ was promised, Genesis 22:18, to Abraham, namely: “In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.”......Thus were all the fathers before the birth of Christ carried into Abraham’s bosom; that is, at their death they were established in this saying of God, and they fell asleep in the same, they were embraced and guarded as in a bosom, and sleep there until the day of judgment; excepting those,. who have already risen with Christ, as Matthew 27:52 teaches, where they also remained.....

Luther then contrasts the righteous, which have died in the Faith with those of unbelievers:

.....For just as Abraham’s bosom is God’s Word, in which believers rest through faith, and fall asleep and are guarded there until the day of judgment; so must that on the contrary ever be hell, where God’s Word is not, into which the unbelievers are cast until the day of judgment. That can be nothing else than an empty, unbelieving, sinful, and evil conscience.....

Question 2 - Luther explains the “conversation” between the Rich Man and Abraham:

Since both bodies were in the grave, the conversation was not one of voice but of "consciousness." Referring to the request of the Rich Man to Abraham to warn his family of hell, Luther comments:

.....These are the thoughts of despair, when the conscience feels that the Word of God is withdrawn forever from him; accordingly the thoughts of his conscience rage and would gladly have the living to know that such are the agonies of death, and he craves that someone would tell it to them.....But it is to no purpose; for he feels an answer in his own conscience, that Moses and the prophets are sufficient, whom they ought to believe, as he himself should have done. All such thoughts pass between the condemned conscience and the Word of God, in the hour of death or in the agonies of death;

Question 3 – Re: The time element of eternal judgment - [Luther]: "When did that take place, and if the rich man still daily without ceasing suffers thus until the day of judgment?"

Luther does not have an answer for this, as Scripture does not tell us. Luther does refer to the relativity of time, but then ends up saying:

"....Therefore it seems to me that in this rich man we have an example of the future of all unbelievers, when their eyes are opened by death and its agonies; which can endure but for a moment and then cease until the day of judgment, as it may please God; for here no definite rule can be established.....

Question 4 - About "praying for the dead:"

Luther has a two part answer:

a) "We have no command from God to pray for the dead; therefore no one sins by not praying for them; for what God does not bid or forbid us to do, in that no one can sin."

b) As far as the dead's "final" judgment, Luther's answer about prayer for the dead is, as follows:

"......Now since it is uncertain and no one knows, whether final judgment has been passed upon these souls, it is not sin if you pray for them; but in this way, that you let it rest in uncertainty and speak thus: Dear God, if the departed souls be in a state that they may yet be helped, then I pray that thou wouldst be gracious. And when you have thus prayed once or twice, then let it be sufficient and commend them unto God. For God has promised that when we pray to him for anything he would hear us. Therefore when you have prayed once or twice, you should believe that your prayer is answered, and there let it rest, lest you tempt God and mistrust him......"

Having stated thus, [in the aforementioned] Luther frowns on continued prayer:

".....masses, vigils and prayers to be repeated forever for the dead every year, as if God had not heard us the year before, is the work of Satan and is death itself, where God is mocked by unbelief, and such prayers are nothing but blasphemy of God.”

Luther further observes (although not using the word) that "séances" are not according to Scripture, - since:

".....No soul has yet since the beginning of the world reappeared on the earth, and it is not God’s will that it should be so. For here in this Gospel you see that Abraham declares that no one can be sent from the dead to teach the living; but he points them to the Word of God in the Scriptures, Deuteronomy 31: “They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.” By these words Abraham turns to the command of God in Deuteronomy 18:11, where God says: “Thou shalt not be a consulter with a familiar spirit.” Isaiah 8:19......."

Luther ends his sermon by dispelling his day's superstition of ghosts and haunted dwellings - one with a story of Gregory, the Bishop of Cappadocia.

Pastor Bickel's quick summation:

Excellent sermon by Luther! [Aren’t most, if not all?]  Every Christian pastor, Christian and heathen would benefit. [The unbeliever would benefit, at least to the extent that he would be warned of his future eternal damning predicament, baring repentance and faith]

 Luther's adept reliance upon the Word is captivating. He always returns to "faith." After all, it is "faith" which [only] pleases God. [Hebrews 11:6] It is by God’s grace through faith, in which we are justified and thus are able to receive the crown of glory, as Lazarus did.

The "key" to this parable of Christ, is, essentially, the Word - "Moses and the Prophets." To the Rich Man, those were the Scriptures of his day, the divine revelation to which he did not take heed – (which was manifest in the Rich Man’s temporal lifestyle and sins of omission). He was condemned because of his unbelief in those Scriptures, - whereas Lazarus was a suffering servant of the Lord, who believed. He had nothing to offer His Lord but his patient suffering. To him the words of 1 Peter 1 would apply:

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory..." [1 Peter 1:3-8 - KJV]

Take my life and let it be; consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour; at Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself, and I will be, ever, only, all for Thee.
[TLH  - “Take My Life and Let It Be” – CPH ; c.1941 – Verses 1 & 6]

Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel

P.S.  -  Dr. Jackson – Thanks for providing the opportunity to review one of Luther’s sermons! I thoroughly enjoyed it! It was a good exercise!