Buddies of WELS and LCMS and the Little Sect -
From Exposing the ELCA

Three ELCA leaders laugh at your faith in God's Word.
Look at how well they have done with their alternative lifestyles.
There are few ELCA pastors that believe the Biblical account of creation (see here). Recently a discussion took place on a facebook page for ELCA clergy that began with an ELCA pastor writing this - 

“After teaching introduction to the OT for a group of laypersons in our synod, I was disappointed that one of the ten persons blasted everything I taught about Genesis for her final paper and presentation. It took courage, I think, for her to make her presentation, but she basically said that, if you believe in any form of evolution or if you believe someone other than Moses wrote Genesis or if you believe that the days of Genesis 1 are not literal 24-hour days, you're a godless pagan who goes against scientific principles and sound reasoning. I'm still astonished... and a bit disappointed.”

The comments that followed were revealing:
  •  “i'm often astonished and saddened how many people insist on believing in Mosaic authorship and 'literal creation.'"

  •  “Don't worry...I used to believe that too”

  •  “I can remember a lot of wounded people taking Pentateuch back in Seminary days. A lot of students started out not far from this woman's position and moved to a different one. It takes time. Perhaps you planted seeds.”

  •  “I would assume that kind of hyper conservative view of Genesis, Evolution, etc....is VERY common in our pews. I know it's very common here in Southern Indiana.”

  •  “had a similar experience in my last parish. People in the pews actually believe we all come from Adam and Eve.”

  •  'If she is planning on being a certified lay preacher, I say NO to that person's being approved.”

  •  “you can't fix crazy.”

Historic St. John Lutheran Church - Synodical Conference Mother Church - Still Closed after WELS Stole the Property and Endowment

Long ago, WELS kicked the congregation and pastor out of its infallible sect,
but recently -  stole the property and endowment with the help of Jeske employees.
This happened to prevent new members from
getting involved and broadcasting services,
just the opposite of the claims in this article.
SP Mark Schroeder did nothing to stop the theft.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Urban spelunking: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church

St John’s is one of Milwaukee’s finest examples of high Victorian Gothic ecclesiastical architecture. Designed by architect Herman Paul Schnetzky, it was completed in 1890. The East tower, with 3 bronze bells weighing 6 tons, is 197′ tall while the west tower is 127′ tall. Unique theatre style lighting featuring 800 individual light fixtures was installed in 1909 and is seldom seen in churches. The church seats 1,100.
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church

WELS Documented - St. John

Urban spelunking: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
On Milwaukee

St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 804 W. Vliet St., is a bit like Milwaukee's own Mont Saint-Michel. Its imposing Gothic spires sprout from a high point in the city, soaring above everything around it.

But, geographically, it also feels a bit cut off, like the French religious site at high tide, with the expressway to the west, the freeway-like McKinley Boulevard to the south. You can see it from everywhere, but it's not immediately clear how to reach it.

Trust me, it's worth the minor effort of getting there.

These days there are no services held at the church – designed by Herman Schnetzky and his then-draftsman and foreman Eugene Liebert and erected in 1889-90 – where there are just two trustees and a congregation whose members can be counted on one hand.

Designed by Herman Schnetzky
It's a major shift for St. John's, founded in 1848 and housed originally in a frame church on 4th and Highland that was rented – and later purchased – from Trinity Episcopal. Over the next two decades the church had to be enlarged at least three times. By the 1880s the congregation boasted, according to an unsigned church history, "well over" 2,500 members.

In spring 1889, the congregation hired Schnetzky to design a church, a school and a 14-room cream city brick parsonage. (A stuccoed bungalow caretaker's residence was added to the property in 1914 and still stands and serves its original purpose.)

The cornerstone for the church was laid that same year and on July 28 of the following year, the cream city brick Victorian Gothic church, which could seat 1,200, was dedicated.

The church is imposing. Supposedly inspired by St. Peter's Church in Leipzig, the building boasts a pair of towers, one taller than the other, with long, sleek steeples that rise toward the heavens. The west tower is 127 feet high and the east tower, which houses three bells that still function, climbs an impressive 197 feet.

Both towers boast the elegant turrets that often distinguish Schnetzky and Liebert churches.

Inside, there is a gorgeous carved wooden Gothic altar – donated by local lumberman, and church member, Johann Schroeder – and matching pulpit and sounding board. There is a solid marble baptismal font and an unusual solid brass lectern with an eagle that was reportedly purchased from Tiffany's, though another source says it was imported from Germany.

Hand-carved wood altar and pulpit
While the interior of the church was once heavily decorated with painted motifs, much of that was whitewashed over in 1962. Even without the stencilwork, the sanctuary is lovely, especially in the morning when sunlight floods in through the stained glass windows in the east facade, generating a kaleidoscopic rainbow.

In 1890, a writer for a national Lutheran publication called St. John's the most beautiful Lutheran church he'd seen. It was also among the largest Lutheran churches built "in the west" in the 19th century.

In 1909, the congregation undertook the unusual step of adding rows of light bulbs to the arches of the sanctuary, creating strips of what look like theater lighting.

Up in the U-shaped balcony, there's an Herculean organ that was donated by parishioners the Kieckhefers, who also donated the large stained glass windows in the east and west transepts.

There is stained glass throughout the building, on both sides of the sanctuary, above the entrance, in the vaulted narthex (which also houses a stupendous electric fuse cabinet that must be seen), in the towers ... everywhere. My tour guides – trustees Paul Demcak and Tim Kitzman – say that the church opened with all that glass in place. Clearly, St. John's was a wealthy – and therefore influential congregation.

But that's changed now. In 1950, the neighborhood around the church was condemned, bulldozed and replaced by the Hillside Terrace public housing project. In 1985, the church ended German-language services. By 1988, there were roughly 80 members at St. John's and within just two years another 10 percent of the congregation was gone.

The parsonage sat empty from 1958 until Demcak moved in a few years ago.

"It's a good vantage point to see the church and worry about its future and dream about it also," says Demcak.

These days, because services have been suspended, the church doors are almost always locked.

"We could start up immediately but with so few members we want to appropriately use our resources," Demcak says as we chat in a parlor in the parsonage. "We didn't think the resources were being used appropriately to just go on the way we were without refocusing on a mission that would work today. We were just kind of going on and on each month, inwardly focused. We want to have outreach, we want to be vital again."

The problem, the trustees say, is that church leadership in the past never really embraced its changing neighborhood, my guides say. As the original German immigrants and the generation that followed died off and/or moved away, no one replaced them in the pews.

This is not a recent issue, either, adds Demcak.

"The church has been seriously hemorrhaging membership off of its books since the 1960s," he says. "So you're talking 50 years – a very long decline."

At one point the church school welcomed neighborhood children at no cost. But, the church itself didn't appear to take a similar approach. When the school closed, it was turned over to a mission group that occupied it until 1961, when it could no longer afford to maintain it and by the mid-1960s it had been demolished.

Amazingly, in its 166-year history, St. John's – which is a Milwaukee city landmark and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1992 – has had just seven pastors. Two of those pastors account for 90 years of the church's history, from 1868 to 1958. In more recent years, politics divided the congregation and church leadership (you can dig up the nitty gritty online if you want to know more).
German immigrant church

"That's a turn-off for us," says Demcak. "We're all too aware of that, we've seen it too much and that's so much about what was going on here in the past and to me that's not the focus if you really consider yourself Christian, Lutheran or whatever. That should not be the focus on your mission. The focus should be people."

So, that's where St. John's stands at the moment. Thanks to an endowment fund, Demcak and Kitzman have been able to keep the church complex in good repair. But that money will not last forever, says Demcak, who vows that St. John's surviving trustees are looking toward the future.

"We want to turn this around," Demcak says. "We're a few blocks from things that are very exciting the way they're happening. We have a footbridge that goes across McKinley, which comes out right on the Pabst property. You have two residential units operating (there), you have three more on the drawing board, you have the Brewhouse hotel. You're going to have real residences there, including upscale (and) mixed income. Our church is right on the edge of that. We're the gateway to Downtown.

"Let's move on to the 21st century. In many ways the church had continued in a 19th century tradition."

That's the challenge, then: connecting the rich history embodied by an impressive and imposing Milwaukee landmark with a changed and again changing neighborhood.

"We are (working on a plan), exploring how we can build bridges to some of the congregations around here, possibly some of the ministries that are already going on in those congregations, exploring how we might do that in some sort of cooperative manner with our former synod," Demcak says.

"I would hope that in the future we can have a presence here that shows we are not afraid to rub elbows and be here and get to know our neighbors. This is a very historically important church but we don't want to be a museum."

Further Reading:
Milwaukee Sentinel; July 6th, 1991 - Future of Church in God's Hands
Wisconsin Historical Society Property Records

Horst Gutsche Phoned To Confirm His Work with CLC Pastor David Koenig

Pastor Horse Gutsche claims he does not belong to any denomination,
but he is serving an ELCiC congregation in Canada.
He confirmed on the phone that he worked with CLC Pastor David Koenig
on the conference in Germany.

The Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic) pretends to be a "confessional Lutheran" church body. They should confess their relationship with Horst W. Gutsche,

Horst W. Gutsche, pastor
St. Michael Evangelical Lutheran Church at Mystery Lake
c/o 4908 - 43A Street, Barrhead, Alberta T7N 1J5
Tel.: 780 674 3944

Gutsche has as much trouble with the truth as the Church of the Lutheran Confession does, so they have that much in common. He pretends to be innocent, telling me a fanciful tale about opening his trunk in front of some kids in Needles, California. According to Horst, the kids saw a rope and ran away. Soon he was in the slammer - a gross misunderstanding, Ja? He was ordered to register as a sex offender and stay away from minors. He did not mention the part about them being in his motel room - and there is much more to the story besides.

Gutsche shouted at me that "the charges were dismissed." So misleading. Here is one definition of dismissal - "A dismissal simply means that the matter is no longer before the court, i.e. the court case is over." That is not the same as saying it never happened. When a bankruptcy is dismissed, the court is no longer presiding over the terms, which can stretch out for years. The end of the case is a dismissal, not denial that it ever happened.

Horst had been on probation and registered as a sex offender, so he was still in the court system at that point. After the case was dismissed and no longer active in the system, he was still prohibited from holding public office. Horst still has to disclose his conviction any time he is applies for public office or a license. "Have you ever been convicted of a crime?" is a common question in all matters pertaining to the public, since a license of any kind implies official approval of that individual. Has Horst been convicted of a crime with minor boys? Yes.

Horst used the term "dismissal" on the phone to claim he was innocent. In fact, he phoned a second time that day to offer to send me proof of the dismissal. He obtained my cell phone number, but he did not seem aware of the official court documents I posted on this blog. When I told Horst I had the documents, he was not pleased.

The Church of the Lutheran Confession wrote up their conference in Germany, but forgot to mention Horst Gutsche's participation and help.

In fact, David Koenig Hisself forgot to mention his convict pal Horst Gutsche in his report about the German conference.

CLC Pastor David Koenig prosecutes anyone who
dares to question the Church Growth Movement or
its advocates in WELS - his buddies.
Why does Koenig work with Horst Gutsche?
CLC Pastor Paul Tiefel, cousin of James (below)
joins Koenig in their pursuit of anyone to the right of Mark Jeske.
The two are known for always causing trouble and never listening to anyone.

WELS worship professor James Tiefel is an argument
for using grape juice for Holy Communion.
His lawyer made his drunk driving arrest go away,
so "it never happened" in WELS parlance.
I copied the original records into this blog,
because WELS is so good at flushing things down the memory hole.

ELCiC Bishop Susan Johnson -
Is Horst Gutsche one of your pastors?
Why is he serving one of your congregations?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

WELS Documented and Pastor Steve Spencer Commenting -
On Closing WELS Congreations - Your Mission Money at Work...Buy Bars Instead

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Grass Roots Contribution: Crown of Life Transforms Yucaipa Church

Within hours of asking for grass roots documentation of what's happening in the WELS, one reader from Southern California sent us proof of transformation taking place at the former Prince of Peace Lutheran property. Left in the hands of multi-site Crown of Life Lutheran, here's what been taking place.

Give us your thoughts.


Dear members of God's family at Crown of Life,

On Sunday June 22, our sister church in Yucaipa, Prince of Peace, released their pastor from his call because they could no longer pay him.  They gave him a severance package and allowed him to stay in the parsonage from up to 90 days.  Prince of Peace congregation  has aged and shrunk in size so that continued ministry with their own pastor just is no longer feasible.  The last service with their own pastor was June 29. 

Yesterday, July 20th, I received this email from Bill Jacobs, the president of Prince of Peace following a voters' meeting on Sunday afternoon: 

"Dear Pastors,   At the voters meeting held on July 20 at Prince of Peace,  the voters
of Prince of Peace approved the following motion-  Motion to offer to Crown of Life the transfer of this facility to use as a preaching station.  This motion was passed unanimously. Please contact me with any questions. In Christ, Bill Jacobs, President Prince of Peace"

Our current situation in Beaumont
Crown of Life, Beaumont campus, currently rents Noble Creek Community Center in Beaumont for worship services.  We pay $75/hr with a usual monthly rent of about $750 although on a 5 Sunday month or a month with special services such a Christmas Eve or Good Friday, the rent will be about $1000 because it is an hourly rental.  The community center works pretty well for worship although Sunday School is limited to a corner of the administrator's office.  The facility on a few occasions has not been available to us because of other renters but to be honest, the staff and administration there has been very good to us and worked with us as much as we could have expected.   We are permitted signage only on Sunday morning.  There is a beautiful garden behind the community center that we have used for Easter worship.    Because we are renting, we are not responsible for utilities at the community center.  We carry liability insurance as part of our church coverage and insurance as well on our property that we use there.    Crown of Life also rents a house for Pastor Steve and Katie as part of his salary package for which we pay $1550 per month.  Sunday morning activities include set up and taken down each week as well as towing a trailer to and from the community center.

The Yucaipa property being offered to us
The property of Prince of Peace that Mr. Jacobs referenced in his email is less than a 10 minute drive on the 10 freeway from Noble Creek.   It is located at 31785 Yucaipa Boulevard and is a minute or two north of the freeway at the Yucaipa Boulevard exit.   It is completely debt free, unencumbered and paid for.   The property is in good repair although we would want to repaint inside and outside (facia, eaves and trim), replace the carpeting, replace the pews with chairs, put in an AV system that would meet our worship needs and a few other upgrades as well.  With that said here are the details.
--the property is just under 3 acres with about 1.25 acres undeveloped
--there is a 2368 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 2 bath single story parsonage on the property that also has an office, a two car garage and a fenced in back yard
--the sanctuary will seat 100 people on the main floor; there is also a balcony
--there is about a 1000 sq ft parish hall and a full kitchen
--there is a large mother's room with closed circuit TV of the service; there are also two offices in the building
--there are two 12 X 24 Sunday School classrooms
--the paved parking lot has 44 spaces and the grounds are nicely landscaped although the plants and trees could use a trimming
--there is a lighted sign
--there is a fenced in playground on the property although it is sized for school age children

Doing the math and doing the ministry
--Since there is no mortgage on the property, the only costs to us as far as operation are utilities (at Prince of Peace $205/mon electric and $200/water), taxes on the undeveloped property and parsonage (about $100/mon) and maintenance and insurance.
--The church would ask Pastor Steve and Katie to move in to the parsonage as soon as Oct. 1 and realize a monthly savings of $1550/month
--Pastor Steve and Katie would enjoy the benefits of a larger home than they  now have plus an office in the church building for Pastor Steve.
--The church would save the money used for Noble Creek rental although we would incur the operating expenses of utilities and taxes which just about offset each other.
--We would have a 24/7 presence on the main street in Yucaipa with the 10 freeway just a few minutes away.
--The location would make the property easily accessible from Banning and Beaumont to Redlands and San Bernardino.
--It would be farther away by 10 minutes from the Palm Springs area but Crown of Life is planning to begin work with growth groups in the Palm Springs area this winter and those growth groups could also include worship time.
--It would provide a debt-free building that would be available for our use any time we want or need it.

The process
The Crown of Life Board, comprised of representatives from all our campuses, has approved the following process.
1.       Sam Kleinschmidt and a task force will investigate the property and report to the Board to determine financial feasibility.
2.       The COL Board (which is responsible for the "business" side of our work) will receive Sam's report and determine financial feasibility.
3.      If the Board finds the property acquisition financially feasible, we will give it over to the people of our Beaumont campus to discuss the matter.  We very much want all of our Beaumont people to make the move to the new property if we decide that is what we should do.
4.      If the Board and our Beaumont campus people decide we should move forward, the accepting of the property will finally come to the annual meetings of the congregation since our constitution calls for the acquisition of real estate to be a matter approved by the church as a whole.
5.      If the decision is made to move forward, we would do the legal work to take title to the property and secure the tax exemption that Prince of Peace has also enjoyed from San Bernardino County.
6.      We would also make the necessary upgrades to present a fresh face for the property to the people who pass by.  We would anticipate services would begin sometime in October.

Would you please pray about this?  It may be a gift from the grace of God to solve long-term the facility issue for what is now our Beaumont campus without much cost to Crown of Life.  Would you please think about this, especially if you attend the Beaumont service?  We are planning cottage meetings to give you the chance to ask questions, to express yourself and to get answers to your questions.

Some photos of the property are attached but remember that we are planning some upgrades as well.
In Christ,

Pastor Rick

Projects Update 
1. The Yucaipa remodel has begun with a number of misc tasks; we were able to pull a permit over the counter (thank you City of Yucaipa); flooring and AVL has been ordered and painters start on Monday.
2. The packet for the CUP major modification is ready for submittal to the City of Corona. This is to give the KidMin building a permanent CUP, update the site plan, get rid of the grove.
3. The masonry contractor should be at the Corona campus next week to pour the footings for the new sign.
And God be praised because we were notified by WELS Home Missions yesterday that we have been given a grant of almost $10,000 to buy specified equipment for the Yucaipa property.


  1. What is there to say - not much. This is nothing short of heart-breaking. Out with the old. In with the new. The differences between the two churches are rather stark, aren't they? Where would you prefer to worship our awesome and transcendent God? I know where I wouldn't go! Now - To anyone and everyone reading this who may happen to belong to a "struggling" congregation, either financially, or attendance-wise, or both, which is often the case: This is your future, like it or not. The synod mission boards - both national and district - will NOT help you; they will say they simply can't, and honestly, by their own measurements of "effective ministry," that's very true. Either your Pastor will have to find secular work - as I did in TX for 5 years to keep that mission going - or merge with another congregation, or just close. The days of the synod keeping otherwise faithful confessional churches open and going for just "two or three gathered together" are gone and over and will not return again. I know of a half-dozen more congregations in this district alone that are in a similar situation, and two more that have already merged. Again, this whole matter is tragic and heart-breaking, especially for the many members who labored for decades to preserve a place where they could worship as confessional Lutherans. Surely, these are further signs of the End Times. Come, Lord Jesus!
  2. We agree, Pastor Spencer! If the doctrine is Lutheran and the preaching is Lutheran, why this burning desire to tear out Christian symbolism and centuries of sound tradition to worship like the Evangelicals of the 21st century? Maybe Pastor Rick or Steve will tell us?