Monday, March 21, 2016

Sassy Makes a Large Withdrawal at the Iberia Bank Near Us,
Her Last at the Branch

Iberia is staying in town, but they closed their
branch near us, a majestic building with little traffic.

Sassy had two favorite tellers at the Iberia Bank drive-through. She learned that a sharp bark into the speaker reminded her staff to include treats for her. I thought one new person would get angry, but he smiled and gave her three different treats, saying, "She is a smart dog."

Her favorite was a lady we knew from the day we moved in. She was also good for three treats for each stop, every time. She spoke to Sassy and got an enthusiastic response.

Mary was there when I walked in for the last visit today. The branch closed at 6 PM. We were both sorry to see this happen. I said, "I didn't bring Sassy along because she had the last treat on Saturday."

Mary said, "Let me check." She grabbed a bank envelope and stuffed it with dog treats.

Sassy will be glad to hear Iberia thought of her. Everyone wants to give her treats. When we see her favorite Army veteran, he says, "Sassy, you must be out of treats. I will buy you some more." She sings, "Ah woo woo woo," as he pets and praises her.

Boomers Are Skimmers - Definitely Not the Greatest Generation -
More Like the Grifter Generation

The Baby Boomers have ruined the visible Lutheran Church, whether we look at the monster called ELCA, or the vipers in WELS, the LCMS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie. Stephanite break-off groups are simply more inbred and more evil but fading fast, thank heavens.

One example is seminary tuition. Once it was almost free, because everyone knew the students were putting off adult income by being in school for an extra four years. The Boomers shifted the burden from their own synods to individual students.

And get this - in the old days, a minister could continue to work as long as he did not commit obvious crimes or run off with the choir director or church treasurer. In other words, the call was honored and the ministers were respected.

Readers - everything is a business in this sense - cash flow and expenses. The Lutheran executives must have their palaces from which they rule with studied corruption and unrepentant evil. Every building has built-in costs, overhead. Long ago, such palaces were not needed, and denominations grew. The Augustan Synod was actually managed the desk in the home of the synod president, long ago.

Get this WELS was run out of an office in the NPH building, with Mischke's wife as the secretary. Now they have  a muli-million dollar palace with a large, expensive, lazy, worthless staff, from the synod president on up.

All the synods have shifted the cost of seminary to the students and taken away most of the financial support that once subsidized them. Plenty of money is spent on buildings, to make them more glamorous.

So the students borrow enormous amounts of money, graduate, and hope they have a call to start paying for the loans. The Boomer-Skimmers, who went to school for almost nothing, are really getting paid from those student loans.

No call? Sorry kid, let the buyer beware.

Kicked out by a Church Growth DP?  Too bad you did not listen better in seminary. We warned you.

The Boomer Grifters see the synod as their money to loot and spend on themselves. The royal salaries of the CPH president and faux-editor are part of the cost of every hymnal and book sold there.

I can print individual copies of my books (print on demand) for $2 - 8. So what is the actual cost of printing another new hymnal on a large scale? Sure there is overhead for getting it going, but they get that money back right away. From that time on, everyone is paying tribute to the overpaid bosses at CPH.

So-called American missions are another way to use up bundles of money - and another scam of exceptional greed and dishonesty.

The mission board can destroy a congregation as part of their personal vendetta, then sell off the property which the members paid for. The synod makes money from the interest, has a building maintained for them, and they collect the equity when the property is sold off. Where does the money go? None of your business.

How much do they receive in foundation and Thrivent grants? None of your business.

Where do the DPs vacation in the winter. Bug off. They deserve it for being such hard drinkers, I mean, hard workers.

If you want to share the looting, better not mention the robberies taking place on a daily basis.

And here is the bottom line, as they like to say, at the end of the day, the new trite saying - They are looting the synods while driving them fullspeed into liquidation.

Someone Asked about Future Publishing Projects

This is Norma Boeckler's garden,
which is the proposed cover for Creation Gardening.
Creation Gardening is being written - and photographed - at this time. As various plants emerge and flower, I will photograph them for the book.

Making Disciples: The Error of Modern Pietism began as a requested essay, which I decided to publish. That dealt with the Great Commission being turned into Law - "Go and manufacture disciples" - and issues involved with bad translations. On a whim I made it into a booklet, and I get that printed by Amazon for only $2 at the author's rate. Having it on Kindle is a plus, since so many (like me) have Kindle libraries, with easy access on any device.

A Kindle book on the computer can be searched and quoted easily. Thy Strong Word, which is being proofed, is going to be a fraction of the price of a printed copy, when obtained as a Kindle production.

I ended up with many requests for multiple copies, so the essay was sent out many places and shared with others. That parallels Walmart's spoke-and-wheel distribution system. A Wamart DC is built in the middle of future stores to serve that group for the future. The DC is the wheel and the spokes are the truck routes to each store. In publishing, that works better than trying to get a title into the hands of individuals.

Because of Making Disciples, I am going to create some more small projects. One planned project is an essay of similar size, 50 pages, on the Scriptures, use of the Word, efficacy of the Word, and how to test translations.

The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation is bound to be filled with American Lutheran leaders pretending to honor Luther.

Look at the fake homage paid to the KJV for its anniversary and the hymn-writer Gerhardt for his centennial. How often is the KJV ever mentioned as an option for Lutherans?

How often are Gerhardt's hymns actually used in Lutheran worship? Luther's? Did he write hymns, besides A Mighty Fortress? And yet, when I quote Luther and Gerhardt in my theology classes, the students respond with exclamations of praise for their spiritual insights and the comfort offered.

I am open to suggestions for booklet themes. I plan to do more of them because they are easier to write and produce.

For instance, I could write one booklet on Creation and roses. Our favorite rose, Queen Elizabeth was developed by a Lutheran Creationist.

Queen Elizabeth rose.
Her private gardens are toxin free.

This Just In - From a Reader

His suggestion is a list of books Lutherans should read. Excellent choice. That would be an annotated bibliography, about why those books would be worthwhile reading.

There are key books about leading false teachers, the modernists of the 20th century. I will include those, too.