ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Test - Sending the Sermon as a Blind Carbon Copy - Went Fine
I sent the previous sermon around as a blind carbon copy, our older email list with a number of updates. If you did not get it and want to be on the list, let me know - greg.jackson.edlp@gmail.com
All three email accounts come in on the same line now, so I am not concerned which one you use. If I get spam, I mark it as junk and it gets deleted automatically.
I appreciate all the interest and appreciation. To Luther, the sermon was everything. The Large Catechism is derived from his sermons.
Universal Objective Justification Is the Big Lie -
A Baker's Dozen from the Donut Heir
Let's just forget about the Means of Grace and teach Enthusiasm. That would make it so much easier to study at the Great Cloaca, Fuller Seminary. |
The post on ecclesiastic liars only indicates the vast monument to deceit exemplified by
- Universal Objective Justification
- The Justification of the Word
- Objective Justification
- World Absolution
- General Justification
They are the five common names given to the concept that God has declared the entire unbelieving world "righteous" and "saved." Some of the more timid liars quail at "saved" and certainly shy away from "unbelieving," but that is what they teach with their bed-fellows, the blind leading the blind while picking their pockets.
How does UOJ deceive? Let me count the ways. UOJ is:
- Taught by St. Paul in Romans, never mind Romans 4:24 or 5:1.
- Embraced by Luther, in spite of the Reformation being known for Justification by Faith, a phrase they avoid using.
- Not the same as the Atonement but conveniently associated with the Atonement to fool the hoi polloi.
- Ancient, though found only in the Calvinist Huber and in Pietism, which was soft on correct doctrine and Calvinistish.
- Explained as OJ and SJ by the Calvinist Woods in translating the Halle Pietist Knapp.
- Known for absolving the world at the cross, or maybe at the empty tomb, maybe even by the angels at the birth of Christ. Please nail down the Moment of World Absolution for us.
- Proof of Lutheran Orthodoxy, though found in a similar form among the Calvinists and the Adventists. The Adventists use the same language - are they orthodox Lutherans?
- Everyone is born justified (Edward Preuss, quoted with approval by Bob Preus, Jack Cascione, and Paul McCain), so why do we baptize infants...or anyone?
- Everyone is a guilt-free saint, especially unbelievers, even if residing in Hell for eternity.
- According to that great WELS theologian, JP Meyer, everyone is forgiven back to Adam and Eve, so why do we need the Word and Sacraments? Or Evangelism? Or Mission?
- So much is said about the differences between the Lutheran sects, but they all agree about UOJ, and they agree with ELCA.
- When the Lutheran leaders say "Justification," they mean Universalism. Karl Barth and his mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum are smiling guilt-free saints in Hell - they taught that too.
- Zarling, Bivens, and others claim their UOJ is the Chief Article when the Book of Concord specifically names Justification by Faith as that Chief Article.
Decades of Experience with Ecclesiastical Liars
Nobody in LCMS-ELS-WELS went to Fulller Seminary. You can take that to the bank...of kudzu vine. |
The Senate confirmation hearing had many people talking about "credible testimony." The nastiness and blatant dishonesty reminded me of how the "conservative" sects operate with their scripted meetings and mimeographed lies.
"Nothing Happened"
For example, a convenient denial is "nothing happened." When something happened and that claim is made, I simply dismiss the individual as a liar. I am talking about ordained Lutheran pastors with something to lose - at least from their perspective. Another clue is hearing more than one person make the same claim verbatim.
One district official (Schroer) said, "I kept the notes from the last meeting, and there is nothing about that in the notes!" He registered surprise with a certain amount of drama, which was too clever. A lot of people already knew about that detail, and they reminded the liar.
Watch for letters or whispers that say, "X is dividing, perhaps even destroying our sect! This must be stopped. Prayers needed." |
Nothing gives the plot away faster than a solemn, angry, tone of voice that drips with holier-than-thou accusations. The innocent will respond instinctively with a submissive attitude and a fear than he or she has horribly wronged someone - or worse - Holy Mother Sect.
When I gave a presentation that included Paul Calvin Kelm supporting the Kent Hunter Church Growth program on "relationship evangelism," Bivens stood up to protect Kelm "against violations of the Eighth Commandment." Note that he was slandering me in the process. "Do you have a copy of that brochure?" Bivens demanded, implying that I made it up. I did and gave it to the Northern Conference to read. Next Bivens said, "But did Kelm give permission to be quoted?" Another false foul called. Later I asked Hunter (DMin Fuller) who said, "I asked for Kelm's endorsement and he gave it."
Her dad said, "There is no Church Growth in WELS." |
Telling the same lie all the time is difficult, even for professional liars. |
Amnesia Denials
Most people have witnessed public officials not remembering key details but also pretending to know everything. Future DP John Seifert could not remember Frosty Bivens bragging about going to Fuller Seminary - twice! If that seems bad, though Frosty bragged about it in front of the Midland circuit, Bivens himself forgot and always denied gong to Fuller. Valleskey also forgot going there when I asked him, though his look was fearful. Later, when Koenig asked him, Valleskey remembered going to Fuller, so I imagine the right person has to ask at the right time.
These clergy who lie about important facts are obviously untrustworthy enablers of false doctrine.
We have no less an expert than St. Paul warning us to be wary of false teachers who flatter.
Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
They are impressed with someone's earnestness and energy, but caution that it is used the wrong way against innocent people. DP Mueller said, "Your zeal is alienating your brothers."
Duper's Delight
When people lie, they often give away their deceit by a little grin. Experts call it Duper's Delight. The furrowed brow of sanctimony and the Duper's Delight grin are part of the package. Everyone has a "tell," a sign of what is really going on.
Liars Lie Together
I laugh when I see prominent deceivers photographed together. They remind me of my father's saying, "There is no greater love than the love of one drunk for another." The same can be said for liars. They instinctively know they need their hoaxes to be propped up by other hoaxers. That is why the UOJists are tighter than army ants with each other. Alone, they die. Together, they destroy - and that is ever so much more fun.
Ye Shall Know the Truth, and Thy Cork Shall Pop
Nothing signals truth faster than clergy losing control and raving in anger. Little truths make them angry and they retain control of their little tempers. The big picture, as Mischke liked to say, is different.
When I gave the last chapter of Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure, Oelhafen and Adrian went nuts raving together, standing, shouting. The most coherent part was, "We went to Fuller but that does not mean we believe their false doctrine." (words to that effect) A reasonable sober Kovaciny threw my paper and in falsetto rage called it "crap." I did not have a last chapter for Liberalism at that point. My response was - I have found the last chapter - The Cure.
I submitted the manuscript to Northwestern Publishing House. Valleskey and others did their best to kill it (as they did Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant). Liberalism sold like crazy for a NPH book. CLP also sold well independently through Christian News.
The Future - Public Domain
As readers might conclude, there has been a massive attempt to silence books about Lutheran doctrine and how the synods oppose it fang and claw.
I am working toward making all digital copies available free to save and distribute, the printed copies and Kindle at the lowest price possible.