Thursday, August 16, 2018

ELCA Female Bishops - Partners in Ministry with WELS-LCMS-ELS.
Enthusiasts Together, UOJ to a Fault

Briner: (Southwestern Texas Synod) has some of the fastest-growing cities in the entire U.S. along the corridor of San Antonio to Austin and beyond. We have people of all ages moving in, but they’re not generally coming to church. So we have an incredible opportunity there, but a lot of it is thinking about how are we different. We’ve become a really settled people who have become very comfortable with the way we’ve always done things. So trying to figure out, how do we be open to the Spirit and be open to the Spirit’s work? Because I’m telling you what, the Spirit is up to something …
Bishops: Amen. Yes, she is.

 Sue Briner, LinkedIn

Briner: … if we would just let her out.
Bishops: Let her out. Get out of her way.
Briner: Open the doors and let her out.
Bishops: She’s out! She is loose!