LutherQueasies convinced me that they have never smiled, not once. |
Jojakim Dettmann (Random_layman) Senior Member Username: Random_layman
Post Number: 3952 Registered: 5-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2021 - 9:25 pm: | |
Rev. Jackson's blog binds your conscience with catch-22s especially when you don't understand the secular and philosophical origins of his disagreement with most other American Lutheran clergy in the former Synodical Conference bodies.
When a disagreement is secular and philosophical, but the parties involved mistakenly think it is sacred, they can argue on-and-on for eternity on sacred things without coming to any resolution.
Are you willing to research things like I suggested above? For this question in particular you'd also want to teach yourself about the different political theories involving authority--the theories present in Germany during the 1700s and 1800s. |
Simon Reynolds (Simon) Intermediate Member Username: Simon
Post Number: 357 Registered: 1-2005
| Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2021 - 8:00 pm: | |
For the record, it wasn't during the worship service. It was after the service had concluded.
I don't really know how to respond to what else you have written. In my opinion, you are wide-of-the-mark. To use the photoshopped photos of Mr. Gregory Jackson as evidence of anything except mischief-making and nastiness on his part reveals a decided lack of good judgment on your part.
You are using the Augsburg Confession like a rule book in a way which is completely at odds with what was accomplished at Augsburg. May I respectfully ask you to take to heart the words of Lord Jesus, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice..." and all that that Scripture implies. |
Juan Jeanniton (Casusconscientiae) Intermediate Member Username: Casusconscientiae
Post Number: 299 Registered: 2-2021
| Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2021 - 11:00 am: | |
Rev. Herzberger: quote:There is but one limitation—imposed by the Lord of the harvest Himself—they are not to preach the Gospel in public worship [I Cor. 14:34-35 and I Timothy 2:11-14]...
Daniel Gorman: quote:...the office of deacon is clearly an all male authoritative office forbidden to all women:
"Let each deacon be the husband of only one wife, managing his children and his own household well." 1 Tim 3:12, EHV
So, precisely WHERE does the AUTHORITY of the deacon lie, if not to PREACH and TEACH in church, or administer the Sacraments, or exercise government over the congregation in Church?
It is now a mathematical, theological, and theonomical CERTAINTY that if the occupation or activity which defines the very concept of a deaconess is to be a lawful occupation, well then such an occupation or activity cannot be quite the same as the MALE OFFICE of a DEACON.
http://cyclopedia.lcms.org/display.asp?t1=d&word=D EACONESSES: quote:1. Female servants in the ch., formerly unmarried or widowed (some contemporary diaconates permit married women to serve as deaconesses); a special ministry in the ch.; “Phoebe, a deaconess.” (Ro 16:1 RSV)
2. Custom and usage of the ancient world forbade intimate assoc. of the sexes in pub. assemblies. Functions of deaconesses in the early ch. were to instruct female catechumens, assist at the baptism of women, care for sick or impoverished women, minister to women martyrs and confessors in prison, and act as ushers for women in chs.
3. The 4th c. was the Golden Age of the female diaconate. Forty deaconesses served in the cong. of J. Chrysostom* in Constantinople. Among the deaconesses of that time was Olympias.
4. When the diaconate came to be regarded as a meritorious work, its deterioration began. Escape sought from a corrupt world resulted in monastic life. By the 12th c. deaconesses had nearly disappeared.
5. The modern career woman in ch. work looks back to 1833 for the beginnings of her work. T. Fliedner,* planning ways to meet the needs of people in distress, opened a door for women who wanted to use their talents for the ch. He est. the first motherhouse 1836 at Kaiserswerth, Ger., where he trained ca. 425 deaconesses. J. K. W. Löhe* est. a motherhouse at Neuendettelsau 1854. Among others in Eur. were those at Bielefeld, Basel, Paris, and St. Petersburg. The diaconate was introd. also in Eng. and Scand.
6. Among chs. that have deaconesses are the Ch. of Eng., the Ch. of Scot., the Episc., Presb., Ref., Meth., Mennonite, and Bap. chs. Many deaconesses are active throughout the world.
7. W. A. Passavant* introd. the diaconate in Am. He est. a Luth. hosp. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1849, and on his request Fliedner brought 4 deaconesses from Ger. to be nurses in this “Pittsburgh Infirmary,” later called Passavant Hosp. One of the 4 deaconesses was Maria Elizabeth Hess, later wife of Philipp Wambsganss, Sr. (December 19, 1823–October 1, 1901).
8. Motherhouses were est. at Philadelphia 1884 and Baltimore 1895. In Omaha, E. A. Fogelström organized the Ev. Immanuel Assoc. for Works of Mercy 1889; a hospital opened 1890; home for deaconesses built 1891; Immanuel Deaconess Assoc. formed 1892. The Milwaukee motherhouse, later connected with the ALC, was est. ca. 1893. Other deaconess homes include those est. in Chicago, Minneapolis, Brooklyn, Brush (Colorado), and Axtell Nebraska). See also Wenner, George Unangst.
9. F. W. Herzberger* helped est. the deaconess movement in the Syn. Conf. He was ably supported by P. Wambsganss, Jr., pres. of the Ev.-Luth. Wohltütigkeitskonferenz.
10. The Luth. ;Deaconess Assoc. of the Ev. Luth. Syn. Conf. of N. Am. (LDA) was organized in August 1919 at Fort Wayne, Indiana Deaconess training was given in connection with the Luth. Hosp., Fort Wayne. First grad.: Ina Kempff 1922. First deaconess sent to a for. field: Louise Rathke, to India 1926.
11. LDA Pres.: P. Wambsganss, Jr., 1919–33; Walter Klausing 1933–55; Edgar H. Albers 1955– Supts. (called Ex. Dir. beginning in 1957): Bruno Poch 1923–32; Herman B. Kohlmeier 1932–41; Arnold F. Krentz 1941–61; Walter C. Gerken 1961–67; Arne P. Kristo 1968–71;. Lucille Wassman 1971–. Dir. of Training: Arne P. Kristo 1961–71. Dir. of Deaconess Educ.: Lucille Wassman 1971–. Over 300 deaconesses have been trained since 1920.
So, if the Church should, in its official capacity, appoint women to such a position as described above in the Christian Cyclopedia, namely, a position of active service in the church like that of Olympias, and 39 other so-called "deaconesses", in Chrysostom's own 4th century Church, and ceremonially inaugurate them, in ecclesiastical and liturgical ceremonies, to the position, would that be ipso facto an act of allowing these women to teach and exercise authority over MEN in the Church????
Daniel Gorman: "Rev. Herzberger: "There is but one limitation—imposed by the Lord of the harvest Himself—they are not to preach the Gospel in public worship [I Cor. 14:34-35 and I Timothy 2:11-14)..."
Did the LCMS celebrate its hundredth year of feminist apostacy?"
Celebrating precisely this sort of "feminist" apostasy of allowing women to publicly perform functions belonging ONLY to the pastoral office is PRECISELY what one local WELS congregation already did a few years ago!
See also: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E0OmGDoK0s4/VvxWdyVpnWI /AAAAAAABpcw/bR2uxCx91dk98YgSalhEGuKe3N1KN14Rg/s16 00/wels_woman.jpg:
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-t051WTw27PA/UgxVBugDFDI/ AAAAAAABLEw/0bN20K58Tf8/s1600/wels_women_pulpit.pn g:
Those nominal WELS local congregations in which these things happen ARE NO LONGER CONFESSIONAL LUTHERAN!
GJ - I have mailed coupons to these scribblers, so they can obtain the pharmaceutical help they need. I would untangle their lack of substance and research, if it mattered. I think some are enraged they they have no legitimate heritage while I am part of the Apostolic Succession, which - like a real education - is missed most by those lacking it.
The descendants of the Perryville Sex Cult call themselves orthodox or confessional or conservative when they praise themselves for covering up the felonies of the Walther Crime Family, who aided and abetted the promiscuity of Bishop Stephan. They solved their problems by using the outbreak of high church syphilis to rob Stephan of his gold, land, books, and everything else. They threatened their bishop's life and kidnapped him to Illinois.
But that is piddling compared to their rejection of the Chief Article of Christianity - Justification by Faith.
Their biggest deception is not the Stephan cover-up, but the claim that Missouri began with Objective Justification - it is pure baloney. Missouri was Justification by Faith in the beginning, just as WELS was.
Note the first three presidencies of the LCMS - Walther - Schwan - Pieper. Schwan's catechism is devoid of OJ. Bonus fact - he was not brain-washed at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Walther and Pieper had the advantage of promoting Stephan's OJ dogma among generations of pliable students. The weed seed of OJ was sown and the Chief Article neatly buried by combining OJ, SJ, and "Justification by Faith" in the Dogmatics, a stew of Enthusiasm from Walther's most pliable student (and hand-picked via Walther's political gimmicks).
Where are LCMS-WELS now?
- They adore the Calvinism of Church Growth and NIV/ESV.
- Their abandonment of the KJV and Luther are all too apparent.
- They are shining examples of servility to ELCA - reviving Seminex "Biblical scholarship" and promoting the love that dares not speak its name.
Jungkuntz chaired the board of Seminex and became the official seminary of the Metropolitan Community Church. |