Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gardening with Charlie Sue. Cooking with Fuhrman.


Patterdale-Chihuahua Charlie Sue is a constant delight.

We are having a real drought here, and it is quite hot in the afternoon. Charlie Sue manages me skillfully. She loves to see me put on my clodhopper shoes to go outside. We go out together and she practices leaping at me. When I have a heavy shirt on, she jumps up to gently clamp on my forearms, grinning about her nimble running, leaping, and teething. 

She has a lot of friends along the north (doggie day care), south (DustMop and Porchie), and west (Pug). Patterdales are sociable and bossy with other dogs and cats. 

Even our weeds are drooping, so I did some extra work today. I made sure she had fresh water in a clean dish and brand new rigid play pool, just like the old one with cracks. An even older pool was was torn apart by Charlie. I soaked all the roses yesterday and expect rain tonight. 

I hosed the Joe Pye Weed and Poke Weed. Joe Pye will soon be blooming for the hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. The hummingbird feeders are so busy I can take them apart with bees sipping the ports (no stinging, they know who loves them). 

The pesticide salesman was impressed by the magnificent splendor of all the large flowers and shrubs. All the large and small plants work to shelter the beneficial insects fashioned by the Creator at the beginning of time. Imagine the predators taking billions of years to wait for the prey. They would have starved much sooner than that. 

Animals can teach us about our food too. They only eat plant-based and raw meat foods. The meat comes from nasty little bugs that eat my roses. The beneficial bugs prosper where the damaging insects are having a riot. Soon the populations balance. The elegant roses provide branching stems that make wonderful nets to hold the spiders' webs. Those roses have almost no damage.

Can anyone imagine animals eating large amounts of fat, sugar, and salt in their diets? Those are the main ingredients in our grocery store foods. I only buy fresh produce, frozen vegetables and greens, and a small amount meat for the week. 

Charlie digs her own, besides getting Science Diet. She rushes into the garden before the sun is up. Creatures rush out. 

I finally caught on to the Crash Diet program, which has increased the weight of anyone who tries it. Certain foods are eliminated, such as all ice cream and candy. Weight drops immediately and that loss continues, until the craving comes roaring back, doubling the previous delicacies to come back to the norm and beyond, even way beyond. Crash Diets have paved the way for many medical types to earn fortunes as they process the Crash Du Jour plans.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman gave me his ideas about craving. It is bad to take away everything - or too much - only to lose a lot and get it all back. Many are the pour souls - like me - who decide they have sacrificed enough and now want vengeance upon that aching, empty stomach and general lack of energy. Race to the top! of the biggest weight gain of the past.

I have learned to take away one temptation at a time, over two years, close to 45 pounds (with many small ups and downs). Here is my list  of fat-makers, weight-gainers, health-wreckers:

All Dairy Products

Ice cream in particular - fat and sugar.

Any form of cheese - fat city.

Butter - the hardest to give up, the best to excommunicate.

Eggs - fat bombs with choline, which is bad.

All Sugar Products

Candies - betcha can't eat just one.

Chocolate - delicious but a fat product.

Candies with nuts and chocolate.

Fruit juices - a burst of pure sugar, not healthy at all.


All drive-through fast foods - grease, sugar, salt, cheese.

Fish - high in grease and pollutants.

Too much meat at home because of fat and salt content.

Prepared Meals

Driven to your house - guaranteed expensive, fat, salt, sugar.

Frozen at the grocery store - pizza, various "meals," easy to eat puddings, yogurts.

Restaurants and bread palaces.

Sugary Fruity Fails

Caramel apples - guilt and health balanced in the process.

Apple and fruit sauces - huge sugar, no fiber.

Orange juice - no fiber at all, often has corn syrup added (Paul Newman)

All juices - no fiber, lots of sugar, no excuse for "sugar free."

Big Bucks for Horrible Food

In conclusion, all the processed food is expensive and loaded with excessive fat, salt, and sugar. Eating from the simple foods at home is far less costly and truly delicious. I will post more on the good foods. I reached the lowest weight so far because I cut out almost every thing on the list above, a certain amount at a time, a few steps backward, weighing and charting every day.

Food is medicine. Bad food is toxic medicine. The pharmacy and the Over the Counter fakes will reduce symptoms but few of them actually heal. 

A nutritional choice in foods is healing, as revealed in my blood tests. I tested diabetic and got serious in 2022. All my tests came back normal over time. I am working on blood pressure now. Our bodies sent out capillaries to feed and manage our blubber. Ove time that pushes the blood pressure higher, but it can go down when its extra mileage is gone from weight loss.

Presentation of the Augsburg Confession - Anniversary Today, June 25th, 1530.
The Faithless Five -
ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) Will Celebrate Their Cupidity.


This blog, which nobody reads, has been calling attention to the Faithless Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - for many years. One aspect of confessing the truth is to compare one's concept with the other's. They refuse to do this, calling on their positions, excessive salaries and perks, and DNA to prove they are correct. However, that does not even begin to address the actual content of the Augsburg Confession.

The air was charged with so much chance for murdering Luther that he was kept in safety. The lay leaders insisted on signing their names, at the risk of their lives, because they wanted it to be their own confession too.

If we look at the Walther Faithless Four - LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic) - they are one in depravity with their lust for denying Justification by Faith, the Chief Article of the Christian Faith. 

ELCA is separated from the Faithless Four because the biggest sect of all cares  only about their gay ordinations, gay bishops, gay promotions, gay conferences, and much, much more. The Faithless Four joyfully works with ELCA and share the loot coming from Thrivent and other sources. Imagine how proud Thrivent is - to license the churches' own greedy charitable annuity salescritters - to make them all rich, while robbing widows and orphans of their estates. 

Notice how often the date is mentioned - every year! - and yet no one wants to explain the importance of the Augsburg Confession. I am leaving some graphics so the lazy clergy can actually read what they supposedly celebrate.

Compare to the Faithless Four - 
Who Eat This Up


Today at 05:23:45 PM
June 25th, 2024 is the 22nd Anniversary of the imposition of my suspension from the ordained roster of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in 2002.  The supervisor in charge of my case deemed it an auspicious date for that imposition, listing not just the date but the churchly occasion in his letter.

My assistant at the time had opened and read the letter as part of her duties, and said words to the effect, "You're not going to believe this!"  I was running in and out of the office (on the Concordia Bronxville campus) that day on my way to my cardiologist, having suffered a heart attack forty days before September 11, 2001 and still under relatively close watch.  So I grabbed the letter, muttered a few syllables, jumped in the car, headed into Manhattan, walked into the cardiologist's office and said, "I would like you to take my blood pressure right now.  I've just received news that I've been convicted of heresy."  It was normal.  Not the news.  The blood pressure.

Yes, I should write a book.

Dave Benke

GJ - Benke forced himself into the Yankee Stadium pan-religious event after "911."
They had no chair for him, so they had to find one. His prayer either did or did not invoke the Savior's Name. Nevertheless, breaking into the pagan group and praying for them and the entire stadium was excessive, even for ELCA.

Today Benke identified himself with the anniversary of the Augsburg Confession. The irony is deep with this one.

He has "It's OK to pray" on his Ovaltine posts, which are frequent and informative about LCMS colleges going down hard. He even wore the hat in a successful effort to become District President again. Wallace Schulz was fired for writing that letter when a cautious Preus would not. The LCMS motto then and today is - "When in doubt, doubt."

Contributions of Mark's Gospel



Mark's Gospel was the favorite of the apostate scholars who came from Halle University and from England. Note the Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament Mark 1:1 - This is the beginning of the Gospel  of Jesus Christ [omitted - the Son of God].

They also loved to end Mark with 16:8 - 8 And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid. 

[Their Gospel ends with gar - for.]

They were also allergic to miracles.

1. Mark is associated with Peter. His Gospel is the shortest and emphasizes the miracles.

2. Mark is concise when Matthew and Luke are more detailed - usually - in covering the same topic. Unique - Mark has the seed growing secretly. Q is a scholarly hoax with no proof.

3. The Passion of Christ is about 25% of this Gospel, which is roughly what the other Gospels have in relation to the entire Gospel.

4. "Scholars are divided." That means avoiding the issue.

5. That is a "hapax." It is only found once, so they cannot compare it to a similar passage.

6. Mark is a "simple Gospel for simple people who believe in miracles." The 19th century adored rationalism - note the hallowed attitude toward Evolution, scorn about Creation and miracles.

7. Benefits - a shorter Gospel is easier for reading or copying the entire book.

8. Being concise is useful in comparison with the longer Gospels.

9. One can buy a copy of all four Gospels in parallel columns - interesting and educational.

10. John's Gospel - Thursday - hints at Jesus' Baptism and Holy Communion, but read carefully what is revealed. One might say that John is supplemental and therefore only touching upon topics.

The pigs were so demonic, they signed up for Fuller D.Mins degrees.

The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) Only Lack One Thing - Faith


"In 1987, I was elected the first presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the fourth-largest Protestant denomination in the United States. By now the issue had bubbled up into a national crisis. Along with other denominations, the ELCA was seeking to develop a policy on gay ordination, gay marriage and related questions."

Hilarious - Happy To Post a Correction!

I wish I could do one thing - scan the photo from The Lutheran magazine - "Chiefs Confer." The Lutheran was the Lutheran Church in America periodical, which went back to the time of William Passavant, who started up congregations, social services, and encouraged new synods, such as Augustana. Early mergers did not change the magazine title as they grew together and into one another, until The Living Lutheran spoke for ELCA - and now is dead. 

The "Chiefs Confer" photo was posed at the Snowbird Conference, and the picture included the LCA president (Chilstrom), the LCMS president (Bohlmann), and the WELS president (Mischke). I kept insisting that Herman Otten post the photo in Christian News. I had the copy of The Lutheran - and he probably did, too, CN posted it. Holy Hell broke loose in WELS - and District Presidents (managers, not leaders) were sent out to hose down inflamed congregations. I did my best to get the news out. 

The only difference in the Big Three (LCA-LCMS-WELS) at that time was ELCA openly promoting the gay agenda. LCMS and WELS were doing the same thing and denying it. 

These are the idols of the The Big Five - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic). Sadly, some have died and cannot come back to tell their pastor-students and synod shysters that they are burning in the everlasting fires of unFaith.

The Big Five Are Faithless

That was a long introduction, and I almost apologize for it. The facts - carefully gathered and reproduced by the wonders of the Internet - should clearly reveal the problem of all five Lutheran shopping centers - they are faithless and the discerning are leaving by droves.

They state - in their own delightful way - that they confess the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, which was written by Melanchthon, edited by a Luther too dangerous to bring to town, and supported by the laity. 

That makes them Confessional Lutherans - much to confess but none of it truthful. They deny Justification by Faith, which is clearly taught by the Scriptures, Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz. 

As Dr. Lito Cruz says, "If they are confessional, why do they not confess the Lutheran Confessions (Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord)." The entire Bible teaches this, not just Romans, or just the New Testament, but in the First Gospel of Genesis 3:15 and the declaration of Justification by Faith in Genesis 15:5f.

KJV Genesis 15:5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. 6 And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

Not even the Preus Family can claim numbers greater than the stars in Heaven. This Justification by Faith pronouncement means Abraham's tribe - and - his line which would include King David, the Son of David, and the countless Christian believers who lived and died in the Faith. We can only see about 3,000 stars in the sky with our eyes, but our telescopes can see gazillions. Thus we can only start to count the numbers of those souls received into everlasting life, through faith in Him. "Every soul has a name," as one professor said, and I named three in granite on my only parcel of land - Christina, Bethany, and Erin Joy.

The only access to grace comes from faith in Jesus Christ. The word access is so simple and easy to understand in Greek or English. Access means introduction. Every doctor's desk asks, "Do you have an appointment?" Salesmen have appointments - women too. I made a point of meeting Walmart top executives - the last two Chief Executive Officers, and some billionaire Walton family members. I did not have an appointment but I had access.

The Big Five do not rejoice in hope of the glory of God, because they deny faith, which gives them access into His grace.

Daily Lutheran Sermon Quote - Trinity 5 - Second Sermon - "From this every one may see and learn that no man lives by his labor or exertion, however great and unhampered this may be, but must live by God’s blessing and grace. Let it remain at this, as the Germans say, that “God helps,” or “God bestows his gifts over night,” which saying has come down to us from pious men of old who realized its truth in their experience."


Luther's Sermons - Luke 5:1-11.
Fifth Sunday after Trinity, Second Sermon. Concerning Faith, The Care of God, And Our Daily Occupation.

7. From this every one may see and learn that no man lives by his labor or exertion, however great and unhampered this may be, but must live by God’s blessing and grace. Let it remain at this, as the Germans say, that “God helps,” or “God bestows his gifts over night,” which saying has come down to us from pious men of old who realized its truth in their experience. Daily experience still shows that many a one toils, tooth and nail, in anxiety and hard work, who yet can scarcely earn his bread or get rid of his debts and poverty; whilst to another, who takes it easy and newer overexerts himself, everything comes and flows in so abundantly that we really must say: “All this comes from God’s help and not from any man’s labor.” In Psalm 127:2 we are told: “So he giveth it unto his beloved in sleep,” as if the Psalmist would say: “It is in vain that you fret and plague yourself with cares and labor, day and night, in order to provide what is needed in the home. Much may be needed there; but it does not depend upon your hands and labor at all. Nothing will come of your effort unless God himself is the “House Father” and makes it possible for you to say: ‘God bestows his gifts over night. ’ Grain and all food from the earth, yea, all that a man has, or may acquire, must be given him of God.”

8. Such favors he also bestows upon the godless and unbelieving, and upon them more than upon others. With temporal goods he fills to overflowing the house and home of many wicked men who never think of a God. And he does this, not by their exertion and labor, but by a simple act of blessing, as we are told concerning such men in Psalm 17:14: “Whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure.” It is as if the Psalmist here said: “Deliver me from the men of this world who have their portion in this life, whose belly thou fillest with thy treasure,” that is, with such goods as are divine and hidden treasures of thine own, concerning which no man knows whence they come, and over which he has no power, — treasures which he cannot provide for himself, but must be provided and bestowed by thee alone.

9. Hereby Christ would have Christians aroused and strengthened in faith, and protected against unbelief with its harmful fruits, such fruits, especially, as covetousness, and anxious cares for the body and the present life. These cling to man by nature like an inborn plague which, together with the lusts of unbelief, moves and rages against the Spirit, as St. Paul teaches in Galatians 5:17. Moreover, the devil seeks to hinder faith by his temptations and suggestions to mistrust and doubt God. This, too, the world does by its hatred, envy and persecution of the righteous, whose goods and honor and life it is after, and whom it would use as mats for its feet. On the other hand (I say), we here perceive both the power and advantage of the faith which holds fast to Christ’s Word and ventures thereon, as Peter does, saying: “Although we have toiled all night and taken nothing, yet at thy word I will let down the nets.” It is this faith that so enlarges the draught of fishes as to fill the two boats; for without this the nets would not have been let down, nor would any fish have been caught.

10. Scripture, however, everywhere shows the harm that is done by the avarice and anxieties of unbelief. For unbelief can by no means obtain anything from God that would benefit, comfort or bless it, but so deprives itself of the divine benediction that it can have no satisfaction or joy in the temporal goods it desires, and can never possess a good and peaceful conscience. Hence it is that Christ, in Matthew 13:22, speaks of all anxiety, with regard to sustenance, as thorns, on account of which the Word of God cannot put forth its strength or its fruits. St. Paul expounds the meaning of the thorns in 1 Timothy 6:9-10, saying: “They that are minded to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil; which some reaching after have been led astray from the faith, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

11. Here compare the good things that faith brings and does, with the harm that is done by unbelief. For, in addition to this, that faith has the divine grace and blessing, it also has the promise that it shall be sufficiently supplied with all that it needs. It fills the heart with such goodness, peace and joy that it may well be called the root of all good things. Unbelief, on the other hand, with all its cares and covetousness, shall have this as its reward, that it is not bettered thereby, but must fall into all sorts of snares through many hurtful lusts and desires; and thus it attains to nothing in the end but eternal destruction. It is therefore nothing but the root whence all misfortunes spring.

12. These two things are clearly seen in the world. Those men are at rest and in peace who content themselves with the things that God provides.