Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Victory of the Movie Screen - Update - WELSians Are Waking Up

Church and Chicanery has its own pair of rocker-bloggers.

Some people found the eye-witness account of Victory of the Movie Screen shocking, but they are not as jaded as I am.

Pastor Roger Zehms, VP Paul Kuske, and ex-pastor Floyd Stolzenburg started their own little "experimental mission," called Pilgrim Community Church. That was 20 years ago. DP Robert Mueller approved the stealth mission, but it flopped. Only one person openly opposed it - moi - yielding a multi-page venomous diatribe from Kuske, which he mailed to everyone. 1989.

In 1991, a few months after agreeing in public that Church Growth was dangerous, Doctrinal Pussycat Robert Mueller approved the start-up of Crossroads Community Church in S. Lyons, Michigan. That "experimental mission" is now a proud member of the Evangelical Covenant sect, sharing the same doctrinal statements (more or less verbatim) with CrossWalk (quasi-WELS) in Phoenix, a more recent "experimental mission."

There are three reactions to reading the truth about Victory of the Movie Screen, The CORE, Latte Lutheran Church, Cross-Something in Chicago, CrossWalk in Phoenix, and Rock N Roll in Round Rock, Texas.

One - disgust and fury with a synod, DPs, and Circuit Pussycats who have let this develop and spread like an untreated cancer.

Two - disgust and fury with anyone who dares oppose the designs of Church and Change, although no defender of Chicanery is a "Changer." No, the Chicaneries are a movement without members whenever this is discussed. They are open Calvinists but crypto-Changers, one and all.

Three - Baby Blue-eyes - can't be true - I know these guys are right just fine. Those people are the most dangerous to Lutheran doctrine because they judge the person, not the doctrine. No amount of written evidence is enough because "he is a nice guy." All the Baby Blue-eyes get upset because someone is suggesting Holy Mother Synod might be less than perfect, contrary to what they have been taught. If the organization is infallible, then the Word of God is fallible. If the structure is worshiped and defended, Christian doctrine is attacked and left undefended, if only through apathy.