Monday, November 2, 2009

One Shrinker Leaves The Love Shack--"Loved Ya in Airport!"--Another Gone From MLC

Yoda says, "Use Church Growth, Dave."


Church Growth Director Needed for Youth, Adult Discipleship

Rev. Dave Kehl, administrator of WELS Commission on Adult Discipleship, has accepted a call to serve as the executive director of ministry advancement for Atonement, Milwaukee, Wis. As of Jan. 1, 2010, Kehl will lead the design, development, and implementation of Atonement's overall gospel ministry so that Atonement can seize its opportunities as a multicultural congregation in an urban setting.
[GJ - Y'all pray for Atonement. Isn't that where Corky repudiated the Church Growth Movement in 1992?]

Kehl says, "This position gives me a unique opportunity to return full time to grassroots ministry in a local congregation and to freshly apply the resources and insights I have gained by serving in WELS Parish Services through my work with WELS Adult Discipleship."

Kehl declined a call from the Conference of Presidents (COP) to serve as director of Youth and Adult Discipleship in the new Congregation and Ministry Support Group, formerly the Board for Parish Services. During its October meeting, the COP acted on a synod convention resolution calling for responsibility for Parish Services to move from its board to the COP.

As a result, the COP reconfigured Parish Services, including changing its name to the Congregation and Ministry Support Group and issuing new calls to some staff, but eliminating the positions of the two pastor-trained men within Parish Assistance.


Dave Kehl: "Let's get this puppy off the ground."

GJ - I cannot find the Airport link on the WELS website anymore. Dave Kehl participated in that huge multi-site meeting to promote Church Growth in WELS. Somewhere that meeting is posted on this blog, but even I cannot find it at the moment.

Anonymous found the link to the Airport post.

Mark Goeglein has left Mary Lou College. According to my source, he is another Shrinker.