Friday, June 3, 2011

Back to Luther:
Dealing with the False Teachers

The synod bullies cannot deal with Luther. Their rage against him is Satanic.

This is a statement he made about false teachers, as I recall it from the Lenker set.

"They grab Jesus by the shoulders and babble in His ear, telling Him what He should have said."

That makes me laugh, each time I think of the wording.

LI pointed out a lesson he learned from an expert in airplane design, "If the explanation about something is too complicated, it is bogus." The man who said that invented the Spitfire fighter, a key element in WWII in England.

That concept also works well in Christian doctrine. Those who make justification too complicated are creating a smokescreen. If they can correct Jesus, Paul, and Luther long enough, their opinions become so esoteric that no one can comprehend them. Their own diciples (to use the Stetzer copyrighted spelling) cannot explain it to anyone.

All the UOJ advocates are pathological liars, forever assuming an air of great sanctity while feasting on mutton and wearing the best wool. They are still alive because heaven is not good enough for them yet - so they think. They are only one step away from obnoxious atheism.