Tuesday, June 7, 2011

One Eponymous Archon Apologizes for WELS and Missouri

One Eponymous Archon (https://me.yahoo.com/oneeponymousarchon) has left a new comment on your post "Comments from 29a, Who Is So Secretive That He Doe...":

Dear Dr. Jackson, and in this case your dear wife also -

On behalf of all WELS members, and LCMS members, I wish to apologize for the totally unwarranted, mean-spirited, and loathsome attack upon you, using the nasty tactic of your children, now assuredly in heaven, by grace, through faith. This was lower than low. Rev. McCain should hang his head in complete shame.

I am no longer a member of either church body, though I was for many years, first in Missouri, then in Wisconsin. Here in CA, there are very few true Lutherans left. Still, I feel humiliated by McCain's feeble attempt to discredit you. What has American Lutheranism come to that such a man holds a position of responsibility? Truly sad and disgusting. But then again, I'm only -

One Eponymous Archon


GJ - That is very kind of you, OEA.

I feature McCain's eructations because synod officials treat everyone that way, if they feel the urge. They get away with it because they do it on the sly and hide their tracks. One LCMS District Pope screamed at one of his pastors for fighting against a known child molester going back into the ministry. The DP slammed his briefcase on the pastor's desk to make his point. On the way out of the pastor's office, he stopped a member of the congregation and said, "Your pastor is one of the finest men we have."

How is that for crazy-making behavior, for unethical and anti-Christian thuggery?

I could repeat many stories like that, pastors who have phoned me for hours trying to get past the way they have been treated. And the wives and children? No one wants to repeat things out in the open, because it opens old wounds.

I am happy that I can work independently and provide a safe forum where people can express themselves.