Call this a
J-drop. The month of May is going to be rough on the Pope.
Most people do not know about the
Vatican Audience Hall, inside Vatican City. It is quite deliberately designed to represent the inside of a snake's head, seats about 6,000 people, and is open only to those with an invitation. No tourists are allowed.
Is there anything more Satanic in symbolism than a snake? Someone added a graphic to make it clear. |
From above, the hall is shaped like a snake's head and is covered with scales, which are solar collectors. |
This is the close-up if the gigantic sculpture behind the Pope's chair. The face of Christ "emerging from a nuclear explosion" is clear here, but the overall effect - from far back in the hall - is a snake. |
Does this look like Snake-Man to you? |
The church and grounds are shaped like a key, because the Pope has the keys to God's grace, doncha know. The audience hall is below the church, along and also outside the Vatican City wall. |