Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It's All in the Numbers for College Campuses - 99 Closed in One Year.
Time To Roll Out the College Campus Growth Program!


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Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse

Post Number: 11207
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 9:24 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Concordia University-Texas (CTX) Board of Regents announced that Provost / Executive Vice President / American History Professor Kristi Kirk has been selected to be the 10th (and first female) president and CEO of CTX to replace the current President and CEO, Donald Christian. According to the Preident Christian, the transition will occur over the next 12-15 months.

While CTX claims in its Commitment and Demonstration to LCMS Theology and Doctrine, "its alignment with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and commitment to the authority of Scripture and Lutheran Confessions," the university is involved in an ongoing lawsuit with the LCMS in United States District Court, Western District Of Texas, Austin Division - THE LUTHERAN CHURCH-MISSOURI SYNOD, a Missouri nonprofit corporation, Plaintiff, v. DONALD CHRISTIAN, CHRISTOPHER BANNWOLF, CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY TEXAS, INC., & JOHN DOES 1-12 (Case 1:23-cv-01042-RP).


Dr. John Nunes - "I'm ready to facilitate my second college campus closing."