ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Here's Real Church Growth for You Lazy Swine at Church and Change
Faithful pastors spend time in visitation, making that a priority, instead of fobbing their pastoral work onto the laity in the name of "everyone a minister."
When I was a kid, several times a year our pastor would come to our house and just visit with the family. These visits were instigated by the pastor, not invitations to dinner by my folks. He simply wanted to be in touch with everyone, hold a family devotion, and become a friend as well as pastor. We looked forward to his visits. Now that I'm a senior citizen, I think back and compare that to my current pastor. I've been a member of his church in minnesota for over five years and to my knowledge, he doesn't even know where I live, let alone make a home visit.
GJ - I had a WELS transfer member from Minnesota. He never had a home visit in years. There is great truth in this - "A home-going pastor has a church-going congregation." This story saddens me. Pastoral visits build up a congregation, but the Shrinkers want the laity to do it for them. The lazy-bone fake pastors are destroying the next generations, who will neither know nor love the Scriptures/Confessions.
One famous WELS Shrinker, known all over the synod, was phoned to help in a jet crash where many were dying and wounded. I am not sure if he had members on that jet or not. But he said, "No, it's my bedtime."
ELCA Assemby Summary
But ELCA said monagamous (sic), so that may mean something else.
Did I warn everyone about this 22 years ago? I did, and not one LCA/ALC pastor responded. WELS was angry with me about "Out of the Depths of ELCA" (Christian News) for offending ELCA.
I helped with a little research for What's Going On Among the Lutherans? I heard, "That gave the ELS a bad name."
Weaselly responses get weaselley results.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "ELCA Assemby Summary":
From being around liberals, I know they talk a lot about whether a congregation or synod is "ready" for women pastors, or gay celibate pastors, or gay pastors in a committed relationship, or gay marriage. Of course, what does "ready" have to to with Bible interpretation? Nothing. They assume it's cultural progress.
Swarm the Schwaermer at the Chicanery Conference
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Try Not To Yawn as Bruce Becker Stages His Come-Ba...":
I'm praying their turnout is next to nothing.
GJ - The November confab is a golden opportunity for the confessional Lutherans to arrive, listen, and confront the false teachers. Some might want to listen quietly and report on Ichabod. One report (such as visiting Victory of the Movie Theater) can have enormous consequences as people learn the truth. "Regaining the Momentum" means keeping the brainwashed troops in line. They have only heard the glories of their movement, the martyrdoms of Becker and Aderman.
The poor seminarians come out of The Sausage Factory and CG vicarages with their eyes glued shut, like newborn kittens. They need to find out what is really happening in the trashed CG congregations - the lawsuits, adultery, scattered members, and hero CG pastors becoming atheists.
The "Who told you?" question (ad ichabodem logical fallacy) can be answered, "I know it from seeing it with my own two eyes. Now open yours."
Confronting false teachers is fun and inspiring. I was told, "Talk to them about it," and I did. Valleskey literally ran from me and denied going to Fuller Seminary. Later he complained, as seminary president, that I never met him, never talked to him. I had to double-time to catch him. He looked my way and put on speed, but I outflanked him. That was the Gibsonia Conference where he gave his odious Spoiling the Egyptians (Gathering Figs from Thistles) paper. And he collected a fee for it too. Not just expenses (fair enough) but a fee on top of his princely salary for teaching seminaries not to think but to obey.
Ron Roth hid from Slick Brenner. Slick spotted the "missing man's" legs behind the partition.
Once I heard from the circuit pastor that I flabbergasted WELS leaders by actually going up to them and questioning them. Since I did not follow the memorized dog notes, the false teachers were terrified of answering. Luther said that about false teachers - they do not answer.
The only Church and Change responses on Ichabod have been anonymous, nasty, vile, often full of cursing and foul language. When they tried to mount a Rock and Roll Blog, that was terminated and erased. They also dabbled in a fake Ichabod blog (plus a fake post in my name on Bailing Water). Their fake Ichabod displayed their shameless ugliness, their ignorance of theology and facts easily checked on Google - but not researched at all. They suppressed posts when people disagreed with them. They even erased the link provided by one person to my book. To top it off, they subsequently demanded free, anonymous access on this blog again. They have proven their Dreckishness.
If Church and Change believed their propaganda was God's truth, they would be bold in confessing it. Instead, they sneak around, lie about their actions and doctrine, start anonymous whispering campaigns about their opponents. When the lights go on, the cockroaches run for cover.
Another Liberal Elected Synod VP;
Income Plummets;
Closeted Heterosexuals Afraid To Speak Out
August 22, 2009
ELCA Assembly Re-Elects Carlos Peña Vice President
MINNEAPOLIS (ELCA) – The Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) elected Carlos Peña, Galveston, Texas, to a second term as ELCA vice president. Peña was first elected to the office at the 2003 Churchwide Assembly.
Peña was elected on the fourth ballot for vice president with 580 votes. He was elected over Ryan Schwarz, McLean, Va., who received 264 votes, and Norma Hirsch, Des Moines, Iowa, who received 110 votes.
Sixty percent of the votes cast on this ballot were needed for election.
ELCA Assembly Adopts 2010-2011 Reduced Budget
MINNEAPOLIS (ELCA) --Voting members of the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) approved a 2010 current fund income proposal of $76.69 million for the churchwide organization, and an ELCA World Hunger Appeal income proposal of $18.7 million. They also approved a current income proposal of $75.77 million and a World Hunger income goal of $19 million for 2011.
The churchwide assembly, the chief legislative authority of the ELCA, is meeting here Aug. 17-23 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. About 2,000 people are participating, including the 1,045 voting members. The theme for the biennial assembly is "God's work. Our hands."
With a vote of 863-71 voting members approved the budget, which reflects a decrease in income expectations. The approved $76.69 million for 2010 shows a 6.4 percent decrease from the 2009 budget. The approved $18.7 million income goal for the ELCA World Hunger for 2010 represents a decrease from the $20 million goal for 2009.
In discussion leading up to the vote the Rev. John V. Carrier, ELCA Southeastern Minnesota Synod, spoke in opposition of passing the budget because it curtails giving to campus ministry, "one of the most important domestic missions of the church."
"My soul is grieved by the level of giving of less than 2 percent of what God has given," said Michael V. Johnson, ELCA Southeastern Michigan Synod. Speaking in favor of approving the budget, Johnson said, "We have to go back to congregations and teach about tithing and about what God has given us." Having gone through personal bankruptcy, Johnson said he was able to contribute 10 percent to the church, which served as an "incredible spiritual growth" process for him and his family.
Joseph S. Roberts, ELCA Minneapolis Synod, also spoke in favor. "I have been a recipient of your good gifts," he told the assembly. Originally from Liberia, Roberts said he, along with his wife and children, "walked so many months without food. We ate roots, slept on a range until we crossed into another country, where we found the Lutheran World Federation at work. I know the importance of aid, and I want to say thanks."
The actions of the assembly mean that many of those sharing CORE’s concern “will participate in and support faithful ELCA ministries, but cannot support ELCA ministries that reject the authority of God’s word,” said the Rev. Erma S. Wolf of Brandon, S.D., vice chair of CORE’s executive committee.
While CORE’s disagreements with the ELCA run deep, Spring said he was not encouraging congregations to leave the ELCA, although he admitted that some pastors and congregations are already planning to do so.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Another Liberal Elected Synod VP; Income Plummets;...":
"We have to go back to congregations and teach about tithing and about what God has given us."
What they are really saying is... shame them into giving their synod more money but don't teach them what the Bible says concerning homosexuality.
GJ - The religious Leftists are against every verse of the Bible, but they are Fundamentalists on tithing. I remember LCA President Robert Marshall condemning people in a sermon - about whether they should tithe on their gross or net income. "Shame on you!" And he repeated, "Shame on you!" with even more emphasis. Preaching the OT Law in all its severity was his pitch, on tithing, but not on sodomy.
WELS and ELS on the ELCA Convention
Aug. 21, 2009 WELS president expresses regret at ELCA decision on gay clergy
Milwaukee, Wis.—Rev. Mark Schroeder, president of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), is expressing regret at the vote of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) convention regarding homosexual clergy. Friday, delegates approved a resolution committing the church to find a way for “people in such publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships” to serve as professional leaders of the church.
“To view same-sex relationships as acceptable to God is to place cultural viewpoint and human opinions above the clear Word of God,” says Schroeder. “The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, along with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and other smaller Lutheran synods, maintains and upholds the clear teaching of the Bible that homosexuality is not in keeping with God’s design and is sinful in God’s eyes.”
At the same time, Schroeder says WELS congregations stand ready to support those struggling with same-sex attractions. “As with any sin, it is the church’s responsibility to show love and compassion to sinners, not by condoning or justifying the sin, but by calling the sinner to repent and by assuring the sinner that there is full forgiveness in Jesus Christ,” Schroeder says.
WELS, with about 390,000 members and nearly 1,300 congregations nationwide, is the third largest Lutheran church body in the United States. In Wisconsin alone, there are more than 201,000 members and 417 congregations. “It’s unfortunate that many headlines have referred to the recent decisions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as something ‘Lutherans’ have decided,” Schroeder says. “In fact, the ELCA is only one of many Lutheran denominations. We are saddened that a group with the name Lutheran would take another decisive step away from the clear teaching of the Bible, which was the foundation of the Lutheran Reformation.”
Schroeder says that WELS is firmly committed to upholding God’s design for marriage as outlined in Scripture—a design intended for one man and one woman. “We believe, and the Bible teaches, that God designed this relationship to be a blessing for men and women and for society. Any departure from what God himself has designed does two things: it denies the clear teachings of Scriptures and it undermines God’s desire that the man/woman relationship in marriage be a blessing.” http://www.wels.net/cgi-bin/site.pl?2617&collectionID=1651&contentID=95806&shortcutID=31623
2009-08-21 07:12 PM Evangelical Lutheran Synod disagrees with homosexual clergy resolution adopted by ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
MANKATO, MINNESOTA—Officials of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), a church body based in Mankato, noted with concern and disappointment the decision of the national convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), held in Minneapolis August 17-23, to allow the ordination of practicing homosexuals and lesbians as pastors of the church.
The smaller ELS is not affiliated with the larger ELCA, even though the names of the two churches are very similar.
ELS President, Rev. John A. Moldstad, said: “Ordaining practicing homosexuals and lesbians to the ministry is a serious departure from the biblical standards of morality to which Lutherans and Lutheran pastors have historically been held.” Moldstad clarified that, in contrast to the newly-adopted position of the ELCA, the position of the ELS on the matter of homosexuality and marriage is as follows:
We confess that Scripture condemns homosexuality and extra-marital relations (fornication and adultery) as sin. Nevertheless, when an individual caught up in such sins truly repents, the forgiveness of the Gospel is to be fully applied. We confess that the divine institution of marriage is to be heterosexual, in which, according to God’s design, a man and a woman may enjoy a life-long companionship in mutual love. We teach on the basis of Holy Scripture that marriage is the only proper context for the expression of sexual intimacy and for the procreation of children. See Rom. 1:26-27, 1 Cor. 6:9, 18 and 7:2-9, John 4:17-18, 1 John 1:9, Gen. 1:27-28 and 2:18-24, Matt. 19:4-6. (From We Believe, Teach, and Confess, adopted by the ELS in 1992)
Moldstad explained that ELS churches welcome into their midst those who may struggle with temptation toward a same-sex attraction, but who know in their conscience that this is wrong, and who seek God’s help in their struggle. Said Moldstad, “The ELS believes that in this world it is the duty of the church – as the body of Christ – to be a community of healing and reconciliation in the Gospel, and a beacon of hope to all humanity. And so, while the church is indeed called by the Lord to condemn as sin that which God condemns as sin, it is the church’s privilege also to offer and apply the grace, forgiveness, and acceptance of God, in Jesus Christ, to all who repent of their sins – whatever those sins may be.”
In addition to the similarity in names, the ELS shares a common heritage with some segments of the ELCA. The Mankato-based group was organized in 1918 by pastors and congregations that had declined to enter a merger that formed one of the predecessor bodies of the ELCA. The ELS has not participated in subsequent Lutheran mergers either – including the one that formed the ELCA in 1988 – because of what it saw as doctrinal compromises that these mergers represented. http://www.evangelicallutheransynod.org/President/news/announcements/elca-homosexuality-pr-20080821
[The ELS and the WELS are in church fellowship while both broke fellowship with the LCMS over doctrinal changes within the LCMS. One can hope that tomorrow morning scheduled greeting from the LCMS will express the same regret and disappointment to the ELCA Church-wide Assembly.]
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS and ELS on the ELCA Convention":
>>“As with any sin, it is the church’s responsibility to show love and compassion to sinners, not by condoning or justifying the sin, but by calling the sinner to repent and by assuring the sinner that there is full forgiveness in Jesus Christ,” Schroeder says.<<
I wish WELS would take a similar position with Church and Change, and fellow pastors.
GJ - I understand there has already been a "Come to Jesus" meeting with some Chicaneries, and their lobby was deeply offended. Godly contrition is also required.
ELCA's CORE - Open Opposition
August 21, 2009
ELCA Assembly Actions Draw Criticism, Praise from Advocacy Groups
MINNEAPOLIS (ELCA) – Leaders of organizations favoring and opposing further involvement of people who are gay and lesbian in the church praised and denounced actions taken at the churchwide assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Both expressed a desire to have the church remain united and for those with disagreements on sexuality to respect one another’s views.
The churchwide assembly, the chief legislative authority of the ELCA is meeting here Aug. 17-23 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. About 2,000 people are participating, including 1,045 ELCA voting members. The theme for the biennial assembly is “God’s work. Our hands.”
Lutheran CORE, a reform group opposing the new policies, has called for a meeting in Indianapolis next month of people who will not support the decision to allow non-celibate gays and lesbians to become clergy and other rostered leaders.
“Lutheran CORE is continuing in the Christian faith as it has been passed down to us by generations of Christians,” said the Rev. Paull Spring of State College, Pa., chair of the organization. Today, CORE ended its relationship as an organization “officially recognized” by the ELCA. A statement issued here said CORE will begin to encourage ELCA members and congregations to withdraw financial support from the denomination.
The actions of the assembly mean that many of those sharing CORE’s concern “will participate in and support faithful ELCA ministries, but cannot support ELCA ministries that reject the authority of God’s word,” said the Rev. Erma S. Wolf of Brandon, S.D., vice chair of CORE’s executive committee.
While CORE’s disagreements with the ELCA run deep, Spring said he was not encouraging congregations to leave the ELCA, although he admitted that some pastors and congregations are already planning to do so.
Ryan Schwarz of Washington, D.C. a member of CORE’s steering committee, said of the assembly actions, “the church should not be voting on whether or not to follow the teaching of the Bible.” Schwarz is one of three remaining nominees for ELCA vice president.
Emily Eastwood, director of Lutherans Concerned/North America said, “Today, I am proud to be a Lutheran.” Lutherans Concerned/North America has long been working to encourage the ELCA to accept people who are gay and lesbian, but not celibate, into the ministry. [GJ - LC/NA was initially funded by The LCA, just as Church and Change was initially funded by WELS.]
“The ELCA has always had gay ministers,” she said, “Now those and all ministers are free to claim who they are and to have the love and support of a lifelong partner.” Eastwood also said the actions of the Assembly focused on the “centrality of family life” for both heterosexual and homosexual couples.
At the same time, Eastwood said, the ELCA recognizes the “bound consciences” of those who disagree with this week’s actions. “Congregations that wish to call a qualified minister in a committed, long-term, same gender relationship can do so without hindrance,” she said. “And congregations that do not wish to do so cannot be required to ever do so.”
“We pledge to work with the church, including with those who would oppose us, for reconciliation to fulfill our collective mission to spread the love of Christ for the sake of the world,” Eastwood said.
Young man, there's a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.
It's fun to stay at the E-L-C-A,
It's fun to stay at the E-L-C-A.
LCMS SP Kieschnick will frown slightly as he takes Holy Communion with ELCA.
Robert Benne - A Light in the Stygian Darkness of ELCA: Accidental Candidate for VP
Robert Benne: Romans 12.2: “Do not be conformed to this world . . .” This is important to me as a professor, a Lutheran teacher and scholar. This verse assumes that faith involves mind as well as heart. Interaction between Christian faith and society has always fascinated me. I’ve dealt with religion and economics, politics, culture, film. Q2: My challenge would be to be fit to the job. I’m here by mistake; I forgot to remove my name. I’m too old, and I don’t want the job. But if elected, I and other top leadership would be forced to model the bound conscience because I disagree deeply with the directions of the ELCA. My winning would probably shorten my life, and those of the bishop and secretary, and it would not be a good idea to vote for me. Q3: One of my profound disagreements with ELCA is how we understand ourselves as public church; better to change from direct to indirect approach, so that we be not so invested in social statements, advocacy offices, etc. My approach would be more income, using the ministry of the laity in their public callings. Those laity need to be formed in their Christian moral conscience. Laity are on front lines, they should the ones who are the public arm of the church. One well-formed senator is worth ten thousand social statements.
Institutional Idolatry Is Still Idolatry
Walther warned the Missouri Synod against idolatry, which is why I keep a statue of Ferdy on my desk. Farsighted (in this regard), he warned them against saying "At least my district or conference is orthodox." I heard one future Doctrinal Pussycat say that, even though his neighbor was a proud Fuller grad.
Synod idolatry is the main reason for doctrinal apostasy today. No one was allowed to question any synod, because Holy Mother (fill in the blank) Synod is indefectible, incapable of error. That is worship of a graven image, a sin against the First Commandment, just as common among Lutherans today as among Roman Catholics, but more subtle.
No one would guess that "Do Not Fear, Little Flock" was once an influential hymn in the Lutheran Church. I am trying to imagine people singing that hymn at The CORE
I am not fond of synod conventions. They strike me as a bad copy of our political conventions. However, the recent WELS convention completely changed the agenda by emphasizing Lutheran doctrine (except for UOJ outbursts).
The Shrinkers have been saying for 30 years that they want the institution to grow, that this can happen:
- Only by expelling anyone who disagrees with them,
- Only by spending vast amounts of money to import Enthusiasm from Fuller, Willow Creek, Groeschel, Granger, Stetzer, Sweet, and Stanley.
- To worship God in the beauty of His holiness.
- To catechize the young and teach the adults.
- To visit the shut-ins, hospitalized, and spiritually indifferent.
Try Not To Yawn as Bruce Becker Stages His Come-Back
Subject: Fwd: Registration Reminder - 2009 Church & Change Conference: Regaining Momentum
Follow the link C&C program.color.pdf to download the brochure with all the descriptions.
From: Michelle Eggert
Subject: Registration Reminder - 2009 Church & Change Conference: Regaining Momentum
Time is passing quickly. There are only 26 days to register for The 2009 Church & Change Conference at the "early bird" rate. The Conference features an outstanding line-up of speakers and ministry topics. Our main presenters will be Bruce Becker, Director of Operations for Time of Grace and Rev. Elton Stroh, director of our WELS Parish Assistance program. Bruce Becker will be examining characteristics that are hurting our congregations as well as those that are helping congregations in their efforts to bring the Gospel to more people. Rev. Stroh will discuss the what certain churches did to turnaround from being in decline to becoming more active.
You will be challenged, inspired and encouraged as a Christian and as a leader of Christians. When several hundred creative WELS leaders gather around God's Word and share their ideas, that's what we expect to happen!
Join us - Thursday, November 5 through Saturday, November 7, 2009 at the Wyndham Milwaukee Airport Hotel and Convention Center Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The cost for the conference is $200.00 per person ($280 for registrations received on or after September 16, 2009). A special "3+1 offer" will be available to congregations sending four or more participants. All meals are included in the conference price, but participants will need to provide their own lodging.
Special conference hotel rates of $99 single or $109 double occupancy per night are available at the Wyndham Milwaukee Airport Hotel & Convention Center through October 13, 2009. Please contact the hotel directly to make your hotel reservations at (866) 625-3104 and mention you are attending the Church & Change Conference.
Reservations can also be made online at: http://www.wyndham.com/groupeventsnew/mkeap_churchchange09/main.wnt.
All registrations will take place online at http://www.regonline.com/churchandchange2009. For a full description of each presenter/topic, click C&C program.bw.pdf for efficient black/white printing or C&C program.color.pdf for full color viewing printing. Check out our Website www.churchandchange.org for further details. This conference is shaping up to be the best ever!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Try Not To Yawn as Bruce Becker Stages His Come-Ba...":
After that wonderful report given by Pres. Schroeder at the convention declaring the confessional direction of the WELS, are WELS monies still going to fund a those few who are trying to 'Regain the Momentum'? That would be a direct contradiction of exactly what the President was talking about. I'd be real sad to know that Synod would still be spending badly needed dollars on this conference.
GJ - WELS funded the start of C and C, and Perish Services overlapped C and C, with staffers being paid in effect to promote the Fuller agenda. I doubt whether any new WELS synodical money is going to C and C directly. Look over the brochures--past and present--and you will see the main leaders.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Try Not To Yawn as Bruce Becker Stages His Come-Ba...":
Bruce Becker is the poster boy for a lost generation of WELS pastors.
Shrinkers Are Sheep-Stealing Wolves
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Does the Fish First Rot From the Head?":
While it is true that some WELS congregations are reduced to half size by the Church Growth mongers, it is also true that many grow significantly through sheep-stealing. I submit that Grace, Milwaukee (Jim Huebner's church) grew largely at the expense of other WELS churches. I understand this is the intention of The (rotten to the) Core in Appleton. I believe that Cross Walk in Phoenix (Jeff Gunn's church) can make the same boast of its actual members. Crown of Life, Corona, CA (Rick Johnson's church) has "won" many members from neighboring WELS churches. St. Marcus in Milwaukee has also grown in part at the expense of neighboring churches. St. Mark, DePere has also grown at the expense of other WELS churches in the Green Bay area.
A look at the WELS Statistical Report reveals that, while some of these Church Growth churches are "growing," the total number of communicants in the conference has not increased.
To be accurate, you should explain that Church Growth mongers either reduce the membership of their own churches or that of their neighboring churches.
GJ - I have pointed out, many times, that the Church Growth Movement is barren, that they grow by stealing members from their own denomination. In fact, their Apostle Paul--C. Peter Wagner--admitted in print that CG principles "do not work."
I realize most people start with the lead article on the blog and cannot possibly read 3,000 other entries. I have to use the search function to find things myself.
I appreciate the facts above being restated. Pastor Rick Johnson published his own offering statistics, which were a disaster. Pastor Rick is a Leonard Sweet-heart. Jeff Gunn (spelled Gun by Church and Change) was their hero until he ran out of outside loot.
I thought a wildly successful church supported itself, but the Chicaneries live on subsidies, diverted offerings, and foundation/Thrivent grants. When WELS pastors and teachers were being laid off, Kudu Don Patterson requested two free staff-members, and got his annual free vicar grant.
Randy Hunter--Church of the
Patterson has been called to teach at The Sausage Factory twice. Does that hint at the governing board's tilt and the faculty's apostasy?
Kelm has served just one congregation, in Pittsfield, and was on the staff at Parlow's Willow Creek WELS church. He earned a drive-by CGM DMin at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis - making him the only Shrinker with a (nominal) Lutheran DMin.
Paul Kelm's brother left WELS for Missouri. Paul's son also left WELS for Missouri.
Somehow, these dubious qualifications have earned Kelm the authority to:
- Edit the synod Shrinker paper, TELL.
- Become the head of Evangelism for WELS.
- Run the Schwaermer Spiritual Renewal Project for WELS.
- Serve as a CG consultant for WELS.
- Teach a required course at Moo U. (renamed Wisconsin Lutheran College). Just some trivial folks. WLC began independently and was closed by the synod. The first version was nicknamed Moo U. The current iteration should be called Schwan U., which retains the association with dairies.
- Invite radical New Ager Leonard Sweet to teach the Word of God to WELS members and pastors - Church and Chicanery Conference.
- Speak at The Sausage Factory's annual Mission Festival and the equivalent events at Mary Lou College in New Ulm.
- Come back to The Love Shack, during a budget crisis, and serve as a Shrinker consultant again!
Questions about Being Anonymous
Someone asked about being anonymous. No comment to Ichabod comes to me with an email address. If I get a personal email, I do not copy it unless I first have permission. A number of people have given me background information. I do not publish information unless it can be verified.
One of my best sources does so much research that other people comment on it. Contributors are confessional pastors and laity. I publish comments if they contribute to the discussion.
Long ago, I heard only from a few people in retirement, never from pastors. Now I hear from men with young families.
The Church and Chicaneries, like their counterparts in Missouri, howl when the truth gets out, even though the material is verified various ways and copied (kelmed) verbatim. My name is on the posts and the blog.