Thursday, February 4, 2010

This Congregation Is Incensed!

I want to catch the incense bong at the end, and twirl it.
Does the audience applaud the bong or the catcher?

Bong pulley.

Pat Boone Hosts - "You Talk Too Much"

Rogue Lutheran on LCMS

"Too many LCMS'ers are just too polite and fold like a cheap lawn chair when they should be presenting arguments."

Kitteh Job Interview - Enjoying Lamb

Kitteh Job Interview - No More Grant Money

Kitteh Job Interview - School

Inarticulate Rage - Another Candidate for Anger Management Classes

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Kitteh on Lemons Makes for a Sour Puss":

Your opposition of [sic - of?] false doctrine would be admirable if it only stopped there (and in some cases, actually correct--think UOJ and your buddies Schmid and Lenski), but it doesn't. [Run-on sentence, for starters.] You make patently false statements and pair them up with ridiculous pictures in the manner of Dreck (the guy who wrote the 404 theses that said essentially said [sic - remember where you were after taking another sip of Ripple] that Lutherans are no different from the Protestants). I suppose the closest "cognate" of sorts that would fit you would be too harsh to print on your blog, but I suspect/hope that anyone reading would figure it out very easily. The way to prove me wrong (that you aren't some barnyard animal like Eck.) [sic - sentence fragment. It's best to write when sober, but that never stops Changers.]


GJ - I enjoy the sanctimonious, patronizing tone of the gibberish above. Can anyone make sense of it? I have tried. Too bad I skipped the college course on abnormal psychology (nicknamed "Nuts and Sluts").

Remember the Fox Valley pastor who sent all the obscene words and later apologized?

He sent another message saying he wanted to correspond with me so he could tell me what was wrong with me. He wanted to do that anonymously!

I think the cusser, the fake blogger, and the commenter above are all the same Fox Valley parson. He was active in the beginning of this blog, always in a rage when I took on Church and Change. He blows up when I post his comments with corrections and rages when I do not post his other comments. Some comments have been too obscene to print.

That could be cleared up if he identified himself. He said in the beginning that he was too frightened to do that. Cowardly bullies are standard in Church and Change. They keep their list secret. They deny belonging and going to their conferences. They insist on being subsidized by everyone so they can go to their Schwaermer conferences and lie about that, too.

Rogue Lutheran Joins Blog List


Rogue Lutheran is a new blog about apostate trends among the conservative Lutherans, especially the Missouri Synod.

The author is a Missouri Synod businesswoman who has done plenty of research.

I created the image above because of the statement once made by another woman in the church (not Joan of Arc): "If the bishops are going to act like women, then the women are going to act like bishops."

Many younger men are fighting this too. Rogue Lutheran surprised me by revealing how deeply embedded this cancer is in the LCMS.

Rick Warren has taken this to another level, a new depth, and he is far more influential that I would have thought.

At the Borders Bookstore, I opened the new, adulatory book about Rick Warren and wondered about the author of such bilge. Shock! He was my recent journalism professor. I imagine the book will sell 100,000 copies or more because of its complete lack of discernment. More stories will be added to the canon about St. Rick of Saddleback.

I hope this trend of dissenting blogs continues. Each one adds to the material available. A new topic or a new perspective draws in another group of readers. I heard that MLC and WLC students stopped tweeting for two weeks while they discussed the infamous video and Ichabod, which still gets dozens of responses on the story.