ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Appleton Blogger - A Class Act
Appleton Blogger:
I sincerely ask that you take my posts with a light heart. They are not intended for people who are new to Dr. Jackson or his antics, or people who are just discovering his blog. I know from experience that WELS folks with tender hearts are often sincerely bothered by the extreme lack of even the most basic courtesies encountered there.
GJ - The blogger seems unduly interested in vomit and excrement, with a photo of me as a cat sitting on a toilet, as if using it, and then another cat with its head in the toilet. Yes, he writes for the tender-hearted. The cat is labeled "church lady, bruce church, Brett Meyer."
Here is his riff on vomit: "For Greggy, the show usually consists of puking up a puddle half-truths about people, places and events with clever-yet-degrading nicknames, and then mentioning something about how intelligent he is -- usually relating to one of his degrees. (Greggy takes the WASP accumulation mentality to a new high. More titles = better than you.)"
Needless to say, this is typical juvenile Mequon behavior.
The Appleton blogger has tried to distinguish himself from the person who attacked my deceased daughters on the fake Ichabod blog -
"BTW, Greg. In answer to your speculation, I am not and never have been part of C&C. I'm not the person who made fun of your daughters, either. "
Yet he also writes this for the tender-hearted who like vomit and excrement posts:
"If you are such a person, please refer to the excellently written response-blog listed below:
Who were the first to be followers of the fake Ichabod blog?
Answer - Joe Krohn, the RockNRoll blogger, and Tim Felt-Needs, both ardent Church and Changers who also deny belonging to that perfidious bunch.
Krohn is Don Patterson's buddy, and Tim is the cheerleader for Victory of the Lamb, another movie theater entertainment style venue.
The Church and Changers must have to swear a secret oath that they will deny being Changers whenever asked - or even before they are asked.
Appleton blogger - keep posting. Your cowardice and deceit are on display for all Lutherans to read and admire.
I realize you are committed to entertainment, not the Means of Grace. You are entertaining people. That should not be confused with convincing them.
One person already wrote to the Appleton blogger:
Jack Campbell said... All I know is that advocates of the church growth movement are a lot more ruthless than Pastor Jackson could ever be. If you don't like rock n' roll bands in the chancel and gospel-less sermons you are basically told to "find another church." I have suffered this kind of treatment myself in a 'Shrinker" LCMS congregation. The wannabee Baptists that have wormed their way into positions of power in WELS must be confronted and given a chance to repent of their Reformed enthusiasm!Let the blogger in Appleton return to his vomit. We await his next revelation from his Father Below:
NIV Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. - Using the NIV for the reading-impaired graduates of Mequon.
The "New" Blogger Is From Appleton, Wisconsin - Capital of WELS Apostasy
with six other WELS church workers,
including John Parlow.
Fox Valley is the doctrinal sewer of WELS,
thanks to Witte, Parlow, Kelm, Ash, Ski,
and Deputy Doug Englebrecht.
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "The Gnats Are Swarming Again: Shrinker Drama Queen...":
Hi Dr. Jackson, You can tell you've held the anonymous blogger's attention for a while. He uses the handle Anonymouse with an "e" on the end, and a search on your blog confirmed my recollection that this handle hadn't appeared for a while--since November 16, 2009 to be exact. So he's another satisfied reader that keeps coming back!:
GJ - The tipsy drama queen is not very bright. I kidded him about his general incompetence - not just in spelling - and soon his comment came through on email, time-stamped the same moment Appleton was glowing in Feedjit.
Do y'all remember when I identified Garland, Texas as a place where regular, hateful comments came from? That stopped soon after.
The lily-livers do not like to be identified. But they do want attention and demand that their deathless prose be published. The (sic) drives them crazy.
Anonymouse has a long history. My key Lutheran friends noticed that he erupted into a tantrum every time I exposed Church and Change. I called him Anonymouse and began using various rodent pictures to depict his skittering about, nameless and soulless.
Mouse is trying to deny his Church and Chicanery credentials, just as Kudu Don Patterson did (before winging it to the latest C and C conference). But alas - Mouse has given himself away by using Shrinker in his title and complaining about my treatment of his Shrinker friends.
David Valleskey, another perennial liar, tried to distinguish between Fuller Seminary and the Fuller School of Evangelism when he denied going there - a distinction without a difference.
Those who understood WELS GA--their secret initiation rite, their only sacrament--also know that shading words is part of the WELS conformist tradition. The District Popes were taught to say, "We are not for Church Growth, but for Church Growth."
Denials from an anonymouse liar, who cannot spell, will not have much credibility.
Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "The Gnats Are Swarming Again: Shrinker Drama Queen...":
I think we have another sputterer here! I notice only 1 person has commented, and that person disagreed with him. He has no followers. It was about as lame as the MLC video. I don't think he's long for the blogesphere.
Keep up the good work Church Lady!
The Shrinkers support him.
Everyone else knows the truth.
He is not Lutheran - he is WELS.
The Gnats Are Swarming Again:
Shrinker Drama Queen Reveals His Ugliness
or is it simply the same tipsy drama queen?
I assume this is the fake blogger from before, ashamed to reveal his name. If so, he is the same illiterate person who attacked my deceased daughters - brave, ethical soul that he is.
Here is the link.
He probably wanted to be ignored so he could play the martyr. I think people ought to read his blog.
I wonder what got his goat this time. Surely he realizes what the gay MLC video says about all of his fellow law-breakers.
He rages against using the Internet, which is what he is doing - anonymously.
He raves against photo satires, something he cannot do.
In the name of love, he has to attack people who comment on this blog, including the incredibly polite and deferential WELS Church Lady.
He writes in the style of a WELS church worker:
"Your blog made me decided (sic) that the high road isn't nearly as fun (or easy) as getting down in the muck with the name-callers."
I am glad he is so willing to reveal the nature of the Church and Changers. Some people think they are nice guys because they talk about love and outreach. They are nasty, vituperative, dishonest, greedy, and thick-headed.
The blogger has let on that their nest of vipers has been disturbed by the truth being revealed. Lutherans are laughing at the Church and Changers, too. They are a pathetic bunch: power mad, inarticulate, slow to listen, quick to anger.
One complaint has been heard around WELS - "Whatever topic we look up, the first post is from Ichabod."
I am happy to link the lily-livered blogger for now, if he keeps producing. Previous blogs against me have sputtered and stopped.
Meanwhile, I am waiting for a single Church and Change website or blog to link Ichabod. They will not because they are already frightened of the traffic going here.
Avoid the Seminary Swindle
Joseph Schmidt has left a new comment on your post "Lutheran Pastors Getting Swindled":
The cost of seminary education is one of the main reasons I decided not to go into the pastoral ministry. Why pay $40,000 - $50,000 to sit at the feet of professors in love with Reformed doctrine, when I can study Lutheran doctrine at home?
More cowbell?
More Leonard Sweet?
Lutheran Pastors Getting Swindled
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Not Legal - More On the WELS Video and Stolen Musi...":
Compare Kieschnick's response to the looming pastor shortage and this Methodist bishop's response to the looming pastor shortage and high seminary debt. Bishop Hayes says set up a fund to repay pastor's student loans in order to get the best and brightest straight out of college, not out of a second career.
Kieschnick just instructs the seminaries to recruit harder, and spends a wad of cash on CG programs that don't work. That halfway solves the problem by shrinking the synod to equal the size of the potential pastor pool.
Unfortunately, Kieschnick and pals spent all the LCMS's spare cash, so the LCMS probably wouldn't be able to make LCMS seminaries less expensive, or repay student loans for a called worker, even if it wanted to.
The WELS situation is different. They recruit anyone with a pulse to be a pastor, but kick them out pronto as needed. No need to worry about getting quality students from the start when DPs can terminate them by certified mail.
Money and the ministry: Methodist leader proposes a solution to seminary debt
by: BILL SHERMAN World Religion Writer, Thursday, June 03, 2010
excerpt: The average United Methodist seminary student graduates with $40,000 to $45,000 in educational debt and steps into a low-paying job.
Under his plan, the state conference would work directly with seminaries to repay a student's loan.
More than half of United Methodist clergy members are 55 or older, and 95 percent of new clergy members are older than 35, many of them in their second careers, Hayes said.