Saturday, June 26, 2010

Spread the False Doctrine!
Holy Word WELS, Austin, Texas

What a pair!

Holy Word Ministry Expansion Project

June 21, 2010


Isn't communication amazing today? Instantly you can send an email around the globe. Though China is 13 hours ahead of us, using Skype, instantly, verbally and visually, we can reach our son, Seth, in Shanghai, China. How easy it is today to SPREAD the WORD!

Following Jesus' resurrection, at his ascension, he gave his disciples a single, simple command. "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Mark 16:15). Didn't he know there were now only 11 disciples, one of them became a traitor? And yet today, as a direct result of Christ's disciples spreading the word, it's estimated that 33% of the world is Christian, 2.3 billion people. Isn't the SPREAD of the WORD amazing?

You at Holy Word witness it, too. In the last 15 years, Holy Word started 6 new churches. Today these churches number 533 souls, nearly doubling the size of Holy Word. This time, though, it will be slightly different. Holy Word will be One Church with Two Sites.

Initially Holy Word North will meet at the Children's Courtyard, 3801 Gattis School Road (Just 3 miles from Doebler's Rock and Roll Church). The Worship Service will be at 9:30 am with Bible Class/Sunday School to follow at 10:45 am. The service times will remain the same at the original site: 8:00 am and 10:45 am Worship, with Bible Class/Sunday School between the two services. Pastor Patterson will be the primary preacher at both sites. Bible Class will have a variety of presenters.

There will be plenty of opportunities to SPREAD the WORD at the new site. Within a radius of two miles (Since Doebler's church is 3 miles away), the population in Pflugerville in the last ten years grew almost 300%! Make the radius one mile larger and the population increase is still around 200%. That's a lot of opportunities to SPREAD the WORD!

"Make the Most of Your Life" encouraged us all to use every opportunity to serve our gracious Savior. There will be opportunities to do just that at the new site, through volunteering to usher, greet, set up/take down, teach Bible Class/Sunday School, and chauffeur pastor from one site to another. What a special opportunity that would be, a private visit with your pastor! Stay tuned during the next few months as there will be specific opportunities made available for you to start helping SPREAD the WORD!

Recently, we in central Texas have been blessed with an abundance of rain. We see the growing, greening results all around us. In Isaiah 55 the Lord used the same picture, the picture of the rain and what it produces, to illustrate for us the productive power of the Word. The Word never returns to the Lord empty; it always produces the fruit he desires.

What an additional opportunity the Lord is giving us! He is permitting Holy Word, at two sites, to count on His blessings as we SPREAD the WORD. The first service at Holy Word North will be on September 12th, and the grand opening will be Sunday, October 17th. A grand opening with food and fun.

SPREAD the WORD, invite others to hear the Word with you at either site!

Pastor Karl R. Gurgel

I rented me a bunny suit for the Easter egg hunt
and the ex-SP still sand-bagged me.


GJ - Call me a pragmatist, but it makes no sense to start another Shrinker site next door to one that has absorbed so much time, attention, and money.

When Patterson runs for DP or SP, remember the profligate use of funds while enjoying safaris and ownership of two different properties (home and ranch) plus wasting even more money on empire building.

Gurgle can do for Holy Word what he did for his district, the MilCraft Estate, and WELS.