Saturday, March 12, 2011

Matt Harrison on Facebook - Same Time as I Posted

SP Matt Harrison was a precocious child.

 SP Matt Harrison post is linked here.

Gregory L. Jackson I really like Bente's Historical Introductions. The crypto-Calvinist section should be a test for ordination.

Matt Harrison Amen.


GJ - There is the cure, fellow Concordians. If Lutherans study their own Confessions and follow them, the problems of today will recede - but not go away. Sinful people will always be drawn to false doctrine and false teachers. The battle never ends in this life.

The leaders of the Olde Syn Conference tried money, and they had boatloads from Marvin Schwan. That did not work.

Believers trust in the Word.

Unbelievers trust in man-made schemes. Unbelievers think the church needs money.

Believers realize that the true Church only needs the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace.

Intrepids and Issues on Change and Die!Conference

Friday, March 11, 2011

Change or Die - Issues, Etc. Comments

We have very little to report so far on the Change or Die conference that took place on Thursday. We were told earlier in the week that Pastor Skorzewski had decided not to participate, for which we were glad. We are working under the assumption that Pastor Jeske did participate, as advertised, although we would be happy to learn otherwise.

Our post of two weeks ago was picked up by Issues, Etc. and was chosen as one of their two picks for Blog of the Week. They found the "Change or Die" concept to be as offensive and unbiblical as we did.

Just yesterday, Issues, Etc. commented again on the Change or Die conference in response to an e-mail they received from a pastor who attended it. What follows is a transcript of their commentary. (Listener E-mail and Issues, Etc. Comment Line, 30:30-34:35)

Jeff Schwarz: Here’s an e-mail we just received in the studio here,
    I’m a former ELCA pastor now called to an independent Lutheran congregation in southern Minnesota. And I attended the Change or Die conference Yesterday, March 10th. This was supposed to be a pan-Lutheran event, however, one presenter pulled out due to pressure from the WELS leadership. Sadly the event lived up to Pr. Wilken’s suspicions as he mentioned in blog of the week recently. Two presenters from the ELCA promoted their liberation and social gospel theology, nothing new here so I don’t know how this was seen as new and relevant. What surprised me were the two LCMS presenters who proudly demonstrated how they worked outside of the orthodox understanding of the Lutheran Confessions. When I challenged one of these presenters during a small group discussion concerning his definition of “church,” which was not about the Word of God properly preached and the Sacraments properly administered from his point of view, he removed himself from the conversation. The other LCMS presenter openly advocated the removal of confirmation instruction (I’ve heard this in the ELCA several times in the past) and insisted that the seekers who come to the second preaching point of his ministry were not ready to attend worship at the primary worship site which is a classic Midwestern church building and liturgy. He did not say why, and in keeping with the 8th Commandment, I will not speculate. The best part of this free conference was the fine dinner sponsored by two external organizations who sponsored the event. I guess you get what you pay for. I appreciate your work, and yes, Todd, you were right, sometimes others can do a great job in demonstrating what not to do,
writes Kerry in Minnesota.

Todd Wilken: Well, Kerry, thank you very much, and look, change is change. And when the attitude is “we must change or die, that the Church’s life, the Church’s ongoing life and existence depends not upon the living Christ present in his Word and his Sacraments, but upon our ability to change,” usually change with the times, which is just another way of saying, “Let’s let the culture call the shots.” Right? “Let’s just let the culture tell us what is relevant, what we should be talking about. The audience is sovereign,” all this kind of George Barna nonsense.

When change is the essence of the Church’s existence, then you have no stopping point. When you believe that the Church can only continue to exist if it continues to change, you have absolutely no boundary to limit what you will change. So, old definition of the Church? Sure it’s in the Lutheran Confessions, and sure we call ourselves “Lutheran.” I mean, what does that mean? We drink beer and wear Lederhosen and we talk to each other in German occasionally. That’s why we’re Lutheran, come on! The Confessions, what are you talking about? Definition of the Church? That needs to change, too.

And what dictates the change? The Word of God? No. Any faithful confession, be it Lutheran or otherwise? No. What dictates the change? Well, it’s going to be one of two things, isn’t it? It’s going to be our own imagination or opinion, or it’s going to be someone else’s imagination or opinion, neither of which are, well, solid ground upon which to build the Church.

And remember what I said when I talked about this in blog of the week. Jesus says, “Upon this rock I will build my Church” – Peter’s confession! – “and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” But if you build – well, you can call it a “church,” I don’t know what it is, — when you build upon change, when you build upon your own imagination or opinion, then that promise does not prevail.

What I’d like to see is a conference called “Change AND die.”

Hunter on the Locus "Boring"

This is the Church Doctor, Kent Hunter, DMin Fuller Seminary.
He is another Hunter with the same Enthusiasm.

A New Me has left a new comment on your post "St. Andrew Lutheran Latte Church":

Hunter equates the emotions of worship style with the Word of God (and in his case Evangelical worship style because that's what he models and because Evangelical worship style is designed primarily to stir up emotions):

"It (worship style) helps keeps 'church' from becoming what it should never be: boring.... In His Word we find the unchanging solid things for life.... That, too (i.e. along with the emotions of the style of worship), keeps church alive."

That kind of church is as alive as a zombie.

When Do You Notice Something Was Going Wrong?

American Lutheran Publicity Bureau
FWIW - one of the first decisions we made as we entered our 9 months of discernment on our continued relationship with the ELCA was to semi-freeze the membership roles. We did no "cleaning" of the roles and did not receive new members until after the second vote. If someone asked to be removed then we honored that. Our reason for doing this was two fold. First off we wanted to avoid any accusations of manipulating the roles. Secondly, we didn't feel it was fair to our visitors to accept new members until we got our house in order.  We simply, welcomed them, explained the situation, asked them to pray for us and "hang in there" until all was said and done. We had five families join a couple of weeks after the final vote to join the NALC (one former ELCA Bishop among them) and will be having our second series of new member classes starting Sunday.

If you read this blog, you have a 25 year head-start on what is happening in Lutherdom.

Listen up. There will be a test later.

Bishop and Mrs. Robinson.

Reading the Touchy-O-Meter

Some readers work overtime to amuse and encourage me. They are the unbelievers who study this blog to find something wrong.

The ELCA pastor, Bruce Foster, communicates in the same nasty way that his WELS buddies use. The difference is, he signs his name to his emails. The WELS unbelievers hide behind an anonymous pose. But that never lasts. I am not surprised that Foster is intimate with WELS pastors Lindemann and Jenswold.

I expect to rile people. Good results come from disturbing their reveries:
  1. They reveal what they really care about. For example, Glende always jumps to defend Ski by attacking me. People noticed right away that "Anonymouse" was an Appleton WELS pastor. Foster responds when I discuss the Missouri civil war, since he abandoned the faith to become an ELCA pastor. Foster's paleo-hippy look is right from the 1970s. Seminex grad?
  2. They show the poverty of their arguments. I have posted hundreds of comments that are completely irrelevant. Imagine I have gone away. One person wrote "When you finally die, everyone will be relieved." Would my demise mean that a WELS DP did not go to state prison, that two church workers did not murder their wives? When I reach room temperature, will Fuller and Willow Creek become orthodox by default? The WELSian, ELSian, and Missourian lies will cease and become pearls of truth? Maybe the stolen and squandered millions will show up again, but not in my estate.
  3. Hypocrisy is exposed. Tim Glende plagiarizes Groeschel, with the support of his DP, and posts against my original, hand-written sermons, which I do not hide but double-blog. The sermon-only Bethany blog is read all over the world, and no one has to go back to it...ever.
  4. Some become so furious and frustrated with me that they study the Word and the Confessions. I trust the Word will work God's will, whether to convert or to harden, to enlighten or to harden.

Faith versus Unbelief

I was reading Luther's sermon on the rich man and Lazareth, found in the Lenker volumes. If you do not have them, skip a few Happy Meals and buy a set. If you have a set and do not read them on a regular basis, you are starving yourself. Luther believed in the preached Word and lived it, unlike the wolves of today.

The entire conflict in Lutherdom can be described in one phrase: faith versus unbelief.

The Olde Syn Conference and Ur-ELCA have all taught unbelief for the last 80 years. I date the change from the triumph of Knapp's Pietism in 1932 (Brief Statement) and Franklin D. Fry's anti-inerrancy stance in the ULCA.

The Great Depression also provided a cool excuse to throw doctrine overboard, since orthodoxy caused the economic collapse. Some of you are thinking, "Too much coffee!" but that was the excuse of the apostate Lutherans for promoting social activism and unionism.

What do all those entities have in common? Pietism. The Spener revolt, called Pietism, denounced orthodoxy in the name of love and practiced unionism in the name of Christian mercy. Lutherans were slow to unhitch from orthodoxy, but the leaven of Pietism, unpurged, made that inevitable. That leaven is the reason why they all work together now, as they did at the Change and Die! conference.

Not Liberals, But Unbelieving Apostates
The issue is not measuring doctrine on the Richter scale, as if WELS measured 9.0 and ELCA 1.0. The problem lies with unbelief itself. The Lutheran synods are led by unbelievers.

As Luther taught, a believer trusts in the Word alone and not in the schemes of man. He may have nothing and be nothing in the eyes of the world, like Lazarus, but his trust in God is pleasing and receives the ultimate blessing in eternal life.

In contrast, an unbeliever--like the rich man--may put on a big show. He may be a big leader in his church and pay for entire buildings in his name. But he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He trusts in his own schemes and has no pity for anyone. He helps those who can help him in return. In the memorable parable, the rich man does not have a crumb for Lazarus or a moment to offer the poor beggar comfort in his suffering. Moreover, he glories in his status and looks down on Lazarus as deserving his lot in life.

Luther noted with his typical irony, that the clergy like to pretend they are the rich man. They kiss up to the unbelieving rich man, who uses them to cover his sins with ecclesiastical blessings. In turn, the clergy get to take on the luxuries of the rich man and pretend they are rich too. That is why the enormous gifts of the Daddy Warbucks disappear faster than a July frost. The clergy devour the money for themselves and leave a few husks for the undeserving poor clergy and teachers, who deserve their lot in life for not having their trotters in the trough.

One pastor said to me, "There are rich pastors and honest pastors. The honest ones are poor." And the pastor who said this is richer than all the Changers together. He trusts in the Gospel and gives way to the needs of others.

When we reach room temperature, wealth and honors mean nothing (and they should not in this life either). The rich man is in torment, just as Lazarus is in the bosom of Abraham. At this point in the parable, the man who had everything is begging for a drop of water on his tongue.

When I had nose surgery, after losing my voice, the hospital gave me a shot to dry up my mucous membranes. The shot was miraculously efficacious. My mouth and nose became drier than a Somo-nitz lecture. Mrs. Ichabod was drinking a can of flavored soda water, a favorite of ours. She offered me some: "For only $100 a sip," and laughed.

The rich man could not get the nursing care from Lazarus that he might have provided the beggar in life, so he bargained. Send him to my brothers, because someone rising from the dead will surely convert them and save them from this.

The response is one of the most powerful statements in the Bible for the efficacy of the Word alone: "They have Moses and prophets. Let them hear them." The Word is more powerful than someone rising from the dead and teaching them. This is especially poignant, coming from Christ Himself. He rose from the dead, and skeptical historians concede this truth without believing in Him. The entire world has the ultimate example, but they do not believe. They have the Word and the empty tomb. Unbelief is blind and harder than flint.

Unbelieving Pastors Today
The final stage of unbelief is the most obvious, when Shrinkers become obnoxious loud-mouth atheists or brag about doing weddings for Hindoos and non-believers and anyone who has the coin.

The stepping stones downward are not so obvious, but they are present. The evil tree bears evil fruit.

The Intrepids think they can put some salve and a bandage on Church and Change to heal it. UOJ cannot cure UOJ. That is why "The Cure" is so tepid in the Olde Syn Conference.

The Changers have been officially dissolved, spanked in public, doubtless at the insistence of the Synod President. (I am not sure. Signal intelligence is fussy on this matter.) Their false doctrine has not been rebuked and will never be rebuked.

The Conference of Pussycats and the SP do not trust the Word enough to use the rebuking power of the Holy Spirit. They realize that this would unravel their whole ball of yarn:
  1. Admitting Church Growth is false doctrine and a cancer.
  2. Conceding that UOJ is a pious fraud from Halle Pietism.
  3. Confessing Holy Mother Synod is imperfect.
  4. Losing access to the Daddy Warbucks who love synod acclaim and despise the poor.
  5. Worst of all - disciplining the false teachers, whose number is now Legion.