AC V has left a new comment on your post "Deutschlander - UOJ Is Missing from the Book of Co...":
"Ad fontes" was the clarion call of the Wauwatosa theologians. "The BoC is skewing our understanding of Justification and the Ministry. We must look to the Scriptures alone."
The Wauwatosa "ad fontes" got us "UOJ" and "Every Member a Minister."
The Fathers went "ad fontes" too, and they gave us AC IV and V, crystal clear confessions of Justification by faith alone and the Ministry by which faith comes.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Mark Braun WELS, WLC - Soil Testing To Make Fuller Seminarians Swoon:
Effective Church Growth Principles!
"What do people mean when they talk about effective church growth principles? Do we make God's kingdom come? 'God's kingdom certainly comes by itself,' Luther wrote. Ours is to sow the seed. We hamper the kingdom if we sow carelessly or if we do not sow at all. But we do not make it grow."
Mark Braun, "The Growing Seed, What Do People Mean When They Talk about Effective Church Growth Principles?" The Northwestern Lutheran, September 1, 1991, p. 300. Mark 4:26-29.
"Soil Testing. An evangelistic strategy that seeks out those people who are open to receiving the gospel at the present time." [Note the Mark Braun NWL article about the sower and the seed, employing this soil testing concept.]
C. Peter Wagner, ed., with Win Arn and Elmer Towns, Church Growth: The State of the Art, Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1986, p. 300.
"In my opinion, therefore, Church Growth receptivity and 'soil testing' techniques are often unfairly criticized as if they were by definition synergistic. It is a fact that some fields are, for various historical and sociological reasons, more receptive to the preaching of the gospel and church planting than others. Our home and world mission boards make these judgments all the time in deciding where to begin churches or send missionaries."
Rev. Curtis Peterson, former WELS World Mission Board, "A Second and Third Look at Church Growth Principles," Metro South Pastors Conference Mishicot, Wisconsin, February 3, 1993 p. 12 Mark 4:
"If one associates much with heretics, one finally also makes oneself partaker of their false doctrine, their lies, and their errors; for he who touches pitch soils his hands with it."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 646.
From Bailing Water
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Church and Change group is not divisive – Dr. Mark Braun
In his closing sermon at the Church and Change conference Dr. Mark Braun jokes about Rev. Mark Bartling’s understanding of the Church and Change group.
Church and Change
(if this link doesn't work go the churchandchange site and follow the audio link to the sermon)
In his sermon, Dr. Braun says that he recognizes that over the last decade groups in the WELS have become polarized. He even says that “Birds of a feather flock together” (there you go again..oh those Magpies). He further says that these organized groups could be called an ecclesiastical version of political action groups.
Rev. Braun then quotes Rev. Mark Bartling’s article from the Christian News in which Rev. Bartling said “we now have an official group in the WELS entitled Church and Change. The name itself should tell you something is wrong here.”
Dr. Braun pauses in his sermon and the Church and Change congregation erupts in laughter (at the expense of a nameless WELS pastor)
Dr. Braun goes on with his sermon and says he would like to ask this (nameless) pastor (who we know as the Rev. Bartling), “what is wrong here? Is it that we can’t put church and change in the same sentence? or the same title? Is it that if it is the church it can not change and if there is change it better not be in the church!?”
I wonder why he didn’t ask Rev. Bartling these questions directly instead of in a Conference sermon…hmmm.
Dr. Braun’s sermon goes on to emphasis the changeless Gospel in a changing church. I would invite you to listen to this quote and the entire sermon in context and post your responses.
Comments on Bailing Water
RandomDan said...
Has Church and Change even made it into the late 90s? That audio file is huge. Do these people not know how to use mp3's?
October 22, 2007 6:14 PM
Anonymous said...
randomdan brings up a really interesting point. The Church and Changers see themselves as cutting-edge innovators within the WELS, but compared to the church and the world at large, they're really far, far behind the times. The audio file is an example of this. They think they're making their churches seem cutting edge and innovative, but when a visitor compares the WELS praise band to the megachurch praise band or the WELS PowerPoint to the PowerPoint they saw last week at work, the WELS church seems cheesy and behind the times. Let's be honest, praise bands and PowerPoint aren't the strong points of the Lutheran church. Why not focus on what are our strong points--the liturgy and Scriptural doctrine? Those are the things that we can do excellently. Those are the things that can set us apart from the Evangelical churches. And yet those are the very things that C&C seek to eliminate.
October 22, 2007 6:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Here's my reaction to the sermon:
It sounded more like a defense for the existence of C&C than a sermon proclaiming law and gospel.
There wasn't really any law. Instead of calling the congregation to repentance for the times when they have lost confidence in the power of the gospel, he sought to justify their opinion that we can make the gospel more effective.
There wasn't really any gospel. He talked a lot about the gospel, but never actually proclaimed the gospel itself. He spent more time talking about old TV characters than Christ.
The sermon was filled with little jabs at those silly, unenlightened WELS pastors and people who aren't a part of their special little group. The condescending laughter after each jab revealed exactly how C&C people view the rest of us poor WELS people. (The laughter of the Pietistic cell groups in Spener's day toward the rest of the Lutheran church probably sounded quite similar.)
In short, it was a propaganda piece, not a proclamation of law and gospel.
October 22, 2007 7:03 PM
Anonymous said...
I just wanted to agree with the person who mentioned that compared to "evangelical" Christianity...our "efforts" at praise bands and what not is pretty laughable.
Plus, they can't so any live streaming nor do they seem to be able to condense their audio odd.
I hate when things get nasty--snarky and "tit for tat"'s all very high schoolish. It is really saddening to hear it being utilized in a sermon...revolting.
Thanks for the link. I'm off to listen to the "sermon" (is that truly what it was?).
October 22, 2007 7:52 PM
rlschultz said...
The WELS is always a day late and a dollar short in jumping on the latest fads. Yes, the sermon is a .wav file instead of the compressed, .mpg file. Most teenagers who are computer savvy know that .wav files are too big, even with broadband access. That was a really cheap shot by Dr. Braun against Rev. Bartling. Furthermore, if the tables were turned, Rev. Bartling would be getting flogged with the "8 & 18 switch" (8th commandment & Matthew Chapter 18) by not approaching the offender on an individual basis. Even though, neither admonition applies when the sin is public.
October 22, 2007 9:35 PM
A WELS Pastor said...
I don't know if Pastor Bartling is still in the active ministry or not. But he needs to pursue this through his DP and Synod President if need be.
October 22, 2007 9:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Never in my life have I ever heard one WELS pastor use another as the object of ridicule in a sermon to get some cheap laughs. That's what those of us in the WELS who are still confessional are to the C&Cers--a joke.
How disgusting.
October 22, 2007 10:06 PM
GJ - Bailing Water gets a lot of comments. This set did not include any from synod minders, who guard the image of Holy Mother WELS by attacking anyone who doubts the immaculate conception of the Wisconsin sect. For instance, one poster bullied Bailing Water about the truth of Church and Change removing their fraudulent link because of SP Schroder's insistence. Surely Bailing Water must be lying! But no, Bailing Water spoke to Schroeder about the problem. Isn't that the rule?
Being flogged in a sermon is not new to me. I have experienced it in the LCA and in WELS. My friend was at a WELS conference where I was denounced by name by a WELS VP. My friend said to him, "Too bad Greg wasn't here to defend himself." The WELS VP had to leave the ministry, for cause. And I liked the guy.
Kuske and Valleskey made a point of denouncing me for opposing Church Growth. The Church Growth pastors took their swipes, even when guests in my pulpit in the WELS. Satan's disciples are uncouth, but tolerated. Thus God smites people who tolerate falsehood, according to Luther.
Pastors and laity must get used to this approach by apostates. The dogs howl when they feel the pain, but they bite a lot, too. In the long run we will be dead and answering our Savior for what we taught.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Attacked (Not By Name) During Church a...":
And what about the swipes you take at people, twisting the truth about them, telling untruths and even outright lies? You criticize others, but yet you do the same thing, and even worse. Didn't Jesus say something about a sliver and a plank?
GJ - Oh yes, another string of unwarranted accusations from Rev. Mouse. I suppose he got another day pass from the high-security facility where they are treating him. (Just kidding, Mouse.) No other Lutheran blog has so much raw information, verbatim quotations with the sources, and quotations from interesting blogs. I do not see a micron of evidence for the charges made--anonymously--above. Rev. Mouse, aren't you supposed to go to me and tell me face-to-face about my many sins, to rescue me from Hell, as Paul Kelm tried to do?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Attacked (Not By Name) During Church a...":
I have a better name for this group who feels they've discovered a better way to recruit new members. Instead of 'Church and Change', let's call it what it is.... A CHANGED CHURCH. Folks, it's the Word of God, pure and simple. You shouldn't have to fancy it up and package it into the catagory of entertainment. It is what it is. If these people want to change it, let them split off and start their own reformed Lutheran churches. But quit trying to change our liturgical and traditional worship services. The two do not mix. I refuse to buy a ticket for their show.
Mark Braun - A Kind Word for the Pope
FICL - Nee The Northwestern Lutheran -
Marketing the Gospel
"Marketing churches to reach people is consistent with biblical principles and doesn't mean the message needs to be watered down or compromised, according to researcher George Barna...Church growth is primarily accomplished by word of mouth. Barna advised clergy to see themselves as cheerleaders rather than leaders, as laypeople carry out the practical marketing of the church."
News From Around the World, The Northwestern Lutheran, WELS, November 15, 1991 p. 395.
More Exits from ELCA
More info from Pastor Barnhart: Via George Erdner, ALPB
5. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, ROCKWELL, NC passed first vote to leave the ELCA, 126-5.
6. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, CARRINGTON, ND passed second vote to leave the ELCA, 161-16.
7. ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH, WESTBORO, MO passed second vote to leave the ELCA and voted to join the NALC and LCMC 90-2.
8. ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH, DANFORTH, IL passed second vote to leave the ELCA, 80-17 and voted to join NALC 78-6.
9. ST. ANDREW BY THE SEA LUTHERAN CHURCH, ATLANTIC CITY, NJ passed second vote to leave the ELCA and join the NALC by 98%.
10. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, WATERTOWN, WI passed second vote to leave the ELCA and join NALC.
11. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, BRENHAM, TX failed to pass first vote to leave the ELCA, with only 25% voting in favor of leaving.
That brings the totals (as I have them) up to:
Leaving = 88
Left ELCA = 508
Total = 596
New starts = 203
To all of those who keep predicting over and over and over and over that the exodus from the ELCA won't keep going much longer, do any of you care to go out on a limb and predict when the leaving is going to stop, or at least slow down?
Stolzenburg and Church Growth in Columbus, Ohio - WELS
"IT'S COLOSSAL! IT'S GIGANTIC! IT'S SPECTACULAR! A PERSONAL NOTE FROM WM. J. BRITTON, RE: CHURCH GROWTH SEMINAR, FEB. 24-25, 1985. Registration is 347! We prayed for response - the Lord gave it to us!...Win Arn says, 'We are not here to make you work harder, but only to help you work smarter.'"
CG Conference, attended by 46 St. Paul, Columbus, members, pastor, and vicar Mike Nitz.
"We have discovered that the Early Church was an institution that unknowingly saw its world through Church Growth eyes. We have some benefits they did not have in that we can look back today and analyze their successes and failures."
Floyd L. Stolzenburg, "Church Growth - the Acts of the Apostles," Taught at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio.
"In the autumn of 1985 and the winter of 1985-1986, a truly momentous step was taken by the five Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) congregations in the metropolitan area of Columbus, Ohio. The five pastors and lay representatives of those churches organized and incorporated Lutheran Parish Resources, Inc., the first Church Growth institute in the WELS."
Vicar David G. Peters, "Lutheran Parish Resources: Pilot Program in Church Growth," Mequon: Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, April 27, 1987 p. 1.
"There is no Church Growth Movement Program in our synod. Our church body is opposed to the false theology of the Church Growth Movement. We have no programs inside or outside the budget with that name. Nor do we have any programs with a different name which utilize Church Growth theology."
Wayne D. Mueller, Administrator for the BPS, WELS, "A Response to 'Saving Souls vs. New Programs,'" The Northwestern Lutheran, November 1, 1991, February 1, 1992 p. 50.
Wendland - TELL Begun To Promote the Cause of Church Growth
"The publication TELL ('The Evangelism Life Line') has been inaugurated to promote the cause of church growth."
Ernst H. Wendland, "Church Growth Theology," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, April, 1981, 78, p. 105.
GJ - The graduates of the 1980s are the WELS leaders of today. They have kept their silence about Church Growth. As a body, they love Universal Objective Justification, because it opens the door to everything. Moreover, UOJ is so complicated and self-contradictory that its own advocates do not understand it.
Joel Gerlach and Ernest Wendland were probably the first Mequon professors of Church Growth. Gerlach admitted in a letter to Herman Otten that he studied at Fuller Seminary.
Reuel Schulz WELS - Fuller Student and Pete Wagner Fan
"For several years I've been a Pete Wagner fan. Although I don't see eye to eye with him on many important theological points (he approves of faith healing and speaking in tongues as long as it promotes church growth and he comes from a Billy Graham decision for conversion doctrinal background), he is the most eloquent spokesman of the Church Growth Movement. A prolific author on mission/evangelism/church growth subjects, Wagner is also an excellent teacher and a crystal clear writer."
Reuel J. Schulz The Evangelism Life Line (WELS) Winter, 1980.
"The publication TELL ('The Evangelism Life Line') has been inaugurated to promote the cause of church growth." Ernst H. Wendland, "Church Growth Theology," Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, April, 1981, 78, p. 105.
WELS DP Rutschow - Promoting Church Growth Decades Ago
"Not that Word and Sacrament are ineffective in incorporating new souls into our fellowship. Not at all! But according to some serious Church Growth studies, as many as one-third of the people gained for protestant church membership today do not feel they really belong."
David N. Rutschow, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Winter, 1985, p. 3. WELS DP for Southwest Wisconsin, perhaps the most loosey-goosey district of all, maybe even worse than Englebrecht's Anything Goes District.
Your Thrivent Dollars Support Abortion on Demand
Please note that Thrivent Dakota Valley Director, Karoline 'Kari" Gittus feels Planned Parenthood is a "benevolent" interest/passion....
Scholarship - The Laity Have It -
But That Is Too Much Work for the Clergy
Very few laity argue for Universal Objective Justification, that every single person is born forgiven of sin, justified before birth, according to their Roman Catholic hero, Ed Preuss. First trimester?
Scholarship means taking the time to study. The word comes the Greek term for leisure. Many early pastors were scholars. They pursued their studies so diligently that they became known in their fields, not always in theology.
The power of the Word does not come from knowing Greek or Hebrew. Too many seminary graduates simply repeat what they were told in class and never grow beyond that. Clergy plagiarism of sermons is well known, facilitated by the Internet. But they seldom plagiarize Luther, because Biblical doctrine demands a capacity for God's spiritual treasures rather than a lust for beer and a leer for busts.
The laity offer insights and questions from their studies that the professional clergy cannot or will not answer. The answer of the lazy clergy is often, "I went to seminary. I am the expert. I actually studied Greek? Do you know Greek? No?"
So the Word of God is so obscure that only the priesthood can understand it? The pastors teach against the Word of God to force their false doctrine on the laity. The clergy do not even comprehend that they are arguing Roman Catholicism to maintain their monopoly.
Walther Taught Decision Theology - And J. P. Meyer Taught the Same
"For God has already forgiven you your sins 1800 years ago when He in Christ absolved all men by raising Him after He first had gone into bitter death for them. Only one thing remains on your part so that you also possess the gift. This one thing is--faith. And this brings me to the second part of today's Easter message, in which I now would show you that every man who wants to be saved must accept by faith the general absolution, pronounced 1800 years ago, as an absolution spoken individually to him."
C. F. W. Walther, The Word of His Grace, Sermon Selections, "Christ's Resurrection--The World's Absolution" Lake Mills: Graphic Publishing Company, 1978 p. 233. Brosamen, p. 138. Mark 16:1-8.
"Objectively speaking, without any reference to an individual sinner's attitude toward Christ's sacrifice, purely on the basis of God's verdict, every sinner, whether he knows about it or not, whether he believes it or not, has received the status of a saint. What will be his reaction when he is informed about this turn of events? Will he accept, or will he decline?"
J. P. Meyer, Ministers of Christ, A Commentary on the Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1963, p. 103f. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.
These two statements should make Missouri and WELS put on their sackcloth and ashes. They replicate what Knapp taught at Halle University. Walther and J. P. Meyer come closest to Babtist Decision Theology here, but Babtists would never say that babies are born without sin, already forgiven, etc.
The numbskulls at LutherQueasy cannot grasp this. Only A. J. Loeschman realizes the implications of their Objective Justification myth. Also, Kevin Vogts opened a Lenski and verified what I have said many times before, that the New Testament scholar tried his hand at bridging the gap. I find that quite comical, because the densest UOJ advocates are always denouncing Lenski and anyone who reads Lenski, showing they have never read more than a few sentences of the commentaries - if that.
One even ventured to offer the popularity fallacy - no group endorses justification by faith today, so they must all be right. The trouble with arguing popularity is identification of the truth with popularity. Thus the will of God is revealed by the masses.
Historically, UOJ is new to Lutherdom, since it comes from the Pietists. UOJ is also new to the Syn Conference, at least in Missouri and WELS. Missouri taught justification by faith in its old German catechism and still teaches it in a current catechism (KJV) they sell. I just bought one.
WELS always taught justification by faith in its Gausewitz catechism, which was by no means confined to the Wisconsin Sect. Gausewitz was a respected leader of the Synodical Conference. His catechism seems to have been the dominant one in WELS until they got rid of him for the Kuske UOJ version.
In the quotation above, Walther says - All you need to do is believe in what I just said, that everyone has already been forgiven.
Meyer says the same in different words. The "fact" of everyone forgiven is stated. Will the listener accept or decline?
The UOJers have to go through all kinds of contortions to harmonize their delusions with the Word of God. They lack any concept of the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace, so they only make matters worse when they yak, and the yakking never stops.
Here is the remedy, which can be found in all the Lutheran writings--and the Bible!- until the Pietists merged the atonement with justification, just as they amalgamated Calvinism and Lutheranism.
- We are born sinful, believers, captive to original sin.
- Only the Gospel can make a difference in our state.
- The power of the Word is so great that the Holy Spirit converts us through the Promises of God, whether we are babies (infant baptism) or converted later by hearing the Word.
- The Holy Spirit creates faith, which receives the righteousness of Christ. That is why one section of the Formula of Concord is called The Righteousness of Faith. Perhaps LutherQueasy should start a new discussion site - ChemnitzQueasy.
- This faith is nurtured by the Word, in preaching, teaching, and communing.
Deceit and sanctimony are the watchwords of the UOJ sorority.
Walther - You Must Make a Decision for Christ
"For God has already forgiven you your sins 1800 years ago when He in Christ absolved all men by raising Him after He first had gone into bitter death for them. Only one thing remains on your part so that you also possess the gift. This one thing is--faith. And this brings me to the second part of today's Easter message, in which I now would show you that every man who wants to be saved must accept by faith the general absolution, pronounced 1800 years ago, as an absolution spoken individually to him."
C. F. W. Walther, The Word of His Grace, Sermon Selections, "Christ's Resurrection--The World's Absolution" Lake Mills: Graphic Publishing Company, 1978 p. 233. Brosamen, p. 138. Mark 16:1-8.
"Objectively speaking, without any reference to an individual sinner's attitude toward Christ's sacrifice, purely on the basis of God's verdict, every sinner, whether he knows about it or not, whether he believes it or not, has received the status of a saint. What will be his reaction when he is informed about this turn of events? Will he accept, or will he decline?"
J. P. Meyer, Ministers of Christ, A Commentary on the Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1963, p. 103f. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.
Deutschlander - UOJ Is Missing from the Book of Concord Because They Did Not Need It
"Our Lutheran Confessions have no separate article on Objective Justification; the closest we can come to a paragraph of formulation for this doctrine is in Article IX of the Formula of Concord, under the doctrine of election. But even that is not really sufficient or suitable for stating the orthodox position in a clear and unequivocal manner. For our Fathers it was not difficult at all to consider objective and subjective justification under the same heading, and they were apparently unaware of any need to separate them or distinguish between them. But such was and remained the case only so long as the orthodox had a clear understanding of the nature of faith; once that understanding was gone, it became necessary (at the end of the last century) to begin making such as (sic) distinction."
Daniel Deutschlander, 1977