Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cyber-Aardvark - St. Boniface

From Pope Paul the Unlearned Plagiarist:

The man who later became known as Saint Boniface was born around AD 670-680 at Crediton, Devonshire, England and baptized Winfrid or Wynfrith. Although he was educated, he became a monk —

Aardvark Alley:

The man who later became known as Saint Boniface was born around AD 670-680 at Crediton, Devonshire, England and baptized Winfrid or Wynfrith. Although he was educated, he became a monk —

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - CONNECTICUT: Bishop Seabury Anglican Church Heads to US Supreme Court

"Presiding Bishop Katie demands your assets,
who are you to argue with the Holy Spirit?"

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - CONNECTICUT: Bishop Seabury Anglican Church Heads to US Supreme Court:

By David W. Virtue
June 4, 2012

In the Diocese of Connecticut's effort to seize the property and assets of Bishop Seabury Anglican Church, (BSAC) the parish is appealing its case to the US Supreme Court.

It is the diocese's contention that a canon law, whose passage cannot even be proven and whose tenets are illegal, allows them to seize all of Bishop Seabury's assets, to which neither the diocese nor the national church have ever contributed. BSAC has been an independent parish since its founding in 1873, first as a parish of the Church of England, before the Episcopal Church existed. BSAC became an Episcopal parish in 1956.

"We hold all property deeds, accounts, and assets under the name of Bishop Seabury Church. It is our contention that we should continue to own and occupy our property, which we believe in all good faith is the rightful home of BSAC," says rector Fr. Ron Gauss.

"The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled against us. We have now appealed to the US Supreme Court. God has generously provided the funds we need in order to defend ourselves in this frivolous and ridiculous lawsuit. Soon, the Supreme Court will review our case and decide if they want to hear it. It is now a matter of separation of church and state."

The church is asking faithful Anglicans across the US, Canada and around the world to pray that the US Supreme Court will hear the case thereby giving them their day in court, which they have never had. "Pray for wisdom, fairness, and discernment for the Justices."

'via Blog this'

What Makes People Angry - A Metric

Although this is supposed to be a weed-smoking, pill-swallowing age of perfect calm, people still get angry.

What makes people angry is a good metric of their character, lives, values, and doctrine.

Luther, the Book of Concord, and justification by faith have one thing in common - they make Lutheran church leaders furious.

Crimes against their own laity, even their children - that does not bother the Lutheran Church leaders. They are happy to spend everyone's money  to claim in court they are innocent, that nothing has happened.

But question the infallible and immaculate Holy Mother Synod? As Luther said, the Lutheran leaders are ready to tear up trees by their roots, they are so angry. They cannot suppress false doctrine, but they can exert all of their limited talents on silencing members and pastors.

Holy Mother WELS has two felons in the docket, highly paid staffers.

Holy Mother Missouri has a known sex offender in Minnesota and another active legal case in Pennsylvania. Either one should be good for $10 million, because high profile LCMS leaders knew all about it. One professor was an eye-witness.

WELS is no better, because "everyone" knew about DP Ed Werner before he went to the Big House for preying upon children in his own congregation. WELS admitted prior knowledge of some kind with Hochmuth. Fred Adrian admitted to knowing about Scott Zerbe and the girl in his congregation, but Fred is back in the ministry. DP Seifert has such high standards!

Every single aspect of this ongoing debacle is funded by members and pastors, voted with approval by members and pastors.

Step back and examine ELCA's history for the last 25 years. Did they make their famous 2009 decision suddenly, or was it with the passive approval of the pastors and laity ever since the organization began in 1987? How did all those pastors and laity manage to miss the agenda, the quotas, the lavender district displays and proposals, all those years?

Some people think the answer is to have dissenter groups meet. They really should gather and talk about the issues, but they should also know that Holy Mother has minders there to monitor, to report, to help in finessing the final result. Let the boobies blow off steam. There are all kinds of ways to let that happen without changing anything. The synods put a little spin on the leader of dissent and soon he sounds just like them.

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth, Then and Now


Joel Lillo, Fox Valley WELS has left a new comment on your post "Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth, Then and Now":

The British monarchy is an unnecessary anachronism. It is the most expensive example, ever, of someone living on the public dole.


GJ - But Joel, you have the best examples in your own circuit - Ski and Glende, not to mention your Overlord, HRH Mark Jeske (WELS royalty, as they say in all seriousness). Queen Elizabeth owns vast amounts  of property by right and serves her country tirelessly with tedious but important public events and visits. Her Jubilee is a great boost for Britain in many tangible and intangible ways.

The typical WELS pastor will not visit his own members, not even the sick and shut-in. He will visit the gym regularly.

Evangelism for Glende is abandoning Savoy, Illinois, with a new building and debt (no WELS church in 50 miles) to start highly-subsidized competition with his own brother pastors in downtown Appleton. It is really a disgrace and a waste of vast sums of money.

Glende's situation also reminds me of the Randy Hunter parade of dollars. He had more workers than Santa for his Latte Church and feminist ministry - even Elton Stroh as a "consultant." But they were too exhausted to keep up their herculean efforts. And Hunter is a big WELS hero!

Mark Jeske lives on the public dole. His school business is based on tax money given to him to spend. Does he pay taxes on his posh mansion?

Queen Elizabeth answers to her own government. Mark Jeske answers to nobody.

Who paid for Ski, Glende, Katy, Buske, Parlow and other WELS nitwits
to be trained by gay activist (and Babtist) Andy Stanley?
Unleash the accountants!