ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
An ELCA Bishop with a Drive-by Fuller DMin?
How Long Can They Survive?
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "James Hazelwood elected bishop of ELCA New England...":
Ichabod -
Sometimes I wonder how long it will take ELCA to implode. - 26 schools and hierarchy headquarters, plus regional bureaucracies? Is their membership pumping that much into this corrupt system? Or, are rabid feminists and homosexual activists' monies keeping ELCA vibrant and thriving to aid in the infection destruction of America's spiritual and patriotic future?
At any rate, ELCA is a shining example of what Scripture highlights: ".....having a form of godliness, but denying the power, thereof......" - 2 Timothy 3:5
Nathan M. Bickel - pastor emeritus
James Hazelwood elected bishop of ELCA New England Synod:
Qualified To Teach at WELS MLC
James Hazelwood, DMin, Fuller Seminary |
James Hazelwood elected bishop of ELCA New England Synod - News Releases - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America:
"He earned a doctorate at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. California Lutheran is one of the ELCA's 26 colleges and universities; Pacific Lutheran is one of eight ELCA seminaries."
'via Blog this'
GJ - His doctorate is just like Larry Olson's DMin from Fuller Seminary:
James Hazelwood
Author Biography
James Hazelwood is Pastor of St. Andrew Church, Charlestown, Rhode Island, a congregation that has experienced renewal and vitality in the rocky soil of New England. He received his D.Min. degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, and attended Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary & Union Seminary in New York City. He is also a photographer of people and lanscapes (sic). He is married to Lisa Stoen Hazelwood, who serves as Associate Pastor at the church. They have one son, Benjamin.
Brett Meyer - On Wayne Mueller's UOJ .
Apology (Defense) of the Augsburg Confession
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Creeds and the Anti-Confessionals - Missouri and t...":
Wayne Mueller's UOJ was used by the CELC in a blasphemous essay on Universal Justification.
A common mantra of the UOJ decision theology apostates in the Lutheran Synods is a denigration of the Holy Spirit's faith. The CELC essay is a classic example of how Buchholz, Webber, Zarling, R. Preus, Pierce, Kilcrease, Krohn, Mueller, Humann etc etc etc turn the Righteousness of Christ into a withered and outstretched beggars hand:
"Faith is like the empty hand of a beggar..." p. 8
The Christian Book of Concord has this to say about the Righteousness of Christ - the Holy Spirit's faith:
Defense of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV Of Justification
67] "Faith cometh by hearing. And proof can be derived even from this that faith justifies, because, if justification occurs only through the Word, and the Word is apprehended only by faith, it follows that faith justifies."
71] "but we maintain this, that properly and truly, by faith itself, we are for Christ's sake accounted righteous, or are acceptable to God. And because "to be justified" means that out of unjust men just men are made, or born again, it means also that they are pronounced or accounted just. For Scripture speaks in both ways. [The term "to be justified" is used in two ways: to denote, being converted or regenerated; again, being accounted righteous. Accordingly we wish first to show this, that faith alone makes of an unjust, a just man, i.e., receives remission of sins".
The Defense of the Augsburg Confession What Is Justifying Faith?, 48] "The adversaries feign that faith is only a knowledge of the history, and therefore teach that it can coexist with mortal sin. Hence they say nothing concerning faith, by which Paul so frequently says that men are justified, because those who are accounted righteous before God do not live in mortal sin."
Luther, on the orthodox hand, has this to say about the Holy Spirit's faith:
"The Scriptures ascribe no righteousness to Abraham except through faith. The Scriptures speak of Abraham as he stands before God, a man justified by faith. Because of his faith God extends to him the promise: "In thee shall all nations be blessed."
Abraham was justified because he believed. Paul's argumentation runs like this: "Since this is the unmistakable testimony of Holy Writ, why do you take your stand upon circumcision and the Law? Was not Abraham, your father, of whom you make so much, justified and saved without circumcision and the Law by faith alone?" Paul therefore concludes: "They which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham."
The faith of the fathers in the Old Testament era, and our faith in the New Testament are one and the same faith in Christ Jesus, although times and conditions may differ.
"As before said, they regard faith of slight importance; for they do not understand that it is our sole justifier. To accept as true the record of Christ--this they call faith. The devils have the same sort of faith, but it does not make them godly. Such belief is not Christian faith; no, it is rather deception." And here, "You see how they make faith of no value to themselves, and so must regard as heresy all doctrine based upon it. Thus they do away with the whole Gospel. These are they who deny the Christian faith and exterminate it from the world. Paul prophesied concerning them when he said (1 Tim 4, 1): "In later times some shall fall away from the faith." The voice of faith is now silenced all over the world. Indeed, faith is condemned and banished as the worst heresy, and all who teach and endorse it are condemned with it. The Pope, the bishops, charitable institutions, cloisters, high schools, unanimously opposed it for nearly four hundred years, and simply drove the world violently into hell. Their conduct is the real persecution by Antichrist, in the last times."
"You cannot extricate yourself from unbelief, nor can the Law do it for you. All your works in intended fulfilment of the Law must remain works of the Law and powerless to justify in the sight of God, who regards as just only believing children."
Steadfast Lutherans » Who would you Immortalize in Stained Glass – Lyle Schaller or Robert Preus? By Pr. Rossow
The Great Kidnapper and Mob Organizer is on the bottom. Is that Preus? How about teaching Justification and Rome? |
Steadfast Lutherans » Who would you Immortalize in Stained Glass – Lyle Schaller or Robert Preus? By Pr. Rossow:
'via Blog this'
GJ - This pastor is one who poses with his kitty-cat and calls justification-by-faith advocates "morons" on his little blog.
Has he read Preus' last book? I doubt it.
This is more synod worship, which Walther encouraged, because it centered around him. As 29A said, the ship arrived with a bishop (Stephan) and a pope (Walther) on board. I will do a Photoshop for that - if no one beats me to it.
Walther knew about his sex offender bishop, but did nothing until the syphilis break-out in the groupies. |
Creeds and the Anti-Confessionals -
Missouri and the Little Sect Adopt the WELS Apostasy by Loving the Dogma of UOJ
The LCMS, ELS, and WELS agree about the "Chief Article of the Christian Faith."
Pushed into a corner, hard to do with jello or mercury, they admit that justification without faith is their foundational dogma.
Some people think their Rosetta Stone is Chemnitz, Hunnius, Gerhard, or Calov explaining justification by faith in light of Luther and Melanchthon's leadership in Biblical exposition.
The actual Rosetta Stone for UOJ is the statement by Wayne Mueller, below, which Brett Meyer unearthed from the Holy of Holies, the WELS Essay Files.
The statement offers the lamest possible excuse for substituting UOJ as the chief article of the faith. The confessions excuse it - nay, they demand the invention of new dogmas.
Once that layer of deception is penetrated, everything makes sense. History does not matter. The Book of Concord is boring, meaningless, and irrelevant. Biblical exposition means making up some reason why UOJ is found in every verse of the Bible, even though UOJ advocates confess (if I can say that) there is no UOJ in the Bible, no UOJ in the Book of Concord.
Jay Webber and Company can find UOJ in the Book of Concord, but they can also excuse working with Floyd Stolzenburg - knowing the facts.
I keep telling people - "When the bills are paid for all the lawsuits in the SynConference, for knowingly helping sex offenders in church vocations, your Holy Mother Synod will be gone, knocked into the dustbin."
So meditate night and day on the Mueller quotation below. It explains it all.
Our Great Heritage - get the irony? Our Great Heritage of false doctrine, Enthusiasm, and abuse. |
The Milwaukee Nine - WELS Has Expulsion in Its DNA
When Holy Mother WELS is questioned, the fat lady has already sung. "You are damned to Hell," she explains, lovingly and patiently. |
In the 1970s, Bill and Jane Kerner objected to WELS schools taking government money to enhance the science lab. This concerned Wisconsin Lutheran High School - WELS, which is now failing, in spite of the wonderful voucher plan to grab tax money for "private" schools.
California wrote:
Some people in a congregation in a suburb of Milwuakee objected. At least one family had students in the high school at the time. The names of those specific parents were Bill and Jane Kerner. The objecting parents tried to go through synod channels to stop the grants, using the synod's own doctrinal statement that WELS did not seek government grants. They got no where. At one point synod official said, the school hadn't "sought the grants, but grants were offered to them". So the objectors went public with the information. The issue hit the front pages of the Milwaukee newspapers. That as has been the "unforgivable sin" for decades, resulted in their being told one Sunday morning by their pastor that they were could not participate in communion that morning. There were other WELS people who were sympathetic to them, who made their sympathy known. Eventually what became to be known as the "Milwaukee Nine" were all excommunicated over the issue.
I had followed the situation through articles in Christian News, and had expressed support for their position to them via snail mail..no internet in those days. Christian News also published my letter to the editor supporting the "Milwaukee Nine". Through the individual correspondence I remained informed by the some of the principles involved who appealed their excommunication through synod channels, but the excommunication was upheld. After having exhausted all internal avenues, the Kerners filed a lawsuit in Wisconsin court relating the acceptance of government grants making the high school (WELS) subject to non discriminating hiring practices etc. The case was ultimately dismissed by the court. I still have copies of the legal briefs associated with that lawsuit and articles about it from Milwaukee newspapers.
Therefore, discussing and voting in WELS is a charade that ends in expulsion - so much for UOJ. Jesus died on the cross so a pin-headed pastor could say, "You disagree about funding the science lab, so I will not commune you." No wonder WELS has grown (smaller) by leaps and bounds.
WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Wendland's UOJ Paper":
Thank you Brett. Yes, the link is provied on the SCD web page, yet I could not share the actual pdf itself. I was too lazy to provide the link, seeing as how one needs a strong cup of coffee before reading "material" from Wendland. Yes, I skimmed it first to scout our the troubled statements.(aka the statements that Pastor GJ would be most unhappy to read)
In Christ,
The puppy finally realized it was a bad plan. |
GJ - Rebecca, I am happy to see WELS leaders expose the dogma they have hidden from the public for so many decades. They love to spin the news via Otten, but they do not like any discussion of doctrine.
WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Synod Minders Defeat Themselves":
Tell the synod minders "No", we we will not ACCEPT the NNIV. Murdoch is a FRAUD and I will not allow the WELS to told what to do bu outside forces..."ain't" gonna a happen!
Keep telling them No, and if they do not not listen, tell them onece again "NO"!!!
In Christ,
GJ - The NNIV voting is a joke, just like the amalgamation vote, which failed at the convention. Did that failure to approve amalgamation matter? No, they reported amalgamation as passing and jumped into all the contracts to merge the schools. WELS pastors told me that the total cost was going to be $8 million but ended up $30 million. I cannot verify that - until The Love Shack officially denies it.
Clergy will say, once again, "This is a hill I won't die on." Eventually there are no hills left - ask ELCA exiles.
The LCA and ALC went into the 1987 merger with a handful of congregations jumping ship. The clergy and congregations went along with all the gay quotas, property grabs, and dogmatic apostasy. Anyone who dissented was not a team player, odd to the point of fanaticism, a redneck, a Fundie, a Bircher, a Right-to-Lifer. The ice curtain descended on those who voiced objections. Most of them stayed around and did very little. The ELCA bishops (retired) of the NALC all championed the merger, its crafts and assaults.
SP Harrison Finally Drops the Hammer on the District Popes
The University Lutheran Chapel was built in a prime location and paid for by its supporters. The LCMS district decided it was theirs to grab and sell, so they sold it to a developer.
The Minnesota DPs are the ones who got a known, convicted sex offender into their quickie pastor program and gave him an opportunity to offend again. No, this is Missouri, not WELS.
More information can be found at the links below.
The district fights back, ELCA-style.
From Joshua Sheer, who favors the ULC as it was, before the Left Foot of Fellowship was extended.
Plenty of documents from ULC are here.
Facebook page - and it is not Party in the ULC.