Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Paul Wendland's Mytho-Porno Living NIV Paraphrase Not Catching On


Since new information indicated that a translation decision would not need to be made in 2012, the synod presidium prepared a ballot that included four choices: The English Standard Version (ESV), the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB), and the NIV 2011. The fourth choice was to delay selection of a translation until the synod convention in 2013.

Here are the results of the voting:

Total votes cast: 2167
Delay the decision: 1621 (74.8%)
ESV: 148 (6.8%)
HCSB: 38 (1.7%)
NIV 2011: 360 (16.6%)

This means that the discussions and evaluations of existing translations will continue. A final decision may be made by the 2013 synod convention in New Ulm, Minn. That decision could involve the selection of an existing translation; it could also possibly include the option to produce a new or revised translation by Lutherans.


GJ - Now that is one enormous yawn about the ESV and Holman. They might as well have picked the Bulgarian Bible as the Holman. Nobody has heard of the Holman, and the ESV is the Calvinist edition of the RSV, which came from the Commies at the National Council of Churches.

Paul McCain and the Missouri Synod used to sell the NIV and mix it into their products. Now they have the Calvinist ESV as their pride and joy.

Nobody mentions the KJV or anything that rhymes with KJV.

The good news is - they let people vote on which poison to feed to the next generation.