ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Martin Luther Never Endorsed John 1:29 as Red Meat for UOJ
I was studying the Kregel edition of Luther's Galatians Commentary, waiting in the doctor's office. This was more involved, with a new specialist, so I had plenty of time.
As I wrote many times before, Galatians is large and dense because it is a commentary on the entire Bible, not just the verses in Galatians. The book is a summary of Luther's Gospel teaching, aimed at preventing errors in the future.
The Book of Concord and Luther agreed in seeing Galatians as a definitive statement about Christian doctrine and the Chief Article, which is justification by faith, not justification without faith.
Those who parade around as experts on justification, quoting John 1:29 to prove their point, should read the Galatians Commentary on John 1:29, starting page 165 in the Kregel paperback edition. It can be found in the section on Galatians 3:13.
I am simply going to mention this now, and go into detail later. John 1:29, according to Luther, does not mean "bear the sins of the world" in the sense of absolving all unbelievers, as the UOJ Hive claims.
The UOJ dogma is another case of turning the meaning of a passage upside-down. The UOJ spin can certainly qualify as a fallacy of emphasis, by inventing a world absolution when the revelation is about atonement.
I know everyone has a Kregel, so they can go over those pages carefully before I write more.
Profile of Jack Kilcrease, "Theologian of the Church" - His Words.
Favorite Movies Kilcreased - The Ichabod Effect
http://www.blogger.com/profile/11362736419613180038 |
The Passion of the Christ,
Indiana Jones series,
Fight Club,
Apocalyse Now,
Ghost Busters,
Boogie Nights, [absent below]
Punk Drunk Love,
Royal Tannenbaums,
Kill Bill (Vols. I & II), [absent below]
Pulp Fiction,
Team America: World Police, [absent below]
Office Space,
Old School,
Flirting with Disaster,
Being John Malkovich,
Blade Runner.
List at 6 PM today:
The Passion of the Christ,
LPC has left a
new comment on your post "Profile
of Jack Kilcrease, "Theologian of the Chur...":
Theologian of the Church?
Is this an American practice of taking one's self seriously or is it just Jack Kilcrease? I think it is more of the latter.
Jack has a habit of inventing titles and applying it to himself. There was one time he described himself as UOJ par excellence, if I recall reading from his old posts.
Theologian of the Church?
Is this an American practice of taking one's self seriously or is it just Jack Kilcrease? I think it is more of the latter.
Jack has a habit of inventing titles and applying it to himself. There was one time he described himself as UOJ par excellence, if I recall reading from his old posts.
GJ - Do not blame America for Kilcrease, Dr. Cruz. The UOJ fraternity is known for self-puffery, so I blame Walther and Pietism. For instance, his UOJ pal, Paul Without A Call McCain, posted a completely copied post about Ignatius Antiochus. The first part was directly from the LCMS server, the second from the Roman Catholic site for the Catholic Encyclopedia. He let through a comment that talked about "your post." How it it "your post" when it is all copied?
I have an interesting comparison chart developing. Maybe I can finish it today.
Pastor Joel Lillo, WELS has left a new comment on your post "Profile of Jack Kilcrease, "Theologian of the Chur...":
What Greg did here was to reproduce for all the world to see (or at least for the dozen or so people who read this blog) Jack's list of movies he likes from his blogger profile.
Which brings up my original question to Greg: "And your point is...?"
GJ - Pastor Joel Lillo (Appleton area, WELS) seems unaware that the blogger profile is published for everyone to see. It is Jack Kilcrease's description of himself and his passions. Several readers have already wondered why a "theologian of the Church" considers Boogie Nights as a favorite film, since it glamorizes a porn star who died of AIDS.
Or - Jack did consider the film a favorite. The before and after list is interesting on its own.
Lillo and Kilcrease seem to read Ichabod every day, as many do. Page-views have changed from 2,000 per day to around 3,000 per day in the last week.
Normally, it takes a felony arrest in WELS to move the numbers up that much at once.
narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Profile of Jack Kilcrease, "Theologian of the Chur...":
What's the big deal, you legalists? Don't you know the porn star who died of AIDS, most likely in a state of unrepentance, was forgiven two-thousand years ago?
GJ - Readers can see why I copy and paste blog material. The authors quickly erase what they previously boastfully published, blaming me for increasing their page-views by linking their blogs and copying their deathless prose.
Pastor Joel Lillo, WELS has left a new comment on your post "Profile of Jack Kilcrease, "Theologian of the Chur...":
What Greg did here was to reproduce for all the world to see (or at least for the dozen or so people who read this blog) Jack's list of movies he likes from his blogger profile.
Which brings up my original question to Greg: "And your point is...?"
GJ - Pastor Joel Lillo (Appleton area, WELS) seems unaware that the blogger profile is published for everyone to see. It is Jack Kilcrease's description of himself and his passions. Several readers have already wondered why a "theologian of the Church" considers Boogie Nights as a favorite film, since it glamorizes a porn star who died of AIDS.
Or - Jack did consider the film a favorite. The before and after list is interesting on its own.
Lillo and Kilcrease seem to read Ichabod every day, as many do. Page-views have changed from 2,000 per day to around 3,000 per day in the last week.
Normally, it takes a felony arrest in WELS to move the numbers up that much at once.
narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Profile of Jack Kilcrease, "Theologian of the Chur...":
What's the big deal, you legalists? Don't you know the porn star who died of AIDS, most likely in a state of unrepentance, was forgiven two-thousand years ago?
GJ - Readers can see why I copy and paste blog material. The authors quickly erase what they previously boastfully published, blaming me for increasing their page-views by linking their blogs and copying their deathless prose.
Happy Birthday, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery.
American Lutheranism Went To Pot When You Moved To Europe
Dr. Montgomery is licensed to practice law in England, Wales, France, California, DC, and the US Supreme Court. |
He worked with Walter Martin, a noted defender of the Christian faith. At some point he read the works of Lutheran orthodoxy and left the LCA. I know he investigated joining the Little Sect on the Prairie, but they are notoriously allergic to earned degrees and academic merit.
Montgomery has published more books than an entire faculty and practiced law in defense of the rights of Christians. My wife and I had lunch with him at the Chicago Inerrancy Conference, where we were leaving the LCA. It seems like yesterday.
(One LCMS pastor at that conference, who knew Al Barry as a district president, said, "Barry will do nothing about doctrine as the Synod President, because he has done nothing here, even when the facts were put before him.")
Montgomery meddled with my life much earlier than the Chicago Inerrancy Conference, which was probably about 1987. I was in Sturgis, Michigan, inheriting an entire library of books from a Missouri pastor who suddenly left the ministry. The books were being tossed away, so a member brought them to me - cartons and cartons of them. I gave many away to various people, including my dissertation advisor at Notre Dame, John Howard Yoder.
One book was a two-volume work, edited by Montgomery, about the decline of the Lutheran Church. One of the contributors was an LCA missionary by the name of Faust. We knew his son at Augustana, and Pastor Faust was related to my father's best friend, aka Snortin' Norton, whose son was also an Augustana classmate. There are no degrees of separation in the Lutheran Church.
The Faust essay really struck home, because that was a man I knew, someone who preached at Salem in Moline, the congregation where I was confirmed. I read the book, which confirmed my suspicions about the departure of the LCA from the Biblical foundations of the Christian faith.
That thrown-away book began my movement out of the LCA, where only one side was ever presented.
But there is another connection besides. I included Montgomery on my mailing list for Martin Chemnitz Press, long ago. He was kind enough to order all my books. I said free shipping with large orders, and he availed himself of that discount. I recall the note on his order.
American Lutherans did not take advantage of Montgomery's vast learning. He said on his Facebook page:
At the same time, in the States, I find that a fair number of churchy Protestants, including evangelicals, think that salvation is a matter of leading the right kind of life, being sanctified, manifesting spiritual gifts--rather than relying on the sufficient sacrifice of Our Lord on the Cross . . . (To clarify, we live in the French Alsace, where Lutheranism is predominant.)
I went back to check on that page and saw that Moline classmate Michael Bauman, Hillsdale College, also wished John a happy birthday. Bauman is also involved in apologetics.
Montgomery is a prime example of a man who has dedicated his life to arguing the truth, no matter what.
narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Happy Birthday, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery. Ameri...":
The pastor in Barry's district was certainly correct. Although he talked "confessional" and was correct on the social issues, Barry allowed CG and the Charismatic movements in the LCMS.
Steadfast UOJers, Walther Quest, and the rest of self-proclaimed "confessionals" are now happy because they once again have their guy on the SP Throne. This just goes to show that political power is more important than being truly Lutheran. I predicted two years ago that Mustachio Matt would be a repeat of Barry.
Instead of schmoozing with and aping the Methobapticostals under Kieschnick, the LCMS will now favor schmoozing with Rome/Constantinople. Be it "follow the bouncing ball on the screen" praise bands, or bells and smells, it doesn't matter as long as we're ABL (Anything but Lutheran).
Are Babtists ashamed of being Baptist? Are Methodists ashamed of being Methodist? The ECUSA, despite their imminent demise, is proud to be ECUSA. Rome and Constantinople don't apologize much. Why does the "Lutheran" SynCon seemed to be ashamed of being Lutheran?
Given the history and the establishment of the SynCon, I guess I shouldn't be shocked. Pietism is truly our default religion.
GJ - Given the enrollment of SynCon leaders, the promotion of those graduates from heretical seminaries, and the adoption of their idiotic ideas, it is difficult to imagine how the LCMS, WELS, or ELS could criticize anyone about anything.
When the LutherQuest (sic) bunch was jumping on me for synodical memberships, I pointed out that their hero, Al Barry, started in a church basement seminary in the Twin Cities, went to Bethany Seminary in Mankato, vicared in WELS, and became LCMS. However, those facts never emerge in his Concordia Historical Institute bio.
Liars do not give up their lying habits.