Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Dog Returns To His Vomit -
Tim Glende Gang at Work

KJV 2 Peter 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness,
than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb,
The dog is turned to his own vomit again;
and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

Anonymous said...
The problem with Jackson is several fold. First, he's probably mentally ill and should have sought therapy after the death of his daughters. On this level my heart goes out to him and his wife. Secondly, his intellectually capacities have failed because of brain cancer. This is probably the reason why none of his statements about uoj make a bit of sense. Intellectually, he's probably suffered significant decline- which again is not his fault and I feel very bad for. Thirdly, he's about as close to a cult leader as you can get in Lutheranism. He enjoys the power he has over his flock. His flock are very gullible for several reasons. First, lacking much theological education (Brett Meyer isn't even apparently away  (sic) that different Lutheran Confessional documents list different numbers of sacraments!) Jackson seems impressive to them. If you do have a theological education (even from the sausage factory like myself!), then he comes off as having a half knowledge of a lot of things. I love it when he talks about modern theology (Tillich, Barth, Bonhoeffer, etc.). He just makes things up out of thin air- like that Bonhoeffer was secretly a Nazi. Secondly, because of their intellectual limitations and their correct instinct that something is wrong in the Lutheran house, Jackson seems to have the answer. Jackson's answer is that everything can be explained by his bogus argument about UOJ. He draws out the supposed implications of the doctrine (which he misunderstands and which he works into propositions which no one actually teaches) and then gives them an explanatory model that explains everything they think is wrong from the Church-Growth movement to whatever other make-believe problems that Jackson comes up with. Because they think Jackson is smart, they then feel smart by agreeing with him. Much of what he says is counter-intuitive and illogical, but it makes them feel like they're in the know (kind of like the ancient Gnostics) and everyone else is a blind fool. When people try to say to them things like "Oh, I see, you misunderstand UOJ, it's not universalism-though I see how you can make that mistake" they never offer any real counter arguments. They just cut-and-paste Bible and confessional quotation  (sic)  (which often times have nothing to do with argument) and then start insulting you. Then Jackson comes in and tellings (sic) them what a good job they did refuting the argument and they feel good about themselves- because it he's smart, then you're smart! That's why I think arguing with them is a bad idea. It just reinforces their Gnostic conceit that they're in the know and that they're smarter than you. So I'd just leave them alone. If I were you, I'd just shut down this blog. It just makes things worse.
June 21, 2011 5:22 AM


GJ - According to Glende's genius friend, I have brain cancer. I should tell my physician, who would interested to know how an illiterate parson can practice medicine anonymously over the Net.

Naturally they have to attack me through my sainted daughters, pictured above. I thought Paul Kuske wore that out 20 years ago.

Confidential to Appleton - real men do not pose with pop tarts and post the photos on their Facebook pages.

The bees are buzzing because the laity--even the clergy--are catching on to the Appleton Dumbed-Down Gang.

Church and Change started there, with Witte, Parlow, and others, with WELS offering money. Y'all let it grow and now it runs the entire sect.

The Synod President is powerless to do anything, he claims. All he can do is keep promoting them into positions of greater influence. The hand of doctrinal discipline is heavy indeed.