Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nothing Funnier Than WELS Clergy Showing Off Their Doctrinal Knowledge

Tim Glende and his buddy took turns showing off how little they know about Latin, English, and Christian doctrine.

These buddies display the pathetic lack of knowledge in their sect, from the top down, while trying to show off. Both work anonymously, to maximize denial. But Tim takes a private email and says, "Hey world, I know who the WELS Church Lady is." Antinomians are like that - legalists for everyone else, no rules for their little band of warlocks.

They can refute any argument by linking their Spirit-anointed WELS Essay Files. Oh, ah. I have never heard anyone else quote them, so the essays must be special. Of course, I have laboriously reproduced the timeless twaddle of UOJ, straight from that same set of essays.

My ready-to-go database, the legendary Megatron, named after my car battery, has always provided quotations for comparison. For instance, Fuller doctrine versus WELS doctrine - oops, same thing, same words, same definitions, same Enthusiasm. Better - WELS doctrine versus the Book of Concord and classic theologians.

Now Megatron 4G is providing those good and bad quotations in graphical form, and the quotations are getting around faster than a false story in WELS.

Glende's bragging reminds me Roger Zehms (WELS divorced ex-pastor) and Paul Kuske (district VP voted out of office, sponsor for Floyd Luther Stolzenburg) discussing doctrine. Zehms said, "Some confuse the exinination of Christ with His humiliation." Both Shrinkers looked at me and smirked as I scowled. The first word is a Latin term for humiliation. They are the same term exactly. They might as well have smirked while saying, "Some confuse water with H20."

They should have said, "Some confuse the Incarnation with the state of humiliation." That topic is treated in Schaller's Christology, a worthwhile summary of Lutheran orthodoxy.

I like to bring up WELS doctrinal pratfalls and their butchery of the English language because they want to flog the laity with their superior education. If an unaccredited MDiv from a parochial seminary is worth so much, how much more impressive is another eight years of education from Yale and Notre Dame? Tim's uncle went to Yale, but the Appleton dumbed-down gang denounces me for going to Yale.

Simply citing a seminary degree and some study of Greek is proof that Glende does not understand Biblical theology. He is not a Roman Catholic priest who is infallible by virtue of agreeing with the Synodical Pope. The Scriptures judge all books, all doctrine, all teachers. "Let not many be teachers." It is far worse to be an ordained false teacher than to be a shunned, ridiculed, excommunicated layman.

Rev. Dr. Gerhardius-Flacius said...
I see the last comment really got his goat. He put up another childish response that dodged the question of whether or not he holds the orthodox Lutheran doctrine of predestination. That and he used a Transformers graphic. I'm very impressed. Using children's cartoons from the 80s, instead of actual theological arguments makes me take him all the more seriously. Perhaps he can put up more pictures of Tim Glende with Katy Perry also. Wow, what an indictment! He took a picture with Katy Perry. Also, he took a picture with the Black Eyed Peas! He must be heretical, because he takes pictures with pop stars! Good reasoning! Yes, and thanks for reminding us again that you went to Nortre Dame and Yale. Because when you then go and complain that other people in the WELS have "unionistic degrees" it doesn't sound massively hypocritical or anything. But then Jackson turns around and claims that the WELS educational system is bad. So getting degrees from elsewhere is bad, but getting degrees from WELS is also bad? So where is a person supposed to get a theological degree? Perhaps we can just listen to his infallible voice like his benighted flock!
June 22, 2011 8:51 AM
Blogger LutherRocks said...
Why don't you guys actually show some back bone and sign your name to something? If you believe you are speaking the truth and that you are standing on the pure Word of God, what is there to hide? Joe Krohn