Friday, January 8, 2010

How To Lose By Quitting

Never quit. Never surrender.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "ELCA's Warning to WELS - Do Not Wait 20 Years":

“One letter can have an enormous impact. It forces people to act.”

I beg to differ. The leadership is so used to doing nothing or whatever they want, and getting by with it, that they will do absolutely nothing. The leadership is most likely to turn on the writers to intimidate them or get them removed.

Basically, they are all as useless as DP Deadwood.


GJ - Aha. Begin by not trying because it will bring on the cross. If you want to remove the cross, bub, you have already removed the Gospel. The two cannot be separated.

KJV Luke 14:27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

The comment above is actually the mirror of the Church Growth mantra. Lay down the cross and do only what the Old Adam wants.

Here is where the Boomers especially are sissy whiners. They do not want to pay the price for the Word. And it is not going to be to the point of shedding their blood, which we should all be happy to do for the Gospel.

Someone can be removed from the synod or the congregation, or pushed out by a campaign of hatred and vilification. Does that keep us from faith? Not at all. In fact, a pastor pushed out can simply begin a new congregation with the Word. Starting with nothing is not easy, but the challenge can be fun and life-giving to many.

Members are finding it difficult to attend a faithful Lutheran church, but that situation has been created by decades of indolence, sloth, and avoiding the cross.

Let's say DP Engelbrecht and the others do not answer the letter. Send another letter, certified, to all parties asking for an explanation. That will have an effect. And have others write letters and phone. The Chicaneries are actively blocking any action. They are organized to get their way. They put another Fuller graduate in the second highest office in WELS - voted in, by the way, just as Wayne Mueller was.

I learned to protect the health and well-being of my daughters, because they were disabled. I  put the spotlight on what was happening. My wife and I went to the Columbus newspaper. We went to the governor's office. We wrote letters and backed them up with visits to an attorney. We wrote more letters. We spoke to hospital boards and doctors. We confronted incompetent nurses. One time the hospital tried to give my wife a hard time about Erin's care. She phoned and I gave her one question to ask - "Do you want to deal with me or my husband?" That had an amazing, calming effect on the staff.

I knew when I wrote the first article on Church Growth in Christian News that the synod would retaliate. I got about 100 positive letters from that one little article, a bad sign for me. That was in 1988 probably. The Shrinkers have been viciously striking back ever since, but they have only hurt themselves. I get ugly anonymous comments every day--very encouraging--and read three blogs where Shrinkers display their ignorance, malice, and bovine humor.

Everyone holding back is simply storing up more wrath to fall upon the Lutheran Church. ELCA has seen it happen, almost overnight. The pot is ready to boil over in WELS, too.

In spite of what Bruce Becker teaches, with impunity, there are no barriers to the Word of God.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "How To Lose By Quitting":

We should be encouraged by the Word of God which assures us that hardship and adversity purifies us. When we look at how Luther handled the cross, we should also be encouraged. Luther took advantage of an exile at the Wartburg to translate the Bible into German.
Bearing the cross is difficult, as our Old Adam will always make war against it. God's Word assures us that he is always with us. He will not forsake us.

When you have children with special needs, disabilities, or are terminally ill, the burden often can be very devastating. We would eventually fall apart if we relied upon our own strength.

I am in awe by the manner in which the Sovereign Lord eventually reveals the demise of false teachers. They revel in their Theology of Glory, their own efforts, their buildings, and their handling of those who would dare to expose them for what they are.

There once was a time in the WELS when false doctrine was opposed from the pulpits. The paradigm shift has been incremental, but noticeable. When laity would inquire of a pastor about some false doctrine, he would be quick to point out the error in the doctrine. The approach taken now is to glean some kernel of truth from the error.

I have had no problem keeping my distance from laity who are being flayed to the bone by false teachers. As a result of doctrinal indifference, many cannot comprehend the magnitude of the problem. I have gone to great lengths to explain to many members what the visible effects of false doctrine within their midst has produced. I have received little opposition.

It appears that false doctrine, and its implementation has produced docility within much of the laity. They no longer see themselves as part of the Church Militant. They cannot comprehend the fact that false teachers are in their own midst. From their point of view, the only threats are those outside of the church walls.

Fools Smarter Than Christ

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Slinging Mud Anonymously":

“I'm ashamed that what should be a proper stand against false teachers in our synod has turned into a witch hunt that's dragging even good solid pastors through the mud.”

I am not ashamed. What I am ashamed of are the fools who deemed themselves smarter than Christ and refused to keep a careful watch on things.


GJ - When a Lutheran pastor worships with Babtists, he despises the Word of God, which plants faith in the hearts of babies. He rejects the words of Christ, who taught us to believe as a child. Andy Stanley does not believe that babies have faith - he does not trust the Savior of the world.

When a Lutheran pastor is ashamed to provide regular services of Holy Communion, because it will interrupt the entertainment and be a barrier to unchurched Harry, he is mocking the Scriptures, which teach us - Do this in remembrance of Me.

When a Lutheran pastor asks for training from Schwaermer, he is saying, "I believe in the Real Presence, but that is not divisive when I can learn so much about how to do church."

When a Lutheran pastor thinks he has to make the Word of God attractive, reasonable, or appealing, he is blaspheming the Holy Spirit, Who works only through the Word and never apart from the Word.

The WELS Chicaneries and their counterparts in the ELS, Missouri, ELCA, and the CLC (sic) are worse than the Sodomites who only destroyed themselves. They are soul-murderers, slandering the Scriptures by substituting their spittle for the Word of God.

Let Me Tell You About Who Creates the Atheists

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Slinging Mud Anonymously":

Looking around where do you find the paragons of virtue in religion. No wonder people are falling away as prophesized in the bible. What the bible left out is that so many lying, vile, dishonest, phony, insincere, vindictive, nasty pastors would disillusion members and give them untold reasons to leave.


GJ - I used to joke that certain people turned pastors into atheists. I thought about the WELS pastors I knew who were now avowed atheists, plus one who probably is. All three were Shrinkers.

What did they have in common?

Everyone protected them, helped them, and gave them special advantages no one else had - especially when they messed up.

They were coddled, and that was bad for them. Nothing hardens the heart more than pronouncing absolution on someone who has no contrition and continues in his sin. Not only did other pastors lie and cover up for them, they did so knowingly.

God punished them for their false doctrine and notorious sin by letting them be coddled into atheism. Now they have the torture of knowing about God but rejecting Him. Two are advocates of atheism, pitiful examples of male leadership.

I know there are plenty of evil pastors. I have known more than my share of them. There were plenty of belly-servers during the Reformation, too.

KJV Psalm 118:9 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

We are warned many times in the Scriptures not to believe because of man, but to trust in the infallible and unchanging Word. No man's evil is enough to separate us from the love of God in Christ. No one is good enough or kind enough to convert us - only the Word can do that. I do think a special curse will be on those pastors who abused their office and exploited their members. They may be CG gurus now, but they will pay the price for their concupiscence.

KJV 1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Slick Brenner used to say that WELS was headed for the day of judgment. Now the very things no one imagined have taken place. The same is true of Missouri and ELCA.

Slinging Mud Anonymously

Notice "Dr." Steve Witte and in other places "Dr." Larry Olson.
Witte went to Gordon Conwell for a DMin. He was a Chicanery founder.
Olson went to Fuller for a DMin.
Chicaneries advocate false doctrine.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "New NPH Stuff from Church and Changer Mark Paustia...":

As a WELS pastor, I have heard Professor Paustian speak and present papers and answer questions on a couple of occasions. I have heard him preach several times. I have read his books.

Believe me, I absolutely detest Church and Change and what they have done to my synod. But Mark Paustian is of a completely "different spirit" than the Church and Change scoundrels. He is a solidly Lutheran and Confessional pastor.

I'm ashamed that what should be a proper stand against false teachers in our synod has turned into a witch hunt that's dragging even good solid pastors through the mud.


GJ - Some readers are looking for a little more courage and clarity in the statements of the WELS leaders. If Martin Luther College's staff is so confessional, why are they are not running screaming out the doors when there is another Chicanery conference there, in the name of evangelism or missions?

I respect Paustian for replying and Mike Shottey for his response. It is a bit amusing to having someone yell "witch hunt" anonymousely. Show some fortitude. Are you a man or a mouse?

I will look up the anti-Ichabod blogs (three and counting) to see if there is a parallel comment about "dragging even good solide pastors through the mud." I doubt it.

This strikes me as another GA post, with someone pretending to detest the Chicaneries while being anti-anti-Church Growth.

I remember Joel Gerlach pulling that with a letter to Otten. He knew that WELS had problems, a list "as long as my arm," but Otten was violating the Eighth Commandment by publishing my articles. Gerlach also said he went to Fuller Seminary. He was glad he saw their false doctrine, but he was also the guy who promoted "making disciples" and "disciples making disciples making disciples making disciples."


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Slinging Mud Anonymously":

The anti-anti-CG comment "dragging even good solid pastors through the mud" reminds me of a comment by Ann Coulter. She said that you can tell what the liberals are up to by what they accuse conservatives of.

Anti-anti-CG could be abbreviated anti2-CG for anti- squared.


GJ - True enough. The WELS CG defense is - "I am terribly hurt by all your hateful, snide, caustic, legalistic, slander. I do not know why you get such pleasure out of tearing people down and dragging them through the mud. It makes me terribly sad."

They are shocked and saddened by an open debate on doctrine, but they are not shocked and saddened by their professors attending Fuller Seminary, or the seminary president going to Fuller and lying about it. Or their Asia Board guy graduating from Gordon Conwell. Or Parlow with his Denver DMin. Or Kelm with his St. Louis DMin. Or Rich Krause's union DMin. Not one of them can manage a real academic master's degree, but they all want to be known as "Dr"!


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Slinging Mud Anonymously":

Do you think it's possible that people post anonymously because on several occasions you've googled people's names to find a creative way to slander them rather than responding to what they said in their post, GJ? Don't mistake someone protecting his reputation for cowardice.


GJ - There is another anonymous accusation, without any factual support - typical of the Chicaneries. I know many laity and pastors who do not share their names because of the vile, dishonest behavior of the Shrinker crowd. They go after faithful laity, too. No one is allowed to dissent from their Reformed doctrine, their unionism, their apostasy.

I hear from people all the time. They are the source of my material. I quote it extensively and the Chicaneries sob like addicts who dropped their last packet down the grating.

Several people do use their real names, whether they agree with me or not. I respect that. There should be more open debate. But I am happy to keep it anonymous if people will discuss doctrine rather than what they imagine is wrong with me. That topic has been explored at length.

I know all about Chicanery concern for reputations - theirs. They tell each other's lies. The funniest is the Fuller alumni group telling everyone else who did NOT go to Fuller - and they know otherwise. Every Chicanery is a "Confessional Lutheran" and "sound, orthodox." Why have they devoted an organization to destroying Lutheran doctrine and practice? And they did it by skimming offering money from WELS - pretty low, even for Chicaneries.

A confessional Lutheran seminary president would not devote his entire career to the Church Growth Movement. Nor would he lie about going to Fuller Seminary. 

For amusement I look up the anonymous websites trying to cope with the influence of my little effort. As Bugs Bunny says, "It is to laugh." Too bad they cannot put their names on their work. Perhaps they are concerned that people would be revolted by their behavior.

ELCA's Warning to WELS - Do Not Wait 20 Years

Staff Ministry, Unionism, Enthusiasm, Party in the Fire Island Pines

An ELCA theologian, who was around 20+ years ago:


Reflections Following the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly


I’m writing for those who share with me the conviction that the actions taken by the Assembly on human sexuality constitute a theological, ethical, ecclesiological, and ecumenical disaster of immense proportions. I’m not going to make the case for viewing those actions in that way; that has been done repeatedly and very capably by others in the debates that preceded the Assembly. I am writing for those who are already convinced, whom I will call traditionalists.

Michael Root is not exactly Mr. Orthodox Lutheran.


GJ - In 1987, when ELCA was formally merged, the pattern was already set. Everyone knew how radical, anti-Confessional, and gay ELCA would be. Quotas were mandated, and they always favor the extreme fringe of the Left.

Hardly anyone said anything. Many clergy were lobbying for positions. As I recall, Root was finishing or finished with a PhD at Yale. Many other names are familiar as I read the protests. Bishop Kenneth Sauer was promoting the merger too.

They all waited 22 years to proclaim a disaster, when they voted for the original blueprint and funded the monster. Lawyers conducted the merger meetings. And the sheep went to the slaughter.

Now WELS members and clergy want someone to fix 32 years of entrenched Enthusiasm, which goes by the name of Evangelism, Missions, Church Growth, Church and Change. The SP cannot do it alone.

Here is a simple formula to get things changed for the better:
  • Write a letter documenting errors in doctrine and practice.
  • Be precise and factual, using dates and documents whenever possible.
  • Edit the letter to emphasize the issue itself.
  • Send the letter to the Circuit Pastor, District President, Synod President, and the ELS Synod President.
  • Copies may also be sent to the doctrinal board or other concerned people.
 One letter can have an enormous impact. It forces people to act. If nothing is done, a follow-up letter is in order, asking, "What precisely is being done?"

In 1992, Valleskey endorsed Church Growth unionism six ways from Sunday, and WELS was silent, except to promote him to Sausage Factory President. The few who objected were forced out, and their friends went silent.

Larry Olson (DMin, Fuller), the Harmless Heretic, was put in charge of Staff Ministers at Martin Luther College. So what could go wrong there?

Brug endorsed women pastors in 1994 or so, and no one said anything. Not long ago, WELS women staff ministers were consecrating Holy Communion and distributing it to shut-ins, obviously with the approval of various leaders. The spineless doctrinal board imposed a "moratorium". A what? Meanwhile, the WELS Latte Church has a woman pastor "administering the Means of Grace," covertly now.

ELCA did the same thing. After years of covertly ordaining homosexuals, ELCA imposed some restrictions, which amounted to a modified limited moratorium. The Lavender Mafia worked together with the feminists and overturned that last little obstacle.

ELCA bishops, pastors, and members are fleeing the synod they created and allowed to fester for 22 years.

ELCA Synods (Districts) Merge While Dissolving from Fleeing Members

Meet your new bishop.

The Pacifica Synod of Southeran California, which includes Orange County and San Diego, as well as parts of Imperial and Riverside County, has begun talking s with the Southwest California Synod, which is metro LA and suburbs, about possibly merging the two synods.

As I reported before, giving is down 40% in Pacifica, and every congregation above 300 in average weekly attendance is either leaving the ELCA or redirected (sic) giving, save one congregation, one in Yorba Linda where the Bishop is a member.

I wouldn't put this out on a forum if I was not sure of the sources, which are several, including several at high levels.


GJ - Look at this link, but be warned first. The HerChurch site is beyond belief.

Concordia Ft. Wayne Church Growth and WELS TELL: Same Year, 1977

Old Lutheran, covert agent.

"In an initial burst of enthusiasm reflecting Preus's concern for missions, the Fort Wayne faculty had petitioned the 1977 convention of the Missouri Synod to have each of its subdivisions or districts "make a thorough study of the Church Growth materials." What is more, the districts were to be urged to "organize, equip, and place into action all of the Church Growth principles as needed in the evangelization of our nation and the world under the norms of the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions." By the time of the 1986 synodical convention, however, the same faculty, while appreciating the "valuable lessons of common sense" to be learned from Church Growth, asked that "the Synod warn against the Arminian and charismatic nature of the church-growth movement."
Kurt E. Marquart, "Robert D. Preus," Handbook of Evangelical Theologians, ed., Walter A. Elwell, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1995, pp. 353-65. Reprinted in CN, 6-26-95, p. 21.


GJ - The WELS Church Growth publication began in 1977, the same year the Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne faculty urged CG principles upon the LCMS. The Shrinkers were working across synod lines from the beginning - and still are.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Concordia Ft. Wayne Church Growth and WELS TELL: S...":

That's about the time when each WELS sermons because not just law/gospel, but law/gospel/evangelism, or more like law/evangelism. I noticed the switch right away. Needless to say, our pastor was fast tracked to go from the parish to a synodical school. Now I know why.


GJ - When Gurgle was still Synodical President, before he went on the lam, his editorials in each issue of FIC were about the need for each member to recruit more members. They struck me as entirely Reformed, all Law, and really tedious. Perhaps he had some good editorials. I missed them if he did.

"And I'm Free...Free-Falling"

Free Falling

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Time To Tell the Truth at St. Peter, Freedom, Wisc...":

St. Peter FREEDOM, WI.

Free to do whatever you like. Living up to the name of the town I guess.

Free to do whatever. Maybe they should rename it to St. Peter Antinomian, WI. 

Elvis Presley Is 75 Today

Born January 8, 1935,
Special Narcotics Agent Elvis posed with President Nixon.