![]() | This person has protected their (sic) tweets. |
Michael Schottey has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Locked Down His Tweets":
Future WELS Pastor...
Since there's a good chance I know you, I'll pose you this question. For what reason would a pastor post with porn stars or follow (ie read) adult themed material on Twitter?
If you are (or were) at MLC...could you picture one of your language professors posing with scantily clad women AND THEN posting the pictures proudly online or in their office?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Locked Down His Tweets":
Let's just say that for whatever reason, Ski wants a picture with the poptart. Then let's just say he didn't intend to pose in such an intimate position with her. Putting the best construction on it, maybe she grabbed him and threw him into this position just as the photo was about to be taken. The $64,000 question remains - WHY? Why then, would he proudly post this and other similar pictures for his wife, children, friends, colleagues, superiors, congregation, and the public as a whole to view? Why open himself up to the scrutiny of what any clear-thinking person would surely view as offensive photos? Why give every person who views these photos the perception that he just doesn't care what people think about him or the photos? It's apparent Ski is used to doing what he wants, when he wants, and the rest of the world can just get over it. In reality, at the very least, he certainly owes his family an apology. The proper response should be a confession of sin, a plea for forgiveness, and possibly an apology on his Facebook page for his poor judgment. An improper reaction would be a cover-up and a change in privacy policy so that his so-called friends are the only ones who can continue to view this very odd behavior on behalf of a WELS pastor. If these people were truly his 'friends', they be telling him the exact same thing I just said. He is an embarrassment for every member of the WELS.