ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Sunday Is Not for Recruiting.
In the Worship Service We Receive the Gospel
Through the Means of Grace
Cone has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention Poster":
The Divine Service isn't meant for heathens per se. It's meant for God's elect. God's elect yearn for the Sacraments because they know the importance of them. They don't yearn for gimmicks and shows and entertainment worship. Sadly, a lot of services are directed toward the "convert" or in other words towards the unbeliever. God tells us to be faithful and let the Holy Spirit do His work. Where do we get off thinking we need to add something to it? God knows his sheep and they will hear His voice. See the doctrine of election and especially this:
GJ - The Seeker Service, dubbed the Sneaker Service by Guy Purdue, is imported from Willow Creek Community Church. No crosses distinguish Willow Creek from a suburban mall. No cross inside annoys the seeker. Rev. Hybel is so wise that he teaches the Lutherans how to do things right.
WELS tried Friendship Sunday, another form of the Sneaker Service, under Valleskey's direction. That really worked well. Of course, it is not our business to decide what works well, but the Fuller alumni (like Valleskey, Kelm, Huebner, Olson) insist they can make things turn out right.
Everyone was wrong before these genius theologians went to Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek. If many of their seminary graduates have become Pentecostal, atheistic, or Babtists, that is not the fault of the faculty. Oh no. The obvious apostates "went too far." That is the ticket - learning from Fuller but not going too far with false doctrine, creating a hybrid.
I know what Lutherans need - Lutheran doctrine and Babtist revivals. But that is a contradiction. Those who worship in the name of Enthusiasm also believe in their Enthusiasm, whatever it might be - from miraculous cure services to incense smoke and mirrors.
LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Is Not for Recruiting. In the Worship Servi...":
So true...there was a time when I thought...this is the way we are going to do it! We are going to change WELS and Lutheranism for the better! We will help the Holy Ghost make it big!!!!
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Is Not for Recruiting. In the Worship Servi...":
Excellent comments from the Gottesdienst paper: [GJ - the link did not work for me]
"This can be seen by looking back at the pastoral guides of old. Oddly enough, they line up with
the ordination vows. These are the timeless, central, all consuming duties of the pastor. Johann Gerhard identifies seven duties in his early 17th century Loci theologici under the Ministry. (1) the preaching of the heavenly Word; (2) the administration of the sacraments; (3) praying for the flock entrusted to them; (4) the honorable management of their life and behavior; (5) the administration of church discipline; (6) the preservation of the rituals of the church; (7) the care of the poor and the
visitation of the sick. - p.13
Also, Chemnitz 50 years earlier re the pastor faithfully carrying out ecclesiastical ceremonies:
"Chemnitz also set the example that Gerhard would later follow when it came to the pastor's duty
toward faithfully leading the flock in worship. Listen to these words:
Part 3. With regard to the doctrine concerning ecclesiastical ceremonies (which we first said would be the third chief part of this examination), it is contained and set forth in the church order. Pastors should also be examined with regard to that very doctrine, so that they might both have the right understanding of it and be able rightly to explain it to their hearers. Likewise, one should inquire whether and how
they observe those ceremonies. Superintendents should also confer with pastors regarding marriage
orders, incorporated in the church order, that they might have the necessary understanding also of
them." - p.14
For many years at the Sausage Factory "Liturgics" class was a joke among the students. WELS has been at the receiving end of that punch line for generations.
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Sunday Is Not for Recruiting. In the Worship Servi...":
From Gottesdienst, a quote from Gerhard:
"The sixth duty of ministers of the church involves the preservation of the rites of the church. To be sure, the institution of those rituals pertains not only to ministers of the church but also to the Christian magistrate and ought to be done with the consensus of the whole church. Nevertheless, this preservation is correctly assigned to ministers lest they either change or abrogate the rituals accepted by the public authority of the church on the basis of their personal whim. Rather, they should preserve them to protect harmony and promote good order. For although church rituals by nature are adiaphora since God’s Word neither commands nor forbids them, and though they do not of themselves constitute some portion of divine worship, nevertheless their abrogation ought not occur merely because of one party in the church." - p.15
GJ - Gerhard denies UOJ, so he must be dismissed as a heretic.
WELS Worship Conference Reports
2138 has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention Poster":
Sermons from Day One:
The Palm Sunday sermon was by Pastor Treptow. My impression was that it was primarily a law-obedience sermon. Here were his main points: We should worship the King with unquestioning obedience (go get the donkey), with creativity (robes and palm branches), and with spontaneous shouts of praise (hosanna in the highest). Maybe one small reference to Christ’s cross. I didn’t hear anything about the depravity of my condition; rather, I heard about how we sometimes feel uncomfortable when we don’t want to sing out loudly.
He started off with a Bill Cosby reference about the Lone Ranger, and how Tonto would always “get the snot beat out of him.” He then compared that to how we also might want to tell Jesus not to ride into Jerusalem, because, “You’re going to get the snot beat out of you!” He made humorous references to the smell of a donkey, and how it might trample on someone’s good cloak, and how some didn’t know that there was a “dress code” that day.
I guess I didn’t hear why I was supposed to worship the King; rather, I should get over my inhibitions and creatively shout some praises without questioning why.
The Maundy Thursday sermon was by Pastor Zank. This sermon used Law and Gospel well. His main point: we are heirs of the Holy Supper, and ought to cherish its use. He discussed the Corinthian abuse of the Supper, but then discussed how Satan loves it when we also attend Communion bearing grudges and being otherwise unprepared, to our soul’s harm. God would have every right to take his Holy Supper from us, and not give it back until we showed ourselves worthy. He made very clear gospel proclamations, about how Christ’s death on the cross redeemed man from all his sins, including the sin of abusing the Supper. He said that Communion is a testament to the other people in the congregation—man, woman, child, visitor—of our unity.
He began with a story of his grandfather handing down to 10-year-old Joel a family heirloom—a golden pocket watch—that he had received from his grandfather, and that he hoped would get passed on to his grandson someday. He didn’t tell the whole story at once, but artfully weaved the story in and out of his sermon, telling how he abused that watch, and eventually broke it. He tied that into our own sins and abuse of Communion. While his parents fixed the watch and kept it until he was old enough to be trusted, we thank God that he doesn’t wait until we can be trusted before entrusting us with his Holy Supper. We receive the very forgiveness that we so desperately need in the Sacrament. It is not “more special” forgiveness than what we receive in Absolution, but it is “more of the same”—a strange way to put it, almost making it sound ordinary. But he was guarding against the abuse of puffing ourselves up with pride and turning Holy Communion into a ritual that makes us look good. It is only God pouring out his love and mercy on us poor, miserable sinners!
2138 has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention Poster":
Sermons from Days 2-3:
The Easter Morning sermon was by Pastor Cherney. “Be honest: what would you have expected to see if you had come to the tomb?” So begins the sermon. We put ourselves in the women’s shoes as they travel to the tomb that first Easter morning. He talks about some of the things that some go to church to hear—how the church can fix their families, their finances, their communities, etc. “And after all that fails to work, then people are right back in the sludge pit they were in before.” Rather, when they come to church, tell them something really amazing—He is risen.
The Easter Evening sermon was by Pastor Degner. Jesus used the powerful Word of God to “connect the dots” from the Old Testament to his cross and resurrection for the Emmaus disciples that Easter evening. He spent quite a bit of time extolling God’s Word and its power, sharper than any two-edged sword. And yet, are pastors afraid to use it on the delinquent member? When we visit, do we make small talk and talk about everything else, but forget to preach God’s Word? Rather, try going back every week for eight weeks, and preach God’s Word. He closed by mentioning how he’s beginning to see why the pastors in their 60s still have that “fire,” and why he does too—with the Word of God, we need not fear.
The sermon for Good Shepherd Sunday was by Pastor Patterson. We long to be there in heaven! Started with a story about an elderly woman with lots of heartache—“why am I still here, pastor?” He stated in his sermon that everyone will not go to heaven; only those who believe. He ended his sermon, with something like, “We will keep holding on to the Shepherd’s hand, and be the best sheep we can be. Amen.” He did not stand in the pulpit, but walked back and forth in front of the altar as he spoke.
2138 has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention Poster":
Quotes from “Recruiting Choir Members and Vocalists” by Professor Tiefel: “Public worship that works well for both nurture and outreach includes: excellent preaching; a suitable worship space; friendly and engaged people; a solid repertoire of hymns, old and new, which proclaim the gospel clearly and which the people sing accurately and enthusiastically; the stability of a liturgical framework without the staleness of identical worship each week; a unified service that reflects a seasonal emphasis and highlights a specific facet of the gospel in both spoken word and vibrant song; the saving gospel set to a variety of musical forms from different times and places within the Holy Christian Church.”
Questions: Do we cater our worship to visitors in the name of “outreach”? Are “friendly and engaged people” overemphasized in today’s church? Is the proclamation of God’s Word in the liturgy ever “stale”?
AC V has left a new comment on your post "WELS Worship Conference Reports":
"He did not stand in the pulpit, but walked back and forth in front of the altar as he spoke."
Because it's about ME and how INTERESTING and ENGAGING I I I I am! Just like the TV preachers, Enthusiasts all.
Banned by the Babtists - Loved by WELS:
2138 has left a new comment on your post "WELS Convention Poster":
Notes on the WELS Conference on Worship, Music, & the Arts:
From page 30 of the booklet: “The committee appointed to study the 2010 revisions in the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible is recommending to the synod convention that this Bible translation continue to be used by WELS. The lessons selected for worship at the conference will be read from the revised NIV.”
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Banned by the Babtists - Loved by WELS: The NNIV":
I guess the NNIV in WELS is a done deal then? Eh?
GJ - Questioning that decision is equal to attacking Holy Mother WELS. Raising the issue implies that the indivual reads Ichabod, another crime.
Enthusiasm Is the Two-Headed Calf
Called Lutherdom Today
Not a Photoshop
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Conjoined Twins or Two Headed Monster
Daniel Baker said...
"Considering the theological landscape of the WELS, I think that Intrepid Lutherans has been doing a fantastic job. I support the organization wholeheartedly.
I think it is a bit disingenuous to imagine that the issue of UOJ is the one thing causing the WELS to slide into apostasy, with the other matters being mere symptoms of this root problem. Frankly, the WELS pastors I know personally do not speak of justification in UOJ terms, but they have still fallen prey to the dogmatic and practical ideologies of American Evangelicalism.
Also, I would agree that the quote you reference from Pr. Spencer's sermon is rather sloppy, but I also know that he has said as much himself. Even the best of us slip up every now and again."
"Considering the theological landscape of the WELS, I think that Intrepid Lutherans has been doing a fantastic job. I support the organization wholeheartedly.
I think it is a bit disingenuous to imagine that the issue of UOJ is the one thing causing the WELS to slide into apostasy, with the other matters being mere symptoms of this root problem. Frankly, the WELS pastors I know personally do not speak of justification in UOJ terms, but they have still fallen prey to the dogmatic and practical ideologies of American Evangelicalism.
Also, I would agree that the quote you reference from Pr. Spencer's sermon is rather sloppy, but I also know that he has said as much himself. Even the best of us slip up every now and again."
July 22, 2011 11:06 PM
As I thought about Daniel's comment during my morning run, it made me wonder if UOJ is the root cause. It's poor representation of the Gospel certainly exacerbates many problems like a properly balanced teaching of Law and Gospel. In fact I would go so far to say that UOJ does away with the Law entirely. And we know that it is unscriptural to separate the Law from the Gospel. Now you have preaching that is all Gospel; how to live, works to show your faith, motivational speeches instead of the preaching of repentance and the remission of sins and so forth...in other words using the Gospel as Law. So for all of the problems that manifest in so many other areas, it is not disingenuous to make such a claim.
So what else could it be? Since we are all ill with Original Sin and susceptible to suggestion and temptation, it would have to be Enthusiasm; when the devil tells us that we will be like God and know all things. In other words we know God as well as He knows Himself and are just as smart and know what is right for us. Out of this enthusiasm is born UOJ. In so many places it makes the claim of explaining the mysteries of God when in fact all we have is what He has chosen to reveal to us in His Word and in our reality. Enthusiasm then begins to feed off of UOJ since all are justified and forgiven and even saved as some preach and UOJ makes us think we are all the better for it. I don't know about ELCA, but I know the conservative bodies still preach faith. But the official statements are skewed enough that in time faith will go out the window if trends of the last 50 years or so are any indication.
So in summary, one would have to say that Enthusiasm is the root cause of UOJ and so many other problems in worship and practice that must be rooted out. But because of the nature of the false teaching of the Gospel it is a bit of a different animal and has become at least in my mind an evil conjoined twin with Enthusiasm.
As far as sloppy preaching goes...yes people slip. But we never let it slide when it comes to truthful preaching. Ever. There is a wealth of 'slips' in the WELS essay files that remain. What does that say? A picture paints a thousand words. When Pastor Spencer says such things you wonder. If he admitted it was sloppy I haven't found the comment. I contacted him privately and never got that impression.
- Daniel Baker said...
- I would agree that Enthusiasm is perhaps a root cause of UOJ. The over-arching apostasy in the WELS stems from a lack of trust and emphasis on the Means of Grace, particularly the Sacraments, and an undue emphasis on our ability and work in the processes of justification and sanctification. This is manifest in various ways, including the evaporation of the Gospel and the preaching of only Law (I am much more familiar with this than I am with somehow preaching Gospel as Law). I understand that you are familiar with a heretic that promotes the extremist view of UOJ, and in that sense you have another perspective on the matter than I do. But in the heart of the WELS, Milwaukee, I have only heard UOJ promoted one time, and that was very recently and very privately (I can't recall even hearing the doctrine espoused in school!). This is why I am hesitant to assume that UOJ is really the driving heresy in the WELS. Like I said, for you it obviously is a pertinent issue, because of the blasphemer who erroneously excommunicated you. And in that light I encourage you to continually fight against his unbiblical and unconfessional expression of Justification. But I wouldn't make it the driving point of your crusade against the WELS in total, and I certainly wouldn't attack faithful pastors like those at Intrepid Lutherans.
- July 23, 2011 4:06 PM
- Daniel Baker said...
- Also, I like your title - it gave me a chuckle. However, I would think of UOJ as one of many slimy tentacles under the head of False Doctrines that threaten the WELS.
- July 23, 2011 4:07 PM
- LutherRocks said...
- My only crusade is to be exonerated for standing against false doctrine. Time will tell which side the WELS stands. I have been truthful in all my statements on the blog concerning questionable things. If calling out a mistake is construed as attacking...well this would be the root cause of other problems in WELS. Sometimes you just have to put on man pants. :)
- July 23, 2011 4:21 PM
- Daniel Baker said...
- Indeed. As I thought about it more, arguing about the "root cause" is ultimately foolish. In reality, we know what the root cause of the apostasy in the WELS is - our enemy, the devil, who roams around like a roaring lion looking for souls to devour. Thank God that we have the shield of Faith to defend us from the enemy's flaming arrows and the life-giving Spirit Who empowers us to stand firm against his assaults.
- July 23, 2011 4:48 PM --- LPC has left a new comment on your post "Enthusiasm Is the Two-Headed Calf Called Lutherdo...": I do not think it is disingenuous. For I too can point to my experience which negates Daniel's experience with his WELS pastors. My opinion is that it is UOJ that is the root cause, ideas do have consequences. Under UOJ is a paradigm - a philosophical ideology and it permeates other areas of one's theology. UOJ ideology is a sophist ideology. It speaks JBFA when you speak to UOJers on the subjective side, but they also will speak universalistically as they interpret the atonement to be equal with justification. UOJ is a paradigm, it is world view and that is the reason why it is a wicked teaching because it engulfs one's interpretation of the world - antinomianism in one way and then legalism in another way - this is a sophist multi-headed monster. UOJ's paradigm is Calvinistic Rationalism. That was how Calvin and his gang reasoned - they saw people being baptized with no change of life on the subject and they concluded the Sacrament gave nothing or it only regenerates the elect.UOJers believe that for faith to happen, what faith has to hold on must have happened first. Again that is a rationalism - it is not Scripture speaking, it is the mind speaking in such conclusions. LPC --- Daniel Baker has left a new comment on your post "Enthusiasm Is the Two-Headed Calf Called Lutherdo...": Your experience does not negate mine, LPC, it's just different. On the other hand, my experience does negate your hypothesis; namely, the UOJ is *the* root cause. If it was the root cause of Evangelical apostasies, then it would stand to reason that the WELS pastors with which I am familiar who have fallen prey to Reformed tendencies wholeheartedly support UOJ. In fact, however, they do not, and flatly reject its tenets. As such, UOJ cannot be the root cause of their doctrinal and practical errors.
GJ - Some examples of WELS/LCMS/ELS Enthusiasm are: receptionism in Holy Communion, women pastors, Church Growthism, unionism, Puseyism, doctrinal indifference.
Sometimes I think WELS is more hysterical about UOJ, but then I see posts by McCain, Webber, and others.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Enthusiasm Is the Two-Headed Calf Called Lutherdo...":
Lito has identified and stated the issue correctly.
Contrary to Daniel's contention the apostasy in the (W)ELS is not simply an undue emphasis on our work in Justification, it is false doctrine being officially taught and confessed from the top to the bottom. Any emphasis on man's work in his justification (works righteousness) is false doctrine and believing that faith is a work of ours ((W)ELS official teaching of UOJ), that we must believe that we're already forgiven, justified and declared righteous by God's divine verdict for God's divine verdict to be true and beneficial is false doctrine and both separate the confessor of such false doctrines from Christ, the forgiveness of sins, justification, salvation and Christ's Church. Daniel's statements soft peddle the hard truth and taints his view of the false central doctrine the (W)ELS Synod teaches, (W)ELS demands every member confess the false doctrine of UOJ if they do not want to be hypocrites in their Synod and churches.
Daniel calls (W)ELS Pastor Patterson a heretic who promotes and extremist view of UOJ. I agree he is a heretic for teaching a false gospel. Your entire synod teaches the same thing he boldly taught and enforced. There's an abundance of (W)ELS essays given and defended, based on (W)ELS official doctrine, teaching the exact thing you call him a heretic for. Although a heretic waring against Christ and His Church he is at least faithful to his Synod and confession. More than can be said for the majority of clergy, elders etc who sit on the fence waiting to see who will win.
UOJ is the official doctrinal confession of the central article by the (W)ELS. Their own teaching shows that it displaces Justification by Faith Alone. This makes the (W)ELS unChristian. Anyone who is faithful to their Synod membership and Synod confession concerning this chief article also rejects Christ and God's way to righteousness, without works, by faith alone. Does anyone need to publicly confess this false doctrine in order for it's acceptance in their heart to have an effect? No. How many rejected this false gospel when DP Buchholz gave his pro UOJ essay - the very doctrine Patterson boldly defended. How many (W)ELSians are publicly contending against the recent excommunications? How many are leaving the (W)ELS since they all excommunicated Rick and Joe? Not to speak of the (W)ELS financing the abortion of babies etc etc.
Daniel, any doctrine which when perverted separates the confessor from Christ is the driving issue behind apostasy and worse, whether you acknowledge it or not.
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Enthusiasm Is the Two-Headed Calf Called Lutherdo...":
The question I ask from you is that how do you know that they do not support UOJ? If they do reject UOJ which you claim that they do, yet which your Synod supports - in other Synodical statements, then why are they there i.e, still in WELS? What are they? Secret anti-UOJers? If they are still crypto-antiUOJers maybe they are still not fully convinced of the potent poison of UOJ. In short, how do you know they are not playing politics with the issue?
False doctrine has many faces, the devil does not give you a warning, the thief does not make himself known that he is a thief and gives you a warning that he will plunder your home tonight at 2AM. I would say that is a bit naive.
I will however grant that pastors do not have a real handle on the issues of UOJ and when presented at more length as to what it implies, they may step back from it. However, this disconnect may still be lurking somewhere. If JBFA in its purity is not an issue and the main big one for your pastor friends, then I'd say they are numb by something somewhere.
JBFA is not just an important topic along side other topics, I should think it is the main big topic if I were an anti-UOJ pastor in WELS.
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Enthusiasm Is the Two-Headed Calf Called Lutherdo...":
Pr. Greg,
...UOJ, but then I see posts by McCain, Webber, and others
These people who have their own groupies, UOJ is a settled matter for them. The case is closed so any one who opens up and challenges UOJ, you get them jumping up and down to an obvious heretic.
Re:Secret anti-UOJers.
I'd say it is now time to stand in the open and sign one's name against an understanding of Justification which is false.
The problem it seems is that it is the Laymen that are more courageous on being anti-UOJ, while the Pastors who should know better are the wussies. Certainly I have not seen them in Ichabod (though perhaps they communicate with you behind the scenes).
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Enthusiasm Is the Two-Headed Calf Called Lutherdo...":
Joe is right. The new "normal" is opposed to Christ and His Word and Will.
It doesn't take active participation to engage in the spreading of false doctrine and practice. It simply requires not doing anything at all.
The central teaching of the New Age Religion is that everyone is a god, if they believe it or not, they are all gods. How much more godlike can you be than to dictate, in the practice of UOJ, when God was talking about Objective Justification and when he was talking about Subjective Justification in Scripture. Hoe much more godlike can you be than to dictate God's verdicts and say they have no effect - nay, they aren't true until the individual believes it. How much more godlike than to dictate when God meant the "wider" sense of this Word, He meant the "narrower" sense of this Word. How much more godlike can you be than to dictate the that the new Pastoral office your "Worship committee" just created is restricted to these duties, responsibilities as opposed to Christ's list of responsibilities and requirements of the one Office He created. How much more godlike can you be than to manipulate the removal of a called pastor from his parish; a parish which just voted their approval and confirmed his call as Christ's stead in their church. How much more godlike can you be than to manipulate the Word and right practice to entice, attract and convert men into the church. How much more godlike can you be....well, they're surprising us every day in their vain attempts to be their own little gods.
Good Insights about WELS Politics, Doctrine:
The Infallible Doctrinal Pussycat
From the Forgiveness Without Faith Blog, Aka The Intrepids
Pastor Spencer,
I'm certainly glad to hear that the synod's presidium has not done anything to dissuade your efforts. I'm extremely troubled, though, to hear that you have been pressured and intimidated by more than one district president. That is truly a travesty.
The more I learn about our synod's structure, the more problems I see inherent within the office of district president, including:
1. District presidents seem to have near total autonomy within their districts, with few if any checks or balances. The synod presidium does not have the ability to step in when need be to correct an erring DP. Really, no one in the entire synod has the ability to correct an erring DP.
2. District presidents are charged with making difficult and sometimes controversial decisions in order to maintain confessional doctrine and practice, and yet district presidents must stand for re-election every few years, which would lead them not to do anything controversial.
3. District presidents should be, above all else, solid theologians. It doesn't seem that a popular vote is the best way to identify theologians within a district. Rather, a popular vote will tend to elect men for far more superficial reasons.
Mr. Adam Peeler
GJ - The Changers slowly moved all their guys into positions of power, and that includes the Doctrinal Pussycats. The synod politicians seem spineless and putty-brained, but that is their trick to delay, block, and obfuscate all issues that threaten the Changers. Watching Buchholz do nothing about Jeff Gunn, due to his "concern for the souls involved," is like staring at a glacier.
Look at all of Englebrecht's tricks in the Anything Goes district. He did everything possible to support Glende and Ski, even changing the CP and ducking the big meeting. CP must mean Circuit Plagiarist now.
One must listen to the double-talk and separate the real story from the smoke. For example, John Lawrenz, as the president of MLS, long ago, used all the talking points about WELS being tough on doctrine, implacable about fellowship, etc. At the same time he was a Church and Change leader and working against everything he promoted as the essence of WELS. The clearest example is serving as president of the school while declaring on the floor of the district convention that "We" (the school) are willing to serve in whatever capacity the synod declares. That meant he would gladly serve as the Judas goat in giving up prep school status.
I had already challenged Lawrenz about his authoring of cell group material for WELS. The Judas Iscariot speech clinched it. Lately he has been at the portable Asian seminary. He installed Steve Witt, a founder of Church and Change, as the new president. When Lawrenz chirps on the Church and Change list-serve, Kudu Don Patterson purrs - "Pure gold, John."
The Changers work at several levels in WELS. They own the Conference of Pussycats, both colleges, the Sausage Factory, FICL, and various para-church groups. They use these contacts to funnel money into Cornerstone, a joint LCMS-WELS scam that no one seems to notice or address. I would love to see a list of congregations they have broken down with their insane brick-and-mortar grow-ti-vation plans. Schuller is bankrupt: the template does not work in a dying sect.
I seldom say much about SP Schroeder, although he is a disappointment for many. Nevertheless, he is a figurehead, like all Synod Presidents. About 90% of the clout comes from the laity and pastors. If they choose to sit on their hands, look dumb, and do nothing, the SP can do nothing in terms of actual "doing."
What Schroeder fails to do is teach. He cannot be considered a Lutheran pastor or teacher, because he does not proclaim sound doctrine and repudiate false doctrine. His messages are generic Protestant, enough to calm the base without offending the Daddy Warbucks of Church and Change. Others take their cue from him - stay Methodist, remain irenic, ruffle not the feathers.
I continue to believe that any layman, pastor, or leader can have an enormous impact by studying the efficacious Word and applying it. The supposed bad impact is always going to be good, if we believe God is gracious, that all things work for the good for those who love Him.
We are not Lutherans until we can agree with Luther about the "holy, blessed cross" instead of saying, "But I wanted the chairmanship of the summer camping committee."
I have known many clergy who have emasculated themselves for the sake of the Kingdom (Matthew 19:12) - the Kingdom of Synod. They look like capons today - fat, stupid, and ready for Christmas dinner.
WELS Church Lady -
UOJ, No Way
WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Luther - On Faith":
Pastor Nate Bourman! Yes, he is one of our younger pastors. Someone assigned Pastor Bourman to be an essay presenter, yet the wording of the conference paper is unlike his organized sermons. Most of us may remember that this essay was delayed in its posting on the SCD website. UOJ
(sic) goes against scripture. Only believers are regarded as righteous.
I could quote Romans 3:22-24; however, these two get the most publicity on the subject. I will, instead, quote from The Book of Psalms KJV: Ps. 130:3-4 "If Thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with Thee, that Thou mayest be feared." Ps. 31:1 "In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: Deliver me in Thy righteousness." Ps. 143:2 "And enter not unto judgment with Thy servant: for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified."
Romans chapter four is what I rename the Second Book of Abraham. Even the "masonic" NIV says the righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.(Rom.3:22)Also, from the NIV, the first words of Romans chapter five: "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of the Lord."
I borrowed the Psalm quotes from J.T. Mueller's "My Church and Others" booklet. There was NO NIV back then, so Brother J.T. had to settle for the King James Bible. Sadly, Mueller borrowed from F. Pieper when composing his Dogmatics from the 1930s.(Mueller threw in the term objective justification, but no guilt free saints in hell heresy) Fortunately, from the first printing in the 1920s to the last printing in the 1960s, "My Church and Others" retained its purity to the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions.
It still puzzles me when I think of the time that I asked my pastor about universal objective justification(sic). He looked at me strangely and said, "Where did you hear something like that?" I love the WELS, but we cannot protect the synod when bad doctrine is being unaddressed.
In Christ,
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Luther - On Faith":
(W)ELS on the withered hand of faith -
Pastor Nate Bourman
But, sadly, Satan worked and continues to work within the Lutheran ranks. Some wanted to make justification an act of God “at the moment of faith” and so they denied and even rejected universal, objective justification. Page 4
The Jungkuntz disciples are the most significant destructive influence
in the Big Four Today - ELCA, LCMS, WELS, ELS.
President Mark Zarling
Faith is merely the receiving hand into which God pours out His grace through the Gospel. Our dogmaticians spoke of faith as the organon leptikon. Faith does nothing more than receive the forgiveness which is offered in the Gospel. It is not a condition we fulfill nor is it a cause of forgiveness. We are already forgiven. God's message of justification in Christ is there whether we believe it or not. Faith then receives the blessings. Unbelief rejects them, so unbelief will be damned. The reason there is confusion in regard to the role of faith is rather simple. Satan is always trying to get men to pat themselves on the back. The opinio legis inherent in every old Adam likes to think that it can somehow assist in working out salvation. Page 7
We dare not teach that faith comes first, or that faith is all-important. Whenever I must examine my faith, I find it weak and full of doubts. Faith gives no solid comfort. It turns man to look inward at his own heart, rather that at the sure promises of God as found in Scripture. There are times when I might doubt that I even have faith. However, there is nothing uncertain in the truth of justification. Sin is taken away, forgiven, and swallowed up in the empty tomb. Christ has accomplished forgiveness and salvation. It is true, even if I doubt it, even if I don't believe it. Page 11
Siebert W. Becker
It is crystal clear that the announcement of forgiveness to all the world comes first; then faith builds on that announcement and finds comfort and assurance in it. Page 2
German Missouri catechism, Gausewitz (Syn Conference President) Catechism, Missouri KJV Catechism. Was Becker a liar or just ignorant? Apt to teach?
The doctrine of universal justification is often ridiculed with the argument that if God really forgives sins prior to faith then the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith becomes meaningless. Such conclusions demonstrate a rationalistic spirit that consciously or unconsciously refuses to be guided by Scripture alone. Page 12
Faith does nothing more than accept the forgiveness proclaimed in the Gospel. It is not a condition we must fulfill before we can be forgiven. It is not a cause of forgiveness on account of which God forgives us. The forgiveness comes first. Faith is merely the response to the message. God says to us, “Your sins are forgiven.” Page 12
District President Pastor Jon Buchholz
We must understand that faith doesn’t create anything new. Faith doesn’t bring anything into existence that doesn’t already exist. Faith doesn’t cause something to happen. Faith simply grasps—trusts—something that already is in place. Faith grasps the objective reality of God’s completed salvation in Christ.
9 This very important truth—that faith is appropriative and not causative—can be illustrated thus: A sports fan may say, “I believe that my team will win the World Series this year.” Such faith does not bring about the desired outcome. The person’s belief doesn’t cause anything to happen.
Christian faith appropriates and holds onto the reality of God’s justification completed in Christ. It does not cause justification or forgiveness to take place. It simply grasps God’s justification that is already a reality. Page 5