ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
WELS Essay Files Warning:
Set Filter To Accept UOJ
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Teaching Against Justification By Faith Has Toxic ...":
"There is so much of this UOJ bile in the WLS online essay files"
True. I have my browser SafeSearch filter set to No UOJ, and the filter clogs up and computer crashes every time I navigate to the WELS Essay files.
Occupy London protests — an eyewitness reports « Churchmouse Campanologist
Occupy London protests — an eyewitness reports « Churchmouse Campanologist:
"Two more things: one, banking is our only remaining ‘industry’ here in the UK. We’ve lost our manufacturing and our services. Two, a Tobin Tax on financial transactions, mooted around the EU, would kill off our one remaining means of self-sufficiency. So, pray tell, what happens when the banks and their highest earning employees are gone?"
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The Official Norms of the Wisconsin Synod Are Not the WELS Essay Files,
But the Word and the Confessions
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Another Fuller Program Will Cure the Ills Caused b...":
Notice how the WELS Constitution reads for synod and its districts:
Confession of Faith
Section 1. The synod/district accepts the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the divinely inspired and inerrant word of God, and submits to this Word of God as the only infallible authority in all matters of doctrine, faith, and life ("and practice" is in the district constitution).
Section 2. The synod/district also accepts the confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, not insofar as, but because they are a correct presentation and exposition of the pure doctrine of the word of God.
I dug out my congregation's constitution. Notice the difference:
Section 4.
Hence, no doctrine shall be taught or tolerated in this congregation which is in any way at variance with these symbolical books and the Holy Scriptures.
Section 5.
Likewise, all controversies which may arise in this congregation shall be decided and adjusted according to this norm of doctrine and practice.
Is there significance that in the synod constitution there is no "all controversies shall be decided and adjusted according to this norm of doctrine and practice" I.e. Scripture and the Confessions?
I think so. Ask your local WELS pastor or synod official, "Is the Book of Concord the final word on interpreting a disputed doctrine, esp. when the BoC addresses the doctrine in question?
Vestiges of first WELS president Johannes Muehlhauser who said the Confessions were "paper fences."
GJ - Now the Mequon graduates say that the Confessions are "boring and irrelevant." They would not say that if they actually studied the Book of Concord.
Intrepid Lutherans: Enchiridion - Justification, Part 2.
Calov and Chemnitz, or Bivens and Valleskey?
Intrepid Lutherans: Enchiridion - Justification, Part 2: "The way is broad that leads to damnation, and there are many that walk in it. Mt 7:13.
[PAR – Here Chemnitz asks the very specific question: “Are all men justified?” He makes no distinctions, as modern theologians have done. He does not speak of an “objective sense” in which all men are justified, and then a “subjective sense” in which only believers are justified. Nothing of the sort. He simply responds to this simple question with a simple answer, “There are many who walk on the way that leads to damnation.” In other words, “No, not all men are justified. Far from it.”]"
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Teaching Against Justification By Faith Has Toxic Consequences
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Another Fuller Program Will Cure the Ills Caused b...":
Excellent observations, rlschultz!
Did you catch how Bivens described the pastor's role in the Divine Service rite of Confession/Absolution in his Q&A answer posted here on Ichabod (http://ichabodthegloryhasdeparted.blogspot.com/2011/10/false-teachers-mislead-students-at.html)?
"This is why (AC V - i.e. UOJ) we may speak to one another to say 'Your sins are forgiven' or 'In the name of God, I forgive your sins.' This is why a pastor, acting on behalf of all the Christians in the assembly, says the same thing."
That's not how the rite reads even in the WELS CW hymnal: "Therefore, as a called servant of Christ and by his authority, I forgive you..."
GJ - UOJ extinguishes the concept of the Means of Grace and obliterates the real Gospel with a fake Gospel of all-forgiveness masking all-law, which is really their message for most people. For the right people, it is all-forgiveness, which means they can do whatever they want. Notice how they waver between excusing whatever they do while condemning everyone else.
Another Fuller Program Will Cure the Ills Caused by Previous Fuller Programs in WELS.
Enthusiasm Breeds Enthusiasm
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Gottesdienst Online: Memo to Synod: Mind Your Own ...":
Allegedly, the forthcoming emphasis for the WELS Stewardship Sunday is an emphasis upon time and talents of the laity. Recently, I heard a pastor call it "our ministry", as in "everyone is a pastor". There are several aspects of this attitude which bear emphasis. First, there is a downgrading of pastoral ministry, especially as it applies to the Means of Grace. Secondly, this places emphasis upon the laity as being stakeholders. It is akin to a communitarian approach to public ministry. The effect of this is to make members hamsters on a treadmill. This approach manifests itself with a nonstop parade of committee meetings, agendas, workshops, and lame "Bible studies". Great emphasis is placed upon members serving, with continued reminders that the "ball is in their court". The "technician approach" is undertaken, with members getting the impression that all one has to do is flip the right switches and tweak the controls, and the plans will fall into place. Plausible deniability is built in to this with certain Scripture passages that are proof texted to support the effort. What you end up with are members who no longer believe in the Efficacy of the Word and have instead become small m Methodists.
GJ - The Lutherans really need a comprehensive study of the Book of Concord, but who will lead them? The faculties despise their own confessions and reject them. The MDivs find the Book of Concord "boring and irrelevant."
If there were a groundswell to study the Confessions, the Conference of Pussycats would finally find their claws and stop it. After all, Mequon has dogmatics notes that label justification by faith passages from the orthodox as "MISLEADING." That is also why Mequon is hotter than Georgia asphalt to buy the NNIV.
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Another Fuller Program Will Cure the Ills Caused b...":
Excellent observations, rlschultz!
Did you catch how Bivens described the pastor's role in the Divine Service rite of Confession/Absolution in his Q&A answer posted here on Ichabod (http://ichabodthegloryhasdeparted.blogspot.com/2011/10/false-teachers-mislead-students-at.html)?
"This is why (AC V - i.e. UOJ) we may speak to one another to say 'Your sins are forgiven' or 'In the name of God, I forgive your sins.' This is why a pastor, acting on behalf of all the Christians in the assembly, says the same thing."
That's not how the rite reads even in the WELS CW hymnal: "Therefore, as a called servant of Christ and by his authority, I forgive you..."
Anglican Curmudgeon: The Dog in the Manger
Anglican Curmudgeon: The Dog in the Manger:
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The Episcopal hierarchy stole this property and closed it.
The members left the denomination, so the denomination took the property.
VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Excommunication of Truth: The Lies and Spin of San Diego Episcopal Bishop Mathes.
Bishops and DPs Love To Trash Honest Lutheran Writers
VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Excommunication of Truth: The Lies and Spin of San Diego Episcopal Bishop Mathes:
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Excommunication of Truth: The Lies and Spin of San Diego Episcopal Bishop James R. Mathes
News Analysis
By David W. Virtue
October 14, 2011
MATHES: In an online story published by The Wall Street Journal, titled "Twenty-first Century Excommunication," and accompanied by a video interview of the reporter, Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, the recent property disputes of The Episcopal Church were grossly mischaracterized. I have served as the Episcopal bishop of San Diego for almost seven years, and, in that capacity, dealt with three congregations in which the ordained leaders and their followers attempted to leave the Episcopal Church with parish property. In these dealings, I was threatened with death and told I will go to hell by those who claim to love Jesus more than I do. Other colleagues have had similar experiences, from death threats to being spit at during church services. Ms. Hemingway would have you believe that the animus we have received is about scriptural interpretation, but make no mistake: this is about power. If Mathes had been threatened with death he should have called the Police.
VOL: It is partly about power - power wielded by liberal and revisionist bishops who have "another gospel" that is not the genuine Good News proclaimed in Holy Writ. As a result, tens of thousands of Episcopalians have left the Episcopal Church and are forming orthodox Anglican communities of faith that do proclaim the Good News that does not include endorsing a variety of pansexual behaviors, is not accepting of sexual sin and demands that all repent and come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ. It IS primarily about "scriptural interpretation" and theology and the wielding of power is a part of it.
Bishop Mathes has lost fully one quarter (nine) of his parishes (Episcopalians) to other Anglican jurisdictions because of the Episcopal Church's apostasies.
On the issue of power.
No Presiding Bishop has wielded more power in the history of The Episcopal Church than Katharine Jefferts Schori. She has deposed more bishops than any other Presiding bishop in American ecclesiastical history.
She has spent more money (upwards of $22 million) on lawyers to litigate for properties that she and her bishops will ultimately be forced to sell than any other Presiding Bishop in history.
Recently, Bishop Paul Marshall of Bethlehem came out blasting her silence over l'affair Bede Parry (a pederast former RC priest Jefferts Schori admitted into TEC) threatening to tell all in an article, maybe even a book, on cover-ups in the Episcopal Church that he knows about. She has intimidated her bishops into silence about the real goings on behind the scenes in TEC, according to the Bethlehem Bishop.
Jefferts Schori is a bully who bullies bishops who don't fall into line with her revisionist gospel.
What is happening to South Carolina Bishop Mark Lawrence is a pure power play to wrest the diocese from him and turn it over to a liberal bishop.
MATHES: To fully understand this situation, it is important to grasp the canonical (i.e. legal) structure of The Episcopal Church. Parishes are creations of the diocese in which they are situated, in some cases deriving their tax-exempt status because they are an irrevocable part of the diocese. As a condition of ordination, clergy vow obedience to their bishop. Congregations begin as mission churches under the direct supervision and financial support of the bishop with property held by the diocese. When such a church becomes a parish, by vote of diocesan legislature, the congregation pledges to be subordinate to the constitution and canons of the Episcopal Church as well as the constitution and canons of the diocese. After becoming a parish, they may incorporate under the religious incorporation statutes of the state in which the congregation is situated. The diocese will usually transfer title to real property to the parish at that time to be held in trust for The Episcopal Church.
VOL: Legally correct. Perhaps. It should be remembered that nearly every parish was built and paid for by its people, not the church. The Dennis Canon has been defanged in the State of South Carolina. By no means is there certainty that the National Church will win in Ft. Worth, Virginia, San Joaquin or Quincy. Even if they do, the victories will be pyrrhic. TEC is losing market share and closing the equivalent of one whole diocese a year. The Diocese of Delaware will put its cathedral on the chopping block next year. The rump Bishop of Pittsburgh is trying to cut deals with a modicum of success, but at the end of the day, he will be left with empty properties he will be forced to sell for pennies on the dollar in the name of the Dennis Canon, Jefferts Schori and The Episcopal Church.
Even when they win the properties in property disputes, the victories are pyrrhic. The congregations are aging fast and disappearing. There is virtually no youth coming forward to take their place in the coming years either in the pews or pulpits.
MATHES: When individuals purported to alienate property, which had, been given to The Episcopal Church, I was bound by my fiduciary role as a bishop to prevent that from happening. Because The Episcopal Church, like so many others, follows state laws of incorporation, I had no alternative but to file suit in civil court to remedy the matter. This is analogous to a landlord finally going to civil court to gain relief from a non-paying renter or an owner using legal means to deal with a squatter. Thus, those leaving The Episcopal Church were catalysts of these lawsuits by breaking their solemn vows and by attempting to seize property they had no right to possess.
VOL: Not true. Some bishops have settled without going to court. Mathes conveniently forgets that the bishops of Central Florida, Dallas, Kansas and New Jersey have settled property disputes without going near a courtroom.
MATHES: What is particularly regrettable about Ms. Hemingway's piece is confusion about the relationship between The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, which is easily remedied with a simple visit to the Anglican Communion's official website. There you will find every diocese of The Episcopal Church in their cycle of prayer; you will not find The Anglican Church in North America on that list. This is not to say they do not need our prayers. It is simply an indicator of who is an Anglican and who has merely appropriated the label. You will not find Missouri Synod Lutherans there either. Thus, The Episcopal Church remains a constituent member of the Anglican Communion. Despite Ms. Hemingway's interpretations, our leader (called a primate), the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, is a participant in the Meeting of Primates of the Anglican Communion; Robert Duncan, the leader of the breakaway Anglican Church in North America, is not. At our last House of Bishops meeting, a gathering of all bishops of The Episcopal Church, we were visited by the primates of Japan and Central Africa. Like an eclectic extended family, we have our differences, but we regularly gather together.
VOL: The ABC or the Anglican Consultative Council might not recognize The ACNA and AMiA, but Archbishop Duncan, (ACNA) Bishop Chuck Murphy (AMiA) and all their fellow bishops are recognized by GAFCON/FCA and have strong collegial ties with nearly all Global South Anglican provinces including Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, South East Asia and the Southern Cone - together they represent more than 80% of the Anglican Communion
MATHES: Ms. Hemingway suggests that The Episcopal Church is depriving these departing Episcopalians of a relationship to Anglican bishops and foreign dioceses. Oddly, these individuals claim to desire a relationship with a bishop of their own choosing. But bishops are those who by definition maintain order and oversight over the church. To put it in historical terms, this is rather like choosing to succeed from the nation when the current leadership is not to your liking. Thus, when the presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church urges her colleagues not to provide aid and comfort to those who would undermine our church, she has history on her side.
VOL: How much "order and oversight" has there been since Bishop Gene Robinson, an avowed non-celibate homosexual, was ordained to the episcopacy in 2003? It has brought nothing but chaos to the whole church. In nearly every diocese priests of conscience have asked for oversight or been forced to flee.
The argument that "choosing to succeed from the nation when the current leadership is not to your liking" is absurd. We can vote the leadership out or we can leave the nation (read church), which over 100,000 have done. Jefferts Schori could step down as the Archbishop of Canterbury is said to be contemplating -- 10 years before his time.
How much history will the Presiding Bishop have when all the indications are that by 2050 the Episcopal Church will be a shadow of its former self with a small handful of dying dioceses and large churches that have consolidated from dying ones? AMIA and ACNA are not looking for aid and comfort from TEC. They have never asked for it nor do they want it. They are getting on with the business of preaching the Good News, taking up the urgent call of the Great Commission and making disciples of Christ that TEC is not. And yes, they are planting new churches, opening up new dioceses across the country. What about that does Mathes not understand?
MATHES: In the final analysis, no one has been excommunicated; rather some individuals have left our church. On their way out, they have tried to take what does not belong to them and, in an unimaginative attempt to cover their unseemly behavior, they have pointed the finger at their victim, The Episcopal Church. The Wall Street Journal and Ms. Hemingway have either been duped or shown a stunning lack of care in reporting. The only thing in this story that has been excommunicated is the truth.
VOL: What do you call "inhibition" and "deposition" if it's not excommunication by another name? If TEC is a "victim", it is a victim of its own bad theology and equally bad morals. TEC is reaping what it is sowing. It is sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind. TEC's own decline and fall is happening because they are doing it to themselves. No one is doing it to them.
Re: Excommunication of Truth: The Lies and Spin of San Di...
+Mathes is delusional if he seriously imagines that TEC has the sole claim on Anglicanism in this country.
As I said over at StandFirm, there is no evidence in writing anywhere in the Anglican Communion which gives TEC permission to claim sole legitimacy....the recent "disaffiliation" clauses notwithstanding. They are merely "A CONSTITUENT MEMBER" of the Anglican Communion, and not THE SOLE CONSTITUENT MEMBER.
And with respect to the afore-mentioned clauses, I don't believe there's a court in the land that would tell any congregation who they could religiously affiliate with and not violate the U.S. Constitution by doing so.
TEC is its own worst enemy. The rot is from within and most emphatically NOT from without. It is morally and theologically bankrupt.
And where's the proof that you were harassed, "threatened with death and spit upon," Bishop Mathes?
Show us the proof, Bishop! Show us the police reports.
As I said over at StandFirm, there is no evidence in writing anywhere in the Anglican Communion which gives TEC permission to claim sole legitimacy....the recent "disaffiliation" clauses notwithstanding. They are merely "A CONSTITUENT MEMBER" of the Anglican Communion, and not THE SOLE CONSTITUENT MEMBER.
And with respect to the afore-mentioned clauses, I don't believe there's a court in the land that would tell any congregation who they could religiously affiliate with and not violate the U.S. Constitution by doing so.
TEC is its own worst enemy. The rot is from within and most emphatically NOT from without. It is morally and theologically bankrupt.
And where's the proof that you were harassed, "threatened with death and spit upon," Bishop Mathes?
Show us the proof, Bishop! Show us the police reports.
Mathes seems to be reflective of the delusional rot of TEC. It seems he actually believes the apostacy of Queen Katie and the ne Gospel of Holy Lawsuit.
In Pittsburgh, Bishop Duncan offered to give ownership of each parish's property to the parish. If the liberals wished to stray off somewhere, they were welcome to take their places of worship with them. Schori, on the other hand, refuses even to sell parish property to an orthodox Anglican parish. She views Christian Anglicans as "competitors". Maybe they are. Maybe the Anglicans are the Christians against the non-Christian hoards of Katie. If that's the case, there's really no competition - God will win.
It seems it comes down to God vs. goodies. More and more Anglican parishes are simply saying bye-bye. TEC is left with empty buildings, an empty Gospel message and empty souls.
TEC plays the "victim" because that is the classic liberal posture. If TEC is a victim, it is the victim of its own false teaching and apostacy.
The Anglican Curmudgeon has an excellent post about this story.
For the King,
GJ - The author of the WSJ article, Molie Hemingway, is a FB friend of mine, a highly respected author of features about denominations, including her LCMS.
Delegates discuss Bible translations | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)
Delegates had an opportunity to ask questions on Bible translations at a special open forum at the convention.
Prior to the convention, the Translation Evaluation Committee (TEC) conducted a review of the recently released NIV 2011. WELS President Mark Schroeder appointed the TEC in 2010 because the NIV 1984, the translation currently used in WELS publications, will not be available for use in the near future.
After a preliminary report, the committee expanded the review, asking for reactions from professors and others on the entire translation.
Following that larger review and other additional study, the committee published a supplemental report with its recommendation. All delegates had access to the report online before the convention.
The committee's supplemental report stated that "the new NIV could serve us adequately as a translation for our synodical publications." The TEC came to that conclusion because it believes that
the revision is a faithful and accurate translation, for the most part, and that it is the best of all the versions for public reading in our churches;
no other current translation—one that addresses all the NIV's weaknesses without adding its own new ones to the mix—would be a significant improvement over the NIV; and
the use of the new NIV in its revised form would provide the greatest continuity and cause the fewest disruptions among our schools and congregations who are already using the older NIV.
Delegates discuss Bible translations | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS):
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The Lutheran | The Lutheran - Breaking News
The Lutheran | The Lutheran - Breaking News: "• The assembly responded with applause when offered the greeting “The Lord be with you” from Sayyid M. Sayeed, general secretary of the Islamic Society of North America."
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“I have seen him in corridors of power speaking truth to the power,” said Sayyid M. Sayeed about Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson. Also, “No church or organization on earth can fight these mountains of bigotry alone. It is a collective responsibility.”
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“I have seen him in corridors of power speaking truth to the power,” said Sayyid M. Sayeed about Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson. Also, “No church or organization on earth can fight these mountains of bigotry alone. It is a collective responsibility.”
Retired ELCA pastor Ralph Eckard knew Marple for 48 years, including the 27 years he served as an assistant to LCA presidents and later bishops. "Dorothy and I served as colleagues from 1976 until the merger in 1988," Eckard said. "She was a prodigious worker and a great colleague in every sense of the word. She had a breadth of experience, which she could apply to any situation."
Marple's funeral service is set for Saturday, Aug. 13, at Upper Dublin Lutheran Church, Ambler, Pa. She is survived by a sister, Virginia Reynolds; nine nieces; and a longtime friend, Lois Leffler.