Tuesday, November 1, 2011

MLS faring well during long vacancy | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).
How Far Will the Board Go?

MLS faring well during long vacancy | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS):

Why not call the Anonymouse blogger from Fox Valley?

"On Oct. 18, the Michigan Lutheran Seminary Governing Board issued a call to Rev. John Bortulin to serve as the next president of Michigan Lutheran Seminary (MLS), Saginaw, Mich. The position of MLS president has been vacant since September 2010, but Rev. George Ferch, chairman of MLS’s Governing Board, says that the vacancy is being capably filled by Dr. William Zeiger, vice president of MLS.

“We understand that the Lord has the right man for us,” notes Ferch, “and we are grateful to all of the faculty and staff, who have served so well while we wait for the Lord to give us that man.”"

'via Blog this'

A Mighty Fortress - Joe Krohn

But notice how Holy Word (WELS) in Austin treated Joe and Lisa Krohn:

Isis and UOJ:
ELCA Teaches the Obvious Implication
Of the Entire World Being Forgiven, Saved - Without Faith

Isis and Osiris

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Christian church teams up with high priestess of Isis...":

Skogen said the ELCA leadership "accepts and promotes the thought that salvation is secured even for people who do not have faith in Christ."

Notice the UOJ spirit?



Other events at the conference include a chanting workshop with another Isis priestess, Katie Kethcum, "inclusive" hymns, sacred walks, sacred drums, sacred dance and Kundalini Yoga mantras, which the church says "are composed of basic phonetic sounds common to all languages and have been used to invoke the presence of the Divine for centuries."

Also speaking at the conference is Mary Streufert, director for Justice for Women at ELCA's headquarters in Chicago. She refused comment when asked about her participation.

Interest in the Egyptian goddess is certainly not new in the U.S. In the mid-1970s, she became a flying superhero on the CBS Saturday-morning TV series "Isis."

Read more:Christian church teams up with high priestess of Isishttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=360365#ixzz1cShXjhrW


Here is a link about paganism - http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_lucytrust06.htm