Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Last Radicals - NR / Digital Articles - National Review Online

Photo credit: Liz Copeland.

The Last Radicals - NR / Digital Articles - National Review Online:

There is exactly one authentically radical social movement of any real significance in the United States, and it is not Occupy, the Tea Party, or the Ron Paul faction. It is homeschoolers, who, by the simple act of instructing their children at home, pose an intellectual, moral, and political challenge to the government-monopoly schools, which are one of our most fundamental institutions and one of our most dysfunctional. Like all radical movements, homeschoolers drive the establishment bats.

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GJ - I usually ignore National Review, for many reasons. However, this author makes a good point.

We home-schooled about 30 years ago and loved it. People wondered about how that could possibly work out. I suggested that most wealthy people had their children tutored at home, that Alexander the Great was educated that way. Alex did well, and so did our son.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "The Last Radicals - NR / Digital Articles - Nation...":

Ichabod -

Wonderful feline pic! Looks just like our domestic shorthair!


GJ - Liz is a childhood friend of the family. My mother and her mother taught in the same gradeschool, Garfield. I grew up among teachers and teachers' kids, went to PTA meetings for the desserts, studied in the school library during teachers' meetings. The Jackson kids went to school early, walking to Garfield with mom. It was more like a forced march in the military.

Liz is a very talented nature photographer, and she is a retired teacher.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "The Last Radicals - NR / Digital Articles - Nation...":

Thank you for posting this. We were placed into a position where my wife is now home schooling our autistic son. There is a very active home schooling association near us, which draws from a large geographical area. Our son's former senior behavioral therapist, now a public school teacher, could not grasp the home schooling concept. She kept inferring that their is no regulation in place to deal with "deadbeat parents" who homeschool their children. I countered that with the suggestion that there are many deadbeat parents who send their children to public schools, which are highly regulated. It seems that homeschooling is done by parents who are willing to take on tremendous sacrifice because they love the children that the Lord has blessed them with.


GJ - I was homeschooled in a sense. My mother made sure I grew up with a library of books for all ages, subscribing to several different book clubs for youth. My father was very interested in politics and read in that area all the time. I attended many extra educational events, sometimes voluntarily.

My argument for homeschooling is - the teachers love their children, which is often not the case in the public system. There are head-cases in parochial schools too. Our son's teachers in two parochial schools were 50% - half of them terrific, half of them awful. I interviewed potential teachers for an area Christian school - dumber than rocks. I asked, "Who is C. S. Lewis?" Anger erupted - "Why do I need to know that?"

I am not surprised at the therapist's reaction, above. Homeschooling is a major threat to our socialist educational system, which is no better under the banner of charter schools. "Where the money is, there will the apostates be gathered." - The Gospel of Mark Jeske, 3:14.

Homeschooling means tailoring the education to the individual student and spending far more hours in education. We ran our effort seven days a week, all year, by request. Some results: fluency in Latin and Greek, a beginning in Hebrew. At least 100 significant books were read, such as the Iliad and the Odyssey. It also creates priceless moments.

I would dismantle 90% of the educational system and give the tax money back to the parents. The recipients could then spend the money exactly as they wished. No govmint charter schools. No requirement for a phony, bad education.

More Catholic Than the Pope - LCMS

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "CPH Apocrypha - Best Pub Since the Book of Concord...":

The LCMS is going to have their youth gathering at a Catholic university (SLU), and President Harrison invites the youth from this very Catholic-looking office with about 50 crucifixes behind him.

I'd say having anymore than one crucifix per square meter of wall space is getting RCC, and Harrison has about 10 per meter. That's also why McCain loves working at CPH since there's about 400 crucifixes on display (for sale) at any one time. Also, Catholic St. Louis has the cemeteries with many stone crucifixes, even in the cemeteries for all the Bronze Age Lutherans (as Paul stated in his Walther mausoleum video):

CAMPUS MINISTRY Unwrapped Gathering on Jan 2, 2013:

LCMS President invites college students to attend "Unwrapped": 

Father Neuhaus became very important to LCMS seminary faculty and students,
once he formally became the Roman Catholic he always was.

Pope Paul Without a Call Installs CPH proof-readers at the Purple Palace.
Is that installation valid?

Few realize that McCain controls the aiming device in this photo.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "More Catholic Than the Pope - LCMS":

Ichabod and bruce-church:

Thank you for posting all this. The mystery [for me] has been finally unravelled; that is, for SP Harrison.

I've finally figured it out; the reason for SP Harrison's shovel ready mustache! The clue is his obvious fetish for crucifixes. His snow plow mustache readily hides his chapped lips.

As for CPH'S McNasty, I still do not have an explanation for his Mother Mary lactation fascination fetish. Maybe one of these days a McCaininite defector will reveal that to us.


GJ - I don't think defectors are allowed to live, Nathan.

Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: More Bilge from WELS Church Growth Stars.
Sound Familiar? Cal-Arizona WELS DP Five Years Ago

Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: More Bilge from WELS Church Growth Stars:


More Bilge from WELS Church Growth Stars

The following is a verbatim quotation from Motley Magpie. Wisconsin Synod gave the Left Foot of Fellowship to the the Berg brothers, sons of Fuller veteran Norm Berg:

In businessman-like fashion, businessman Eberle predictably gets to the bottom line - the bottom line, “our outflow is greater than our inflow” (p. 8). While giving the Spirit his due he argues, “but numerous verses in Scripture can be quoted showing that the Lord expects results” (p. 10) that is, net growth. Given that he states, “I submit that any WELS congregation can grow as fast, or faster, than the fastest growing congregation in its community” (p. 9). He then adds the sweeping appraisal of an unidentified (and evidently well informed) WELS pastor,

Most [WELS pastors] are loathe (sic) to even consider that mega-churches in our area grow because they are well-led, high-performance, high-expectation, high-quality organizations. The fact that these [mega-churches] are theologically more conservative than us and more demanding of their members is conveniently ignored (p. 9)

- to which Mr. Eberle adds, “Since this is the case, it begs the question - Why aren’t there any WELS mega-churches?”

To state it syllogistically: conservative churches grow; the WELS is conservative; therefore, WELS churches should grow, and their “conservatism” should not be used as an excuse for “failure” (p. 11). Mr. Eberle is not the first to make this argument in the Wisconsin Synod. It was made in an 1985 essay with the admittedly improbable title “How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects” by the Rev. Paul Kelm and in a 1987 essay, “The Call into the Discipling (sic) Ministry” by the Rev. Joel Gerlach who cites, then WELS executive secretary of evangelism,

Kelm, who noted that it requires 103 WELS communicants to enlist one new adult confirmand per year… [for] the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod… 73 communicants for each new confirmand, [and] the figure for the Assemblies of God (currently the fastest growing Protestant denomination in the USA) is 20 for each new member2 (see the footnote examination of this “statistic”).

Rev. Gerlach concludes,

Thereby hangs the tale. Apparently WELS Lutherans (sic) are not as determined as members of other denominations to become involved personally in sharing their faith with others.

For himself Kelm dismisses the heterodoxy-is-why-the-heterodox-grow factor this way,

True, [fast-growing conservative, biblical churches] may not be fully orthodox; but I fail to see where baptism by immersion and assorted other Protestant departures are any drawing card. In fact, growing churches are typically those whose doctrines and expectations of members are strict” (p. 2).

As if reading from the same script, Mr. Eberle dismisses the “rationalization” that only the apostate grow,

Churches identified as fundamentalist or orthodox have grown, often at an amazing pace. For these churches, orthodoxy seems to be an asset that assists growth, rather than hinders it. Surely you and I don’t believe that the pure Gospel, as taught within the WELS, is an impediment to growth (p. 9)?

So - this naïve definition of “orthodox” aside - a commonality of conservatism (strictness!), a few “assorted Protestant departures” aside, shows that conservative WELS ought to grow, “citius, altius, fortius” - contingent, I suspect, on whether it ingests new church growth hormones, the methods of growing churches.


GJ - I know a WELS pastor who dared take issue with Eberle. Soon District Pope Jahnke fired him this way. "I can fire you on the spot or you can voluntarily resign and get three months pay."

Let us consider the solemn declarations of Mr. Eberle, an expert on all churches due to his experience in mass mailings. Kelm is now at the mega-church of Eberle's dreams. Is it Lutheran? No. Is it conservative? No. The congregation appears to be a clone of Robert Schuller's generic, liberal pan-Protestant congregation in California.

Studies have shown...I love to use that phrase. Studies have shown that mega-churches simply take people from other congregations, the way mega-stores take people from Mom and Pop stores. The Church Growth Movement has done nothing to increase the total number of Christians in America. The four-letter synods (ELCA, LCMS, WELS) have slavishly followed Church Growth for decades and they have failed. Once healthy denominations are strangled by high costs, membership decline, low clergy morale, and lawsuits from adulterous Church Growth pastors.

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WELS DP Jon Buchholz Justifies Himself Today in Phoenix.
Where Is the Paper?

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Reactions to DP Jon Buchholz Suspending Pastor Ryd...":

A post from Pr. Scheer from the above cited link: "In regards to the situation for Pr. Rydecki, he will not be writing more for Steadfast Lutherans. It was a mutual decision. Some of the information about his situation is still coming out. Because of these facts, his situation should best be discussed elsewhere."

I wondered how long Pr. Rydecki would last for failing to properly venerate Walther.

By the way, since Walther was assumed, was he also immaculately conceived?

Rewards the Calvinists,
punishes the Lutherans.
"Go back and read Bente's section on the Crypto-Calvinists.
I did, Buchie, and you are there.

David Becker has left a new comment on your post "WELS DP Jon Buchholz Justifies Himself Today in Ph...":

I sent the following item to Christian News today. Pastor Rydecki confirmed its accuracy via e-mail:

Paul Rydecki's Church Leaves WELS, He Remains Pastor

The October 15 Christian News reported that Rev. Paul Rydecki was suspended as a Pastor in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. He remains pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Las Cruces, New Mexico. That church now lists itself as “an independent confessional Lutheran congregation.” His church voted to disaffiliate from WELS on October 17, and that allowed Rydecki to remain as pastor there.

The following is a statement from Paul Rydecki commenting on his suspension as a pastor in the WELS.

(I then gave CN Pastor Rydecki's statement at this link:


Links about Justification by Faith 
and Justification without Faith (UOJ)

Luther's Galatians endorsed by reader

Luther's Galatians on Gnesio Lutherans

Roman Catholic adjunct Jack Kilcrease as Humpty Dumpty

Calov, quoted by Robert Preus, repudiated the UOJ position of WELS

Kilcrease, the McCain tutor, equivocates.

Buchholz is anti-Luther

Pastor Bickel on Tossing Rydecki Under the Bus

Church and Changer Jeff Gunn and His Mequon Class of Shrinkers

Paul McCain and Jon Buchholz - Bedfellows of Apostasy

Abraham Is the Common Theme in Justification - Justification by Faith

Pastor Rydecki's Account of His Suspension - October 9th

Intrepid Account October 6th- Pastor Rydecki Suspended

LutherQuest (sic) Opposes Justification by Faith

Warming Up the Tar and Feathers on LutherQuest (sic)

Pastor Bickel Answers Jon Buchholz

Kokomo Statements - WELS UOJ - JP Meyer

Jack Kilcrease Showing Signs of Stress

Dr. Lito Cruz and Brett Meyer Dispatch the UOJ Stormtroopers on Extra Nos

Hunnius repudiated an early form of UOJ,
backed by P. Leyser, an editor of the Book of Concord,
a biographer of Chemnitz, and an early expert on justification.

CPH Apocrypha - Best Pub Since the Book of Concord with More Recall Notices Than a Ford Pinto?

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Paul McCain Promotes Apocrypha and Roman Catholic ...":

Since "No Call Paul" can't discern the Canonical Scriptures, and since his BOC was rejected (even by the mostly-UOJ profs), the CPH Apocrypha should be a hoot. Drink some more breast milk and kiss the Pope's ring, Paul.

While Luther cited the Apocrypha as good reading, he certainly did not consider it Canonical. Perhaps the LCMS/(W)ELS should properly discern the Canonical Scriptures, the BOC, and address their errors in doctrine and practice before taking on the Apocrypha.

I recall a parish in my district that frequently hosted vicars. Most of them went to Eastern Orthodoxy. The pastor was teased about what he did to cause the defections by other pastors, but I largely blame the Rome/EO education from The Fort.


GJ - One graduate of The Surrendered Fort said Eastern Orthodoxy was "just a matter of polity."

McCain posted an altered version of The Miraculous Lactation of Mary on his blog,
so Team Ichabod restored it and added Father McCain and the motto.

The scandal of crypto-Calvinism was having Calvin's books promoted in Wittenberg and Luther's shoved to the back. The Elector promoted Calvinists and punished Lutherans - just like SP Mark Schroeder and the Twelve Apostles (DPs) who hear revelations from the Holy Spirit echoing in their empty heads.

Northwestern Publishing House has admitted in print that crypto-Calvinism is no longer crypto.

The same can be said about those sinuflecting to Rome and Constantinople.

Johann Gerhard on Romans 5:18

Johann Gerhard on Romans 5:18

Yesterday I posted a translation of Johann Gerhard on Romans 3 and on Romans 4.  Here's a translation of his interpretation of Romans 5:18.

(Translation copyright 2012 by Paul A. Rydecki.  All emphasis is in the original.)

Adnotationes ad priora capita Epistolae D. Pauli ad Romanos (1645)
Romans 5:18 (page 177)
Ἄρα οὖν ὡς διʼ ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα, οὕτω καὶ διʼ ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς·

This verse is a summary of everything that came before.  That I may briefly summarize, he says, what I have said thus far concerning the comparison between Adam and Christ, the matter boils down to this: Just as the guilt that was contracted from one transgression of Adam sentences all men to death, so the righteousness of Christ that is imputed to believers by faith justifies them, so that they are restored again to participate in the eternal life that had been lost in Adam and through Adam.

ὡς διʼ ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα. Just as through one offense (scil. guilt came) upon all men for condemnation. The Syrian version translated it: Just as through sin condemnation was to all the children of men.  The Apostle contrasts the transgression (τ παράπτωμα) of Adam and the righteousness (τδικαίωμα) of Christ.  Likewise, [he contrasts] the condemnation (κατάκριμα) that spread to all from Adam’s transgression and the justification of life (δικαίωσιν ζωῆςthat deduces its origin from the righteousness of Christ (ex Christi δικαιώματι)  and flows down to all.

οὕτω καὶ διʼ ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς. So through one Man’s righteousness (scil. the benefit overflowed) to all men for justification of life, that is, salvific justification.  For it is called “justification of life” because the end and consequence of it is life and eternal salvation.

[You ask,] But how did the righteousness of Christ overflow to all men for justification, since not all men are justified?  We reply: The Apostle is not speaking about the application of the benefit, but of the acquisition of the benefit.  If we wish to descend to the application, that universality must be restricted to those who are grafted into Christ by faith. For as the unrighteousness of Adam is communicated to all those who are descended from him by carnal generation, so the righteousness of Christ is communicated to all those who are grafted into Him through faith and spiritual regeneration.


Mr. Douglas Lindee said...
Thank you, Rev. Rydecki, for translating these. I hope you have more in the hopper! It is a pleasure to read from the towering figures of the past, who have very evidently mastered the art of language and the history of the Church, and can thus express the meaning of Scripture so succinctly. I think of the thousands of gallons of ink that have been recently spilled trying to explain this verse in terms of justification's universal application, and shake my head. In fact, so much must be written because of the long route necessary to explain it in a way that it clearly doesn't speak. All of that ink. Wasted. Instead, Gerhard writes very simply, dismissing the connection of this verse to itapplication and explains regarding it:

"The Apostle is not speaking about the application of the benefit, but of the acquisition of the benefit. If we wish to descend to the application, that universality must be restricted to those who are grafted into Christ by faith. For as the unrighteousness of Adam is communicated to all those who are descended from him by carnal generation, so the righteousness of Christ is communicated to all those who are grafted into Him through faith and spiritual regeneration."

Frankly, this is what I have always thought regarding the meaning of this verse -- it's only talking about theacquisition of justification (though I admit to having studied it only in the NASB and KJV, along with the help of various concordances and lexicons). Sure, it's going to say all men with regard to the acquisition of justification -- are some men going to acquire it in some other fashion?

But it's application is much different: All men are sinful insofar as they are connected to Adam ("the First Adam") in their nature; likewise, all men are righteous before God only insofar as they are connected to Christ ("the Second Adam") in their nature. I am only connected to Christ in this way through Faith and Regeneration. I think I tried to express this in my now infamous post, Fraternal Dialogue on the Topic of "Objective Justification", but did a comparatively poor job of it, next to Gerhard. In fact, there is no comparison. This was very helpful. Thanks again!

My Opinion,

Mr. Douglas Lindee

Paul McCain Promotes Apocrypha and Roman Catholic Website for Reformation.
Rejoices Over Justification by Faith Expulsion

I knew two Opus Dei managers and visited their mansion in St. Louis.
My supervisor went to Rome when the founder was recognized by the pope.
They are extremely weird and very much prized by the Church of Rome.

I could tell that Paul McCain's post on Ignatius Antiochus was copied, but from where? He actually admitted it on the full post:

The following material is from the Catholic Encyclopedia, available online at New

McCain has been blogging for some time, but he manages not to embed links when they are so easy to do. The earlier link to LCMS material does not work - maybe not his fault. Servers have tantrums. McCain followed his typical pattern of cobbing the introduction from the LCMS server and the bulk from the Roman Catholic Church.

McCain has missed, once again, a chance to show the wording of the link and embed it at the same time. I wonder why he no longer promotes his "posts" on LutherQuest (sic). They still love, love, love his UOJ.

I will embed that as a demonstration.

The following material is from the Catholic Encyclopedia, available online at New

That was easy, Paul. 

The reader can browse the original location and see what McCain is promoting--during this time when we recognize the Reformation and reiterate that the papacy is the very Antichrist.

Once again, readers can see the characteristics of Concordia Publishing House executives:
  1. McCain did not reveal his source clearly until now, after being forced by repeated postings here.
  2. Even then, McCain did not embed the link, which most bloggers do.
  3. The Missouri Synod is dedicated to promoting the Apocrypha and the papacy during Reformation celebrations.
Lecturer at a Roman Catholic school,
Jack Kilcrease defend Paul McCain's academic dishonesty and laziness.