Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Book by Northwestern Publishing House,
Already Endorsed by Glende's Illiterate Pal

Dr. Gregory L. Jackson Finally Shows His Hand

Dr. Gregory Jackson on his blog, Ichabod the Glory Has Departed, has finally revealed what he's all about. On his site he is resurrecting the old inuitu (sic) fidei heresy by promoting the names and works of men such as F.W. Stellhorn and F. A. Schmidt. If our readers are unfamiliar with this controversy that plagued American confessional Lutheranism in the late 1800's, we invite you to read this very thorough and informative paper in the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Essay File--


This comment is even funnier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
I noticed this- I have always wondered about this. Of course the inuitu (sic) fidei heresy has always been the logical implication of his rejection of UOJ. But he never really came out and said it.

Another interesting point: he brings up Gerhard. Of course Gerhard and most of the Lutheran orthodox weren't so orthodox on the question of election. After Leonard Hutter's work, pretty much everyone abandoned the predestination of Luther and the FC in favor of a (sic) inuitu (sic) fidei.

Jackson generally doesn't know what he's talking about, not only because of his ignorance of anything but Schmid and Lenski, but because he lacks theological nuance and jumps to conclusions a lot- like with his idiotic claim that Robert Preus rejected UOJ before his death or that Bonhoeffer was a Nazi. So, I'm not really certain if he knows that he's actually rejecting the orthodox doctrine of predestination. I suspect he might be unaware that there are difference (sic) between Lutheran theologians in the 16th and 17th century on this question, and has just sort of smattered (???) together a bunch of stuff in his brain about what's the real doctrine is (sic!) without much systematic study. After all, most of his argument involve (sic) the accumulation of lists of citations thrown together as if they (sic) don't actually need any interpretation or context.

Ah, the blind leading the blind!!

Keep up the good work. I'll be interested to see if Jackson makes another ex cathedra pronouncement about this post.


Anonymous said...
I guess he did respond. See the post this morning. It's insulting (of my misspelling in a hastily written post). But that's good. When Jackson starts insulting, then you know he has no response and you've won. If you think about it, that's his career. Without much theological research or knowledge, he decided he was smarter than every theologian in the LCA, LCMS, WELS, and whatever. When he was condemned, he just started insulting them and their theological positions with his website. He has no real arguments other than his made up theological critiques, bogus histories, and childish insults. When he can't answer, he just insults. I seen (sic) this in action many times.


GJ - Neither one of you can write a short post in lucid English. I seen that many times. Where did you two go to school? Let me guess - the Wisconsin Synod's superior educational system.