Friday, December 2, 2011

ICE busts men from Ontario, Upland, Colton and six others in child porn ring - San Bernardino County Sun

ICE busts men from Ontario, Upland, Colton and six others in child porn ring - San Bernardino County Sun:

"The images and videos contained children, between the approximate ages of 18 months to 17-years-old, posing nude or engaged in explicit sexual acts with other children, with adults or with children and adults," according to a criminal complaint filed against Peterson.

The case stemmed from an undercover investigation by Delaware-based Homeland Security agents, who were focusing on a peer-to-peer file sharing network.

A computer user named "mikeytoo" provided 57 pictures and five videos depicting child porn to an undercover agent, according to Peterson's complaint.

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Luther Rocks

Luther Rocks: "There has been much talk about this NIV 2011. The folks over at Intrepid Lutherans have much good to say against it. There are links to their blog in previous posts here on LR and they are also listed in my profile as blogs I follow."

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Luther Rocks: A Little Night Music

Luther Rocks: A Little Night Music: "All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night by TrumpetJoe

A Little Night Music

All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night by TrumpetJoe

Alternate tune to hymn 558, TLH, 'Evening Hymn' - Charles F. Gounod, Descant verse 6 - Joe Krohn."

Note to ELCA Pastor Bruce Foster  and Mequon grads - click on the name of the hymn for some beautiful music.

All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night by TrumpetJoe

"All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night"
by Thomas Ken, 1637-1711
1. All praise to Thee, my God, this night
For all the blessings of the light.
Keep me, oh, keep me, King of kings,
Beneath Thy own almighty wings.

2. Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son,
The ill that I this day have done
That with the world, myself and Thee,
I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.

3. Teach me to live that I may dread
The grave as little as my bed.
Teach me to die that so I may
Rise glorious at the awe-ful Day.

4. Oh, may my soul on Thee repose,
And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close,
Sleep that shall me more vigorous make
To serve my God when I awake.

5. When in the night I sleepless lie,
My soul with heavenly thoughts supply;
Let no ill dreams disturb my rest,
No powers of darkness me molest.

6. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Hymn #558 from The Handbook to the Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ps. 91:4
Author: Thomas Ken, 1695, cento
Second Tune, Composer: Charles F. Gounod, 1893, arr.
Second Tune: "Evening Hymn"

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WELS Church Lady Speaks - Joel Hochmuth Arrest

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post ""This Isn't the Pat I Know" - Similar Story, Simil...":

"Form letter and return envelope!"

Any of the sort being mailed to my home will be returned with a note added. I will insert my OWN letter, which will read, "You may place your form and envelope where the-sun-don't-shine!" Our any of our WELS leaders involved in the ring of 400? These people need to go to jail. Also, an audit needs to be conducted concerning any access to synod funds(other than salary) that Hochmuth and those closest to him had authority.

Bullying is NOT tolerated at my children's parochial (WELS) school. Teasing can get you a long talk by the teacher. My kids refuse to attend any other school. My firstgrader says that Word of God is his favorite subject. The school has reached out to community childeren without any gimmicks.(unless one considers a large visible sign and canvassing gimmicks)

Most Welsians south of Chicago have NO knowlede of the Joel Hochmuth arrest.

In Christ,

SNAP Response to Hochmuth Arrest

Untitled Document:

November 17, 2011

Wisconsin Lutheran church official arrested for child pornography

Joel Hochmuth is Director of Communications for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)

Statement by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin Director

CONTACT: 414.336.8575

TMJ4 reports that Waukesha police arrested Joel Hochmuth, Director of Communications for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, for reports of child pornography. The FBI cyber crime task force determined that child pornography was being downloaded by someone inside of Hochmuth’s residence.

Hochmuth is expected to appear in court today as Waukesha detectives continue to search the hard drives of his computers for additional evidence of child pornography.  We applaud the efforts of the FBI and the Waukesha Police Department in their efforts to keep our children safe.

The President of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Mark Schroeder, told TMJ4 that “this is not in keeping with the Joel Hochmuth he knows.  And he is praying it is all some kind of misunderstanding”.

Although this sentiment may be understandable because the Synod President appears to be a friend and colleague of Hochmuth, it is important to keep in mind, as we are again learning from the recent developments at Penn State University, that those who prey on children are often respected members of the community.  Friends, neighbors, and colleagues often find it impossible to believe that someone they know and respect could be capable of causing harm to a child.  It is important to remember that most child predators are not lurking in the bushes; they are people who have often gained the trust and admiration of parents and their children.

If the charges against Hochmuth turn out to be credible it is important to know what steps the Synod President, Mark Schroeder, is going to implement to protect children.  Schroeder should immediately notify the congregations of the Synod of the charges that have been made against Hochmuth.  He should explain to his members and to the community how reports of sexual misconduct are handled by the Synod.  In addition Schroeder should reach out to his members and encourage them to report any suspicions they have of possible misconduct by Hochmuth to law enforcement officials.

SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the world's oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We've been around for 23 years and have more than 10,000 members. Despite the word "priest" in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is

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A Parable - But True - About WELS Scandals

Joel Hochmuth just needs a little counseling...
which did not work before.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post ""This Isn't the Pat I Know" - Similar Story, Simil...":

Part of Bucher's defense for Hochmuth will be posturing. Notice that Bucher frames this as an addiction problem and not an alleged crime. When this case gets further into the legal system, Bucher will point to Hochmuth's progress in the counseling program. It is all part of the plea bargaining process. This case most likely will not go to trial. Considering how WELS leadership is always trying to fleece the members, I am waiting for them to announce that they have established a Joel Hochmuth legal defense fund. All WELS members are on the synod's mailing list. I will be waiting for the form letter and return envelope from the Love Shack.


GJ - Mr. Schultz is correct. Large large firms in Milwaukee specialize in sex offenders. A first offender would get leniency with a plea on a lesser charge, in spite of the evidence (hundreds of files) and admission of guilt. Plenty of WELS church officials - the same ones who are silent about excommunications - will line up to support him.

Notice how quick Joel's previous employer was to deny that anything happened at Kennshaw State, yet he left a full-time teaching position in the area where he had lived in order to work for WELS.  He left  the teaching position during the Christmas break, an odd time to leave the school.

The True Parable
A  pastor in the Michigan District, WELS, discovered that one of the vice-presidents of the district was having an affair. DP Robert Mueller lied to the congregation and the man's wife, telling one and all that the poor man suffered from depression and needed another job.

At some point Mueller was forced to admit his deception. He went to each conference and  exhibited his worldly contrition - sorry that he got caught. This was his tale, "He confessed his sin of adultery to me. I told him he was forgiven and agreed to lie about it to his wife and congregation." His got his adulterous pal a cushy job at a WELS senior home.

If the adulterous pastor had been repentant he would not have asked his <s>criminal defense lawyer</s> DP and singing buddy to lie for him.

Here is another part of the true parable. DP Mueller's hatchet man, VP Kuske, went after the pastor who discovered the affair. Evidently Mueller was not at all contrite about lying. He was only sorry he got caught lying.

Kuske's victim said to me, "I am glad my father is dead, so he can't see what the WELS has become." That was about 25 years ago.

Naturally, Mueller and Kuske kept lying about Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, and they had plenty of help from the Little Sect on the Prairie. There is a reason the WELS/ELS leaders favor adulterous and abusive pastors.

Wisconsin Synod's Bullying Culture:
Secrecy and Threats.
Mutual Blackmail

For sale, cheap.
Slightly used computer network included.

The Wisconsin Synod's culture of bullying is so inbred that nothing is going to stop it. The parochial schools and synodical schools promote the bullying, under the watchful eyes of those spiritually formed by the same bullying.

If a child complains about the bullying, that student is bullied twice as much - until the leaks stop or the individual leaves.

The bullying does not involve harmless pranks, but mean, nasty, violent, and sexual assaults. Upper classmen bully the new students, who bully the newcomers a few years later.

The bullying is taken for granted - as a right. The paid residence assistant enters the room and steals money, because his job gives him keys to every room.

Many times the WELS stooges have cried out that seminary hazing (GA) is no longer hosted at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. And yet, six newbies were chosen this year for GA. The administration knows and approves. Professor Tipple was the GA pope. He loves GA and never wants it to go away. DP Buchholz' assistant was the GA pope - it is considered an honor.

How many seminaries have a sacrament of hazing to start the studies? Only one that I know. One poor brain-washed WELSian said, "Every seminary has hazing rituals." I told him, "I went to seminary and attended other Lutheran schools. Mequon is the only place where the entire class stripped naked outdoors."

Almost no one tells, so the leaker can be found quickly, punished, or excluded. That is the only sin in WELS - telling the truth about WELS. Child molestation is overlooked and ignored. Adultery is rewarded. Murder is denied.

When someone gave me a deceptive letter from Wayne Mueller, justifying work with the Baptists, I refuted Mueller's quotation from Luther, which had conveniently removed key sentences. The First VP of WELS met with a group of WELS pastors and said, "If I ever get my hands on the guy who gave that to Greg Jackson..." A threat? From a bully? The bullies and victims were familiar with that approach. The crime was not Wayne's doctrinal deception, not even his threat. Threatening violence is a crime - except in WELS. The crime was leaking the information to me.

Children and teens will never be protected in a culture like WELS. There are too many secrets, too many mutual blackmail threats, too many relatives and friends who belong in pokey.

"This Isn't the Pat I Know" -
Similar Story, Similar Self-Justification

Mequon is a good place to meet future clients,
to learn everyone is forgiven and saved, before birth.

"This isn't the Pat I know," said Peg Ackerman, a lobbyist for the County Sheriffs of Colorado who often worked with him on legislation. She said he was concerned about drug use in schools and was a chief of security at a school district.


CENTENNIAL, Colo.— A former Colorado lawman with a record so distinguished he was once honored as the nation's sheriff of the year now finds himself in a jail that was named for him, accused of offering methamphetamine in exchange for sex from a male acquaintance.


GJ - SP Mark Schroeder said, "This is not the Joel Hochmuth I know." But the cover-up is one we all know. Joel was not a WELS teacher or pastor, but that is an irrelevant factoid tossed out by Schroeder. Plenty of WELS pastors, teachers, and a DP have molested children and teens. Hochmuth  represented WELS internationally and even traveled to make WELS videos in exotic locations like Russia.

Joel is "repentant" but his criminal defense lawyer, one of the priciest best in the state, is already lying about the case.

Former Waukesha County District Attorney Paul Bucher is Hochmuth's defense attorney:
"He's indicated in the complaint that he's had some adult pornography issues, and we want to deal with those issues for an addiction issue, and I want to get him into counseling," Bucher said.

Read more:

SNAP Response - same link - for ELCA Pastor Bruce Foster -

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests released a statement on this case.
"If the charges against Hochmuth turn out to be credible, it is important to know what steps the Synod president is going to implement to protect children. (The synod president) should immediately notify the congregations of the Synod of the charges that have been made against Hochmuth," SNAP said.


Smokescreen - another source:

Bucher said he was attempting to get Hochmuth into counseling because Hochmuth indicated in the complaint that he had some adult pornography addiction issues.
Bucher said Hochmuth was not a threat to the community.
"It's just a pornography issue we need to deal with. He's not a threat to children. He's not a threat to any individual. But we need to deal with these serious allegations," Bucher said.


Memo to Bucher:

The criminal complaint states that during his arrest, Hochmuth stated he has been struggling with an addiction to viewing pornographic photos and videos of young boys in sexually explicit poses, but denies ever creating his own pornography. The complaint also says Hochmuth's wife caught him looking at the images once, and says they went to counseling as a result.

Officials removed a desktop computer and a laptop computer from Hockmuth's home, and the criminal complaint states Hochmuth said what would be found on his home computer was nothing compared to what they would find in his office. A search warrant was executed at Hochmuth's office [WELS Headquarters, 2929 Mayfair Road] , and FBI agents found a thumb drive, containing 310 child porn images, and 38 videos. Agents say there were several hundred images found on Hochmuth's home computer.


Here is another case of pretending not to notice in WELS.



Aug. 21, 2009

Contact: Joel Hochmuth
Director of Communications
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

WELS president expresses regret at ELCA decision on gay clergy
Milwaukee, Wis.—Rev. Mark Schroeder, president of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), is expressing regret at the vote of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) convention regarding homosexual clergy. Friday, delegates approved a resolution committing the church to find a way for “people in such publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships”  to serve as professional leaders of the church.