Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fake Blogger In Panic Mode

Fox Valley Jimmy said...
Jackson responded to the last post with more hearsay. Oh there's no official report about it, but peopls say stuff to him. When I am able to compare facts that he offers to reality, it's generally a half truth or a garbled remembering on his part of a past event. Case-in-point: Jackson made reference to a former blog (possibly associated with this one, I don't know) which parodied him. I personally thought it was pretty funny. In any case, it had a picture on it of a cat with its head in the toilet with the names of the Jackson cultists photo-shoped on to it's (sic> body. Jackson remembers this as a cartoon of his cultists "eating cat feces." This is utterly false - but one can see how his memory got garbled on this point. Whenever I read gossip on the Ichabod, I usually think its a grabled version of some event to fit Jackson's narrative of the fall of American Lutheranism.

BTW, I am not ignorant of the reference of Ichabod to 1 Samuel. The fact that he now claims that it is a reference to the departure of the means of grace is rather odd since 1.) After having looked through quite a lot of Lutheran theologians I have found no identification of the means of grace and the divine kabod or glory. 2.) It makes no sense. American Lutheranism has not lost the means of grace. As bad as American Lutheranism can be at times, the means of grace are still present creating faith. Luther claimed this was also true of the Roman Catholic church, despite its massive level of corruption.

Jackson's hatred of American Lutheranism has primarily to do with A. His need to feel smarter than everyone else. B. His sense of personal rejection by the established Lutheran Churches. They in effect to failed recognize his theological clap-trap as brilliant in the way he believed it was. His response to invent a make-believe conspiracy narrative where the Churches were all poisoned by UOJ- why else would they reject him? That leaves him and his small band of followers as the only enlightened people who can see the truth of the gospel- thereby validating his brilliance and orthodoxy against everyone else. It's an oddly transparent self-defense mechnanism.

Jackson will doubtless response to this with a series of childish insults and non-sequiturs. It's interesting to me that he thinks that self-justifying, hyper self-defensive, psychotic rage-filled rants are somehow convincing.


GJ - I kept the graphics, which are not what Tim's friend (or Tim) claims. They show a scatological obsession, a real mental disorder. The speed of their disappearance says a lot.

The vague and anonymous disclaimers above mean nothing. The murder of Mrs. Tabor is part of the legal record. What the chief of police said was broadcast on TV. VP Huebner's father testified on behalf of the murdering Al Just at the trial where Just was justly convicted. That also is a matter of record.

WELS lying is axiomatic, not only from their training in GA and covering up for criminal friends, but more importantly from their opinion that they were born forgiven and saved. The current fake blog claims I endorse UOJ but criticizes me for publishes against their precious doctrine. So many contradictions are the sign of a booze-befuddled mind, a rock-hard liver, and soulless deceiver.

When is Tim's blog going to have anything edifying in it? Many are worried about his emotional state. Plagiarizing and lying about it takes it toll, even if the spineless DP approves.

Quote - After having looked through quite a lot of Lutheran theologians I have found no identification of the means of grace and the divine kabod or glory.

"The doctrine of the means of grace is a peculiar glory of Lutheran theology. To this central teaching it owes its sanity and strong appeal, its freedom from sectarian tendencies and morbid fanaticism, its coherence and practicalness, and its adaptation to men of every race and every degree of culture. The Lutheran Confessions bring out with great clearness the thought of the Reformers upon this subject."
"Grace, Means of," The Concordia Cyclopedia, L. Fuerbringer, Th. Engelder, P. E. Kretzmann, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1927, p. 299.

I have quoted this many times, with the observation that the Olde Synodical Conference has forgotten the Means of Grace in their Enthusiasm for such clowns as Groeschel, Driscoll, Stetzer, Sweet, and C. Peter Wagner.