Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Universal Objective Justification - Arguments and History Summarized

Art by Norma Boeckler.

Visitors come to this blog and wonder what Universal Objective Justification is, so I will summarize the discussion briefly. 

Justification means being declared forgiven of all sins by God. The Holy Spirit works through the Gospel to create faith, and that faith receives all the blessings of the Gospel. This Gospel is the invisible Word of teaching and preaching, the visible Word of the Sacraments. That is why the Word and Sacraments are called Means of Grace, since they are God's instruments of grace to bring forgiveness to people.

The Bible, Luther, the Book of Concord, and Lutheran theologians all teach justification by faith. The Lutheran theologians include Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Chytraeus, Andreae, Gerhard, Calov, Quenstedt, and many others.

Pastor Paul Rydecki translated Hunnius, who eviscerated Samuel Huber.

Samuel Huber, UOJ Stylist
UOJ first appeared shortly after the Book of Concord was published in 1580. Samuel Huber, a partial convert from Calvinism, got a teaching gig at Wittenberg and began railing against justification by faith. Alas, he was like a gunman robbing a gun store. The Lutheran orthodox opened up on him. Polycarp Leyser, the biographer of Chemnitz, an expert on justification, and Hunnius, another genius, shredded the weak arguments of Huber and removed him from his post.

Huber taught that everyone was already righteous, by virtue of Christ's resurrection.

Pietism and Halle University, the Mother Ship of Blended Doctrine
Pietism won the battle against Lutheran orthodoxy, and Halle University served as the main (but not the only) source of Pietistic ministers and missionaries.

UOJ emerged again with the peculiar argument of the Halle Pietist Rambach and others that the entire world was absolved of sin the moment Christ rose from the dead. Although Romans 4:25 is commonly used today for this bizarre notion, Rambach argued his case from 1 Timothy 3:16.

Rambach's world absolution is still argued by Jay Webber (ELS) and Jon-Boy Buchholz, the tantrum prone WELS District President.

Stephan-Walther UOJ Sex Cult Expelled from Europe
Bishop Martin Stephan, who infected his wife and children with syphilis, gathered the Walther circle of Pietists around him, demanding total obedience in all his edicts. Pietism was the alternative to state-sponsored rationalism, so the Walther group gravitated from one abusive Pietistic leader (Johann Gottlieb Kuehn) to another (Stephan) when Kuehn died. 

When Stephan's troubles from adultery and misuse of money grew, he planned a mass exodus to America, the first such emigration from Europe. He was under house arrest until his departure, when he took his main mistress along (Louise Guenther) and left his wife and children in Dresden to manage without him. Stephan only took his healthy son along, even though the society made arrangements for the entire Stephan family to move.

Walther and his brother kidnapped their niece and nephew from their father's parsonage, so Walther escaped arrest warrants (unlike his future mother-in-law) and left Europe in a hurry.

Walther learned his UOJ from Stephan, and Stephan studied at Halle University. 

Walther's UOJ
Walther's UOJ never varied from what he gained from Stephan, a fact that should make his diminishing fan club shudder.

Walther taught that God declared the entire world absolved of sin. People just needed to be told they were already forgiven and then believe in this world absolution. He later approved the double-justification language from the English translation of Knapp, the Halle Pietist.

Walther was unable to gain total dominance of the Halle position in the Synodical Conference.

Gausewitz was president of the Synodical Conference, and his catechism did not teach UOJ. 

Hoenecke graduated from Halle, but he definitely gave UOJ a light touch in his Dogmatics.

Concordia Publishing House still publishes a KJV catechism (2 million in print!) that omits UOJ entirely.

UOJ, Church Growth, and Gay Activism
The UOJ advocates (WELS COP, Valleskey, Bivens, Wayne Mueller, VP Huebner, SP Mark Schroeder) are also the Church Growth salesmen in their synods (denying it, of course).

Gay activism thrives in the Fuller Seminary alumni, whether they are nominal Lutherans like Mark Schroeder, or emergent church gurus like Andy Stanley  or Brian Mclaren.

UOJ Arguments Eviscerated - Reprise from 2010

Following are arguments in defense of UOJ, from a pastor. I have often read and heard flip remarks like this, so consider them generic in the Syn Conference. I despair of the clergy ever coming to grips with their favorite false doctrine.

1. "Both sides are talking past each other."

Answer - That is a classic unionistic statement, where the speaker tries to merge two entirely different concepts. The UOJ Stormtroopers are always on the attack. The difference today is that many laity are armed with a complete list of absurd UOJ statements and the Confessional, Biblical passages that refute them.

2. "Bashing dead WELS guys, especially greatly beloved ones like Meyer and Becker, will not get you any sympathy or even so much as a hearing among 95% of WELS people. So, if you want to actually make any points or any progress, stick to the living."

Answer - Lutherans once emphasized Galatians 1:8. KJV Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Now dead WELS professors are elevated higher than the Apostle Paul, above the Word of God and Confessions. Moreover, no one will listen if someone suggests these saints were ever wrong about anything.

Luther prayed to Mary in his commentary on the Magnificat. Does that mean we should pray to Mary as well, since he is beloved as the greatest theologians of the Christian Church? If a Lutheran argues against Marian devotion, should I be offended because Luther once engaged in it himself? At least the Roman Catholics content themselves with the infallibility of the pope. Lutherans now embrace the infallibility of all dead professors. Forget Biblical exegesis and studying the Confessions.

By all means, do not say anything that will offend anyone at any time. That is a recipe for the current state of the Syn Conference. The ELS is divided among Emergent Church, Emulsifiers, and Lutherans. Ditto WELS and Missouri.

False doctrine is not advanced so much by the false teachers themselves, as hard as they try, the poor little devils, but by the emulsifying pastors who argue that oil and water do mix quite well together and should never be separated.

3. "If you have a gripe with anyone in WELS, have it out with them directly, until its either settled or you agree that you'll never agree - at which time you might as well leave it alone, because picking at it won't do any good."

Answer - I am so glad Luther did not follow this sage advice, which contradicts the Book of Concord, Large Catechism, Eighth Commandment. Published false doctrine can be refuted in public without violating the Eighth Commandment. Matthew 18 applies to private sins.

Therefore, if a WELS pastor has published false doctrine, he can be refuted in public. Also, if he is convicted as a sex criminal or murderer, his case can be discussed as a warning against others. There is not statute of limitations on false doctrine. If that were so, the Protestants would have let the Antichrist off the hook for his false doctrine. I forgot - they have. WELS and the ELS have invited papists to teach them the Word. At least that battle is over. Now the Syn Conference can move against the real enemy - those who teach justification by faith alone.

This blog has shown that many arguments need to made repeatedly. The reason is that people discover it, get offended, come back, read some more. The first page is most commonly read. Many posts are good for readership, but they overshadow each other. The only solution is to publish a gem, the way Fake-O-Bod does, once a month. Of course, he has more outstanding warrants than readers.

Doctrine is our only light. If false doctrine cannot be addressed, the Word of God is obsolete and useless. The invisible Church has never been an organization devoted to public relations efforts. I take as my example John Bunyan, who was released from prison, as long as he promised not to preach again. He said, "You might as well put me back in, because I will preach immediately."

The statements I highlighted in blue are reasons why WELS, Missouri, and the ELS will never face their doctrinal problems. They choose leaders who are safe, passive, and non-threatening.

1 comment:

bored said...
The typical defense of UOJ that I hear is pure fallacy. Trouble is, I can't figger which one.

Most times, with WELS folks I don't bring up your name, but just address UOJ. The immediate comment is 'well, Greg Jackson is a so-and-so, I don't why you're listening to him." With LCMS people it's the same, except with WAM II, "oh he's promoting limited atonement..."

So is that poisoning the well (genetic fallacy) since it's sort of a preemptive ad hominem? Or is it more of a red herring, since Maier and Jackson weren't part of the conversation until the UOJ advocate mentioned them to invalidate my question?

Not that the classification of a lie makes it any more false...


GJ - The logical fallacies overlap, so poisoning the well  
is often done with the personal attack (ad hominem).

Since the issue existed long before I was conceived, attacking me is irrelevant. But that is the point - to move the argument away from the real issues to discuss something else.

The Christian Message: Cheap Grace is a Worthless Substitute for a Faith That Saves

The Christian Message: Cheap Grace is a Worthless Substitute for a Faith That Saves:

Cheap Grace is a Worthless Substitute for a Faith That Saves

The Scripture says:  "For by grace ye are saved
through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is
a gift of God; not of works; lest any man should
boast."  Ephesians 2:8-9
Definition of "Grace:" The Triune God's undeserved [unmerited] mercy and kindness, as in:John 3:16 ; Ephesians 2:1-9 ; Titus 2:11-14 ;Titus 3:5

The famous Protestant Reformer, Martin Luther, coined the phrase: “For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is life and salvation.” I’ve always understood this to mean that without the forgiveness of a sinner’s sins against God, the Ten Commandments and against one’s fellowman, there could be no genuine joy in this life, or even a heaven to come.

Since human beings are imperfect from birth until death and sinful to the core, there is no entrance for them into heaven’s hereafter. Why? Because God cannot and will not allow sinful souls to contaminate His holy heaven. Unless that contamination of sin is cleansed, no one can enjoy eternal pleasures forevermore.

The Triune God had created his creation perfect. But, as the divine revelation discloses [Genesis 3:1f] that human creation disobeyed God and has since been left with the devastating and eternal results of that disobedience to holy Almighty God. Since that time every human being born, carries with him the sin nature [Psalm 51:5] and that sin nature is past on to generation after generation. Romans 5:12

However, God in his love has provided a way to rescue the sinnerfrom the banishment of an eternal life in holy heaven and the punishing torments of an eternal death in hell. That most notable Bible verse proclaims in a nutshell both God’s love to sinners and His demonstrated eternal love to them, by God sacrificing Himself for His creation:

“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him shall have eternal life." John 3:16

The world is full of the fanaticism of those who
 distrust the divine authorship of Holy Scripture.
Their rank unbelief in God and the Savior Christ
 influence them to distrust their Creator as Eve
did, when tempted with the devilish deception,
 "....yea hath God said....?" [Genesis 3:1f] Please
note this website's topical message on guidelines
on interpreting the Bible.
Now that’s just one verse [John 3:16] of the divine revelation. In order to understand the mind of God one must avail himself of all of Scripture;reading and understanding it in its context, comparing Scripture with Scripture.

The Bible consists of both Old and New Testaments. Its totality is God’s Word of both Law and Gospel (the “wide” sense). In its “narrow sense” we refer to God’s Word as “The Gospel.” ThatJohn 3:16 verse which I just mentioned, is Gospel – God’s Word in the “narrow sense.” But with the several verses following John 3:16, we are introduced to a combination statement of God’s good news (Gospel) with a pronouncement of God’s Law. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to read Scripture in the context of itself – to achieve the full intent and meaning of the divine revelation:

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God." - KJV - John 3:17-21 – NKJV

The Triune God has paved the forgiveness and heavenly way (for Christ's sake) for sinful souls, by Christ's sacrifice for human sin. But, just because there is (for instance) the clear presence of a cookie jar; that, by no means portends the contents of that jar, to be cookies. 

God, through Christ accomplished his sin cleansing work; but sinful souls must apprehend that forgiveness of sins (for Christ's sake) in the person and work of Christ, by faith. That faith can only come by God's precious and eternal means - His divine written revelation. [Romans 1:16 ; Romans 10:17 ; 2 Timothy 3:14-17.Note also:

Article IV on "Justification" of the "Apology of the Augsburg Confession" states:

".....forgiveness of sins is the same as justification according to Psalm 32:1, 'Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven.'  We obtain the forgiveness of sins only by faith in Christ, not through love, or because of love or works, though love does follow faith. Therefore we are justified by faith alone, justification being understood as making an unrighteous man righteous or effecting his regeneration......" - Tappert; CPH; 1989 - [AAC Article IV. Justification; 76-78]

German Christian Pastor, Detrich
Bonhoeffer, was executed by WWII
Hitler's military for opposing the
Nazi regime which perpetrated
 one of history's worst massacre
scourges and crimes against
What is “Cheap Grace?”

The description, “Cheap Grace” has often been attributed to the controversial, Christian, pastor and theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German born WWII casualty. He is best known for his book, " The Cost of Discipleship" (1937) and his resistance to Nazi Germany. Hence, he was executed by Hitler shortly before the war ended.

I suppose that Bonhoeffer’s phrase “Cheap grace” could be summed up by something that he said when describing Christian discipleship. He stated [paraphrase]: “He who believes, obeys; and he who obeys, believes.” In Bonhoeffer’s view, a Christian couldn't be a genuine Christian by [only] intellectually subscribing to the teachings of Christianity as found in the divine revelation of Scripture. One had to evidence such belief and subscription.

Modern Christianity is rife with a “subscription” which confuses Christ's all encompassing sacrifice for sin with blanket absolution which is (then) capriciously translated into universal forgiveness and justification for all, thus eliminating the Holy Spirit’s work and activity of creating individual personal faith in the individual (soul), which [faith] then justifies. ["Justifies" - God's forgiveness] Remember what was said previous – the Martin Luther description of “salvation?” - “Where there is forgiveness of sins there is life and salvation.”

Those who confuse the grace of God upon the sinner and God theHoly Spirit’s activity of bringing the sinner to saving faith, would, and do eliminate the Holy Spirit, personal faith and belief. They, instead trumpet salvation (the saving of the individual’s soul from sin and eternal damnation) solely to the act of Christ dying on the Cross for human sin. Sometimes they will mention "faith in Christ," but, more or less, as a type of vestigial [after thought] appendage.

Here, [following] is how one Christian put it:

"That is what the UOJ [universal objective justification] preacher is saying. However, the Law condemns and says you are guilty and deserve to die as penalty for your sins. The Gospel says Jesus paid for your sins, The Law demands death, the Gospel says yes, death has been paid for. This is totally different from the UOJ Gospel, for them the Gospel skips the payment aspect and jumps over to forgiveness, skipping past what actually the Law demands - payment. In short, for them the Gospel is - God has already forgiven you.

The Universalists confuse what Christ did on the
Cross with what God the Holy Spirit does within

the sinful heart of the unbelieving soul. After
all, the Scripture does say of those who have
become Christian believers: "For you are all the
sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus."
[Galatians 3:26]  Universalists' false teaching
diminishes and / or ignores the all important 

"aspect" [quality] of "faith" and its initiating and
sustaining "agent," - God, the Holy Spirit.
It is not Jesus died for you, rather it is God has already forgiven you. So in UOJ,[universal objective justification] faith is not trust but mere assent to historical fact which they alleged to have already occurred, the blanket forgiveness of all sins without regard to faith. It is then the faith of the devil.

Just like Calvinism, they collapse the atonement for sins and justification or forgiveness of sins as one single event."

Answering the same person on his website, "LPC" also states:

"It is Jesus who says only those who believe will be saved, hence forgiven. In your case even those who do not believe are already forgiven and thus saved since faith had nothing to do with it (so you think),......Your mistake is that though Christ merited righteousness for all men, you think thereby, that automatically implies that this righteousness has already been transferred to all men without regard to faith......" - 
LPC - "Extra Nos" - "It's Outside Us" -

In short, cheap grace is a cheap (worthless) substitute for a faith that saves. Cheap grace is often proclaimed in Christian churches. It is a worthless substitute for the sinner’s responsibility to believe Christ and to live out that God-given Holy Spirit generated faith. I will give you an example, as I have the privilege as an emeritus Christian pastor to sit and listen in the church pew.

I quote from an online comment I registered on the “Extra Nos” website and also the "Ichabodthegloryhasdeparted" websites.[This emeritus pastor's recent experience listening to a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod pastor's sermon]:

Quoted posted online comment of mine "Extra Nos"  with the one typo word, "preserving," rather than the correct word of "persevering" - 5th last line of the quote :

I think that I heard an interesting twist of UOJ (universal objective justification) in church on Holy Trinity Sunday. The pastor was preaching from Romans 8:14-17 and doing a wonderful job directing his sermon to the parochial school, high school and other graduates.

As is his mode, he initially launches his sermon with an illustration and carries that illustration theme to the bitter end. This time he launched his sermon with a Shakespearean portion - Romeo's soliloquy about how a name does not define a person. Then spoke how it actually does. He then continued by saying that as a Christian, God's Name is stamped upon a person beginning with Christian Baptism. Hence, what God did and does, indeed defines us. [You get the picture]

Pic of St. Paul iminent execution. He did not believe
or preach "cheap grace." He was not a Universalist who
fomented the false doctrine of "universal objective
justification." For St. Paul, living the Christian life, was a
life of living that God-gifted faith. He expressed that living
and active faith shortly before he died, when he penned the
the [Holy spirit authored] words of Scripture: "I have fought
 a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the
faith......" - 2 Timothy 4:7
This particular Sunday I was listening with rapt attention because for the first time (that I can remember) unless I've been otherwise dozing, [and, I think not] he spoke at some concerted length about the Holy Spirit and His work in the individual. I was very pleased as he seemed to be headed in the right doctrinal direction. But, then, (sadly) to my disappointment, he ended his sermon by encouraging the graduates to remember who they are.

Now, that would have been okay to say, but not to immediately stop at that point. I don't remember the Scripture saying:

" thou in remembrance of who you are, unto death and I will give you a crown of life."

No, - not at all. The Scripture does (though) read: " thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." - Revelation 2:10b

Also, I don't recall Scripture's words penned (under inspiration) by the Apostle Paul, saying:

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have remembered who I am."

No, - instead the Scripture reads:

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith......" - 2 Timothy 4:7

The pastor [he is young and about 10 years out of the seminary] got all the way to the end of his sermon and stopped short. He blew it! He didn't go "full circle!" He left the graduates, essentially with cheap grace. No mention of the necessity of them preserving in the faith until the end. No mention of personal belief and faith. No mention of justification by faith alone. [Romans 5:2 - AAC; Article IV. Justification; 81]

Needless to say, I was highly disappointed. And, this is (just) one church and one pastor. Lord only knows how many more, Sunday after Sunday! Martin Luther's body must have no rest, constantly turning over in his grave.........

Scores of "Christian" church bodies have
succumbed to the false teaching and preaching
of "cheap grace universalism." Even church bodies
which once taught "grace through faith," and
Luther's re-discovered Scriptural teaching of
"justification by faith alone," have fallen for the
damning cheap grace, universalistic error. These
mainline "Christian" denominations include, but
are not limited to, the ELCA, LCMS, WELS, ELS
Lutheran church bodies. 
Friend, do you not see and recognize the false teaching of cheap grace at the Biblical expense of a genuine faith which makes one right with God?

The continued teaching and preaching of cheap grace in “Christian” churches, Sunday after Sunday and year after year, dulls the spiritual senses of the hearers.Essentially, this false teaching (often called UOJ – universal objective justification) says that God’s forgiveness was all poured out some 2,000 years ago when Christ was crucified for human sin. This cheap grace false and destructive teaching, further says, because of Christ's all encompassing sacrifice, that all humanity was absolved by Almighty holy God who sent His Son for such this purpose. Cheap grace advocate enthusiasts go on to assert that this blanket absolution is a blanket forgiveness for all! But, such is not what the Scriptures tell us!

Here, [following] is what the divine Scripture revelation tells us. Note that I quote from the KJV translation,- although the highlighted Scripture itself at the end of the verse is the NKJV version:

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:8;9;10

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." - Hebrews 11:6

"For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it." - Hebrews 4:2

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;...." - Hebrews 12:2

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;).... - Hebrews 10:23

"Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." - Hebrews 10:38

"Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God." - Heb 3:12

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) ...." - Hebrews 10:23

Please also reference for further understanding:
The Filth of Cheap Grace
Pic of an interesting book cover.
It's author (as the book's title
implies) did not believe that
Christian churches were the
guarantee of life eternal. In fact
Montgomery was passed up by
the Universalist LCMS and ELS
Lutheran church bodies in 
favor of a former Lutheran who
no longer suscribed to "grace
through faith" [Ephesians 2:8-9]
and also Scripture's teaching of
 "justification by faith alone."

Cheap grace will discard the supreme importance of God-given and sustained faith. Cheap grace will diminish the act of believing in the individual sinner. Cheap grace will (in effect) ignore and “kick to the curb,” God, the Holy Spirit who makes it all possible for the individual to possess saving faith, belief and putting his personal trust in Christ, for the forgiveness of all of his sins!

Christian Friend and Fellow Sinner

If you find yourself in “Christian” circles in which cheap grace is preached and taught, I cannot recommend for you an easy solution. [I, myself, find myself in this situation] I don’t know your individual situation and circumstance. You might belong to such a church congregation which have your grandchildren enrolled in its Christian school. And, so, you are reluctant to leave for their sake, since the school seems to be a (comparatively) better choice than the godless public school industry [system]. But, I do know that if you remain silent and not hold forth with the truth of God’s written divine revelation as found in the Scriptures, you may very well, eventually be seduced to succumb to this destructive damning doctrine of [Universalism] cheap grace!

This preaching and teaching of false grace is essentially a form of “antinomianism,” which is a denial of God’s Law – a great portion of the whole of Scripture, - the Gospel in the "wide" sense as previously explained. It is no small wonder why there are so many “Christians” in Christian churches who possess no passionate luster and conviction of discipleship belief! It is no small wonder that these same professing Christians will allow themselves to be pressured and pushed into the culture’s mold and fall to the secular humanist sword of political correctness. [Romans 12:1-2] It is no small wonder that these same hapless souls will goose step to their union boss dictates and vote at the public ballot box for those politicians who [they think] will only benefit their filthy pocketbooks. The Gospel in its wide sense {Gospel and Law} becomes impervious and inconsequential to them. They thus ignore the curbs and guidelines of that greater Gospel. 

This message has been one of my longest. And, I still feel that I am cutting it short. But, condensing such an important subject does injustice to its vast importance; and, to those whom the Holy Spirit may lead to read and hear it.

May you sinner friend and Christian alike, be only motivated bythe divine revelation! May you continually expose yourself to it and to teachers and preachers who faithfully proclaim it. That divine revelation from the Holy Scriptures is the Word of God, which God the Holy Spirit utilizes to create and sustain saving faith. That same Word of Godis contained in Christian Baptism and Christ’s Communion of bread, wine, body and blood. God be gracious to you that you come in faith to partake of His [only] best! May you expose yourself to the divine revelation which is the Lord's principle meansto create in you the faith to believe!  - Romans 10:17 ; 2 Timothy 3:14-17 ; Acts 2:38 ; Acts 8:26-39 ; James 1:181 Peter 1:232 Thessalonians 2:14

Finally - and, for those of you whose sins haunt you and you don’t have a “spiritual clue,” you need to repent of your sins, believe and be baptized. [Mark 16:16 ; Luke 19:1-10 ; Acts 2:38Acts 8:26-39] May God the Holy Spirit move you to do so!


Related Scriptures [below] -- Intended to be utilized in a simple worship format:
Also: For a couple of other (more formal) worship formats:
The Order of Morning Service 
The Order of Matins 

Related Scriptures to the Above Message

Matthew 7:13-21

Luke 15 Cannot be a Favorite Chapter for the Cheap Grace (AKA, "Universal Objective Justification") Crowd:

The artist's excellent pic of Christ's Parable of "The Lost Son and the Loving
Father." [Luke 15:11-32] The Bible relates that the prodigal son repented of
his sin. He "came to himself," acknowledging his sin. He then acted upon
that resolve, confessing:  "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy
sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son." [KJV] Please note this
website's topical message:  "God is not your heavenly father unless you are

one of his children." 

This Gospel of Luke 15:1fis a testament to the error of cheap grace (which I believe) includes the whole "universal objective justification" teaching. The lost (prodigal) son was not forgiven (justified) until he became repentant. His act of coming to his [spiritual] senses was a gracious act of God.

In the Parable of the Lost Coin, [Luke 15:8-10] the coin did not find itself. Neither did the prodigal son, "find himself." UOJ (universal objective justification) teachers and preachers gloss over the Biblical teaching of repentance on the sinner's part [Luke 15:7] and most often slight and / or ignore the Holy Spirit who works His saving process from start to finish in the individual, so that that person can exercise saving faith. - John 3:1-21 ; Titus 3:5 ; Ephesians 2:8-10 ; John 1:12;13 ; 1 Corinthians 2:12 ; 1 Corinthians 6:11 ; 1 John 5:1

See also:


Of Whom Does the Prophet Speak" -- by Victor Buksbazen --Isaiah 53:1-12 -- an in-depth view of and the prophecy of Christ, hundred of years before his birth. Isaiah 53:1-12 underscores the truthfulness of Divine Revelation as exemplified in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures.

Pastor (emeritus) Nathan Bickel

Please also note:

The "Words in Season" topical messages and related worship format are not intended to discourage or replace the Christian worship and assembly of Christians at their particular places of church worship. As this website's author, it is my prayer and hope, that many souls will find the topical messages, related worship format and other material, a useful and valuable Christian resource.

The Christian Faith: Parts 1-3

1 -- What is meant by “Believing” and / or, being, “Saved?” 


  1. Those who confuse the grace of God upon the sinner and God the Holy Spirit’s activity of bringing the sinner to saving faith, would, and do eliminate the Holy Spirit, personal faith and belief.

    Pr. Nathan,

    This quote is so true. UOJ trumpets sola gratia but in the process they junk sola fide. They also mangle Eph 2:8-9. For them, man is saved by grace period. Is this what that verse say? No, it says 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast

    You will not find it hard to find UOJ teachers maligning faith, they seem to hate the mention of it.

  2. LPC -

    Thank you for visiting "The Christian Message." Yes, I agree with you. And, I had another reminder of what you reference, as this past Sunday I sat listening to another sermon with this "universal objective justification" bent.

    The Lutheran pastor's sermon was based upon the Gospel of Mark 4:28-34. His emphasis was on the power of the seed [of the Gospel] itself. Although he credited God, through the means of grace (Gospel, baptism and Lord's Supper) for that growth I cannot recall [and I was paying attention] that he ever ascribed to God the Holy Spirit, the creation and sustanance of that faith. It's as if he would have to be dragged kicking and screaming to give the 3rd person of the Trinity His rightful due. He just can't seem to connect the dots of Holy Spirit faith and personal belief, in his sermon messages.

    To be fair to the pastor (as he is only about 10 years out of seminary), he mentioned how God uses His means of grace to bring a soul into His family and in these means He creates faith (producing) it. And, there is always room for growth.

    However, be that as it may, this young pastor didn't connect the dots. His application was not excercising and persevering with that God-given faith. With this preacher, he doesn't emphasize personal faith, belief and responsibility. Rather, to be grateful that you are in God's family. Generally speaking, this pastor only mentions the first "use of God's Law" - that being, that God's Word (the Scriptures) show us our sins. But, there is no genuine (connecting) emphasis on the "second and third uses" of God's Word, Law - namely, that God's Word teaches the sinner and saint / sinner how to "curb" his behavior in the sinful culture; also, that God's Word Law is a road map type "rule," to live in the sinful culture.

    Personally, I think that much of his difficulty "connecting the dots" could be cleared up if this pastor would go back to some of the "basics," - namely, that the the Gospel needs to be preached in the "wide sense" - Law and Gospel. It's "good news" for the sinner to know God's Law and the full (circle) damning implications of that Law. That, the Holy Spirit utilizes to draw the sinner to respond to the sweet ("narrow sense") Gospel that Christ died for his sins.

    Finally, what really [to me] revealed where this pastor was coming from, the young preacher more or less ended his message with an exhortation to the congregation to disseminate the message of forgiveness to those who need to know that a Savior has forgiven them. I sat there, quietly (as if, shaking my head), saying to myself: "What ever happened to the discipleship thrust and mandate for Christians to live and preach with their tongue and lives that all people need to repent and believe this Gospel?"

    LPC - Basically, I concluded again, that is young pastor is passing on, what he (erroneously) learned in seminary that God has absolved the whole world and forgiven all sinners [regardless of faith] as a result of Christ's all encompassing sacrifice for sin, upon the Cross. That particular targetted emphasis is simply not so, as you elaborated upon the Ephesians 2:8-10 Scripture. Again, I shake my head in disappointment, as this preacher apparently cannot connect the dots, in his sermon messages. To him correctly relating the Scripture truths about the "forgiveness of sins; life and salvation" with the Holy Spirit's action of faith and personal belief, is about as scarce as hen's teeth.

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