Friday, September 6, 2019

Time of Grace Damage Control - Square Brackets Show What Was Erased Overnight

 This ELCA bishop did not appreciate my Photoshop, which was accidentally sent to him by a church leaving his pontificate in Illinois.
 Home of the lopsided smile.

Square brackets mark what was removed overnight.

Rev. Heidi BorkenhagenELCA Grace Lutheran Church, Grafton. ["RIC – What is (sic) needs to be done - complete an Affirmation/Welcome statement (to be completed by committee formed), hold Adult Forums on this throughout the year (options for meeting: – review what Bible does and doesn’t say; have families come in to discuss this; Bill Beyer 1st openly gay pastor in area come talk). Would be looking to have this completed by end of 2019 to have church vote on this at annual meeting. Committee formed could be short term to long term, based on what the committee chooses to do. Council recommends moving forward with presenting information to church leading to vote by end of the year. Pastor Paul, Linda 2nd, approved. Pastor Heidi will head up committee and start getting Adult Forums plan."]


This is the other Pastor Heidi, not the speaker Pastor Heidi. Last names are used by pastors for a reason. This is just one example.

"Hello! I'm glad you have taken the time to visit Grace's webpage. Grace Lutheran Church is filled with the Spirit of God and with many wonderful people. I look forward to getting to know you. Here's a little bit about me.

I was born in Iowa and also lived in Michigan as a child. I did most of my growing up in Homer Glen, IL, a southwest suburb of Chicago. I played the flute all through high school and college, but my real love turned out to be God and the church. I attended Luther College and through my experience in the classroom and in campus ministry, I decided to dedicate my life to sharing the good news of Jesus with others. I graduated from Luther with a degree in psychology and then spent one year as a live-in nanny for four children! I had 3 wonderful years at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and one great year doing an internship in campus and parish ministry in Saint Louis, MO. In May 2007 I graduated with a Masters of Divinity. I moved to Grafton in July 2007 and love living and serving here. I especially enjoy preaching, working with the high school youth group, leading women's groups and TNT (Grace's Young Adults Group)."


GJ - I suppose someone might use the Wayback machine to find the missing words. But this way, with the information gone from the Internet, someone can claim, "No, that never happened!" Or in WELS - "Who told you? Where did you read that?"

The evidence is clear. Overnight the hidden agenda was tucked away - where discerning eyes could not find it. Pastor Heidi on the Jeske Steerage Committee is once again the harmless newbie in the autobiography above - not the new hire who is carrying out the ELCA agenda against the laws of Nature and of Nature's God

She was clearly given a job to do, keep pressing the Reconciled in Christ agenda until the parish became a RIC congregation.

Perhaps the wise men from the East (Chicago-Milwaukee) felt fewer would come to a joint ministerial training meeting when the two lady pastors from ELCA symbolize what is worst about the amalgamated sect.

 Pastor Mike is taking over Time of Grace, and they are not far behind ELCA.

If You Want To Motivate Me, Just Tell Me Not To.
Keep Up with the Exposing the ELCA Blog,
Which Means LCMS-WELS-ELS Too

 I know this is Nadia at the ELCA youth conference, but I wanted to point out she is not the exception - but the rule - in ELCA and in Mark Jeske's world.

I was satisfied with my research about Mark Jeske's latest disaster, the Change or Die! conference. But a Missouri pastor on Facedbook chose to attack me for "not assuming people were already talking to the LCMS leaders about it." (Note the subtle hints of Matthew 18 and Pharisaical outrage.)

I answered that I did my part in objecting to everyone at once (Luther on the Eighth Commandment, his quia subscription). So he got nastier and ended that he was going off to take the Gospel to some people in the hospital. Undoubtedly he is a classic Job's Comforter, so willing to blame the weak and unfortunate like me. I have no friends. Nobody reads this blog, and I have no credibility.

He erased his tirade, perhaps knowing I can do a copy and paste as fast as Tim Blende and Skisky. (The names have been changed to protect the guilty, an old WELS tradition.)

My immediate reaction was, "My dreams were too small. Now I am going to do a serious job of research!"

I published this late last night, my battered eyeballs screaming for rest.

ELCA's Rev. Heidi Neumark - The Face and Voice of LCMS-WELS-ELS

I immediately noticed in my graphics research that Exposing the ELCA was there before me, not only warning people about Pastor Heidi, but also writing about a brigade of activist amazonian warriors. Note the the other Pastor Heidi (on the Change or Cry! steerage committee) is another activist.

Here is the Exposed Blog, by Dan Skogen, which has enough information to make a hardened ELCA warrior feel sick.

Dan Skogen (on Facebook) has labored many years to show what is happening. The Left-wing ALPB Forum really dislikes him, so that is the highest possible vote of approval.

I keep his main site linked in the left column all the time.

 A Luther Seminary student bragged about his pastoral call on his Facebook page and featured his drag dance in the seminary chapel. Officials wonder why enrollment is down so low they are selling off land.