VirtueOnline - News:
Western Anglicanism Wanes in the 21st Century as the Global South Explodes with New Converts
News Analysis
By David W. Virtue
October 17, 2012
Church by church, diocese-by-diocese, and province-by-province, the news grows at an alarming and depressing rate that Western Anglicanism is slowly but surely dying, with no eye to pity and no arm to save.
Theological revisionism, moral relativism, a lack of confidence in Holy Scripture and a failure of nerve to proclaim the Good News of God's salvation in obedience to the Great Commission, has resulted in increasingly smaller and aging congregations living out their final years murmuring the creed and going through the Prayer Book with as much luster as a waning summer sun.
In the face of a growing secularity with millions of unchurched Millenials, the rise of heretical churches like Mormonism and Scientology, the push for pansexuality coupled with an in-your-face militant Islam, the net result has been a slow but accelerating spiritual cancer in the Episcopal/Anglican body that has about it the stench of death. All the available evidence is that within two decades Western Anglicanism will be no more.
This is happening even as the Global South explodes with new life drawing hundreds of thousands of new converts to Christ, bringing spiritual sight to the blind, setting the captives from sin and death, expressing their new life and abundant joy and hope to anyone who will hear.
Consider the following:
CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Anglican leaders recently warned that the CofE would cease to exist in 20 years as the current generation of elderly worshippers dies. The average age of its members is now 61. By 2020 a "crisis" of "natural wastage" will lead to their numbers falling "through the floor", the Church's national assembly was recently told.
The Church was compared to a company "impeccably" managing itself into failure, during exchanges at the General Synod in York. In the past 40 years, the number of adult churchgoers has halved, while the number of children attending regular worship has declined by four fifths.
The Rev. Dr. Patrick Richmond, a Synod member from Norwich, told the meeting that some projections suggest that the Church would no longer be "functionally extant" in 20 years' time. "The perfect storm we can see arriving fast on the horizon is the ageing congregations," he said. "The average age is 61 now, with many congregations above that.
"These congregations will be led by fewer and fewer stipendiary clergy ... 2020 apparently is when our congregations start falling through the floor because of natural wastage, that is people dying.
The irony here is that England's seminaries are filled with next generation evangelicals. Anglo-Catholicism is all but dead, much of it having morphed into Affirming Catholicism or, in the case of true blue Catholics, having fled to Rome for spiritual safety believing they have no future in their former church. Liberal Christianity has gutted the church with only one in 60 Brits even bothering to attend church. The current push for pansexual acceptance to all orders of the church and the drive for women bishops will only continue the pattern of sexualization and feminization with church attendance and leadership more firmly in the hands of women.
WALES: The Church in Wales has maintained a parish system for a hundred years since disestablishment - until now. An "independent" Review led by Wales Archbishop Barry Morgan's friend Lord Harries, the very liberal former Bishop of Oxford, recently came up with a plan dubbed the "Harries Review" to abandon parishes in favor of something called "ministry areas."
Churches and chapels in Wales are being asked to discuss radical proposals, which could result in closer unity. Proposals on the agenda include a new kind of bishop and a single "United Church for Wales" in which there would be an interchange of ordained ministries by those with church or chapel backgrounds. Five denominations - including the Church in Wales, Presbyterians and Methodists - could ultimately share bishops, ministers and buildings. If given the go-ahead, a new breed of bishops would be created and be interchangeable between all denominations in the united group. Ordained ministers would also be free to serve in all churches and chapels in the Church Uniting in Wales.
Forward in Faith (Wales) leaders quickly disassociated themselves from this report saying, "The reaction to the Church in Wales Review leaves plenty of us with great concerns. At one meeting recently an Archdeacon reminded those present that at this stage the question should be: do we agree that ministry areas need to be created? and then how do we do it? Not vice versa. In some areas of the Review suggestions are quoted as giving permission for a new development without the necessary agreement of those involved. Some dioceses also seem to be moving ahead in a piecemeal fashion. This cannot be good for the unity of the church."
Unity, we are told, is close to the heart of the Archbishop of Wales, but he has refused to secure a future for members belonging to the catholic tradition who would value the prospect of unity with the wider Apostolic Church of East and West on the grounds that the unity of the Church in Wales would be threatened.
He argues that to appoint a bishop or bishops with jurisdiction for those opposed to the ordination of women would "alter irreparably the Church in Wales as we know it. It would be to sanction schism and for these theological reasons the bishops, as guardians of unity, could not give their support for such a measure."
Anglo-Catholics are constantly struggling against the tide of liberalism that has overtaken their church. "Like headless chickens, Dr. Morgan and his bishops have tried everything to reverse the decline of the Church in Wales except the blindingly obvious," said Telegraph columnist Damian Thompson.
This news must come as cold comfort to Bishop Gregory Cameron, who was elected in 2009 and who left his post with the Anglican Consultative Council in London to take up the post as Bishop of Asaph and now finds within a few short years that he barely has an ecclesiastical future.
As costs have escalated, maintaining the "parish share" with declining numbers becomes increasingly more difficult as is the cost of maintaining top-heavy structures. With no parish ties in the future and Anglican services becoming increasingly reminiscent of politically correct school assemblies, local self-supporting chapels will have an increasing appeal for those who are left. As one adherent with a liking for good Welsh hymn singing put it, "Rousing hymns with a good gossip afterwards; there's nothing like it".
There are few green ecclesiastical shoots in Wales and with an ultraliberal archbishop like Morgan (NOTE: He is on the Crown Nominations Commission so his choice for the next ABC would not be orthodox). Anglicanism in Wales is in its death throes. His appeal for full gay acceptance, gay marriage and gay rites will be the final nails in the coffin of Welsh Anglicanism.
CANADA: By now it must be dawning on Canada's Anglican Church leaders that its denomination has advanced spiritual cancer and may not survive.
Archbishop Claude Miller, the province of Canada's metropolitan, speaking at the provincial synod in Montreal recently said the ecclesiastical province of Canada is cutting back some of its structures and committing to explore other possible areas for future pruning, all with intent of making the province more nimble and focused on mission.
More than 70 delegates from Canada's seven easternmost dioceses voted to reduce the size of future provincial synods by nearly half. They also decided to shrink the size of the Provincial Council-the ecclesiastical province's decision-making body between triennial synods-from 31 to 23 members.
Miller tried to put a good face on it by invoking the biblical image of God as a vine grower pruning his church for more vitality; but with no discernible gospel to proclaim except the endless talk of inclusivity and diversity, pruning looks more like taking a spade to the root of the tree.
"The work of our synod...recognizes that tending the vine requires the removal of branches that bear no fruit, and branches that bear fruit too are to be pruned. Not one branch is left untouched," he said. The sad truth is that the Anglican vine is withering and dying, not just its branches.
In addition to reducing the size of its governing bodies, the next three years will be spent studying the "possible realignment of dioceses within the province of Canada, with a view to reducing the number of dioceses to no fewer than three."
There are currently seven dioceses in the ecclesiastical province, each with its own diocesan bishop and administrative staff and structure: Montreal, Quebec, Fredericton, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Western Newfoundland, Central Newfoundland, and Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador.
There was also discussion about reducing the number of dioceses and consolidating administration to reflect "the changing demographic of the Anglican church within the ecclesiastical province of Canada in terms of both decreasing numbers and the increased cost of providing ecclesiastical services."
Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, attended part of the provincial synod and told delegates that similar conversations about restructuring are taking place across the country and at every level of the church, also motivated by demographic realities and a desire to become more effective in mission. Diminishing revenues mean the Anglican Church of Canada must determine which ministries and services are most effectively offered at the national level and what others can be carried out at the provincial, diocesan, and parish level, he said.
What about death by a thousand cuts do these people not understand?
Archbishop Miller admitted that some critics compare the church's discussions about change to "just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." However, he said the Titanic's maiden voyage was "a journey with a promise and opportunity for a new life for most of the passengers on board. Sometimes we forget that a remnant was saved and realized that hope." That "remnant" is now firmly in place with the formation of the Anglican Network in Canada and the Anglican Church in New Westminster.
Recently The Rt. Rev. Dennis Drainville said the Diocese of Quebec is "teetering on the verge of extinction" and is all but dead. Of the diocese's 82 congregations, 50 are childless and 35 congregations have an average age of 75. These graying congregations often have no more than 10 people in church on Sundays, he observed. "The critical mass isn't there, there's no money anymore," he said.
Just when you think spiritual blindness might not be evident enough, the Anglican Bishop of Toronto recently forbade his ministers and laypersons from conducting services in a quaint non-denominational church in the historic hamlet of Irondale in the Haliburton Highlands.
The building used to belong to the diocese. After a two-year legal challenge, the Bark Lake Aboriginal Tribe purchased the church from the Anglican diocese for $70,000. When the building reopened a month ago as the Irondale Community Church, the first service was Anglican, the second Lutheran. But when retired Anglican minister Arnold Hancock wanted to conduct the Thanksgiving Day weekend service, Archbishop Colin Johnson of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto sent out a cease-and-desist order far and wide. The folks in Irondale, about 100 kilometers north of Peterborough, are now preparing for a fight. Even devout Anglicans are accusing the church of being unchristian.
The former Anglican parish was closed and deconsecrated in 2010 due to dwindling numbers. Only the bishop and Anglican clergy are permitted to function in Anglican ministries. When the ACoC is forced into intercommunion with Lutherans and whoever else they can lay claim to just to stay alive, an act like this will look incredibly small minded and pathetic.
THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH: The Episcopal Church, arguably the wealthiest of all the Western provinces, recently revealed a slight uptick in church attendance (56), but the overall long term picture is one of indisputable decline with the median average Sunday attendance now at 65 and the average age of its parishioners almost the same. All the major indices point downwards for the long-term future with closing seminaries, parishes and merging dioceses.
The number of domestic parishes and missions continued to decline from 6,794 in 2012 to 6,736, a drop of 58 parishes. One of those parishes was the 2,500-member Falls Church in Falls Church, Virginia. In 2008 TEC could boast some 7,055 parishes. A threshold had been crossed.
In 2011, membership (not to be confused with ASA) in the Episcopal Church was 2,096,389. 1,923,046 were in the domestic (50 U.S. states) dioceses with 173,343 in the non-domestic (non U.S. states) dioceses. This figure is well below the oft repeated 2.5 million used by some bishops.
Bishop Stacy Sauls, Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer, tried to put the best face on things concerning the promising statistics, "I personally hope for the future is that we can find ways of telling the story of what is going on in our churches more comprehensively so as to get at the real picture of people being served and missional commitment."
That "missional commitment" has been seriously compromised by the consecration of an openly avowed non celibate lesbian to the episcopacy, the elevation of transgendered priests to pulpits in revisionist dioceses, and the recent passage of provisional Rites for the blessings of same sex marriages at GC2012.
The overall long term picture shows a church in continued decline. The average age of the average Episcopalian is now in the mid-Sixties with no significant input from the millennial generation to replace aging and dying Episcopalians.
Recently, it was revealed that the US has officially ceased to be a Protestant country. According to the Pew Forum, the percentage of Protestants has dropped from 53% in 2007 to 48%, that's a paradigm shift of huge proportions. The Episcopal Church is among the bigger losers.
When old, routine churchgoers have died off, "None" will be the default position for liberal-minded young people. The question then becomes: What will mainline churches like the Episcopal Church look like in the future? Will they in fact exist? Parishes with equal age and attendance (65) will be out of business within two decades. The decade of evangelism to double the church by 2020 never got off the ground.
SCOTLAND:In 1900 the church had 356 congregations, with a total membership of 124,335 and 324 working clergy. Membership did not grow in the following decades as it was believed it would.
In 1989 there were approximately 200 stipendiary and 80 non-stipendiary clergy. Membership was 65,000, with 31,000 communicants.
In the past 30 years the Scottish Episcopal Church has taken a stand on various issues including economic justice, the ordination of women and inclusion.
In terms of official membership Episcopalians comprise a little over 1% of the population of Scotland, making them about 12% of the size of the Church of Scotland. The Church has 310 parishes with a total membership of 44,280 (about 54,000 including children.)
IRELAND: The second largest Christian denomination, the Church of Ireland (Anglican), declined in membership for most of the twentieth century, but has more recently experienced an increase, as have other small Christian denominations. The country's Hindu and Muslim populations have experienced significant growth in recent years, due chiefly to immigration.
According to feedback mostly from posters in Ireland, it is only immigrants who attend the Anglican Church in Ireland to worship in any regular significant number. If it were not for recent immigrants from Africa, the Church of Ireland would already be doomed. The numbers actually attending worship would be so insignificant as to be irrelevant.
NEW ZEALAND: Catholicism is the only mainstream church experiencing growth, especially among ethnic minorities. As a study shows, other Western religions, such as Anglicanism, "fail to connect" with diversifying cultures.
In the battle for believers, Christianity is losing out to religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. A Massey University study, Changing Patterns of Auckland Religion, has found that with the exception of Catholicism, membership of all mainstream Christian denominations has fallen to historic lows.
The Anglican Church, which has traditionally been New Zealand's dominant religion, has dropped from 47 per cent in Auckland identifying with the church in the 1926 census to slightly over 10 per cent in 2006, lower than the 10.8 per cent nationally. It was a different story for Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam, which have experienced surges in membership.
The mapping of Anglican believers in central Auckland, based on the 2006 Census, found the highest concentration in the "wealthier suburbs" such as Remuera and Herne Bay but low in areas such as Avondale and Otahuhu.
Associate Professor Peter Lineham, who led the study, said this shows the church is "failing to connect" in areas with a high concentration of ethnic minorities.
"Any religion that did not engage wider than the rich, white middle-class will certainly not be growing in a city with Auckland's demographics of today," said Lineham. "It is very likely that the next census will show Catholic numbers to be ahead of Anglicans for the very first time."
AUSTRALIA: Anglicans in Australia numbered 3.9 million in 1996 but by 2011 that figure was 3.680 million a drop of 7%. Only the evangelical diocese of Sydney saw an uptick in church growth. A 2006 census identified that 64% of Australians call themselves Christian: 26% identifying themselves as Roman Catholic and 19% as Anglican. While other religions like Hindus and Buddhism grew Christianity was the only religion to show negative growth, with the number of followers falling by 0.6 percent.
A new study by the Christian Research Association has found that attendance at traditional Uniting churches across Australia has declined by 30 per cent over the past ten years.
Philip Hughes, President of the Christian Research Association, described the steep decline in numbers across traditional churches as a trend that is likely to continue in coming years.
"We expect that Catholic, Uniting and Anglican churches will keep dropping in numbers as their parishioners become older," Hughes said.
"The average age of people attending Catholic and Anglican churches is roughly 60, and with these churches failing to pull in younger parishioners, I see the decline in numbers to continue, at least for the next 20 years."
Hughes said that this drop in numbers could mean that small, traditional churches will become a relic of the past.
The truth of all this is that clapped-out liberal Anglican and Episcopal bishops of the English-speaking world are starting to find out what things look like now and in the foreseeable future. In time, it will give them nightmares, if it isn't doing so already.
All the talk of "listening" to the whine of western-based homosexuals through the much ballyhooed "Listening Process" has produced nothing, nor has the notion that cultural diversity means theological diversity. Trying to manipulate scripture to make it mean one thing in one culture and something else in another is not working despite attempts by the Anglican Church of Canada to dialogue with African counterparts where they politely heard each other out over sexuality with no minds changed. It is simply not working. Orthodox Anglicans in Nigeria, the CofE, Australia and the US all work from the same biblical pages on human sexual behavior they don't need "dialogue" (at great expense one should add) to fit opposing views into the same Procrustean bed.
The meteoric rise of the Anglican Global South has changed the demographics completely. The Anglican Communion today is primarily black, under 30, and situated in Africa. The Anglican Province of Nigeria alone has 21 million active Anglicans; the Church of England by contrast has just over 1 million practicing Anglicans.
Pan Anglican Western liberalism has seen major drops in attendance in the US, UK, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, Australia (with the exception of Sydney), and New Zealand and short of a massive spiritual revival that is not going to change.
The birth of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) with its focus on evangelism, discipleship, youth and church planting is swinging Anglicanism in North America in an entirely opposite direction. If there is a future for Anglicanism in the West it lies here, not in the dying embers of a biblically compromised, sexually secular church that long ago sold its spiritual birthright.
'via Blog this'
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Mixed Message from LutherQuest (sic):
Buchholz Papacy and UOJ
Christian Schulz (Schulzcj) New member Username: Schulzcj Post Number: 10 Registered: 10-2012 |
Rydecki's letter to the district presidium. This may help answer some speculation that I've read. 2/10/letter-to-wels-district-president-jon.html |
Daniel Gorman (Heinrich) Senior Member Username: Heinrich Post Number: 1646 Registered: 11-2004 |
Christian Schulz: If your link is authentic, Rev. Rydecki's letter has been received by every pastor in the Az-Ca district. The letter contains credible evidence that Rev. Rydecki denies the clear intent of AP, IV, 103. The letter also contains credible evidence that the WELS Az-Ca DP has been acting like a district pope and not like a true bishop of the Az-Ca district. The WELS Az-Ca DP's suspension of Rev. Rydecki is null and void. The Az-Ca district may now conduct a public trial of Rev. Rydecki on credible charges of false teaching. The Az-Ca district should proceed with the trial with or without the participation of Rev. Rydecki. The WELS Az-Ca DP's participation should be limited to submitting evidence. An unbiased judge should be appointed by the Az-Ca district to preside over the trial. All pastors and laymen of the district (including Emmanuel LC) must be invited (Matt. 18; LC, 8th Commandment). |
Daniel Gorman is correct about the Buchholz Mini-Papacy but wrong about the Apology. The graphic below shows the clear intent of the paragraph, which he cited above. I put the heading into this section of the Apology, to remind the obstinate and indolent that the headings describe the intent of the author - That We Obtain Remission of Sins by Faith Alone in Christ.
Departing from the Confessions - A. Berean
A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "From 1964 Until Now - How Far the Lutheran Church ...":
When you compare the kind of comments that Lutheran Pastors make about the Confessions and F. Bente's evaluation from the Triglot, it's a pretty harsh description of just how far the Lutheran Church has fallen from confessional orthodoxy:
"Wherever the Lutheran Church ignored her symbols or rejected all or some of them, there she always fell an easy prey to her enemies. But wherever she held fast to her God-given crown, esteemed and studied her confessions, and actually made them a norm and standard of her entire life and practice, there the Lutheran Church flourished and confounded all her enemies.
Accordingly, if Lutherans truly love their Church, and desire and seek her welfare, they must be faithful to her confessions and constantly be on their guard lest any one rob her of her treasure. To strengthen this loyalty and to further and facilitate the study of our "Golden Concordia,"—such is the object also of this Jubilee Edition—the Triglot Concordia."
- F. Bente
Two things about Charles V are especially significant for Lutherans:
I. Charles needed the Elector to remain in office, so the Elector had enormous power in keeping the the Emperor from burning Luther at the stake as a heretic. The Emperor and Pope tried to bribe the Elector with great honors, but the Elector refused.
II. Charles really hated the Lutheran Reformation and wanted to destroy it. He was a superb general and had to leave the German alone to pursue the Muslim armies, which were at the gates of Vienna, threatening all of Europe. The time after the 1530 Diet gave the Reformation time to become rooted in Germany and beyond. Therefore, the Ottoman Muslim threat was beneficial to the Reformation.
Hilarious WELS NNIV Comments.
Should Be Called the Hooters Report, From People Hooting with Laughter
The Southern Babtists do not want the NNIV in their bobble stores. They can't like this bobble. Mainline apostates love the NNIV. |
They will keep studying that thing until everyone approves it. They had the young guys, worried about future calls, review the NNIV anonymously. How quaint.
The five weakest passages in this section of the NIV11
D 1) Ro 3:27 “Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. Because of what law? The law that requires works? No, because of the law that requires faith.”
With the 2011 edition the NIV no longer uses “principle” as its translation of νόμος in this verse. The reader instead is allowed to appreciate how Paul is playing on that word νόμος. Due to our usual understanding of “law,” however, one wonders how many readers will discern the point the apostle is making. In addition, rendering νόμος πίστεως as “the law that requires faith” implies that believing the Gospel is the one deed that God demands. “All you have to do is believe” is not a Scriptural doctrine, however.
Ninevah to replace the HIV translation. Apostates rejoice. Schroeder helpless. |
Romans 3:24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
By repeating “all” from the previous clause, the NIV11 makes universal / objective justification more clear in this context than the ESV which does not restate the subject for the second verb and the HCSB which opts for “They are justified….” Here the NIV11 has the simplest exegetical-doctrinal solution.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Hilarious WELS NNIV Comments. Should Be Called the...":
The UOJist's perversion of Romans 3:24 is consistent with their continued persecution of Christ and His Church.
Solafide recently brought attention to this twisting of God's Word in this post :
A simple look at the context of verses which the UOJists rip their proof texts from is enough for a third grader to label them heretics and enemies of the cross of Christ.
Romans 3:
Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Only a pagan can get UOJ (justification: the forgiveness of sins without faith) out of those passages.
WELS NNIV Promotion Continues.
Brett Meyer Answers
Communication Services is sending this broadcast to you on behalf of the
Translation Evaluation Committee— Oct. 25, 2012 Dear Brothers in Christ, The Translation Evaluation Committee has completed compiling the raw data from an extensive side-by-side review of three Bible translations—the English Standard Version (ESV), the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB), and the New International Version 2011 (NIV11). The study involved a wide variety of WELS pastors to review and evaluate the different translations for potential use in WELS publications. The review process was distributed in April 2012 to 102 reviewers, and the results are now available on the WELS Web site. View the reports Your Brother in Christ, Lee Hitter Director of Communications ---- Intrepid Links: ISSUES WITH NIV 2011"Church and Continuity" Conference Review: Rev. Koester on Gender Neutral Translating
Jun 5, 2012
NIV Translation Posts Compiled
Jan 6, 2012
ELS doctrine committee recommends against NIV 2011
Dec 7, 2011
The LORD (no longer) Our Righteousness in NIV 2011
Nov 30, 2011
"Relevance," and Mockery of the Holy Martyrs
Nov 30, 2011
The Gender Gutting of the Bible in NIV 2011
Nov 28, 2011
On "Emasculated Bibles" and being "Objective"
Nov 15, 2011
The Case of the Disappearing "Testament:" Modern Bible Translations and Covenantal Theology
Oct 15, 2011
Thoughts on Gender-Neutral Language in the NIV 2011
Sep 15, 2011
Post-Modernism, Pop-culture, Transcendence, and the Church Militant
Sep 13, 2011
"The saints" are no more
Aug 15, 2011
The NIV 2011 and the Importance of Translation Ideology
Aug 02, 2011
The NNIV, the WELS Translation Evaluation Committee, and the Perspicuity of the Scriptures
July 28, 2011
NIV 2011: A brotherly debate
July 27, 2011
NNIV - the new standard for WELS?
July 15, 2011
Anti-Semitic Sensitivity in the New NIV
December 15, 2010
NIV 2011 comparison with NIV 1984 and TNIV
(links to
"We welcome your opinions and comments so we know which guys to expel in the coming months." --- Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "WELS NNIV Promotion Continues": Pastor Jackson, you should post the Numerical Data that is included in the WELS reports. The NNIV is clearly the only choice WELS can go with according to the three "carefully" selected review groups. (W)ELS laity who have studied the NNIV translation and see how blasphemous Moo's Methodist, Baptist, Jewish, Catholic, Pentecostal translation is, and vomited in reaction, should brace themselves for a lifetime of that wretched excrement being force fed them by their "Leadership". Leadership which identifies the Church of the Antichrist to be Christian. And big surprise because it's the same leadership which has anathematized One Justification solely By Faith Alone in favor of their new gospel (UOJ) of God's divine verdict of forgiveness and righteousness without faith worked by the Holy Ghost graciously through the Means of Grace. UOJ is faithless forgiveness. God's grace and the righteousness of Christ for the forgiveness of sins but not salvation. UOJ blasphemes Christ, the Holy Spirit and God the Father. May the Lord reward them according to their words and works. And may the Lord continue to strengthen and preserve his Church on earth through the continued preaching of Christ's pure doctrine as clearly taught in Scripture and faithfully explained in the Christian Book of Concord. *** GJ - The numerical data is just part of the process. They will tell everyone how popular the NNIV is with the newly brainwashed pastors, and people will tire of the discussion and go along with it. --- Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "WELS NNIV Promotion Continues. Brett Meyer Answers...": Per the Summary of the Numerical Ratings: Question Which translation was ranked best regarding acceptability? Best or tied for best - 82% of all reviewers ranked the NNIV the best. 26% ranked HCSB the best. 10% ranked ESV the best (BM - McCaininites will be furious!) Of the MLS and MLC professors, Synod admins, District Presidents and publishing house editors in group #1 there were 91% which ranked the NNIV the best with the HCSB coming in second with 15%. Of the WELS pastors who bowed low to the Synod during its Jan 2012 translation workshop in group #2 there were 74% which ranked the NNIV as the best translation. Of the green and recently brainwashed MLS graduates 82% ranked the NNIV as the best translation. *** GJ - Tolja. I recall the original vote yielded about 16% wanting the NNIV. Keep voting until they agree. Then announce it as the overwhelming favorite. --- solafide ( has left a new comment on your post "WELS NNIV Promotion Continues. Brett Meyer Answers...": "GJ - Tolja. I recall the original vote yielded about 16% wanting the NNIV. Keep voting until they agree. Then announce it as the overwhelming favorite." I'd give anything to be at Synod Convention (@ MLC) next summer. I guarantee you that there will be a massive push to approve the NIV2011 since "We can't wait anymore!!!!" and "We need to stop holding NPH and others hostage to these endless discussions on translations." |
From 1964 Until Now - How Far the Lutheran Church Has Fallen
I became a Lutheran around 1964 and was confirmed at an Augustana Synod congregation as an adult.
Salem was part of the LCA merger, but not in spirit. The area was unusual in having the main group of Swedish Lutherans in Moline, where John Deere was headquartered, the college situated in nearby Rock Island. I could walk from my home to Salem, downtown to my father's bakery, and on to Rock Island on the one ways. Once my future bride surprised me by showing up at Melo Cream, after walking from college with her roommate.
Augustana Lutherans were as fond of the name Augustana as the LCMS members were of Concordia, with neither group knowing what those words meant anymore.
When Luther was mentioned in one class in Moline, half my classmates burst into applause. Luther was cool in 1964. People were reading Roland Bainton's Here I Stand, and clergy were ordering (but not reading) Luther's Works.
American Lutherans worshiped with the liturgy, the creeds, married male pastors, hymnals, and Biblical sermons. ALC, WELS, and LCMS pastors used Lenski. They wore robes instead of Groeschel jeans for leading the worship service.
We all watched the black and white Luther film.
The synodical leaders squandered all the fruits of past work, the sacrifices of the faithful to build up faithful institutions.
On Reformation Sunday this year:
- ELCA Lutherans will continue to cast longing eyes at Rome. Puh-lease forgive us, Holy Father!
- WELS will continue to look for more justification by faith pastors to expel.
- Pope John the Malefactor will preach on his gratitude for WELS catching up with Him.
- Herman Otten will offer readings from The "Facts" About Luther, because every Lutheran should hear both sides, you know.
- The CLCs (sic) and LCR and other micro-minis will celebrate their Stephanite purity as the only place where Gods' Word is taught.
UOJ Enthusiasts call this "limited Atonement," and they consider themselves the real Lutherans. Not Gnesio - but greasy - oh! |
Deny Luther on Reformation Sunday - By Teaching Against This Passage
42. Take heed to believe true what the apostle, through the Gospel, declares — that Christ gave Himself for you for the sake of redeeming you from all unrighteousness and of purifying you for a peculiar inheritance. It follows that, in the first place, you must believe and confess all your efforts, impure, unrighteous; and that your human nature, reason, art and free-will are ineffectual apart from Christ. Unless you so believe, you make void the Gospel; for, according to the Gospel, Christ did not give Himself for the righteous and the pure. Why should He? With righteousness and purity existent, He would be giving Himself in vain. It would be a senseless giving.
In the second place, you must believe that Christ gave Himself for you, to put away your impurity and unrighteousness and make you pure and righteous in Himself. If you believe this, it will be so. Faith will accomplish it. The fact that He gave Himself for you can make you pure and righteous only through faith on your part. Peter ( Acts 15:9) speaks of the cleansing of hearts by faith. Observe, Christ is not put into your hand, not given you in a coffer, not placed in your bosom nor in your mouth. He is presented to you through the Word, the Gospel; He is held up before your heart, through the ears He is offered to you, as the Being who gave Himself for you — for your unrighteousness and impurity. Only with your heart can you receive Him. And your heart receives when it responds to your opened mind, saying, “Yes, I believe.” Thus through the medium of the Gospel Christ penetrates your heart by way of your hearing, and dwells there by your faith. Then are you pure and righteous; not by your own efforts, but in consequence of the Guest received into your heart through faith. How rich and precious these blessings!
Martin Luther, Sermons, Lenker Edition, First Christmas Sermon, Titus 2:11-15.
What do we call Luther from this passage? Calvinist? Synergist? Intuitu fidei-ist? He wrote with great clarity about justification by faith, as he always did, but always giving new examples and clarifications.
Mrs. Ichabod needed a medical follow-up with her main doctor, so I grabbed four Lenkers on my way out the door. My Lenker set gets scattered because it is my favorite set of books to read. When I get tired of Synodical Conference myth, legends, and false exegesis, Luther's sermons give my brain and soul a chiropractic adjustment.
I ended up with the Christmas epistles in my hand, so I opened up to Christmas Day and found two passages especially good for graphics. I thought, "Christmas Day. No-Call-Paul will criticize me for posting a quotation for a Christmas reading!" He did that once, on Tim Glende's blog, when I found a great passage for an earlier Sunday, created a graphic, and posted it. The lesson was the Rich Man and Lazarus, which was appropriate for any time in the year - in season, and out of season, as the Apostle Paul wrote.
The overpaid are bothered at times that they are soaking up so much money for doing so little, while genuine pastors decide between food and the pharmacy. One WELS pastor told me about that dilemma, which Tim Glende instantly challenged. I always wondered why Tim wanted to expose his indolence, lack of character, and false doctrine in his blog. No wonder he has kilcreased three blog efforts - sincere self-criticism or synodical mandate? "Stop telling the truth about us, Tim Boy." I remember - Tim thought he was anonymous, although the software tracked the comments to Appleton and a Mac computer.
Likewise, I got very nasty comments from Kudu Don Patterson's hometown in Texas. I thought maybe a WELS guy there, but no, even SP Schroeder wrote to deny it was that person. Could it have been Patterson? He emailed me once to call me a fool and a liar. Once I pinpointed the comments and their location, they stopped.
The UOJ Stormtroopers make every doctrinal issue a personal one. It is either my opinion they oppose or another's opinion. But they are teaching sound doctrine! Heavy competition - my personal, defective opinion versus their synod-anointed pure doctrine. Pure doctrine comes from synodical drones writing horrid, confused, contradictory essays.
Clergy like Glende and Buchholz are content as long as they can play teeter-totter, sinking to the very bottom, jumping off, and laughing that the other person lands suddenly and painfully.
But that does not matter in the long run, which we should keep in mind. What we teach and leave as a legacy for the next generation matters. I do not mean a legacy of money or buildings - but God's Word, which must be defended and maintained in each generation. That has not happened for many decades.
A college president mentioned to us that the Hobby Lobby people donated a $20 million college campus to another school. The failed college had been founded by Dwight L. Moody himself. The president was sighing that such a prize went to another institution. I thought, "That is a big liability, to own an empty campus with pretty buildings, in this era."
Many know what a deal it is, to buy a deluxe campus from the Roman Catholics, a real bargain, and spend millions on it as a prep school. That was Prairie du Chien, which is now a prison. WELS thought of simply abandoning it for unpaid taxes. Whadda deal.
I think of the zillions Marvin Schwan spent in guilt-money, which was squandered on buildings to make synodocats feel good about themselves, while students were piled high with loans. The professors made out like bandits, too, because the bottom of the heap had to borrow money to pay excessive salaries for very little work done.
The real work of the true Church is not to build new temples for big egos, but to teach and preach and visit. The three essential duties are completely neglected by fat, lazy, indolent clergy. The worse they are, the more likely they will control the synod. The reason is easy to discern - the corrupt take care of each other. Therefore, they can tolerate any teaching except sound doctrine. That is dangerous.
Very few Luther clergy really understand Roman Catholic doctrine. They imagine they do because their fellow pastors are just as ignorant. If they knew how closely the ELS and WELS and LCMS followed Holy Father Antichrist and His bishops in all their behavior, they might be completely repulsed by it.
But too much has happened. A corrupt tree produces corrupt fruit, and the corrupt fruit is not going to give way without a tremendous battle.
Loyalist-Conservatives Endanger Everything Except Holy Mother Synod
The Seven-Headed Luther is the basis for The "Facts" about Luther, a bitter and bigoted book of falsehoods about Luther, sold by Herman Otten as part of his Reformation package. |
Many Lutheran pastors consider themselves conservatives, but when tested by any issue, remain synod loyalists. In many cases they are stomach-loyalists, always considering the potential price of bearing the cross and thereby missing a meal.
They say they are believers, but really are not. They believe in the power of Holy Mother Synod - all powerful and wise - but not in the power of God, Who is treated as unable to take care of the faithful.
At the height of the conflict in the Fox Valley Circuit, several years ago, the Intrepid Lutherans said and did nothing at the district convention. I know someone who attended that meeting simply to witness something being done--or at least said--about the Anything Goes district of WELS. Tim Glende, Ski, and Deputy Doug excommunicated a long-time member of St. Peter in Freedom, Wisconsin, while pretending to discuss matters with him. The member, an attorney, was understandably upset about the two pastors plagiarizing Craig Groeschel in all their sermons. Tim even lied about this dishonesty, denying that he was stealing sermons from Groeschel and taking credit for doing the work of pastor.
Notice how the Mark Schroeder administration has protected and funded Tim Glende.
The circuit pastor who tried to do something about the plagiarism was replaced. The assistant pastor dishonestly hired to share in the stealing was allowed to take another call. The honest member was kicked out in a disgraceful and duplicitous manner. And Deputy Doug defended clergy plagiarism in his epic paper, A Clarion Call. The Intrepids, or some members of the group, were treated like dirt. But they said nothing and did nothing. Everything is fine.
Missing man formation. The missing man is Circuit Pastor Steve Spencer. |
Synod Pope Mark Schroeder wanted the Intrepids started as a lobby to back him and counter the influence of Church and Change, headed by Mark and Avoid Jeske. The first conference, this year, provided an excuse to break up the group, when Pastor Paul Rydecki gave a paper where he included a reference to justification by faith.
Suddenly, District Pope Jon Buchholz decided he had a monstrous heresy threatening to obliterate the entire synod - justification by faith. The same DP who could do nothing about Jeff Gunn in four years went hair-on-fire in four months to get rid of his circuit pastor, publicly calling him a false teacher while promising to study the matter in the coming months. Who appoints the circuit pastors in WELS? The DPs do. So Buchholz was trusted to be the Circuit Pastor for a period of time but was suddenly forced out after giving one paper? Bizarre and unstable behavior - by the DP.
Buchholz claimed that no other district pastor agreed with justification by faith, a claim that would be difficult to support anywhere in WELS. Many grew up with Gausewitz and also study the Book of Concord. Papenfuss admitted in Kokomo that he never heard of UOJ until he got to The Sausage Factory.
Some pastors in the district agreed with Rydecki, I have heard. No district discussion or study was allowed because Buchholz suspended Rydecki by mail--such courage!, such audacity! When Buchholz solemnly declared his latest version of UOJ, the district pastors said nothing at the meeting. Buchholz agrees with Roman Catholic doctrine - the pope is infallible and irreformable. His decrees are not subject to the consent of the Church. (Schaff, Creeds, II, p. 234ff. Cited in Heick, II, p. 313)
Whenever the infallibility of the Word is transferred to a person, there is a papacy. It is true, to quote Frosty Bivens, that WELS is small potatoes. And it is true that absolute power corrupts absolutely, but it also rocks absolutely.
I am dying to read their Reformation sermons, those pastors who agreed with justification by faith in secret but silenced themselves in public.
Will they praise Luther for his bold stand against the pope, risking his life for many years just for teaching the Word of God?
Will they sing ELCA's "Lift High the Cross" this Sunday?
I hope the synod-loyalists avoid real Lutheran Reformation hymns this Sunday:
- Zion Mourns - a real downer, very upsetting, pass the pizza and beer.
- A Mighty Fortress (which should be A Holy Mother Is Our WELS, A Source of Food and Housing).
- Selnecker's Lord Jesus Christ - bad news, a wobbly Lutheran became a Concordist.
- Lord Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word - inappropriate
- Any hymn by Gerhardt - that man was a fanatic!
Mighty in the Scriptures To Instruct and Admonish,
To Resist the Opponents of the Gospel
1. It is written in the book of Nehemiah ( Nehemiah 4) that the Jews, in rebuilding Jerusalem, wrought with one hand and with the other held the sword, because of the enemy who sought to hinder the building. Paul in Titus 1:9 carries out the thought of the symbol in this teaching that a bishop, a pastor, or a preacher, should be mighty in the Holy Scriptures to instruct and admonish as well as to resist the gainsayers. Accordingly, we are to make a twofold use of the Word of God: as both bread and weapon; for feeding and for resisting; in peace and in war. With one hand we must build, improve, teach and feed all Christendom; with the other, oppose the devil, the heretics, the world. For where the pasture is not defended, the devil will soon destroy it; he is bitterly opposed to God’s Word. Let us then, God granting us his grace, so handle the Gospel that not only shall the souls of men be fed, but men shall learn to put on that Gospel as armor and fight their enemies. Thus shall it furnish both pasture and weapons.
Martin Luther, First Christmas Sermon, Lenker edition, Titus 2:11-15
Same sermon:
42. Take heed to believe true what the apostle, through the Gospel, declares — that Christ gave himself for you for the sake of redeeming you from all unrighteousness and of purifying you for a peculiar inheritance. It follows that, in the first place, you must believe and confess all your efforts, impure, unrighteous; and that your human nature, reason, art and free-will are ineffectual apart from Christ. Unless you so believe, you make void the Gospel; for, according to the Gospel, Christ did not give himself for the righteous and the pure. Why should he? With righteousness and purity existent, he would be giving himself in vain. It would be a senseless giving.
In the second place, you must believe that Christ gave himself for you, to put away your impurity and unrighteousness and make you pure and righteous in himself. If you believe this, it will be so. Faith will accomplish it. The fact that he gave himself for you can make you pure and righteous only through faith on your part. Peter ( Acts 15:9) speaks of the cleansing of hearts by faith. Observe, Christ is not put into your hand, not given you in a coffer, not placed in your bosom nor in your mouth. He is presented to you through the Word, the Gospel; he is held up before your heart, through the ears he is offered to you, as the Being who gave himself for you — for your unrighteousness and impurity. Only with your heart can you receive him. And your heart receives when it responds to your opened mind, saying, “Yes, I believe.” Thus through the medium of the Gospel Christ penetrates your heart by way of your hearing, and dwells there by your faith. Then are you pure and righteous; not by your own efforts, but in consequence of the guest received into your heart through faith. How rich and precious these blessings!