Saturday, October 20, 2012

For Reformation, 2012, UOJ Has Become Pavlov's House

File:Pavlov's House.jpg

The tactical benefit of the house was its position on a cross-street giving the defenders a 1 km line of sight to the north, south and west.[1] After several days, reinforcements and resupply arrived for Pavlov's men, bringing the unit up to a 25-man understrength platoon and equipping the defenders with machine gunsanti-tank rifles, and mortars. In keeping with Stalin's Order No. 227 - "not one step back", Sgt. Pavlov was ordered to fortify the building and defend it to the last bullet and the last man. Taking this advice to heart, Pavlov ordered the building to be surrounded with four layers of barbed wire and minefields, and set up machine-gun posts in every available window facing the square. In the early stages of the defense, Pavlov discovered that a PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle he had mounted on the roof was particularly effective when used to ambush unsuspecting German tanks; once the tanks had approached to within 25 meters of the building, their thin turret-roof armor became exposed to AT rifle fire from above, and were unable to elevate their weapons enough to retaliate.[2] Pavlov had reportedly destroyed nearly a dozen tanks personally using this tactic.
For better internal communication, Pavlov's soldiers breached the walls in the basement and upper floors, and dug a communications trench to Soviet positions outside. Supplies were brought in via the trench or by boats crossing the river, defying German air raids and shelling. Nevertheless, food and especially water was in short supply. Lacking beds, the soldiers tried to sleep on insulation wool torn off pipes but were subjected to harassing fire every night in order to try and break their resistance.
The Germans attacked the building several times a day. Each time German infantry or tanks tried to cross the square and to close in on the house, Pavlov's men laid down a withering barrage of machine gun and AT rifle fire from the basement, the windows and from the roof top, devastating the German attackers and forcing them to retreat. By mid-November, Pavlov's men reportedly had to use lulls in the fighting to run out and kick over the heaped piles of German corpses so they could not be used as cover by the next round of attackers.
Eventually the defenders, as well as the Soviet civilians who kept living in the basement all that time, held out during intensive fighting from 27 September - 25 November 1942, when they were relieved by the counter-attacking Soviet forces.


GJ - Nimzovitch, the chess master, observed this about chess - which applies to every kind of warfare, including doctrinal warfare. One piece or location can become the focus of the entire attack and counterattack.

Advancing the knight can create a large-scale threat, so the opposite side attacks the knight, and the knight is defended just as forcefully. If the right move is made, the opponent's game collapses around the strongpoint (schwerpunkt).

The UOJ Enthusiasts have wormed their way into Lutherdom, the first victory being their precious Brief Statement of 1932. Catechisms and doctrinal books did not ape the Great Kidnapper, but that has been forgotten.

Now the Enthusiasts realize that their UOJ is under attack, that it supports the complete edifice of all their errors:
  1. Constant union efforts with ELCA.
  2. Church Growth/Emergent Church.
  3. Selling Indulgences to Marvin Schwan and other rich adulterers.

The UOJ Stormtroopers will reinforce their Pavlov's House indefinitely, because they know that everything will crumble when UOJ is defeated. Many secretive Lutheran pastors will support justification by faith, until it really matters. Then they will back away or even lead the enemy to the back door, as that traitor Ephialtes did at Thermopylae.

This year, many nominal Lutherans are celebrating the defeat of justification by faith, in honor of the Lutheran Reformation. They have a new Chief Article of the Christian Faith - universal forgiveness, absolution, and salvation - without faith.


Joe Krohn has left a new comment on your post "For Reformation, 2012, UOJ Has Become Pavlov's Hou...":

"They have a new Chief Article of the Christian Faith - universal forgiveness, absolution, and salvation - without faith."

You are delusional...



Dear Pastor Jackson,

I know you have a PhD and all…but I see you more as a good shepherd than a good doctor…although you’re pretty good at prescribing antidotes!

Thanks for your words in this post last week.  Two years ago you got my attention when your words rang true regarding Rock and Roll church.  Your words were never truer last week either in describing what we are now going through here in Austin with Patterson.  These guys know no boundaries nor do they have any ounce of decorum.

I am still trying to figure out how work all of this since we still are members at Holy Word although we have not been in attendance since April 10th…nor have we contributed even since before that.

I pray all is well with you and yours.  I see you have gotten your share of rain and storms.  We could use a lot of rain here.
