The October 29, 2012 issue of Christian News came today. Pastor Otten must be a regular reader of Ichabod, because he borrowed my graphic, above, for the back page - in color!
He is still promoting the book by the Antichrist - The "Facts" about Luther. Beside the anti-Luther book cover graphic is Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant - a work strangely missing from the Reformation promotion last week.
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He got rid of eight California-Arizona pastors, so Church and Change wanted him for Synod President. Buchholz has chopped two pastors already. "The hills are alive with the sound of axes." |
The front page has two articles, by Mad Jack Cascione and Mark Bartling, both rejoicing over the District Pope's tyrannical removal of Pastor Paul Rydecki. Apparently the congregation was so unimpressed by Buchholz that they voted to leave WELS pronto.
David Becker wrote about this congregation leaving WELS, for Otten, and sent me a copy, in plenty of time for this CN issue, but I did not see Becker's article.
A current WELS pastor told me that Buchholz' bullying has done except cause confusion and scare pastors into silence. No one can discuss UOJ now - out of fear.
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Rome says, "Why not have one Pope instead of many little popes?" I ask, "Why not NO POPES." |
raklatt ( has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News - Otten Celebrates Pastor Paul Rydec...":
Proverbs 17:13:
Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News - Otten Celebrates Pastor Paul Rydec...":
--- On Sun, 11/23/08
Date: Sunday, November 23, 2008, 10:39 PM
name = Brett Meyer
email = brett.meyer
comments = Question for Pastor Otten. Do you confess and teach that the
doctrine of Universal Objective Justification as taught by the LCMS, ELS and
WELS is faithful to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions?
Thank you in advance for your response,
In Christ,
Brett Meyer
From: Christian News []
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 11:34 AM
To: brett.meyer
Subject: Re: Justification
Dear Mr. Meyer,
Yes. See the chapter on justification in my Baal or God published in1965. CN has also published many articles on justification. See the index of each volume of Christian News and the index in Vol. V of the Christian News Encyclopedia.
God's richest blessings,
Herman Otten
Pastor Otten's confession of the false gospel of UOJ is contained in his book Baal or God here:
Baal or God, page 25
"Because of the redemption through Christ God no longer imputes sins to men (2 Corinthians 5:19); He does not charge their transgressions against them, but credits them with the merits of Christ.
For the sake of Christ's complete satisfaction God "justifies the ungodly" (Romans 4:5), i.e., they who by nature and by their own works were altogether ungodly, were because of the work of Christ declared and pronounced just and righteous.
God's declaration of forgiveness calls for acceptance on the part of man.
Thus the reconciliation of the whole world by Christ and the forgiveness of all sins of all men is an accomplished fact,……….
….trusts in God, who for Christ's sake declares all the ungodly just….
These are just some of the tenets of the false and heretical gospel of Universal Objective Justification or General Justification as (W)ELS most prominent Antichrist prefers to title it.
If these teachings in any way teach contrary to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions then they are neither Christian nor Lutheran.
Pastor Otten, "Because of the redemption through Christ God no longer imputes sins to men (2 Corinthians 5:19); He does not charge their transgressions against them, but credits them with the merits of Christ."
Christ declares in John 8:24, "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins."
So much for God no longer imputes sins to men. Otten is teaching a false gospel.
Pastor Otten, "For the sake of Christ's complete satisfaction God "justifies the ungodly" (Romans 4:5), i.e., they who by nature and by their own works were altogether ungodly, were because of the work of Christ declared and pronounced just and righteous."
The Lutheran Confessions,
"71] but we maintain this, that properly and truly, by faith itself, we are for Christ's sake accounted righteous, or are acceptable to God. And because "to be justified" means that out of unjust men just men are made, or born again, it means also that they are pronounced or accounted just. For Scripture speaks in both ways. [The term "to be justified" is used in two ways: to denote, being converted or regenerated; again, being accounted righteous. Accordingly we wish first to show this, that faith alone makes of an unjust, a just man, i.e., receives remission of sins".
Note that according to the Lutheran Confessions faith in Christ alone makes an unjust man a justified man.
Also note that the Christian Book of Concord only acknowledges two Scriptural uses of the word Justification: 1) being converted or regenerated and 2) being accounted righteous and only the Holy Spirit's gracious working of faith makes of an unjest man a just man who's sins are remitted.
Pastor Otten, as an unfaithful teacher, makes a confession that is contrary to the Lutheran Confessions and an abomination to Christ and His Church.
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This is not true, but how would anyone know with the original materials disappearing and the Groeschel lunk-heads unable to read German? |