Monday, June 18, 2007

Teigen, Teigen, Burning Bright

What caused thee to ignite?

Norm Teigen has objected to my views about fraternal insurance promoting commercialism in the congregations and synods. I do not like pie sales or car washes either. Churches should not compete in the market place for business, like the Methodist Church that advertised on its sign, "Home of the Yumbo Sandwich." I saw the photo - I am not making it up. The insurance company is entitled to corrupt as many churches as possible. The congregations and synods also have a right to resist temptation.

I was going to write, "Get your own blog," but he has one.

The other objection is calling John Moldstad "Pope John the Malefactor." I thought it was a catchy and appropriate title. WELS and ELS leaders are so impressed with themselves that they take on papal power. In fact, I imagine Pope Benedict envies their infallibility and their clout.

I know Pope George the Eternal did the same things, removing pastors according to his own whim, promoting false doctrine by fiat. The only Lutheran autorities I acknowledge are the Scriptures and the Book of Concord. Lutheran leaders are neither norma normans nor norma normata (a ruling norm like the Bible, a ruled norm like the Book of Concord). Someone who respects the real norms should be respected, but that is just the opposite in the WELS, ELS, and the micro-crazy sects (so small they are not worth mentioning).

Here are some things that would make me a cheerleader for Pope John the Malefactor:

  1. Denunciation of forgiveness without faith, without the Means of Grace, which is the doctrinal foundation of current evils.
  2. Teaching the efficacy of the Word without reservation, repudiating all programs where evildoers cast doubt on this Biblical doctrine.
  3. Apologizing to the congregations and pastors ejected from the Evangelical Lutheran Synod under the flimsiest of excuses. Do a Nifong, even if it is too late.
  4. Breaking fellowship with Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, and Church and Change.
  5. Promoting a multi-year study of the Book of Concord and Luther.
  6. Urging WELS to stop inviting Roman Catholic, Unitarian, Methodist, and ELCA speakers.
  7. Showing contrition for having a former Roman Catholic bishop march in a religious process at the Bethany Chapel and giving an address.

Can the Sausage Factories Be Repaired?

Norm Teigen commented below that the WELS school system tends to keep people away from the realities of the world. Anyone acquainted with WELS knows how much they work at conformity.

ELS Pastor Jay Webber, who has become a WELS loyalist, used to call the WELS seminary "The Sausage Factory," a term he got from the ELS. His nickname for WELS is our Weaker Evangelical Lutheran Siblings.

WELS Pastor James Huebner told me that students would make fun of anyone who was interested in a given topic. "That guaranteed," he explained, "that everyone would be the same." I said, "That also guarantees mediocrity."

Conforming turned out to be a great tool for flipping the Wisconsin Synod. All the apostates had to do was get a few key people in some slots, start a new program here and there. No one could object because all decisions made by WELS come directly from the Holy Spirit, who will not allow them to err. That sounds eerily Roman Catholic, no? I have heard comments like this: "The Holy Spirit made him circuit pastor, so who are you to disagree?" WELS members and pastors are not likely to argue with God, so the matter is settled. Roma locuta est, causa finita est. Rome has spoken, the case is closed.

Another important factor is the hazing practiced by WELS from the prep level onwards. The hazing has included knocking a future pastor out with a pillow case full of books, dropping a student out of a window when holding him by his legs, breaking a seminarian's leg, and knocking out a seminarian's tooth. Complaining makes things worse. Sissies complain about physcial and emotional abuse. Of course, what does that say about the abusers?

So WELS is a weird combination of spineless toadies and sadistic bullies. A bully is always a coward, but he does not think so when he makes people tremble.

When Issues in WELS was gearing up for a huge meeting, SP Gurgel made it clear he would be there. Attendance melted faster than a July frost. Gurgel also communicated his vast displeasure at the meek, trembling dissenters. If he had yelled, "Boo!" they would have probably fled the exits, trampling the local help.