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The UOJ Champions are Calvinists, who follow the rationalistic Enthusiasm of Zwingli - grace without the Means of Grace, salvation without faith, the Holy Spirit without the Word. |
- Luther identified the three main heresies as attacks against the divinity of Christ, the humanity of Christ, and justification by faith.The first advocate of UOJ in Lutherdom was Huber, a "former" Calvinist teaching at Wittenberg.
- When Huber began attacking justification by faith and promoting UOJ, P. Leyser crushed his arguments. Huber was expelled from his post instead of being assigned conference papers in favor of UOJ.
- Where did Pietism come from? - Spener was impressed by Calvinism and promoted his hybrid version, using cell groups to supplant the Means of Grace.
- UOJ entered the Lutheran Church in the era of Pietism.
- Halle University was established to teach Pietism, but the school soon became rationalistic. And UOJ flourished at Halle.
- Martin Stephan, the founder of the Missouri Synod. learned UOJ at Halle and taught it to his young disciple CFW Walther.
- Walther changed the seminary professorship election rules to get his pick to replace him - F. Pieper.
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Leonard Woods is the famous Calvinist who translated the Halle lectures and coined OJ and SJ. Lutherans adopted his terminology. The mainlines adopted his Pietism but left out faith: everyone is forgiven and saved (Jon Buchholz, MDiv). |
Double Justification Crosses the Ocean and Returns
- The Calvinist Leonard Wood translated the Halle University theology lectures given by Knappe, coining the two justifications in his explanation - Objective Justification and Subjective Justification.
- The English terms were adopted by the Germans, and Walther liked the words. Zo neat. Zo clever.
- Thus the Calvinist translation of a Pietistic textbook created the language of UOJ Stormtroopers, still used shamelessly today in the Synodical Conference.
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Who says this all the time? - Jay Webber, using "in Christ" instead of "in His person." But "in Christ" refers to believers in Him. |
Timid, Cowardly, Deceptive Universalism Hides under UOJ's Claims of Grace
- Buchholz and Webber do not admit their Universalism, but Buchie clearly teaches "everyone is saved without faith" in his convention paper.
- ELCA is honest about this dogma. They believe--like the Calvinist Karl Barth--that the entire world is saved without faith. ELCA calls this "grace" and condemns anyone who emphasizes faith in Christ.
- WELS, Missouri, and the ELS have no problems working with ELCA through Thrivent and Planned Parenthood, but they expel selectively those who teach justification by faith.
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Sassy Sue has volunteered to provide the ammo. How much longer will Lutherans listen to the anti-Luthers, the anti-Pauls, the anti-Confessions? |
Missouri and WELS Contradict Themselves
- The 1905 German catechism of the Missouri Synod taught justification by faith.
- The KJV catechism still promoted by Missouri's CPH (2 million copies sold!) teaches justification by faith, not UOJ.
- WELS Pastor Gausewitz was elected Synodical Conference president. His justification by faith catechism was very popular and widely used until WELS kicked it under the bus and replaced it with Kuske's clip-art UOJ catechism: bigger, fatter, more expensive.
- Papenfuss admitted to the Kokomo families he excommunicated that he never heard of UOJ until he reached Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
- UOJ Enthusiasts continue to claim that Justification Without Faith is the "Chief Article of the Christian Religion, the Master and Prince, the Judge of all articles of the Faith," but those descriptions belong to Justification by Faith Alone.
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Here is my lecture on the falsity of UOJ: one quotation, found in Robert Preus' Justification and Rome. |
UOJ Loves, Loves, Loves Church Growth and Emergent Church Nonsense
- We have seen Missouri, WELS, the ELS/CLC (sic) and ELCA stampede like Garasene swine toward Fuller Seminary, Trinity Divinity, Mars Hill (RIP), the Crystal Cathedral (RIP), and Willow Creek. Wanna get ahead in Lutherdom? Study at one of those before they collapse.
- UOJ justifies and energizes this suicidal plunge into the New Rationalism. If surveys suggest ripping out the pipe organ so cousin Brunhilda can sing Amazing Grace, then do it. Get rid of the liturgy, creeds, Lutheran hymns, and Scriptural hymns. Change or Die!
- The big Thrivent (earlier AAL or LB) Trilateral conferences--Membership Initiative, etc etc--have all been Church Growth extravaganzas.
- No Lutheran leader admits that the Fuller Seminary agenda has taken over Lutherdom in America, whether in the zany but Frank and Earnest ELCA or in the inbred and incestuous CLC (sic).
- DP Jon Buchholz is a perfect example of this paradox, with his Enthusiastic support of UOJ, Rick Johnson, and Jeff Gunn, his papistic expulsion of Pastor Paul Rydecki and the congregation he lied to.
- SP-without-Portfolio Jay Webber has shown a similar preference for aligning himself with Church Growther Floyd Luther while continuing his promotion of Halle's rationalistic Pietism. Ichabodians - would you name a new church after one where Masons were promised Holy Communion (Emmanuel, Columbus), where an enormous scandal about the disappearance of funds broke out (ditto), where the faux-pastor was kicked out of the LCMS for cause (ditto)? No problem - because that pillar of Lutherdom, Marvin Schwan, provided matching funds for this particular debacle.
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Some of the UOJ liars will cite Gerhard against Justification by Faith Alone. They have not read Gerhard. |